(03-21-2014, 06:02 PM)Agent Dee Wrote: [ -> ]UPDATE: I got the local inspection done car passed with flying colors. I also got the sales tax paid too. All I have to do now is to get insurance on it and mail proof of inspection, sales tax, insurance, the application, and payment for the paperwork and temp tag. Once I get the tag I drive it to the out of area inspection place. Then I just wait for the paperwork to get back then off I go to the DMV.

Dude, you got this car, like six months ago. You're not driving it around? I started driving my car the day I purchased it.
dude it was winter time when I bought it and I still had my current car on the road plus I had to go through some legal hoops to get it on the road so I waited till A: I had good weather and B: I needed to get a dealer tag to get it inspected as part of the legal hoop thing. I knew it was gonna be march/april before I got it on the road


(03-22-2014, 12:19 AM)Agent Dee Wrote: [ -> ]dude it was winter time when I bought it and I still had my current car on the road plus I had to go through some legal hoops to get it on the road so I waited till A: I had good weather and B: I needed to get a dealer tag to get it inspected as part of the legal hoop thing. I knew it was gonna be march/april before I got it on the road

That may be...but there's no way I'd buy a car like that and just let it sit there! I guess this is why I don't live in NY! I'd be in the streets cruising for chicks!
Now, if winter would only realize its Spring and frig off!
(03-22-2014, 10:24 AM)Bonecracker Wrote: [ -> ]Now, if winter would only realize its Spring and frig off!
Speak for yourself! It's in the 80's down here!
Yes, and I'll be at mom's just down the road from you in less than a month. Say, we should go to Deja Vu's!
The northeast can PACK THE FUCK OFF WITH THE FORECASTS!! Damn, I hate this. Spring yesterday, gorgeous sunny and warmish today and I look at the forecast and there's white stuff mentioned.
(03-22-2014, 06:00 PM)Bonecracker Wrote: [ -> ]Yes, and I'll be at mom's just down the road from you in less than a month. Say, we should go to Deja Vu's!
The northeast can PACK THE FUCK OFF WITH THE FORECASTS!! Damn, I hate this. Spring yesterday, gorgeous sunny and warmish today and I look at the forecast and there's white stuff mentioned.
Personally, I think Scores would be a better place to go. Write me when you're in town.
Wow, and here I thought registering a car in Louisiana was bad...
Normally it is very easy this an out of state car with a rebuilt title.

And to add I got proof of insurance today so one step closer.

UPDATE: all the paperwork plus the money order for the verification inspection and temp tag was sent today via the post office it is now off to the state capital (Albany) and now I play the waiting game. while I am waiting I am hoping to take the wheels of the car and get the rims down to the sand blaster guy to get em stripped and re painted/cleared and re mounted on the tires before the paperwork gets back.
Agent "home stretch now he he he" Dee

And now I play the waiting game...
Well played!

UPDATE: I got some parts for the car while waiting for the title paperwork to go through (almost a month and counting). One of the things I got was a new rear spoiler for the car to replace the one I have on the car now. NOTE: that is not my car but a GT car which has the same style wing as the one I am gonna put on my V6 car.
got it on ebay for $104 painted and shipped which will make the rear end look more like the front end.
oh and here is a nice video that shows a before and after how my car will sound when I upgrade to the dual exhaust, enjoy

Still not driving this car? Didn't you buy it, like, ten years ago, or something?
dude don't get me started i mailed out the paperwork to get the title transferred over from PA to NY and I am just playing the waiting game. as SOON as that paperwork comes in from Albany and I drive it to Buffalo to get the car verified at the verification center I will go right to the DMV in my town and transfer the plates from my old car to that car then it is just a simple phone call to my insurance company to cancel the policy on the old car and promote the new car to full coverage.
Agent ".....still playing the waiting game" Dee

was looking on YT for Mustang videos and I rediscovered this awesome ad for the then all new 2005 Mustang GT (which is the same style as my 07).
Agent "if you build it, he will come" Dee

UPDATE: I got my approval and temp tag so I can drive the car to the salvage inspection center, the bad is it is on the day after memorial day and is in the morning and I have to say driving to Buffalo on a weekday morning (have had to take people to the airport) it is a pain, I will have to get up before 8 am just to make sure I have no issues getting there on time.

(05-09-2014, 12:38 AM)Agent Dee Wrote: [ -> ]I will have to get up before 8 am just to make sure I have no issues getting there on time.
Really?! By 8 am I've already been at work for an hour and a half, sometimes 2 hours, depending on what's going on!
I wish I could sleep that late...LOL!

I slept in 'til 7 this morning!

(05-09-2014, 12:38 AM)Agent Dee Wrote: [ -> ]I will have to get up before 8 am just to make sure I have no issues getting there on time.

Get up before 8? Haha. I wish I had that privilege!
Well I work nights and don't get home til half past midnight and don't fall asleep till almost 3/4 am. But I do have the day before off but I still hate. Having to deal with Buffalo morning traffic.

Yeah, I hate it when the Buffaloes start roaming in the streets.