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Another Life 2
Hope you don't mind... Bloodninja, Bit-Su. But everyone has to read this!! It's really something special.

Christopher Bates

Dr White Aesthetic Center, Downtown Santa Monica

Christopher looked at his electronic diary. “April 12, 2031, appointment with Dr. Jay White”. Then he looked at his watch, 5 pm. He was late, Bates thought he couldn't catch Jay, however when he arrived Jay was still there.

"Chris, nice to see you, come on in, for a second I thought you werent coming" the young doctor told him.

"Yes, I know I'm late, I had an unexpected event that I had to take care of, I'm very sorry, but tell me, how was it? Could you see everything?".

Jay smiled confidently, something that immediately reassured Bates.

Chris was under a lot of pressure, he needed to know if Jay could really do the procedure that made Daisy the woman with the biggest breasts in the world. "Chris friend, I hope you have the girl, because I have the implants and the machine!". Chris was about to hug Jay out of the emotion.

Jay had spent the last few months studying some of Adler's research notes, the information having been gathered from BioTech's servers. But it wasn't until a couple of weeks ago that they had made any real breakthrough. The doctor proceeded to explain everything they had accomplished to Chris, who was not really even paying attention, he was thinking about the future instead.

Lately his luck was changing, everything seemed to be going perfectly. There was some other important news that Bates didnt tell the girls, mainly because he didn't want to discourage Elizabeth who seemed totally determined to defeat Daisy. But if the rumors were true, Daisy had disappeared without a trace, Heissen lost his companion and nobody knew for sure where she was.

It had been more than a month since the last time anybody saw the blonde, Heissen always took her everywhere and now her absence was evident.

Some people said that she had abandoned him, that she got tired of satisfying him; but others thought that she died, that Heissen had been filling the girl's breasts too often, too many times. It was just rumoring and Chris didn't care, what mattered was that she wasnt with Heissen.

The last people to see her had no idea how much saline her boobs contained, but they described her as carrying a pair of giant balloons, too full and heavy to be real. Whatever happened, the important thing to Christopher was that she had left the scene and now Elizabeth would receive implants just like the ones that had made Daisy a legend in The Court, the biggest girl in Santa Monica. It was time to break the good news to Elizabeth.


Rachel Lars

Dr White Aesthetic Center, Downtown Santa Monica

April 13, 2:00 pm

Once Elizabeth knew everything, she was ready for her surgery, she didn't want to wait for anything, typical of her, Rachel thought. She rushed everyone and for the next day they had her sedated in the surgery room. Rachel was now sitting in the clinic's waiting room.

"Are you nervous?" Christopher asked her, she certainly was, the woman she loved and with whom she had shared her life for the last three years was undergoing a surgery for something she could not describe as anything other than an experimental procedure. And what did they know about the doctor? Just the little Bates had told them, and these implants were being created and manipulated by someone who had barely read how they worked.

Yes, Rachel was nervous, in the same way that she was jealous that Bates could give Elizabeth something she never could. She was nervous, jealous, and even somewhat upset. "What do you think?" she answered him rudely.

"Is there something wrong?" he asked her. He had to be doing it on purpose, he couldn't be so clueless. “You ask the right questions, don't you Chris? Of course, theres something wrong, you are risking Betsy's life just to be your trophy! You are a damn selfish person; you hope that she goes through these situations for your own unfortunate benefit”. It felt good to say it out loud.

“Look Rachel, I know you don't trust me, but at least think about this. Do you think Betsy is the only woman in all of Santa Monica willing to do this? I could have a line of women willing to risk everything to be where she is right now. I did not seek her out of necessity, I sought her because I love her, I want her to be there, because I care about her. I respect the relationship you two have, but I really want the best for her. I don't know how you intended to make this happen, but I trust this is the best way. I see it as a mutual benefit, a symbiotic relationship. I really want the best for you both. Now, regarding the surgery, I have known Jay for a long time and he is the best there is at doing this kind of job, she is in very good hands”.

Bates's words calmed her down a bit, she spent a few seconds staring into space and then she said in a softly tone “I know you think you know her, but… you have no idea. When you first met her years ago, in her mansion, with her dresses and all her money, it was just a shell, she… she was not happy, she was being superficial, protecting herself… but we have been through a lot together…”.

Chris was silent with a surprised expression, Rachel realized that she had tears in her eyes, she cleared her throat a little and kept going “have you ever stopped to think why she always uses arm warmers? or coats? Or a long-sleeved blouse? ... you don't know her, not like me, you don't know what happened and I don't think anyone has any idea of Betsy's will to live”.

A few minutes passed in silence, finally Chris apologized to her and left.


Dr Jay White

Dr White Aesthetic Centers parking lot, Downtown Santa Monica

April 13, 4:30 pm

Jay lit a cigarette, it was common for him to smoke after a surgery, especially when it was a difficult one. This had not been particularly difficult, but it had been long and he was nervous, it was the first time that he had worked with this kind of implants and although he had followed the entire procedure, he still could not avoid the feeling of nervousness, it was, after all, something new for him.

He heard the door of the clinic opening and looked over his shoulder, it was his old friend Chris. He was probably coming to ask how the surgery went, he had no problem explaining and telling him everything he wanted to know about it. What gnawed at Jay's conscience was a secret he couldn't talk about with his friend, it was the secret of how he had cracked Dr. Adler's technology, those were the kind of questions Jay wanted to avoid.

As his friend got closer, Jay's memories came back to him in rapid succession, a few months ago he met Daisy. After Chris told him everything about this girl Jay became obsessed with, he had to see her with his own eyes, Chris's story sounded like science fiction, so it became his priority to corroborate what he had told him. He moved heaven and earth for an opportunity to meet her. After collecting various favors with one of Heissen's security members, he finally got the chance to meet her, while also meeting Doctor Adler himself.

They set up an appointment at Adlers lab, the guy who managed to bring it in introduced him as nothing more than a huge Daisy fan. Adler was meticulous about the young woman's constant growth so they had lots of follow-up appointments. He was proud and over-talking, Jay played dumb on most of the things Adler explained, but understood more than he should.

Daisy was a friendly girl with an easy smile. Her body was a work of art and her breasts defied all logic and science. She was the overwhelming proof of Adler's genius. Jay had the opportunity not only to see the girl, but he was also able to hold the biggest, roundest and firmest tits on the planet with his hands, she was a unique woman and her implants went far beyond what he ever imagined. At this moment Jay decided, he should become able to replicate this work, Daisy was unique, but there was no reason for her to be, there was no reason for Adler and Heissen to monopolize that beautiful woman and the technology that had been capable of taking her beyond human limits.

After a few days Jay decided to go to an old client of his, a woman with power in Santa Monica known as the lady of death. Zia was extremely interested in Daisy, and all Jay wanted was the secrets of Adler's implants. Jay already knew where Dr. Adler worked, and he knew how Heissen's security team operated.

In the months that followed Jay and Zia found a way to contact Daisy and agree on a plan, Daisy was willing to go with Zia, who had offered to make her more than just a companion, she would stop being Heissen's trophy and would become the partner of the lady of death. The outcome was not what Jay would have wanted, he never wanted Adler to die, this would weigh on his conscience more than he thought.

After Adler's death, just a couple of weeks before, Jay met with Zia. He gave her a copy of all the information obtained, as part of the deal they had made. This was the last time he saw Daisy; he couldn't say what had happened to her during those last months, she was still resplendent, her blonde hair shone and she always had that beautiful smile, but at the same time she was not the same girl, her gaze was different, something in her had changed. Also her boobs were much bigger than when he met her, Jay was unable to begin to make calculations to determine how many liters were needed to bring her to such size, but at first glance she looked amazing, each boob taken to the absolute extreme, so incredibly round, so impossibly full, colossal spheres that surpassed reality. The question crossed his mind, would it really be possible to bring any other woman to her size?

"Jay, are you okay?" He heard Chris's voice, pulling him out of the swirl of memories. Jay looked at him and smiled "yes ... yes, yes, yes, old man! more than good! Elizabeth is ready, everything went perfect! will go where no other woman has gone!" he said smiling, with more confidence in his voice than he had in his mind.


Elizabeth Clayton

Bates Manor, Outskirts of Santa Monica

May 15, 2031

The sensation was unsettling, exciting, Elizabeth's senses fired incessantly, from the second she heard the machine starting its work her heart raced with emotion. When the liquid began to slowly fill her implants, she could feel it, she felt her skin stretch, trying to make room for each drop that went inside her. She felt like her body was fighting against the change and yet she was losing to the constant pumping of the machine, as her implants required little by little more room, she felt like her interior was filling in as her boobs grew in the effort to contain more and more.

Before she realized, the machine had finished its work and added an extra liter to her breasts. Either way it was irrelevant now, Elizabeth was lying on her bed, panting, slowly withdrawing her hand from her totally wet crotch. It was a scene that had already been repeated several times, it was a highly addictive sensation and Elizabeth once again had only been carried away by her senses.

From the moment she first saw a woman with giant implants, she knew it, she knew that is what she wanted, she wanted it with all her might. She spent day and night imagining what she would look like, thinking that other women seeing her would immediately know that it was impossible to reach her, she would become the greatest of all. All men would want her, it would be a fantasy come true. Today for the first time in many years, she felt that her dream was coming true, she could not stop now, she had to press the button again.
Check out my new story! 

Messages In This Thread
Another Life 2 - by Bloodninja - 11-16-2020, 07:56 PM
RE: Another Life 2 - by Bonecracker - 11-16-2020, 10:23 PM
RE: Another Life 2 - by Bonecracker - 01-09-2021, 12:23 AM
RE: Another Life 2 - by Bloodninja - 01-14-2021, 08:50 AM
RE: Another Life 2 - by Bonecracker - 01-21-2021, 09:54 AM
RE: Another Life 2 - by Bonecracker - 01-30-2021, 06:08 PM

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