ERrmergeerrrrddd! Love those!
And yes, it appears to be Candy Kane.
(11-06-2013, 12:33 PM)Bonecracker Wrote: [ -> ]And yes, it appears to be Candy Kane.
[b]Sugar[/b] Kane...not Candy Kane who was a huge [b]natural[/b] titty model from the 80's.
Sugar's are bolt-ons.
OOPS, my mistake. Yes, Sugar Kane!
Reminds me a bit of an image of busty dusty I saw in a Buxotica magazine years ago, also hot
Kandy Kane is a video game character based off Avril Lavigne
This is sexiness defined! I mean, this is what we all wanna see every morning and night!!
(11-06-2013, 07:12 PM)Djoser Wrote: [ -> ]Kandy Kane is a video game character based off Avril Lavigne
Yes, but way before Avril Lavigne, there was this mega-titty model named Sugar Kane. She wasn't around for long but she pleased her fans with her looks and chest torpedoes. No XXX porn from Sugar, but she knew how to provide the sugar.
Pooour some suuuugar on meeeee!
(11-06-2013, 07:52 PM)Bonecracker Wrote: [ -> ]This is sexiness defined! I mean, this is what we all wanna see every morning and night!!
Yhe shape is great, the size requires more ump!