Hey, I was wondering about how many of you guys knew about this website?
I get quite a bit of info on models off of it myself.
It's open to free editing but a lot of pages seem to go untouched for a long time, or they get updated but the information is put in oddly.
It's like Wikipedia. Up to non-affiliated people to update pages. I need to update some info for at least three people I know. (They know, I'm just keep forgetting to do it for them.)
(07-14-2014, 04:14 AM)Ironbeard Wrote: [ -> ]It's like Wikipedia. Up to non-affiliated people to update pages. I need to update some info for at least three people I know. (They know, I'm just keep forgetting to do it for them.)
Awesome! Glad to know there's some other pedia surfers here.
It's a pretty good database. We've debated starting our own here. JS asked me to take on the project but I just don't have the time.
BUT... if enough of you are willing to help me, we could create a DEFINITIVE database of all big-boobed models here!!
(07-15-2014, 08:24 AM)Bonecracker Wrote: [ -> ]It's a pretty good database. We've debated starting our own here. JS asked me to take on the project but I just don't have the time.
BUT... if enough of you are willing to help me, we could create a DEFINITIVE database of all big-boobed models here!!
An Expansion Almanac?
A BEncyclopedia?
A Perverted Publication?
Actually, I referred to it as the Chicktionary or Chickapedia. Whatever.
I like BEncyclopedia actually. I wonder what else we can come up with?
BEA-you-tee-ful ideas anyone?
I like boobpedia, the negative side is that things like stats often need to be taken with a big grain of salt.