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I was just curious in all the stories you have read what was your fave way to make a girl go super big? Here are my favorites in no particular order, enjoy Wink.

PS feel free to add your own methods that I do not mention

Genetics: big growing boobs are a common trait in a family, when a girl gets to be a certain age, they start to grow, and grow, and grow.

Magic: either via potions, or a spell, or my favorite, a curse Wink.

Science: either via drugs, or technology, or both

Unexplained: boobs just blow up for no reason, one moment a girl is flat as a board and KABOOB* she grows up to be DDD (or more he he he) size exploding her bra and top in the process.


*KABOOB is (C) Agent Dee all rights reserved
Science! Because there's hope that science fiction can become science fact!
Science as well, it feels more possible to happen irl! Now I feel genetics is some sort of science Tongue
Well when I said genetics I meant that the character in the story will eventually grow HUGE boobs on her own as other women in her family in the past and present are all super big. That is why Blind Date is my fave one as the girl just started growing boobs at a young age and never stopped, until she took that evil medication that halted her growth and when she stopped taking it they started growing fast to kinda make up for lost time Wink.

lol i love that plot!
I have not read to many like it. Once I read about her growing every time she was came in and they reduced when she swallowed. Forget the overall details but her and her husband were trying to have kids and it was some experimental hormone thing. Love to see one of you guys write something along that premiss. So I guess in short medical/tech.