Ok, this is an ongoing story I'll be writing out here in the open. FEEDBACK AND SUGGESTIONS WELCOME!!
Amanda had wanted large breasts ever since she was a little girl playing with Barbie Dolls. She admired large breasts on women as a little girl and hoped that she too, some day, would also have very large breasts. Unfortunately, the titty faerie forgot her and she was cursed with small b-cups. She had given up hope but one day found the Breast Enhancement archive and started reading stories about incredible growth through various means, so she started to do her research. She tried everything she could find on the internet, but nothing worked until she found a website for bovine milk production and udder growth, so she gave it a shot and ordered enough serum for about 100 head of cattle.
And then...
[i]since we have no comments yet...[/i]
The USPS man arrived early Tuesday morning, and had a large delivery of 4 boxes filled with 1000 vials each of the Bovine Udder Growth serum. She gleefully received them at her door and the postman helped her carry them into her house. Once inside, and the postman having left, she opened the first box and examined the contents. Each glass vial was capped with a rubber stopper, intended for piercing with the needle end of a syringe and withdrawing the amount required. A letter or instruction accompanied and it read "for each cow, measure out 2cc's per hundred weight and inject directly into the base area of her udders daily until you start seeing an increase in udder size and milk production." After a quick run to CVS for syringes and needles, she figured she'd start. Now how much? "Per hundered weight? That means 2cc's for every hundred pounds I weigh...but I'm only 110 pounds. I guess I'll start with 3 ccs then, per breast" she thought to herself. She withdrew 3 ccs from the first vial and nervously looked at the blue liquid. She took a deep breath and stuck in the needle at the bottom of her tiny breast. After injecting the first one into her right breast, she repeated on her left breast. "Oh wow" she said out loud, "This stuff makes you woozy too, I think I best lie down for a while"
[i]and then...[/i]
(hmmm i wish i was more skilled, i may join when i have more time to spare and my feelings weren't as convulsed)
Installment three...
Amanda had wanted large breasts ever since she was a little girl playing with Barbie Dolls. She admired large breasts on women as a little girl and hoped that she too, some day, would also have very large breasts. Unfortunately, the titty faerie forgot her and she was cursed with small b-cups. She had given up hope but one day found the Breast Enhancement archive and started reading stories about incredible growth through various means, so she started to do her research. She tried everything she could find on the internet, but nothing worked until she found a website for bovine milk production and udder growth, so she gave it a shot and ordered enough serum for about 100 head of cattle.
The USPS man arrived early Tuesday morning, and had a large delivery of 4 boxes filled with 1000 vials each of the Bovine Udder Growth serum. She gleefully received them at her door and the postman helped her carry them into her house. Once inside, and the postman having left, she opened the first box and examined the contents. Each glass vial was capped with a rubber stopper, intended for piercing with the needle end of a syringe and withdrawing the amount required. A letter or instruction accompanied and it read "for each cow, measure out 2cc's per hundred weight and inject directly into the base area of her udders daily until you start seeing an increase in udder size and milk production." After a quick run to CVS for syringes and needles, she figured she'd start. Now how much? "Per hundered weight? That means 2cc's for every hundred pounds I weigh...but I'm only 110 pounds. I guess I'll start with 3 ccs then, per breast" she thought to herself. She withdrew 3 ccs from the first vial and nervously looked at the blue liquid. She took a deep breath and stuck in the needle at the bottom of her tiny breast. After injecting the first one into her right breast, she repeated on her left breast. "Oh wow" she said out loud, "This stuff makes you woozy too, I think I best lie down for a while"
Amanda awoke just a couple of hours later with a strange sensation throughout her body, one of warming and cooling, coming in waves. She felt a tingle in her finger tips and toes like that of what one feels from taking a work-out booster juice or one too many redbulls. Her hands immediately went to her chest, expecting that she was in the midst of a sudden growth in breast tissue but that wasn't the case at all. There was no real change except that her nipples were rather sensitive. "Oh well" she said to herself, "I guess you can't just inject hormones into your body and not expect some sort of result." She did feel rather thirst though, and had a thirst for beer - not milk like she had expected. She had a 6-pack in her fridge and took them out - for some reason she took out all 6, not just one as she would normally do. She downed 3 of them sequentially, bottoms up, without even stopping for air. There was something about the taste that really appealed to her, the wheat flavoring in addition to quenching her thirst for water. But she laughed it off, laughing at herself, went for a short walk to refresh and then once back home again, she decided another "shot" in each boob couldn't hurt and neither could the other three beers. And then she turned in for the night.
And then... (good segueway here for someone to start the next morning scene)
Fine. I'll write another paragraph or two tonight!

Amanda had wanted large breasts ever since she was a little girl playing with Barbie Dolls. She admired large breasts on women as a little girl and hoped that she too, some day, would also have very large breasts. Unfortunately, the titty faerie forgot her and she was cursed with small b-cups. She had given up hope but one day found the Breast Enhancement archive and started reading stories about incredible growth through various means, so she started to do her research. She tried everything she could find on the internet, but nothing worked until she found a website for bovine milk production and udder growth, so she gave it a shot and ordered enough serum for about 100 head of cattle.
The USPS man arrived early Tuesday morning, and had a large delivery of 4 boxes filled with 1000 vials each of the Bovine Udder Growth serum. She gleefully received them at her door and the postman helped her carry them into her house. Once inside, and the postman having left, she opened the first box and examined the contents. Each glass vial was capped with a rubber stopper, intended for piercing with the needle end of a syringe and withdrawing the amount required. A letter or instruction accompanied and it read "for each cow, measure out 2cc's per hundred weight and inject directly into the base area of her udders daily until you start seeing an increase in udder size and milk production." After a quick run to CVS for syringes and needles, she figured she'd start. Now how much? "Per hundered weight? That means 2cc's for every hundred pounds I weigh...but I'm only 110 pounds. I guess I'll start with 3 ccs then, per breast" she thought to herself. She withdrew 3 ccs from the first vial and nervously looked at the blue liquid. She took a deep breath and stuck in the needle at the bottom of her tiny breast. After injecting the first one into her right breast, she repeated on her left breast. "Oh wow" she said out loud, "This stuff makes you woozy too, I think I best lie down for a while"
Amanda awoke just a couple of hours later with a strange sensation throughout her body, one of warming and cooling, coming in waves. She felt a tingle in her finger tips and toes like that of what one feels from taking a work-out booster juice or one too many redbulls. Her hands immediately went to her chest, expecting that she was in the midst of a sudden growth in breast tissue but that wasn't the case at all. There was no real change except that her nipples were rather sensitive. "Oh well" she said to herself, "I guess you can't just inject hormones into your body and not expect some sort of result." She did feel rather thirsty though, and had a thirst for beer - not milk like she had expected. She had a 6-pack in her fridge and took them out - for some reason she took out all 6, not just one as she would normally do. She downed 3 of them sequentially, bottoms up, without even stopping for air. There was something about the taste that really appealed to her, the wheat flavoring in addition to quenching her thirst for water. But she laughed it off, laughing at herself, went for a short walk to refresh and then once back home again, she decided another "shot" in each boob couldn't hurt and neither could the other three beers. And then she turned in for the night.
She awoke the next morning in a groggy state, like after a bender but without the hangover. Clearly, the beers she had had the night before had clouded her memory a little and she didn't remember much of what happened - including the extra shot she had injected into each of her boobs. Apparently, she had undressed in her sleep as she had awoken topless. Sometime during the night she had taken off her bra, camousol and shirt and was just wearing her jeans and panties. As she sat up in bed, her breasts went from the "hiding in the armpits position to plop heavily on her chest. And heavily was the right word to describe it too!
"My God" she said to herself, "These things are heavy now".
they felt so dense to her, as solid as muscle. They might still only be large b-cups but they must have weighed about 3 or 4 lbs each - the weight of a average d-cup breast. She had a taste in her mouth for beer again. She thought it was the lowest of class to have beer for breakfast, but she wasn't going anywhere this morning so she went over to the kitchen counter where she had left the other 3 beers from the last night's 6-pack and popped up open and drank them all down one by one, one gulp per entire 12 oz bottle.
And then, something started to happen.
It started as a gurgling in her stomach. It was like her body was sucking in the beers like a sponge absorbs water. And it was absorbing them. Her breasts suddenly started to get very warm. Her nipples protruded farther than she had ever seen them stick out before. They were 3/4" long and pointed straight out. Every time she breathed down on them she could feel a slight shockwave in her body like the tingly of the onset of an orgasm. Her areolae began to puff. the entire of her areola slowly protruded out also until they were a good 1/2" off the level surface of her breasts. "Well this is cool" she said aloud "I always wanted puffies but I hope this isn't it. And it wasn't. Her areolae further puffed out until they were a level inch off the preveiously flat and unexciting surface of her breasts. From the tip of her nipples to the surface of her little boobs was now a 2" difference.
"Oh my God," she exclaimed "This is bloody brilliant but it isn't exactly what I had in mind...Now where did I put the syringes?"
She moved slowly and carefully across the room as she was so sensitive now, she almost buckled over in orgasm waves if even the wind velocity on her nipples was too great. Amanda went to the top drawer in her kitchen and took out a fresh syringe and went to the open case of serum and took out a fresh vial. She started to fill the syringe to her self-assessed 3cc dosage but thought "what the hell, let's go for 5cc today"> And 5cc it was. She put the syringe into the base of her left breast and depressed the plunger, emptying in all 5ccs. then proceeded to refill and put 5cc into the right breast. "So thirsty" she thought... "I need more beer, and a wheat muffin and something else. What am I craving? Why am I craving... grains?"
But her body didn't have time to wait for sustenance. Things started happening. She could feel the pressure building up inside her boobs. She flexed her small chest muscles and saw her breasts increase in size, like she had taken a deep breath. She did it again and again and again.... she couldn't help herself. Each time they increased a bit more in size. She went to the bathroom mirror as quickly as she could and watched her chest and she continued to do this. She could see the skin was growing tighter and then finally her growth spurt stopped. Her nipples were jutted straight out on top of her new puffy areolae but where nipples were previously only 1" off her chest, including her small breasts, they were now a good 4" away! Her breasts were jutting straight out. No droop or sag, just the most round perfect things like she had implants under each one. Her hands could previously cover both breasts, one in each. Now she couldn't cover half of one breast with both hands. She took a sigh of relief.
"What am I gonna wear to the store? I need some beer, a muffin, some cereal, I have cravings!"
Then she remembered her brother had left one of his extra large plaid shirts in her closet and a white beater t-shirt. She carefully pulled the white tank-top "wife-beater" t-shirt on. As she went over her nipples they bounced up like they were hardened rubber and were so sensitive she felt the start of an intense orgasm coming on. She breathed deeply and made herself ignore it and then put the XL plaid shirt over top of that. Well-hidden she was, and then changed her knickers and jeans and got in her car to drive to the local store.
If you can't contribute, then feedback/criticism/direction is always welcome!
Well, so far i am loving the level of detail of the story (the cravings are amazing, after all tissue can't grow with no biomass) and how real it feels
Amanda had wanted large breasts ever since she was a little girl playing with Barbie Dolls. She admired large breasts on women as a little girl and hoped that she too, some day, would also have very large breasts. Unfortunately, the titty faerie forgot her and she was cursed with small b-cups. She had given up hope but one day found the Breast Enhancement archive and started reading stories about incredible growth through various means, so she started to do her research. She tried everything she could find on the internet, but nothing worked until she found a website for bovine milk production and udder growth, so she gave it a shot and ordered enough serum for about 100 head of cattle.
The USPS man arrived early Tuesday morning, and had a large delivery of 4 boxes filled with 1000 vials each of the Bovine Udder Growth serum. She gleefully received them at her door and the postman helped her carry them into her house. Once inside, and the postman having left, she opened the first box and examined the contents. Each glass vial was capped with a rubber stopper, intended for piercing with the needle end of a syringe and withdrawing the amount required. A letter or instruction accompanied and it read "for each cow, measure out 2cc's per hundred weight and inject directly into the base area of her udders daily until you start seeing an increase in udder size and milk production." After a quick run to CVS for syringes and needles, she figured she'd start. Now how much? "Per hundered weight? That means 2cc's for every hundred pounds I weigh...but I'm only 110 pounds. I guess I'll start with 3 ccs then, per breast" she thought to herself. She withdrew 3 ccs from the first vial and nervously looked at the blue liquid. She took a deep breath and stuck in the needle at the bottom of her tiny breast. After injecting the first one into her right breast, she repeated on her left breast. "Oh wow" she said out loud, "This stuff makes you woozy too, I think I best lie down for a while"
Amanda awoke just a couple of hours later with a strange sensation throughout her body, one of warming and cooling, coming in waves. She felt a tingle in her finger tips and toes like that of what one feels from taking a work-out booster juice or one too many redbulls. Her hands immediately went to her chest, expecting that she was in the midst of a sudden growth in breast tissue but that wasn't the case at all. There was no real change except that her nipples were rather sensitive. "Oh well" she said to herself, "I guess you can't just inject hormones into your body and not expect some sort of result." She did feel rather thirsty though, and had a thirst for beer - not milk like she had expected. She had a 6-pack in her fridge and took them out - for some reason she took out all 6, not just one as she would normally do. She downed 3 of them sequentially, bottoms up, without even stopping for air. There was something about the taste that really appealed to her, the wheat flavoring in addition to quenching her thirst for water. But she laughed it off, laughing at herself, went for a short walk to refresh and then once back home again, she decided another "shot" in each boob couldn't hurt and neither could the other three beers. And then she turned in for the night.
She awoke the next morning in a groggy state, like after a bender but without the hangover. Clearly, the beers she had had the night before had clouded her memory a little and she didn't remember much of what happened - including the extra shot she had injected into each of her boobs. Apparently, she had undressed in her sleep as she had awoken topless. Sometime during the night she had taken off her bra, camousol and shirt and was just wearing her jeans and panties. As she sat up in bed, her breasts went from the "hiding in the armpits position to plop heavily on her chest. And heavily was the right word to describe it too!
"My God" she said to herself, "These things are heavy now".
they felt so dense to her, as solid as muscle. They might still only be large b-cups but they must have weighed about 3 or 4 lbs each - the weight of a average d-cup breast. She had a taste in her mouth for beer again. She thought it was the lowest of class to have beer for breakfast, but she wasn't going anywhere this morning so she went over to the kitchen counter where she had left the other 3 beers from the last night's 6-pack and popped up open and drank them all down one by one, one gulp per entire 12 oz bottle.
And then, something started to happen.
It started as a gurgling in her stomach. It was like her body was sucking in the beers like a sponge absorbs water. And it was absorbing them. Her breasts suddenly started to get very warm. Her nipples protruded farther than she had ever seen them stick out before. They were 3/4" long and pointed straight out. Every time she breathed down on them she could feel a slight shockwave in her body like the tingly of the onset of an orgasm. Her areolae began to puff. the entire of her areola slowly protruded out also until they were a good 1/2" off the level surface of her breasts. "Well this is cool" she said aloud "I always wanted puffies but I hope this isn't it. And it wasn't. Her areolae further puffed out until they were a level inch off the preveiously flat and unexciting surface of her breasts. From the tip of her nipples to the surface of her little boobs was now a 2" difference.
"Oh my God," she exclaimed "This is bloody brilliant but it isn't exactly what I had in mind...Now where did I put the syringes?"
She moved slowly and carefully across the room as she was so sensitive now, she almost buckled over in orgasm waves if even the wind velocity on her nipples was too great. Amanda went to the top drawer in her kitchen and took out a fresh syringe and went to the open case of serum and took out a fresh vial. She started to fill the syringe to her self-assessed 3cc dosage but thought "what the hell, let's go for 5cc today"> And 5cc it was. She put the syringe into the base of her left breast and depressed the plunger, emptying in all 5ccs. then proceeded to refill and put 5cc into the right breast. "So thirsty" she thought... "I need more beer, and a wheat muffin and something else. What am I craving? Why am I craving... grains?"
But her body didn't have time to wait for sustenance. Things started happening. She could feel the pressure building up inside her boobs. She flexed her small chest muscles and saw her breasts increase in size, like she had taken a deep breath. She did it again and again and again.... she couldn't help herself. Each time they increased a bit more in size. She went to the bathroom mirror as quickly as she could and watched her chest and she continued to do this. She could see the skin was growing tighter and then finally her growth spurt stopped. Her nipples were jutted straight out on top of her new puffy areolae but where nipples were previously only 1" off her chest, including her small breasts, they were now a good 4" away! Her breasts were jutting straight out. No droop or sag, just the most round perfect things like she had implants under each one. Her hands could previously cover both breasts, one in each. Now she couldn't cover half of one breast with both hands. She took a sigh of relief.
"What am I gonna wear to the store? I need some beer, a muffin, some cereal, I have cravings!"
Then she remembered her brother had left one of his extra large plaid shirts in her closet and a white beater t-shirt. She carefully pulled the white tank-top "wife-beater" t-shirt on. As she went over her nipples they bounced up like they were hardened rubber and were so sensitive she felt the start of an intense orgasm coming on. She breathed deeply and made herself ignore it and then put the XL plaid shirt over top of that. Well-hidden she was, and then changed her knickers and jeans and got in her car to drive to the local store.
Amanda drove her little car to the nearby supermarket, hat pulled down over he head, her brother's big old floppy plaid shirt hiding changes... she felt totally incognito. She parked as near as she could to the entrance, got out, grabbed a cart and went into the store for shopping.
Good thing she had her Visa card on her, because she couldn't help but start overbuying - like she was getting enough supplies to properly stock a fall-out shelter, not the few little things she came for. She went up and down the aisles, grabbing the strangest things by the dozen! Boxes of grains, all from the health foods section, whole grain cereals, nutrition bars by the case, all kinds of beans in cans, stuff she had never even thought of trying before. When the cart was full, she went to the till and paid for it all and packed it in her little car and went back in again. This time she fit as much beer as she could into a cart and then paid for it and loaded that. She stopped before she went back in for a third time, took a case of beers to the front seat of her car, instinctively took off the "beater t-shirt" from underneath the flannel shirt and then drank the 24 cans of beer, one by one...
She didn't get intoxicated, which really puzzled her, but what made her think even more was "Why the hell don't I have to pee, yet? I guess this is why why tummy is so bloated and round now. I'd look 6 months preggo without this floppy old shirt" Oh well, she shrugged her shoulders and finished off the last couple of beers from the case. "May as well get back in there and stock up some more".
She went back into the supermarket and loaded another a case of beers from the cooler and as she started to bend over to get the second case, she felt 'the gurgling' in her tummy again.
"Oh no... here I grow" she muttered. She knew what was going to happen, just like in her kitchen. earlier. She felt a warm sensation working it's way up into her chest and out to her nipples. As she bent over from the knees, her little boobs hung slightly from her chest but then started to get heavier and she could feel them increasing in weight, her nipples were burning hot but it felt so good. Slowly she felt her breasts filling up inside as her tummy slowly shrunk down. She looked under her flannel shirt, she saw her breasts increase in size, hanging down about 6 inches now. She watched her tummy, which was a round little preggo ball a few minutes ago, flatten out accordingly. When it seemed to stop, she slowly pulled herself up by the shopping cart's handle and arched her back. "HOLY SHITBALLS!!" She said loud enough for people all over the store to hear " THEY'RE THEY'RE STANDING OUT STRAIGHT"! And stand out straight they did. They projected about 6"off her chest. Two round perky boobs the size of large grapefruit. She grinned from ear to ear and loaded the cart full of cases of beer again.
Her boobs bounced as she walked to her car, like they were being held up by large elastic bands. The grin didn't leave her face as a few guys in the parking lot looked at her closely and could see that there were indeed BOOBS underneath that big old floppy shirt. BOOBS! For the first time in her life.
Amanda drove off from the supermarket parking lot, occasionally flicking her big nipples giving her little orgasms as she did, and headed to the mall for some clothes. She parked as close as she could, again, and went in ON A MISSION! She bought herself every skanky top she could find in XXXL, stuff way to big to fit her yet, and some general big puffy shirts. Then thought to herself, "What if I want some custom made clothes? I haven't sewn or made any clothes since high school, but I might wanna try making something special!" So she went to "Fabricland" and bought herself several yards of the stretchiest material she could find in various colors. The smile hadn't left her face yet. "Better get LOTS of thread and some spare sewing machine needles as long as I'm here".
The drive back home was delightful for her, as she caressed her breasts one at a time with the other hand on the wheel.
[b][i][size=4][color=purple]190 views and only brother DJoser is commenting? Come on, fellas, show some love![/b][/i][/size][/color]0
Well that's the writer's life. Lots of effort, few feedback

Sorry dude, I'm only scanning and not really reading so I would not be able to leave any meaningful feedback. Personally, I would rather get less people feeding back with actually useful comments, rather than the generic "good work" posts?
I think saying good work from time to time is better than not saying anything at all, of course spaming with 'good work' posts is not good either.
(12-02-2013, 05:53 PM)deux_anges Wrote: [ -> ]Sorry dude, I'm only scanning and not really reading so I would not be able to leave any meaningful feedback. Personally, I would rather get less people feeding back with actually useful comments, rather than the generic "good work" posts?
I'm completely open to criticism too!! Give me some critical feedback. I might even get back to writing more of it.
Amazing. Love the attention to details. Makes for quite an enjoyable read
yeah, i wonder why this hasn't been continued

And update to this story is long overdue, so I've started writing again. Here's chapter 2. More to follow soon!
And then . .. 
Chapter 2
Amanda got home, and slowly backed into her driveway, a practice she had gotten into from being taught how to drive by her older brother Bill. She used the back-up camera and watched the screen to position the back of her care at the end of her walkway to make moving everything inside as easy as possible.
Being a short little thing, she had her seat up high but had to have it far back enough not to rub her new boobs against the steering wheel. More importantly, rub her elongated nipples against the steering wheel.
Having puffies was a whole other experience and she didnt know just how much that would change her life, but now she was there and the reality of the puffies wasnt going anywhere. It meant her tits had tits of their own, she thought to herself, but little did she know how right she was and how ‘more right she would become. The sensitivity of puffies was something entirely new to her. Sure, nipples were tender and sensitive but areolae too? This was something entirely new to her and something she wasnt told about by the other Amanda in school - who was famous for her puffies in high school.
As she got out of her car, she grazed the steering wheel and waves of pleasure washed over her body. And ended at her clit. It was just to good to be true. It was insane. Better than having a ‘silver bullet lodged in her pussy with a remote control in her pocket. She couldnt go more than a few feet without something stimulating her areolae and nipples and sending her into breathtaking orgasms.
Her puffies were domed about 1/2†high off her breasts and were about 2†in diameter. Much bigger than her pre-enlarged areolae ever were. Her nipples stuck straight out an inch above the base of them. She used to have one bent nipple, but not any more. They were pointed straight out now and were in the breeze with every small draft of air causing incredible sensations.
She was finally out of the car, had collected herself and was once again, rational and cohesive.
She carried in the new clothes first, and fabric and thread and needles for her sewing machine and put it all in her office and brought her sewing machine in there too. And set it up on its own stand. She thought to herself, “what is my breasts get so big that I have trouble using the sewing machine at a desk? Nah, thatll never happen, but its good to make room for everything.â€
Speaking of room, there was an awful lot of beer to haul into her kitchen, and groceries, so she noticed her friend Warren was looking over from his driveway and she called out to him to come and give her a hand carrying everything in.
Warren was a sweetheart of neighbor for Amanda. She harbored a little crush for him, kept a candle burning for him for as long as they had been neighbors but never thought hed ever seen her that way. But he was always so willing to help her at anything she needed him for . . . some people just dont figure it out. Amanda was one of those people.
“Holy heavyâ€, warren said, “that is one heck of a lot of food and beer. Are you having a party or something? “ 

“well†she replied, “Not exactly. Ive made a few changes in my diet and want to bulk up just a little and get back my ‘pooky butt I used to have in high school. But you know, you sit on something and it goes flat just like a tire. Time for me to get some carbs in, build up some body mass and start exercising more.â€
She knew all this was a lie, but it was the most believable thing she could think of saying. And who knows, she though to herself, “maybe I jus might try doing some squats and burn off whatever of these carbs my new boobs dont wantâ€.
“hey whatever works to make you feel happy about yourself. I think you already look amazing but make yourself happy. Ive been working out to build up my strength and muscle mass, and running to build up my stamina. And Im just doing it for meâ€. 

Amanda smiled and giggled a little bit, sizing him up. She almost winked but let her eyes twinkle on their own. She wasnt the only one doing any sizing up, Warren was doing it too. She let the corner of her eye catch up ogling her new boobs and she knew that he noticed she had grown. She wondered if he needed a tissue, cos she could have sworn she saw drool out of the corner of his mouth. “someone drilling over me?†She asked herself… “sure, Im more smeegle than sexpot.â€
Amanda thanked him for all his help and told him she had to go inside and do some food prep and exercise.
“Hey, do your thing, I might be free later on if you want some company or just want to sit outside and have a nightcap.†He offered…. 
“Ill let you know, if Im not too tired and dont overdo it†she replied and smiled widely.
Back inside her house, with the doors closed and locked, it was time for phase 3 of her experiment. She stopped and rubbed her boobs and was happy they had now cooled down. Her panties were soaking wet and she figured out that she must have been turned on by Warren and his invitation for later. Maybe she should take him up on it . . . depending on how things went.
Her boobs, cooled down, she figured it was now safe to give herself a small injection and obey her cravings and rest for a while.
She took out the vial she was working on, and withdrew 3cc of the serum and injected it into the side of her left boob, then switched hands and did the same to her right boob. “I gotta avoid getting wall-eyes†nipples†she said out loud, “So I best make sure I keep them growing evenly and pushing the nipples straight forward.†
She worked her breasts, working the serum in as she felt it warm up her entire breast mass., Her breasts were about 4 pounds and very round. She wanted more of a tear-drop shape and hoped that as they grew they would fall a little bit and have a breast slope that curved in a little then roundly outwards before the bulbous mass of her breasts. And she wanted them to bounce.
The serum and its warmth was a but much at first, and she felt a little overwhelmed by it, so she grabbed a couple of 6-packs and put them in the bar fridge in the living room and lay down on the couch beside it. She was a little parched, as she was finding was normal, so she drank a couple of beers and started to nod off.
She had the most vivid of dreams, feeling up all the round fruit in the supermarket where she had just been shopping. First the grapefruit, then the pomelos, then the cantaloupes, then the honey-dew melons. Mmmm, she muttered as she dreamed, I so do love some fresh firm melons.†He awoke about an hour later… she could feel the difference on her chest. A small home set of scales for measuring weights for cooking told her that she was now carrying a pair of 5-pound breasts on her chest. At least a G-cup if not a couple cup sizes more.,
But then she noticed she was parched and starving, the usual side-effects of the serum. She didnt count this time, she drank a few beers then filled up an 8 cup measuring cup full of the high density cereal she had bought and poured beer over it instead of milk. She guzzled down every bit and then saw her belly start to round out, like she was close to 7 months pregnant.
“crap†she thought to herself, “It wouldnt bother me to look pregnant anyhow.†Cos she knew where it was all going to end up . . .
She slept well, until . . .
And then . . .
Chapter 3
…about 3AM, she woke-up completely out of sorts. She had fallen asleep early the previous evening, after a very eventful first day on the serum.
There was a moment of ‘oh no what have I done? For Amanda, but that was probably related to the difference she felt with her balance and center of gravity being so much higher now, and this happening so soon.
Overnight, her ‘big fat 7 month preggo belly had flattened out again, and she had the overwhelming urge to pee for there first time in almost a full day. So she tried to sit up, but holy cow, the size of her breasts were now bigger than she had first realized.
She had fallen asleep, or passed out, as a G-cup and awoke 2 cup sizes bigger. At least another pound of breast flesh per boob. 12 pounds of tits on a chest gained in just 20 hours might not seem like a big thing from a mans point of view, but from a 100 lb woman, a little thing, it was an immense difference. “Gains! The gains!†She snickered out loud, poking fun of her ex loser boyfriend Jason…â€well these are certainly gains all right!â€
Her shirt unbuttoned, her boobs still poking almost straight out but another inch or two now, she let them bob and bounce freely in the air as she made her way to the toilet. She wasnt in the habit of watching herself pee or studying the contents of a toilet bowl but after not peeing since she started on the serum, she realized that shed better have a look at it. And its a good thing she did. Her urine was almost orange in color. She was startled at the sight and got out her phone. immediately.
She called a local vet, under a false premise that she was a technician at a dairy farm, assisting with the feeder of milkers and was kind of new to this. 

“Good morning, Sunny Side Veternarian Clinic. Beth speaklingâ€

“Oh high, my name is Ama… Mandy… Jones. And Im working at a dairy farm upstate and happen to find something unusual. I just thought I might consult with you, one professional to another, for a brief momentâ€

“well, normally we charge for that Ms Jones but since you are a colleague, sure, fire away!â€
Amanda cleared her mind, focused on the urine not the boobs, and calmly started.
“Weve recently started using Biomarts Bovine Albumin Serum, as part of the feeding process, after using a straight injection style growth hormone, and are noticing a slight discoloration in urine discharge from the cows. Is this normal, or should we be alarmed?†

“Well, Ms Jones, that depends on a couple of things. What color the urine is and if there were any periods where the cows didnt urinate. A long period of time could prove very problematic†

“Well†Amanda went on “The color of the urine is a pal orange in nature, and Im wondering if its because of blood passing through the urine or some sort of tissue breakdown?†

“Glad you asked, and thanks for being so exact. Yes, orange coloration in normally dark yellow bovine urine indicates there is some sort of blood or tissue breakdown happening but dont be alarmed. This is normal! BAS is quite a powerful serum and benefits come as part of the process. 

“You see, the old milk ducts in the udders are breaking down and passing through the animals systems whilst their bodies are generating new much larger ones in anticipation of much greater milk production.†

“Milk production? You mean these are going to make milk now?†

“Sorry Ms Jones, I dont follow you? Are these birthing and milking cows already or heifers?†

“Oh†Amanda sad still alarmed, “Theyre heifers. Never had any calves yet. Kind of surprised that they would just go into milk production.†

“Well not always,†Beth clarified “Sometimes, their udders will just grow in size to become prized milk giving cows once they have given birth to a second calf. As per normal with all dairy cattle.†

“Yes of course, I knew that†She bluffed “How large are we talking here?†

“If your using 3 to 5 cc of injectable BGH then normal to see them grow about 5 fold. If youre also feeding them BAS, then expect that to go to about 10 fold. Of course, you dont want to go beyond that as they might even double the expected result†

“Ok thanks, Beth, youve been very helpful. By the way, were running low on BAS… do you have any on hand, that I soul come by and buy off you?†

“Sure, no problem, Mandy, but its a cash business… cause you know what the regulatory body is like! Just put $300 inside a sheet of black paper, wrapped up and Ill have about 100 days dosages ready for you†

She agreed and thanked her, and hung up the phone. Feeling a bit peckish, and feeling the booby greed monster inside her, she went to the vial and found its empty so started on another and withdrew 5 CCs in each of two syringes. It was time to do the ‘double plunge and she unloaded both syringes into her breasts, in the center this time…
“No Im hungry too†she sucked on her bottom. She made herself a ‘cereal sandwich. A whole wheat sub bun, hollowed out (ok, she gulped that down to keep herself going while making the sandwich) and poured wheat germ and honey inside each hollowed out half, then in a mixing bowl mixed up three cups of Qia™ buckwheat chia and hemp cereal with about a cup of greek yogurt, and then filled up her sub sandwich and took it with her to eat on the way.
If she kept eating like this too, she wouldnt need to fake a preggo looking belly, she laughed.

“well alrighty then, lets hope they can wait an hour before growingâ€, she thought to herself, “Hope this isnt too weird .. .here comes a petite woman 411†less than 100 lbs without the boobs . . .whos sporting HH cupped boobs and is buying Bovine Growth Hormone BAS serum that makes udders grow. If that doesnt raise alarms, I dont know what will. Better cover up or camouflage!â€
She knew what to do. She wrapped a pillow around her middle so that it looked like her big hooters were resting on a pregnant belly. As most times is the case when late 2nd trimester pregnancies, the boobs tend to point out, are heavy and rest on the pregnant belly.
She got in disguise and headed out to the car. She had to adjust her seat further back to accommodate the ‘great things in front of her but then couldnt reach the pedals! So, she grabbed her platform shoes and was then able to reach the gas and brake pedals.
Luckily it was only a short drive away. Beth met her at the counter and made the exchange. There was something odd yet familiar about each other to the two of them… not that they had met before, no nothing like that. There was something ‘different about them. Different to the rest of womanhood. Something . . . but Amanda was kind of concerned about getting in and out and not making a scene or getting too familiar with Beth. Beth, had likewise just handed Amanda the bag and then turned away.
Amanda got in her car and got back on the road to home as quickly as possible. But she couldnt stop thinking about Beth. What was it about her that seemed so familiar to her? Did these two complete strangers have something in common?
Strange days indeed. She felt her stomach gurgle… she felt sudden pressure in her growing breasts. Yes, growing breasts. She felt them growing whilst she was driving. “I must be certifiably crazy†she thought to herself, as she reach in the bag and took out a bottle of BAS and chugged it down.
And then . . .
Things inside her were changing and Amanda knew it. She had one more stop to make on the way back home, to the supermarkets dairy section, and this was going to be an expensive stop.
Amanda arrived home once more, and once more her neighbor Warren was there to help her move things from the back of her car into her kitchen. She had bought 36 gallon jugs of milk 4 in each milk crate, 9 crates to carry in plus yogurts, cheeses, real butter, sour cream and . . .ice cream, a LOT of ice cream. She doubted there was enough space to store everything but she let Warren bring it all in to the kitchen anyway.
Warren spoke up, “Amanda, you know, I have an older double-door fridge and freezer combo in my garage that I could move into yours to help you store everything. I dont know what you need all this for at once, but its none of my business, I can just bring it over for you anyhow, if you like.â€
“Well, since you offered†She giggled, “Do you think you can move it into here in the kitchen instead?†He nodded and smiled, and she put her arms around him for a hug… and felt the pressure inside her building.
It was two-fold pressure. Part of it was from the soon-to-arrive effects of the BAS she drank on the way back from the vet, and part of it was when he nipples mashed into Warrens considerably muscular chest.
She needed to get out of sight and not interrupt what Warren was doing until after all this had passed or run its course whatever mother nature had in mind.
“Say Warren, umm, would you mind terribly if you brought the fridge in on your own and stocked the dairy products in it? Im feeling kind of uncomfortable and I want to take a long soak in the whirlpool. I promise Ill make it up to you later!†

“Sure, Amanda, no problem at all, you go and relax and Ill take care of everything… and to be honest, that hug was something special, and worth a million bucks.â€
“Well that was a wow†she thought to herself “I dont think he realized how special he just made me feel.†

Warren left to go and start getting his fridge moved over. Amanda brought a bit of Total and another cereal into the bathroom, started the water, and then went back and got some yogurt, and cheeses, and chipsndip and a gallon of ice cream. One bowl and one spoon, and brought it all to the bathroom. She figured she might be a while and hey…
“still breakfast time somewhereâ€, she figured… “now, where do I we get started?â€
She sunk into there hot bubbly waters of her triangular whirlpool bathtub and the jets ion water just massaged her all over… she could stay here all day, and she probably would. She had one of those extended tray thingys to put her girly stuff on when she would normally soak in the tub, but today it would be a tray for her laptop and whatever she was going to indulge in next.
Whats on the menu first? Hmmm…. How about some cereal and milk, after all, still breakfast time here!! 3 big bowls of cereal and milk and the gurgling started in her rumbly tumbly -as Pooh bear would say.
“best pack that down with something solid like some ice cream†she thought. She had downloaded a few old horror movies and had the jets blasting and the whole bowl filled with ice-cream and just her spoon. She savored every single spoonful.
About 1/2 hour into her breakfast dessert, Warren sang out to her.

“Amanda, everything is packed away in my old fridge and your fridge you already had there. Im going to take off now unless you need me for anything else.†

“Im good for now Warren, I cant thank you enough but Ill try. Can you come back in about an hour or so and check on me, please?†

“Sure, Amanda, its Saturday and I have lots of yard work . . . so as long as you dont mind the smell that comes with that, Ill see you then.â€
“Bye†she yelled out, half giggling…. About 45 minutes into her movie, creature from the black lagoon, she noticed her first gallon of ice cream was all gone…
“Holy Smokes, if I keep this up Im going to weigh 200 lbs in a couple of weeks. Id better be careful.â€
The cravings had stopped for the time being, but with her ballooning belly back at the size of a woman 6 or 7 months pregnant, she wasnt as comfortable as she would like to be, so she stretched out a bit and started to massage her tummy and her breasts. Her breasts were now floating in front of her acting like two small life preservers. She laughed at that too.
Her breasts were about cantaloupe sized, so no real change yet . . . but she could tell they were heavier, denser and the skin needed to stretch to accommodate the growth they wanted. So she had moisturizers on the edge of the whirlpool. She started to work the moisturizer into her breasts and squirmed as she orgasmed every few minutes. She was parched, her mouth was like a desert. All this growth and orgasming was certainly draining her fluids and she needed a drink badly. So, why not from the tap? She drank what seemed like a gallon of water and finally felt her thirst quenched.
She moved her tray back and started to get up…. Thats when she noticed something she couldnt have when she was immersed in the water, her tummy was starting to get softer as it was going down, but her breasts were slowly filling up and pulling downwards a little. This really made her smile! She didnt want 15 year old girls boobs stuck out, she wanted them to hang like naturals, but not too far down. Kind of like a woman 10 years younger than her… with impossibly huge boobs!
The massaging and moisturizing of her boobs had certainly helped a lot. The skin was no longer as taut as it was when she started massaging and she could feel the breast tissue ‘unwind inside her. It had been so hard because it was trying to expand and force the skin to stretch and expand with it. Once the skin had started to stretch, the breast tissue did too, and she watched in the mirror opposite the whirlpool and continued to massage.
Oh there was no denying her boobs now! She was easily a K-cup and the skin was still really red. She knew there would be no more serum or injections today. She had to let the skin adapt, so it wouldnt tear or rupture or leave her with nasty scars or stretch marks.
And besides, she wasnt yet done growing for the day…
Chapter 5
Amanda went on about her day, got out of the tub and put away the few things she didnt eat in there. She was feeling a little bit pudgy or chubby from all the food she had eaten, her preggo belly and her big round titties . . . and her boobs felt a little weird too. But she remembered what the Vet Clinic worker, Beth, had told her about old milk ducts breaking down (which turned her pee a little orange) and new ones forming.
Maybe thats all that was going on… the old ones were dissolving as the new ones were forming. She admitted to herself that she was rather turned on by the prospect! She knew she was bigger getting out of the tub than when she had gotten in it, both boobs and belly, but the belly was just a ‘holding tank for her boobs. She snickered at the thought of that.
Then she decided she needed some exercise and since Warren was being such a sweetheart, helping her out earlier, maybe he could use a little help with the yard-work. She had never been over there before, despite his being her next-door neighbor. To be completely, honest, she hadnt even looked over the fence into his backyard.
But what the heck, no sense waiting any longer . . . hey werent strangers now, and after all, he had been in her house.
She walked over and knocked on the tall fence gate to his backyard.
“Just a minute please, wait for me to get there . . .I have some tools up against the gate†Warren sang out.
“Hey Warren, its Amanda from next door. Its a warm day and Im feeling great now and I really need some exercise, so I thought maybe I could come over and help you with your yard work and maybe learn a bit in the process.†

“Sure, Amanda, just hang on until I move those tools!â€
About a minute later, Warren had everything moved and opened the gate to his neighbor. His eyes nearly popped out of his head. Amanda was wearing nothing but sandals and really short jean-shorts and a sheer white 3/4 willowy top with a deep neckline. Her breasts were the size of small cantaloupes and freely bounced back and forth under the shirt. Amanda was oblivious to this as she had often dressed this way, but being rather petite up top, nobody seemed to notice.
But there was no hiding this now, and even though she hadnt even fully clued in yet, still Warren was gobsmacked!
She was also oblivious to her puffies. Despite the fact that they were so amazing to her, just a day ago, their presence and her inch long nipples seemed to have skipped her mind. Areolae that stuck out like 3/4†tall little domes off the top of her new bloated breasts and 1†barrel style nipples the thickness of AA batteries on top of that, but that didnt even register.
She just felt constantly horny and every time a slight breeze moved her top, or she herself moved too quickly she felt like her whole body was hit by a small electrical charge and she had to pause and shiver with a small orgasm.
Warren looked at her, and smiled . . . and he felt something running down his chin.
“Warren, are you drooling?†Amanda asked, feigning naïveté. “Whatever you were eating, got any more?â€

“oh Sorry, Amanda, yes some quesadillas. Theres a dish of them on the counter in my kitchen if you want some. Want me to bring some out?†

“Sure, Warren, that would be sweet. I can go in and get them, you know.†

“no, thats ok, youre my guest here for the afternoon so let me take care of you!â€â€¨â€¨Oh she liked the sound of that. She hadnt been properly taken care of since she finally got clear of that loser Jason. A grown man in his late 30s still living with his mommy. She laughed hard. She was doing much better than that now . . . potentially, if she played her cards right, she figured.
Warren brought out a tray of about 20 quesadillas, hot sauces and some guac and tortilla chips, and some beers

“Were going to share this, of course.†He laughed.

She thought to herself, “to be honest I could eat twice that myself right now, but I dont want to look like a pig to Warren.â€
So after a short break for their repast, it dawned on her just how ‘outstanding her boobs areolae and nipples were in that sheer top she had on, and then realized why Warren had been staring at her the whole time and drooling as well. “maybe hes a Tit-man?†Her heart fluttered then pounded at the possibility. If she really played her cards right, maybe she would even have a partner in crime too!!
“Gardening… I dont know a lot about it, but your garden is amazing! Tell me, what can I do to help?†She asked. 

Warren thought to himself, whats the best thing I can get her to do to see those tits swaying back and forth, and bobbing up and down?
“How about some raking, Amanda? Theres a lot of dead grass under the lawn that the green grass tends to cover up, so youll need to dig in.†

She smiled and started raking, gently at first but then realized Warren was right and shed need to dig in. She could feel her boobs start to bounce a little and lightly bang off her rib cage, it was a glorious feeling and she was too taken by it to notice that Warren was staring at her, watching her every move. The feeling was unreal, little shockwaves in her breasts reverberated throughout her body. Her clitoris was on fire . . . she began to breathe heavy and had to stop for a moment and collect herself. Then she started again and they bounced a little more than they had a moment ago. Perhaps they liked it? Maybe they needed to get out and move around a bit?
After about 10 minutes, Warren handed her a beer and she guzzled it down . . . 

“Thirsty?†He asked.

“Oh my God, you have no idea… Im parched and I find beer so thirst-quenching. Why dont you bring out a cooler of beers?†She asked and batted her eyes a little. 

Warren laughed “Sure, no problem, anything for my favorite neighbor!â€
He went inside and got a cooler and filled it with a case of beer and ice. He brought it out and set it down on the small iron and glass table in the middle of the stone circular in the garden. “Help yourself†he said and smiled. 

She was happy he didnt treat her like someone who needed everything done for her, and she took out a couple of cold ones and twisted off the caps. She took a breath after the third beer and let out a loud belch. 

“Oh my goodness, Im so sorry†she laughed “I guess I drank them too fast. 

“Amanda?†Warren asked “Whats going on with your shirt? Did you tuck it in tighter?â€
She looked down and noticed her boobs had grown out about an inch more in all directions and hung about and inch lower too. She held them in her hands and lifted them up and down back and forth and started to play with her nipples… she couldnt believe it. They weighed about 9 pounds each now. And they were warm to the touch, like when they had grown each time before. She knew they were still growing, and her top was growing tighter.
Warren was fascinated, enthralled and his jaw was hanging on his chest.
Amanda saw this, and the enormous erection in his pants too. 

“Warren I have to run home for a moment, for just a moment, and Ill be right back. Could you please get a large towel and spread it out on the picnic table over there? And maybe a small bucket of warm water?â€
“Sh- sh- sh- sure Amanda,†he stammered, “run home and come back quickly please.†Why did he say that? Ugh, anyhow, he did her bidding and waited for her.
Amanda ran home as fast as she could considering the bouncing that was going on. “Im really going to put him over the top†she thought to herself “Ill make him pop by looking at me. 

She ran into her room, stripped off, put on her tightest waist cincher (she hated anything on her boobs even when she was small) and a short jean skirt, a large enough yellow tank top to cover most of her breasts except for her 8" of cleavage and then a lightweight extra large plaid shirt to hang over and hide everything…. She was just about to leave her house when she remembered the formula from the Vet clinic. She took a bottle which is normally 5 does, and downed it on her way out. She could feel the new milk ducts growing inside her full but still growing mammaries.
She bounced on over to Warrens backyard when she saw the towel on the picnic table, and the pail of warm water. Even better, he had put some bath salts in it, which she loved . . . how did he know? Oh well, didnt matter now.
Warren was gobsmacked. He had never seen such large tits on such a small woman before. He had never seen such large breasts on ANY other woman before. And they looked bigger now than when she had just toddled off to her place. His mouth was watering… he was trembling and she could see it. She took the shirt off and started massaging her breasts over the tank top. She pulled on her long nippled which were almost poking through the brand new large tank. She tweaked them over and over and pinched around her domes as well. The excitement was crazy.
“Warren, can you help me with something? Can you get that pail of water please?â€
He did as he was told. 
“Now, warren please pour it all over my chest . . . good, soak it in all over this tank top. Massage it in please. OH GOD, please rub my titties. Yes YES Y E S.†She half-screamed. “touch my areolae, play around the edges, tease my nipples. Tweak them, pull on them.â€
Warren was so hard it actually hurt.
She turned around and faced the end of the picnic table and with the towel on it. She reach to her sides and slowly started to pull the tank top off…. Revealing her super tight waist cinched which made her boobs look even larger. And they were getting larger, the size of small honeydew melons now. She could feel the new ducts forming and expanding her breasts from the inside, pushing out. She had brought her new moisturizer with her - one that pregnant ladies used for their bellies to avoid stretch marks when the skin grew rapidly. She covered her boobs in and started rubbing it in. 

“Warren. Help me. Rub this cream in please. My boobs are growing and I dont want any stretch marks.â€
Warren was dumbfounded. He thought her boobs were growing but he was only now convinced it was a continuous ‘problem and he was somehow caught up in it. Not against his will, mind you. He poured more of the moisturizer on her breasts and rubbed in, lengthwise, side to side, up and down, in and out, around her areolae, under the bottom of her breasts and in her cleavage.
Amanda leaned over and lay her breasts on the towel then moved them each slightly to the side of her chest and she let herself settle down on it. Her breasts combined were wider than her whole body at its widest point. She put her arms our in front of her to help lift her up a little to helps support them. She didnt want anything interfering with her breast growth. She had dreamed of this her entire life.
She knew Warren was as hard as a rock and ready to go, because she could feel it when he was massaging her. It was the perfect sized cock. Not enough to hurt her, but enough so that she would feel full.
“Warren, Im not wearing any panties and your wonderful massaging has me oh so wet. Im dying for you Warren, please take me.â€
Still awestruck, Warren did exactly as he was told and dropped his pants and lifted her jean skirt to get inside her warm, soaking wet, perfectly shorn pussy. He started a few inches inn then deeper and deeper and started pumping her hard. Holding onto her breasts, hands slipping underneath them to tweak her nipples.

“thats it, baby,†she whimpered, “fuck me. Fuck me harder. Harder! Fill me. Fill me with your cock. Faster. Faster HARDER. Im not going to break. Pull on my nipples, make them grow too… †

She could feel he was almost there when she quickly turned around and stuffed his cock in between her breasts… despite 8†of cleavage, she found a way to let it through and she bowed her head until she could lick it each time it came up. He was just about to come and she put as much of his cock in her mouth and to the tip of her throat as she could. She sucked and swallowed hard. His cum was absolutely delicious. She felt the cum inside her belly, he came so much, seem to make her boobs feel even more energized, like the cum itself was a magic food for her breasts and it helped them soften a bit . . .
Why had she waited all this time to finally fuck him? She had missed out on so much . . . but then she realized that she couldnt close the deal without the boobs and she would need to keep them and let them grow even more to seal the deal.
Stay tuned for chapter 6! 
See below, without all the code...
And then … Chapter 6: from LEMONS to MELONS
Warren fell back on the soft grass in his backyard, having blown what felt like 5 loads in one into Amandas mouth. He was nowhere near done, by any means, and was the most turned on he had ever been in his life. “finally, a girl with tits!†He whisper-screamed aloud, “and theyre still growing, oh my God, its a dream come true.†

Amanda heard him, of course, and whispered back “You have no idea . . . since you came in my mouth Ive been growing and I think youre going to be ever happier.â€
Amanda stuck out her chest a little. Her tiny 28†around chest that had two humongous growing breasts on it that were the size of large honey dew melons now. They seemed to throb. Once again, they had filled, so once again they stood out almost straight. About a foot out. 12†off her ribcage. On top of that, her Areolae were stuck out another 1/2†and her nipples out another 1†from that. She was quite a sight to behold. From lifting them up and down, she figured that they weighed about 11 pounds each now. 22 pounds of boobs!!
Warren was still as hard as a rock, and Amanda crawled down over him and shoved his engorged cock back up inside her and just sat there, feeling very content massaging her boobs. She leaned back and found her ‘moisturizing cream nearby and even though it was almost 1/2 gone, there was still enough there to generously cover her breasts. Time to massage 

She started massaging her right breast with both hands, as they were now visibly bigger than when Warren had started fucking her. And sitting on him, he could reach her left breast and started massaging in the cream on it… they were both furiously massaging in the preggo belly cream and both getting so horny from it. She bounced a little up and down, feeling her clit bang into his pelvic bone. As she bounced her boobs bounced with her… they were hard to hold on to, this slippery.
Her mouth was as dry as a desert and so was Warrens. They both need to drink something to keep going on like this, and they both knew it.
“Warren? Do you think you?†She looked at him with a beguiling grin, “Do you think youre strength is back enough to get up, keep you inside me and walk over to the cooler so we can get some beers?â€
He half groaned, half-laughed. “I think I can manage that much, even with a little over 20 lbs of boobs, you still only weigh less than 120â€
“How did you estimate that?“ She wondered aloud.

“Oh, Ive been weight-training for a long time now. I try not to get too big or take hormones or roids anymore, but I still work out. And I know what plates feel like in my hands, so I can guess weight pretty easily.â€
He slowly got up, with Amanda clinging to him and trying to keep every inch of his cock inside her pussy in the process. Her rapidly expanded bosom was keeping her away from him at a slight angle. There was no real ‘give in the breasts yet. They were still so firm from ‘filling up after she had gulped down the serum and excited the daylights out of herself. 

It was only 20 feet away from where they had collapsed to the cooler, but still that seemed to be an enormous distance.
Amanda straddled him as he struggled over those few yards. Her nipples dug into his chest, much to their mutual delight. They felt them buckled back and forth a little bit, and loved it.
When they got to the cooler, they started quenching their thirst, gulping down beers fairly quickly. Warren was starting to get buzzed but not so much Amanda. As her body seemed to want to harvest everything it could to put into her development.
She had never though about containing her breasts before, because quite frankly there wasnt much to contain. But now was different. With all the beers inside her now, her belly puffed out again and she definitely looked pregnant once more and her tits seemed to be quivering on their own. She kinda figured what was going on . . . that new ducts and breast tissue was forming and growing inside the skin that covered her breasts. The strain on her skin in only a couple of days was something else, and she hoped nothing bad would happen to it.
“Warren,†she sheepishly purred, “you know, this breast growth isnt accidental but I had no idea it would happen so fast and that it would be so much . . . but Im worried about my skin. Tearing or stretching, stretch marks, or fatigue or even worse. Can you please help me massage as much moisturizer into them as possible?â€
“Of course, Amanda. I want you to tell me more about this intentional rapid breast growth please, but for right now we can deal with your skin.â€
She put her left hand in the middle of his chest, his cock still fully inside her, as her right hand massaged cream over her right breast. She rode up and down on his cock, getting the shaft fully into her, then lifting up a bit to just rub his head against her g-spot. She also furiously rubbed her breast and pulled on the nipple, flicked it back and forth, tweaked it, pinched her areola … and Warren did everything she did in tandem with her over and over again. 

She could feel a little relief in the pent up pressure but as soon as the skin stretched a little she could feel more pressure building up. . . each minute that passed her breasts were slowly getting closer to Warren. They were slowly growing out in all directions and crawling down towards her navel. She had to extend her arm a little further every few minutes to reach her nipple. Warren had the opposite situation, as her breasts soaked up every bit of body fat they could and turned the beers and the quesadillas and everything else in her body, they grew heavier but so much larger and moved closer to him. It was easier to massage more and now he had one hand on each breast but rubbing over every square inch of them enthusiastically. 

The constant massaging was actually helping the breasts grow as it not only helped her skin properly stretch and expand to accommodate more incoming growing breast tissue, but it was actually helping the breast tissue itself grow. The massaging and all the sex was stimulating breast growth. 

Amanda could now really feel the downward pull and she was also starving. Being near the cooler, the trays of food by the picnic table, her breasts were obscuring her actions from Warren. She was continuously eating everything she could touch as her body craved nourishment. Her belly puffed out, then flattened out… finally after about an hour, the small orgasms turned into one huge one and she quirted all over Warren, drenching him.

Warren himself then offloaded inside her, making her truly feel full. Her pussy just loved the feeling of his coming inside her and her muscles flexed over and over rapidly on his cock, milking every drop out of him. 

Her breasts were also greatly affecting by the intense orgasming they were both having and had taken on a more bulbous natural look to them. They still werent completely resting on her chest but now were extended to just above her bellybutton and were quite taut to the touch. Her nipples seemed to have gotten a tiny bit thicker and darker, but much to her chagrin, her puffies had flattened out a little from the suddenly increased weight of her boobs.
“Warren, please lift up my boobs and tell me how much you think they weigh now.â€
Warren lifted them up and down, several times, out at the ends and closer to her chest plate.
“Amanda, theyre doubled in size based on the mass of them. Id safely estimate theyre close to 20 lbs each.†

She squealed “Oh my fuck, thats amazing. The serums really worked! They did even more than I expected. I am a titty queen, a big tit goddess!!†

Still inside her, but going soft after an incredible work-out and blowing his balls out twice now, Warren had questions.
“Amanda, first of all, I have to confess Ive been a tit-man all my life and the idea of growing breasts is just fascinating. Now I dont mean anything weird like puberty, I mean in adulthood and with pregnancy and nursing or lactation and all that stuff. Ive researched it and read everything I could about implants of all types, fat transfusions, fat migration, lipo-surgery using the fat to be injected with stem cells back into breasts and PPP string implants etc. Ive been on a quest for 15 years to learn absolutely everything I can and researched every model in the process. Dont be alarmed or weirded out, please, Im not really into porn per se, just love this so much and Im fascinated. But YOU, oh my God, you are my dream come true. These breasts are my dream come true. The growth is my dream come true… and everything about your petite little body is more than I have ever even dared dream of. You are my dream, my goddess, my queen, I am so overwhelmed . . . so please, tell me what you are doing to achieve this!â€
Amanda was so touched, she had never been anyones goddess, queen or dream before, and she had truly found a man who was hot and a great lover, and was her partner in crime. Everything she had ever wanted. So . . . she took a deep breath, blew it out and smiled. It was confession time. 

“Ok, Warren, you keep massaging my breasts and keep applying more moisturizer and Ill keep talking.
“See, I wanted bigger breasts but was afraid of surgery and implants. They didnt really gross me out like some women I know, just the idea of being so widely cut open and then sewn back up and the chance of infection and all those drugs turned me off from the idea. But I would still have done it as a last resort. If this plan hadnt worked.
“Umm…this plan was sort of my idea, kind of from research and what I had heard about modern dairy farming and reading some stories online about how hormones in milk were affecting breast growth in China. So if it worked, so well, why wouldnt it work for me?
“The first thing I found out was that corporate and private dairy farmers were using real and synthetic Bovine Growth Hormone on cows of all sorts. Guernseys and milkers alike. It would cause the udders to double or triple in size. Sometimes even more. This was an injected serum, and the average was about 2 to 5 ml per day into the cows. I wanted to try this but Ive been injecting it directly into my breasts over the past few days. 

“So that has triggered a lot of cravings in me for beer, cereals, grains, and starting today, dairy foods also! On top of that, There is another type of serum that is fed to dairy cattle to get them to grow larger udders and produce more milk. Its called BSA or BAS - its Bovine Albumin Serum. And I bought about 100 days worth of serum yesterday from a local vet and already took 5 doses today. So I dont think Im done growing for the day yet.
Warrens cock started to stiffen up again, already, inside her… but as promised her kept massaging her boobs and applying more cream every few minutes. The skin was softening and expanding, gaining more flexibility and losing its tautness and stressed red discoloration.
“ Amanda, Im kind of stiffened up here again . . . can you ride me and talk about your plans and Ill keep massaging your growing breasts?†

“Sure, baby†she cooed, embarrassed at calling him baby already but she was pretty sure he was hers to command now.
“I never though I would grow any more than a cup side or 4, but that happened really quickly. See I was a B-cup from the time I was 14 until just a few days ago. This sudden change has really caught me off-guard. Its a dream come true but Ive also got to consider how Im going to dress and get around and top that end, be able to even walk and keep my balance! 

“The other thing Im worried about is breast maintenance. They grew so fast, I dont want them to go away either. What if I lost them as quickly as I grew them if I stopped with the serums?
Warren interjected, “Ok, lets address all your concerns in a minute, but tell me how big you want to get now, please.â€
“Alright, so I was thinking maybe 4 cup sizes was what to be expected, but about 15 years ago, when I was 15, I remember seeing pictures and videos of some freak named Charms and being appalled by it at first but then fantasizing about having breasts that big. Now, I think I want to be even bigger than that. She said she was 26 pounds a boob but youre telling me that Im over 20 lbs a boob now?†She stopped riding his cock for a minute and used her vaginal muscles to massage it. She was getting tighter and stronger down under too. 

“Yes, Amanda, I honestly believe youre at about 22 pounds per boob now. And probably able to grow a bit more. Chelsea is about 36-40 pounds per boob now though. Shes grown too.†

“Well then, Warren, I want to be her size but I want to be in even better shape too. Better than I am now. I used to have a really nice round pooky bottom And I want to get that back too . . . and maybe even get a big bottom to balance out these big tankers I have now†she giggled.
Warren started drooling again. “Weve got work to do Amanda, and since Ive been weight training and working out for a long time, I think I can help and can get a really good friend of mine who specializes in helping women build up bigger thighs and asses too. Her names Laura, but shes probably going to want to know the secret of your boobs in return too.
“we can train in my home gym.â€
Amanda resumed riding and grinding Warrens cock, he stood up, lifting her partially with his cock and then flipping her around on the picnic table and holding her up by her legs and balancing her on her huge boobs he pulled her in and out thrusting at lightning speed and making her squeal and scream and moan in delight. Her boobs kept the rest of her about 14†off the picnic table.

Chapter 7, the Levee Breaks, coming soon!
And Then . . . Chapter 7: Let's Go to the Gym
Warren furiously pounded Amandas tight little pussy, to the point of bruising the tops of his thighs on her. He came again and yet again before his cock had finally had enough and needed a rest.
She had so much cum inside her by now that she gurgled like a sink filled with water, as he pulled his cock out of her swollen and reddened pussy.
“Oh my God, I guess I need a break too. I doubt Its going to be easy to walk, ever again. If I turn you on this much at this size, can you imagine how intense its going to be when Im twice this size?†

Warren almost got hard again, but cleared his head a little. “Amanda, baby, this is all so very new to us and you are my dream come true. And I want to keep it that way. So were going to have to start you working out and getting that pooky butt back again and getting my friend Laura over here to train you too.â€
She agreed. “How should I get started on that?â€
“Lets go to my home gym. Were going to start with some squats, and then some special stimulation. Ill call Laura and see when shes available to come and join our team.†

“Ok, Warren, but youre going to have to help me… ‘cause not only is it tender down there from all our sex, but Im really off balance. I didnt realize it at first but with 40 lbs of weight on my chest Im being pulled forward and Im afraid Ill fall. Dont forget, Im a small girl and 40 lbs is nearly half of what my body weight was just a few days ago.â€
Warren helped her and put one arm around her waist and the other in front of her.
“If only I had some sort of tray to rest my boobs on and roll them along when I walked!†They both laughed tremendously at that one.
Walking to the backdoor, Amanda, realized the best way to walk and maintain her balance was to get behind Warren and hold on to his waist or shoulders. But that required walking very carefully and coordinated and every they bounced up on our down, which was literally every step, her protruding nips rubbed against his back which made her shudder with delight as mini orgasms flooded her body. She started talking to herself, “Im going to need to use old bra cups from my flat days to hold my areola and nipples… just like Chelsea with the two bras on each boob, except mine will be functional. My boobs have mini boobs now, so mini bras are in order. Park that thought for later!â€
Warren grinned ear to ear listening to her. “Ok, Amanda, hold on to my shoulders as we go down over the stairs into my home gym.â€
Inside the home gym was spectacular. The entire 2000 ft2 basement was a home gym. Every piece of equipment you could think of was in there. Everything shed need for building up her legs and ass to support the increased weight and balance issues with a chest that was now close to 1/3rd her body weight…and growing
Warren walked her over to the railing on the mirrored wall.
“now†he said, “hold on to the bar along the wall, like a railing, and start to do ballet style dips. Do you know how to do those?†

“Of course†she said, “just look at the size of me, I MEAN without the boobs, I was a little ballerina girl once, you know. I can do dips, but its going to be like working out with all this weight on my… “

They exchanged looks, and Amanda was wide-eyes “Oh! So, Im going to use my booby weight to build up my butt!â€
“Yes, Amanda, thats exactly how were going top start this whole process. Its one of exercises were going to run through today and tomorrow and the next day and so on, and some special stuff too!â€
So Warren had Amanda do 50 dips, then turn around and do 50 on the other leg, instructing her to flex her butt really hard each time she pushed herself back up again. He alternated her on each leg until she had done 500 dips per side.
Then he got a barbell positioned at a squat rack, and put an additional 22 lbs on each side, and had her do a set of 8, take a break, and then 4 more sets with the 90 lbs of weights and 40 pounds of boobs.
“Oh my fuck, Warren, my ass is really starting to ache now.†

“Its ok hun, youre going to take a rest now and were going to hook you up a machine that will make your body do the work while you sleepâ€
“Wont that hurt me even more?â€
“No, Amanda, its going to be a painless way to grow the muscle in your gluteus Maximus and all you to awake refreshed… as long as you consume lots of the core components to growth, like we already went over with the boob growth!â€
Amanda was shattered. She lay down on what seemed to be a tanning bed in the corner of Warren home gym, and he taped on electronic sensor-like devices. They were connected to her abs, the 4 sides of her thighs and all over her glutes of course.

She asked “Why my stomach muscles and all over my thighs†

“Because we have to build up you abdominals so that your body can be strong enough to keep you upright and straight. You dont want to be hunched over with all that boob nor do you want to just rely on your legs and ass to support your weight and balance issues.â€
Warren gave her a nice sweet cocktail to help her sleep . . . not just booze and fruit juice but laced with a few other secret ingredients too. When she was sound asleep, he also hooked stimulators up to her breasts and turned everything on and watched her glutes flex and lift her lower hand a little bit up and down. He knew this was gong to take a full month to achieve the results he wanted to see. He also injected 5cc of Pure Estrogen into side of her chest. He expected this would accelerate her curve development.
In her sleep, Amanda dreamt of a 40†ass, and tits the size of her ass, each. And involuntarily she was playing with her nipples, pulling on them and flicking them… mashing them together as best she could too. She pulled on her nipples like she was milking a cow and dreamt of huge shots of milk flowing out of them, squirting all over Warren and the other 3 people in the room.