Wonderful healthy Greek salad. Cucumbers, feta, romaine, red onion. The Greeks were awesome at food.
So are Americans. Big old juicy BBQ'ed burgers on the grill tonight cos my sons and I spent 3 hours digging up gooseberry bushes and transplanting them to our backyard garden. Too hot to cook indoors, nothing beats grilling on the Q on the deck!
Yesterday I ate at the Tilted Kilt. I was able to get a black bean burger. (Yes some of the girls are quite busty. So plz enjoy this toon of what they look like')
chicken parm sandwich from a local pizza/wing/sub place it was SO good!

Home-made club sandwiches... FOR LUNCH. Hahaha
eggplant parmesan dinner from a local mexican/pizza/pasta/sub place called Tony's NY Pizza. Included the eggplant parmesan, pasta, and salad.
Club sandwich and fries from a local gastropub, cute waitress
Old school summer meal, burgers on the grill and homemade mac salad and a cold coke to finish it off


Almost the same here, but a garden salad (made from my own garden veggies) and I added some bourbon to my coke.

Its been since early July since anyone has replied this topic. Did you guys just suddenly stop eating dinner? I had SteaknShake. Thanks for asking!
I know, for myself, this thread led me to realize I eat WAY TOO MUCH fast food. But I don't see that changing, it's too tasty and delicious
Barnacle "Augustus! Stop eating!" Bill
I had leftover BBQ chicken beans and mac salad from a picnic yesterday and a cold Coke.

Had Charbroiled Oysters and BBQ Shrimp for lunch today, shrimp and 1/2 sack of oysters brought over from Pensacola by a dear friend that came to visit. Seafood from Florida is just plain better than Louisiana's.
I bought one of those pre-cooked pork loins from Kroger deli in honor of Labor Day (Jimmy hoffa's first job was at Kroger).
Very good.
On Labor Day we had steaks and pasta salad (the one with multicolor pasta noodles and italian dressing).

Steelhead trout and home-made seasoned, oven baked potato wedges with stir fried peppers.
10 chicken wings in Mango Habanero sauce from Buffalo wild wings w fries.
Barnacle "very hot, sticky, and sweet, just like I like my women" bill
New Year's day feast at mom's:
Prime Rib, au jus, double baked taters, carrots, asparagus, snap peas, yorkshire puddings and german chocolate layer cake. An international feast.
Pork Chops, red potatoes, mixed veggies, and applesauce

I am lucky i got water and bread
Thread resurrection!!
I had a health scare a few weeks ago and I've been eating healthy.
I had baked salmon filet, steamed broccoli and 1/2 cup quinoa.
Quinoa is actually not bad at all! It's like rice, basically, but more fiber & protein.
it has a pulse!
I had 3 cheese pene pasta with chicken and garlic bread tonight twas most tasty