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Full Version: Who would you rather do?
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I guess Djoser didn't like the prior answer. LOL

So I'll say Busty Dusty. She'll probably loosen up after a few drinks and some X.

Erin Andrews (sports reporter) or Michelle Beadle (sports reporter)?
lol oops sorry, beshine's tits take up so much real memory space, sometimes i feel i am in auto-pilot
So, who'd you rather? Peyton Manning Or Eli Manning
(01-06-2014, 09:11 PM)JustSomeone Wrote: [ -> ]So, who'd you rather? Peyton Manning Or Eli Manning

As per Seinfeld:

"NOT that there is anything WRONG with that!"
Oh dear o dear oh dear oh dear... Neither one of those Mannings has boobs of the size we like. LOL
Plus they come standard with other equipment not wanted on our typical "ride."
Neithe ill take archie manning ..... Joking joking
Let's REBOOT!!
which of Tommy Lee's ex-wives??

Heather Locklear or Pamela Sue Anderson
(01-07-2014, 07:28 PM)Bonecracker Wrote: [ -> ]Let's REBOOT!!
which of Tommy Lee's ex-wives??

Heather Locklear or Pamela Sue Anderson
I'd have to take Heather, she doesn't have hepatitis C.

Lets go back to Melrose Place: Alison Parker (Courtney Thorne-Smith) Or Amanda Woodward (Heather Locklear)
This era CTS, of course. then again, there also "big nipple phase CTS".
[Image: courtney_thornesmith.jpg]

Now then: Jessica

Simpson Alba or Biel?
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