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(02-13-2013, 07:09 PM)titzling319 Wrote: [ -> ]I most definitely have a lot to share (over 10,000 Chelsea Charms pics, most all of Beshine's sets from the start and much, much more). For years I've been looking for a site like this where I may spread the wealth.
and I thought [b]I[/b] had a lot of Chelsea and beshine, I have to bow down before you my awesome friend!

Shae was so awesome back in her day, while not super huge, she sure rocked the hell out of what she had for sure!

Fantastic to have you amongst us, Robert! There's a new gallery started called "Boob Cruise" and it will have a comprehensive collection of BC materials. Now, if we only had enough server space for all the videos I should like to upload too. LOL . . . but that would take GIGABYTES maybe even several TBs
Hey all, Articdonkey here. Fan of big boobs since I can remember! My obsession grew in the 90s with the super sized girls of the early to mid 90s: Tiffany Towers, Letha Weapons, Tracci Topps etc. And after seeing Chelsea Charms for the first time in 1999 I don't think I've ever been the same since! You can also find me on dailymotion and on Twitter @ArticDonkey
It's great having you! Welcome.
Hi. I just stumbled on here, and was confused because it's like I'm in a parallel universe. It's all so terribly odd. Did Firefly get cancelled over here too?
Also; is it possible to download all the images of a folder in the gallery at once? There's a login bit but I can't seem to login.
I do not think you can get em all at once but you should still be able to get them one at a time no problem, I have had no problems saving certain ones to my PC and or laptop at all, welcome aboard.

Nice to have you, Fett4
Yes, this is an alternate universe where a Breast Appreciation Forum isn't run by douchebags. LOL
Booty hunter, more like.

It's an old joke.

I prefer Booby Hunter myself

man AD, your kiki avy looks epic here!
been a while but yeah I am quite proud of it, she looks so lovably ginormous there

yes, my post dates back to May 23rd

Yep I found my way "home".
This forum is much easier on the rules than the other one.
I´m a huge Chelsea fan along with Beshine and Keisha and E. Starr and and and ...BOOBS.
The Gallery is not working for me otherwise glad to be here.
Dear helogos. GLAD to have you! All are welcome. The community indeed has a new home, and this is it. We honor the original work and legacy from to Imaginos original Breast Expansion Archive and many of us were those who originally financially supported buying the first server and starting it in the first place... and were dishonorably discharged by power-mad infidels. LOL (I say all that with humor)
Invite over any friends and colleagues you like.
As for the gallery, be patient, it will be up and running again and it is GLORIOUS!!
Welcome aboard the good ship USS BIG BOOBS, by the way love your avatar (for those who have a bar code scan app on their phones, give it a scan he he he).

I'm a little Game Developer :3
Very happy to have you aboard, Cuddlebeam!
Hola Djoser a.k.a. Hattudelicious

Hi! Im new around here! I just wanted to say this forum seems pretty nice, probably Ill be around just to talk about the boobie queens :-)
Also I just have to say I'm in love with Agent Dee's avatar :-0
(09-11-2013, 05:44 PM)Bloodninja Wrote: [ -> ]Hi! Im new around here! I just wanted to say this forum seems pretty nice, probably Ill be around just to talk about the boobie queens :-)
Also I just have to say I'm in love with Agent Dee's avatar :-0
Thanks it does rule if you want one send me a request in my avatar request thread. It can be static or animated. The link for it is in my signature.

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