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As some of you know, I had Rotator Cuff Surgery back on July 18th. I was doing really good, no pain, great movement, especially for 5 anchors.

Flash forward to Wednesday morning of this week and me getting ready for work. Went into the kitchen to make a cup of coffee just like I have for as long as I can remember, when our cat (mean-ass white Siamese) decided it would be really cool to shoot like a rocket out from under the breakfast table and right between my feet.

Well, I fell on my face, literally, and tried to catch myself with my right hand/arm/shoulder. Extreme pain and unconsciousness ensued.

Had an emergency MRI later Wednesday and surgery to repair 3 of the 5 anchors I re-tore Thursday morning.


This same cat tripped up my wife when she was getting out of the whirlpool tub causing her to fall and hit her head on the side of the tub, screwing her neck up and causing a delay on her getting boobs.

I think once I can recover somewhat from the pain I'm currently having, I may fling a cat with great force into the back yard to fend on it's own!
Sorry for your pain... I had a cat with what I call bad catitude. I had to toss her out, even when the local shelter wouldn't take her. She had to go because she kept clawing and attacking me and the kids.

I'd just like to go on record saying that it may/may not be animal abuse. But I don't regret it one bit.
Don't worry, I won't judge. I hate cats. Some animals are bad. It sounds like the cat from Pet Semetary.

I'm sorry to hear about your issues TugBoatCap. Damn cat.
I hate this cat in particular now!
And this is why I haven't been around very much lately. My wife had to have total ankle reconstruction on November 21st.


Are we ever going to get a break? Sheesh.

But she also let me post this!

(02-01-2014, 09:54 PM)Tugboatcap Wrote: [ -> ]And this is why I haven't been around very much lately. My wife had to have total ankle reconstruction on November 21st.

Are we ever going to get a break? Sheesh.

But she also let me post this!
Sorry for your wife's feet troubles. At least it's a step (ba-zinga) in the right direction. Okay, I'll stop now.
What a beautiful nipple, tho!! (always look on the bright side!)