Didn't luvdemwhoppers used to post here a lot?
Anyone know his status?
He had a cool blog, I think it was tumblr, but it was purged in the massive tumblr porn purge of 2012.
LDW? I dunno man... he was with us at each of the three other Breast ENHANCEMENT forums, (proboards, xxxfaster and one I can't recall), but when he got allowed back in at "the other place", he kind of disappeared from us. Plus, he seemed to change his tact to comply with what their mods seemed to want.
[i][b]Everyone, be yourselves here ok? Don't conform or comply to what we want you to be. Unless that means being yourselves.[/b][/i]
To quote from I Heart Huckabees.. "How am I not myself?"
Lol jk

well said!
I do admit he misunderstood some of my posts at times :/
maybe he is stuck inside Chelsea's impressive cleavage?

(05-13-2013, 02:41 PM)Agent Dee Wrote: [ -> ]maybe he is stuck inside Chelsea's impressive cleavage?

/roxy Miller @ datotherplace has him dead.
(01-06-2014, 12:18 PM)ninja Wrote: [ -> ] (05-13-2013, 02:41 PM)Agent Dee Wrote: [ -> ]maybe he is stuck inside Chelsea's impressive cleavage?

/roxy Miller @ datotherplace has him dead.
new clue, he out chasing this
Yes, we have received other reports about George from reliable sources. There is another thread about it here somewhere. Very sad.
hmm i thought all was rumours. I hope they were wrong, sadly everyone has to die someday