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as you may or may not know I am going on vacation in L.A. for 2 weeks starting this upcoming Saturday. I am bringing my laptop with me but as I am gonna spend time with my brother and my cousin who live there I may not be on as much as I like. So wish me a safe trip out and a safe return back (I get back just before labor day).

Have a safe trip and enjoy yourself!
(08-16-2012, 12:58 AM)Agent Dee Wrote: [ -> ]as you may or may not know I am going on vacation in L.A. for 2 weeks starting this upcoming Saturday. I am bringing my laptop with me but as I am gonna spend time with my brother and my cousin who live there I may not be on as much as I like. So wish me a safe trip out and a safe return back (I get back just before labor day).


Have an awesome time. Smile
Have a great vacay, Dee! And get some pictures of some new discoveries in LALA Land!
Have a safe trip and a pleasant flight. Hope you have lots of fun chilling with your family.
Please, make sure to enjoy it for you and for me lol
well I am save and sound at the airport I leave in 2hrs and change as I type this weeeeeee!
Vacations do not last long enough and you need another week to recover from it.

Have fun dude.
Well I made it safe and sound in LA as of 10:30am PST (pacific standard time) I would have posted earlier but by the time I got some food (in and out burger for the fucking win!) and got back to my bros place I was awake for over 24hrs. I took a brief nap, got up booted up my laptop and here I am posting.

Awesome!!!! I'm glad you made it safely. Big Grin
Hey! it is great to see you again, man
well all I got back last night but I was too tired to post in this thread till today so I am back home safe in sound in boring ol NY *sigh*.
Glad to have you back with us. Check out the administration threads. There's work to be done, old friend.
Welcome back!
FYI I am going back to LA for 2 weeks again this summer, the date has not been finalized mainly cause I wanted to get my Mustang 100% road worthy before my trip and my annual company picnic at a big theme park outside of Buffalo coming up too. so as soon as I have a set date I will let you know. as before I will be bringing my laptop AND tablet with me so I will still be able to communicate with you guys when I am in sunny California Cool.

Have a great, safe, and fun time.
well all the dates I will be gone are June 21 to the weekend after the 4th as I said I will be bringing my lap and tab with me so I will be able to interact but not as much.

Agent "LA bound baby!" Dee
I put in my slip for the days I will be gone from work yesterday I will be buying my ticket tomorrow or the day after. My problem is the nearest big airport to fly out of is Buffalo and it is an almost 2hr drive plus I have to get there early, and MOST of the flights I am looking at are at like 9am and most are at night I wish I could find one in the middle so I do not loose a half a day of my first day in town.

Agent "not gonna give up" Dee
There's always the budget airport hotel that I'm sure is nearby that you could check in to the night before your flight...
Problem is I am working the day before my flight.

Hotels: that help?

and you could take the train to Buffalo
I meant to reply yesterday but I was both A too tired and B too excited to be here but I am now in Los Angeles California till the 6th of July so I will try to be here when I can but no promises. I also temp altered my avatar/tag for a vacation themed setup Wink.

Leanne Crow, September Carrino, Amy Anderssen and many others are also in Loss Angle Ease.

Coincidence? I think not.
Well I was so tired the day I got in I promptly passed out and when I got to work Mon I had to work a 10hr day and was too damn tired to reply but let you all know I am safe and sound back in NY.

And the heat doesn't help... I get tired looking out the window of the air conditioned gym.
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