The Breast Enhancement Archive

Full Version: Jasmine Tridevil
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Certainly something different, and can't say I particularly disapprove physically, but that majorly screams attention whore.

Mentions of media appearances etc given here -

And, much like the article on Huffington, kinda have to wonder if they're 'real' or prosthetic...
meh, this is very bizarre. I can't believe a surgeon in the US performed this according to her.

Still very suspicious as Archaon
Ive known about her for a few weeks now and I am still skeptical. She seems convincing but I too cant imagine a surgeon doing this either.
What has science come to.
I don´t want to be rude, but always i see here i have the think to thisSad:
I can´t believe its true.
I am having doubts. Someone else pointed out that the color of her skin, arms and legs vs chest is different, also when she breaths in the vid her chest doesn't move.

I think like a few others that it's all fake.
She's busted (pun intended), someone posted proof that they are prosthetic on her FB Page.
Yeah, I heard the news today too. and whilst I laughed, I was also deeply disappointed. Sex with a triple-breasted beauty would be fun!!