I should sub title my posts WHY I LOVE THE 90s! Crystal Storm was another pioneer of the huge fake boob movement. Funny thing it took her a decade to finally do hardcore movies and they are awesome. Put her with Chelsea and another Crystal and the elusive Vixxen LaMour at this table and the boob poundage has to set a record!
Somewhat of a botched boob job back in the day, but she has a smile that slays...
She eventually did some boy-girl XXX.
(05-19-2017, 10:11 AM)bosomblaster Wrote: [ -> ]Somewhat of a botched boob job back in the day, but she has a smile that slays...
She eventually did some boy-girl XXX.
I hoping she's not retired. She seems to surface every so often. I do remember getting her calendar at a Spencer's back in the day.
funny, before Chelsea bust onto the scene (pun intended) I always thought her and Deena Duos were the bustiest of the busty girls wow.

I'd love to unwrap this present on XMAS