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Ok I tried Facebook.

As I do not use so called social networking sites I need some help, advice and or tips.

My reason for attempting facebook was so I see what my buddies at may or may not be up to (The bea's Dick and Jane have an internet show.)

Anyway, I signed up, then when I could get to the account settings and tried to NOT have my name shown, well, that was a fail.

I do not want to have my name shown, or a picture, or my address, or anything else. And some of the other stuff I saw,.. what the hell is a activity timeline and who says it has any importance.

Total experience with facebook less than satisfactory. Time on facebook before account deletetion? Less than 10 minutes.
Uou can go into "Account settings" and change any and all information. Your real name need not show up and you don't have to have any information visible. There is also privacy settings too. Myself, Gaby, Agent Dee and others in this community are all connected on facebook and know each other on a real name first name basis.

We trust each other and that works for us. We've known you long enough. If you are successful, send me a PM and I'll connect with you on Farcebook and help you out as best I can - as I have time.

There are a lot of models and busty personalities on FB too! And on Twitter. A great way to keep abreast of all the developments. yuk yuk yuk

I am trying this again.
I have managed to get an acceptable name up.
Now what?

I have to say that I am still underwhelmed by the supposed importance of facebook.

Perhaps it's that I'm to old?
I personally use Facebook as a way to keep in touch with friends and family, a social network built around my real life, if you will. I think most folks use it for this purpose. However, I do run across the occasional fake account.

If you want to connect with Dick and Jane, perhaps you can make a fake account?
If anyone is interested I use the name Stone Cutter over there.
I just messaged someone named "Stone Cutter". I hope it's you! Agent Dee, Gaby and I are connected in the virtual real life already.
I got no messages in the so called inbox. The inbox has a list of messages I sent to Dick and Jane from Unlearn TV. but nothing inbound.

Any friend requests sent?
(01-12-2013, 05:37 PM)Cutter Wrote: [ -> ]I got no messages in the so called inbox. The inbox has a list of messages I sent to Dick and Jane from Unlearn TV. but nothing inbound.

Any friend requests sent?

just sent you a request. (real name. prefer not to post it here) I'm assuming its you since you have 1 mutual friend. Ariane Saint-Amour
(01-12-2013, 05:37 PM)Cutter Wrote: [ -> ]I got no messages in the so called inbox. The inbox has a list of messages I sent to Dick and Jane from Unlearn TV. but nothing inbound.

Any friend requests sent?

just sent you a request. (real name. prefer not to post it here) I'm assuming its you since you have 1 mutual friend. Ariane Saint-Amour
Got request, accepted.

Still think Facebook sucks.
Sent you a few suggestions.