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I saw a commercial that showed Pizza Hut had a website in 1994 and it made me realize that we're approaching the 20th anniversary of when most people first used the internet/world wide web.

I thought It would be interesting to see when people were first on the Internet.

3 questions: (1) when was your first time on the internet? (2) when first view porn and (3) what site did you first view porn on the internet? lol

I was first on it in the fall of 1995 at a friends house, looking up stuff for a school project.

My first porn site I visited was in 1996 at an internet cafe on a college campus, it was the famous Danni's Hard Drive site back in it's early days, before it had made Dannie Ashe a multi-millionaire.
1&2. 1995, was openly viewing porn in the high school's computer lab... Not good.
3. I don't remember what came first. I was viewing the yahoo list (before it was a search engine). I'd go to, wren's spot (remember that?), & Melonie Charms website.

I remember Danni's Hot Box. I even remember her story. Wow, I love going down memory lane.
1992 1993 I had limited access with the university's BBS and some internet services but 1200 baud modem was painful for anything but text. Then in 1994 I got connected at home for real and started to discover the world.

Porn started almost immediately. Alt alt sec breast was an early favorite which led to Imaginos starting the original bearchive. And yeah, Danni's hard drive then hot box. Busty Dusty's original site that had little to no security. Using newsgroups a LOT to find numbered addresses to websites that had a little here and there. Wren's spot was a big fave or mine for the stories. Then one by one all the models seemed to get some sort of website. And then came
Wow. I guess with the type work I do, I was into it much earlier. I first accessed the "Interwebs" as early as 1990, using Spry-Net. One of the first sites I learned about was Anthony Cotto's FTP site he had with Network Solutions, from the Chicago Loop BBS. And boy do I remember having to wait HOURS to download one single image from his site using a 1200 Baud modem. Were those the days or what?!? NOT!

Now I complain if my connection speed falls below 10mbps...
well about 10 years ago. So a decade after you Sad what a waste of time.

That very day: farangdingdong
1. I don't remember the year but it was back when me, my brother and father shared a computer. Pretty sure it was looking up some nerdy science thing.

2. I don't remember the first porn sighting. Was years later that I brothers looking for it. First I remember I found attractive was , my brother left it open to a image of Lulu Devine with black hair or Scoreland toon image of Agent Scully. Don't remember which.

3. Yahoo search for breasts, boobs, or something I think. I don't remember and am just guessing.
Can't remember the year. I was still living at home with my parents. The first computer was a IBM with a 266MHZ chip and that computer was on the low end of what was available. We got a second phone line to the house for the computer alone and the original modem was a 26k. After several months upgraded the modem to a 56k.

This would have placed it right around the late 90's. That's the best I can tell you.
Holy crap, I remember when 14.4 Baud was blazing. I got to view PICTURES! Woo hoo!
Oh man, and when you DIDN'T have a dedicated line and had call waiting, you'd be just seconds from finishing a sometimes VERY long download for a rather larger photo and someone would call and knock you offline! That SUCKED!!
(01-18-2014, 01:28 PM)Tugboatcap Wrote: [ -> ]Oh man, and when you DIDN'T have a dedicated line and had call waiting, you'd be just seconds from finishing a sometimes VERY long download for a rather larger photo and someone would call and knock you offline! That SUCKED!!
That's when you did *86 (or whatever) and then you dialed your ISP. Disabled call-waiting was a god-send.
(01-18-2014, 01:33 PM)JustSomeone Wrote: [ -> ]
(01-18-2014, 01:28 PM)Tugboatcap Wrote: [ -> ]Oh man, and when you DIDN'T have a dedicated line and had call waiting, you'd be just seconds from finishing a sometimes VERY long download for a rather larger photo and someone would call and knock you offline! That SUCKED!!
That's when you did *86 (or whatever) and then you dialed your ISP. Disabled call-waiting was a god-send.

Except when you were on call 24/7 and couldn't do that...Dodgy
I was like that in here less than a decade ago