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I think Cassandra/Elvira needs bigger boobs!!
Agent "it's been too long since I posted one of these" Dee

Not only does she have enormous breasts, but she loves everythign about the whole breast subculture too! WIN WIN WIN WIN WIN all day long!
(01-12-2016, 06:07 PM)Bonecracker Wrote: [ -> ]Not only does she have enormous breasts, but she loves everythign about the whole breast subculture too! WIN WIN WIN WIN WIN all day long!
Are you sure that's not a dude reblogging?
Let me dream in peace.... LOL
Or... when Chelsea washes ONE of her bras!!
(03-25-2014, 07:18 AM)mrderpface Wrote: [ -> ] (03-15-2014, 10:11 PM)Bonecracker Wrote: [ -> ]Wow, like the rest of the collection, that's impressive! Thank you, derp!
You're welcome
be sure to add your own to the collection too, it's easy and you don't have to make any accounts or anything. It doesn't have to be PBD, it can be anyone
What software are folks using to make the animated .GIFs ?
I have used Photoshop to make animated .GIFs but that was a few graphics images. Slow and 'hand-stitched'. Is there any software which is purpose built ?
I have used Jasc software's Animation Shop for years its old but it works surprisingly well you can either A: upload frames as a group or B: upload a small video clip (in MPEG or AVI format) to it then edit out what you don't want. I mostly 9 times out of 10 use method B. Plus it can also edit existing gifs as well.

It's been too long since we've seen new animated GIFs. Come on guys!!
how about these (made by Tea, not by me)?

(10-26-2014, 12:13 AM)Agent Dee Wrote: [ -> ]fresh from my animation program, the lovely and SUPER busty beshine!

Which animation program do you use ?
Those were awesome!! Thanks, Tea and Dee!!
I think Chelsea wins over Beshine in that stairs gif. But we all win in the end.
full size of my new avatar, enjoy
Agent "official back massager of Chelsea Charms" Dee

found this on deviantart

Where can I find her in real life? LOL
I don't normally post topless gifs but this one is too damn cute I had to

Preview of my new avatar which will be updated Nov 1st

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