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Full Version: Badoink redirect?
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It seems as if Badoink has a redirect on mobile browsers whenever I try to go onto the gallery. Is anyone else having this problem on an iOS device?
(03-31-2014, 07:09 PM)Derf79 Wrote: [ -> ]It seems as if Badoink has a redirect on mobile browsers whenever I try to go onto the gallery. Is anyone else having this problem on an iOS device?
If you are browsing on mobile, you will be redireted to one of our partners. This is an effort to monitize the gallery.
And rightly so, considering none of this is free! Someone has to pay the bill and he has a right to get the extremely popular gallery generating some revenue to offset those costs.
(03-31-2014, 10:11 PM)Bonecracker Wrote: [ -> ]And rightly so, considering none of this is free! Someone has to pay the bill and he has a right to get the extremely popular gallery generating some revenue to offset those costs.

I agree to that completely. The problem that I'm running into is that once I close the pop up window, the original link page doesn't open.