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Chelsea Charms
love the pic on the left Smile

[i]"Well gosh, breast men are the best men, you know, *giggles* I love you all."[/i]
[i]"You know your boobs are too big when a guy stands up to let u thru to your seat and despite him leaning back I boobed him back in his seat."[/i]
Chelsea Charms

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Special Agent: Dee
MiB; Division 6, NYC

Titzling! You are a god among men!

Thank you for those photos and the info too! Wow. Great stuff!

Chelsea is such busty goddess. Ive seen her a few times and gotten one Polaroid each time. As to the issue of her hour-long "private" hotel room meetings, I've heard differing accounts. Some say she "goes all the way", but some say it's just rubbing or maybe she let's you "enjoy yourself" as you watch her. I don't know, but I do know a gentleman who respects his lady should never kiss and tell!Cool
I believe that most of us were aware of the difference between a lapdance and one of Chelsea's "Private Dances". Anyone who follows her schedule on her website knows there was a long period, perhaps two years, when she had no club dates what-so-ever, but just jetted from city to city for "Private Dances". As far as what happened during those "Private Dances", I can only go by what she told me (that sometimes there may be "negotiated extras") and by the information gleaned from the "Private Dances" page from the website that I'm reproducing here in it's entirety:
Now you can have the ultimate Chelsea Charms Experience, your own private dance!
* Price: email me.
(The last time I checked, the rate was $400 / ½ hour, $750 / full hour)
* Tips are appreciated but not required.
* My travel schedule is posted at my site at If you see dates and locations that work for you, contact me and we'll begin scheduling. To schedule, I need to receive a **non-refundable deposit per 1/2 hour to hold your time for you. This can be paid by visa, mastercard or money order emailed or mailed to me. Some other money transfer methods are also accepted.
No refunds for any reason--I'm setting my time aside for you. Be sure you can make the time when scheduling. If something does come up and you are unable to make the appointed time, let me know asap, and if possible we'll try to reschedule during the same trip. Your deposit is good for that trip only, it can not be carried over for my next trip to the area.
* I will make a personal trip for a private dance if your desired locale is not currently on the schedule. This cost includes travel expenses and up to 2 hours of private dance - please inquire if interested. To schedule this, a non-refundable deposit of half the total cost is required.
* 1) Be prompt--this means do not be early or late, but right on time. The clock starts when you get there or when you are scheduled to arrive, whichever occurs first. ( Not to be rude, but I keep a tight schedule)
* 2) Practice good hygiene--this includes being clean, showered, please do not smell. Bad breath and body odor do not contribute to a good experience. (This should be self-explanatory)
* 3) I am a lady, so please be a gentleman.
You could be asked to leave at any time, with no refund, if you do not abide by these simple requests.* By scheduling a private dance you agree to all the terms.
As I stated before, and I can proudly state again because my member name on this forum makes me completely anonymous:

I had a FULL-SERVICE hour with Chelsea about 5 years ago. I paid a deposit in advance just as titzling described above in the text from her website, and then paid the balance upon arrival, which easily exceeded four figures in total. I will go only one step further (again due to the anonymity) and use the following commonly accepted escort-related slang to describe some, but not all, of the activities that we both participated in:

DFK, UTF, TF, DATY, Russian, CFS

Visit the Urban Dictionary if any of this is unclear.

(05-09-2013, 09:48 AM)bosomblaster Wrote: As I stated before, and I can proudly state again because my member name on this forum makes me completely anonymous:

I had a FULL-SERVICE hour with Chelsea about 5 years ago. I paid a deposit in advance just as titzling described above in the text from her website, and then paid the balance upon arrival, which easily exceeded four figures in total. I will go only one step further (again due to the anonymity) and use the following commonly accepted escort-related slang to describe some, but not all, of the activities that we both participated in:

DFK, UTF, TF, DATY, Russian, CFS

Visit the Urban Dictionary if any of this is unclear.


BB, I never meant to doubt your word in any way. We're all friends here. I was just making the point that we all know that the Private Dance exists. What happens during said encounter is between two consenting adults...but we sure love to hear about it! BB, you are one of my heros!

BB, I never meant to doubt your word in any way. We're all friends here. I was just making the point that we all know that the Private Dance exists. What happens during said encounter is between two consenting adults...but we sure love to hear about it! BB, you are one of my heros!

Titzling: I should have made it clear that it was Rickypym that I was responding to, not you. He interjected quite a bit of doubt in his response about her actually doing full service.

My apologies for the way I responded on the thread.


I've found some more Misc. CC pics on the internet. Once again, I hope they are not duplicates...they are new to me. 55 posted!

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I am sorry if I was unclear. It was not my intention to "interject doubt" that she does full service. I was merely trying to preserve her feminine mystique. That's all. No harm intended. You guys are great. I hope to get a private dance with Chelsea someday. Thanks to all the posters of these great pics.

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w o w

[i]"Well gosh, breast men are the best men, you know, *giggles* I love you all."[/i]
[i]"You know your boobs are too big when a guy stands up to let u thru to your seat and despite him leaning back I boobed him back in his seat."[/i]
Chelsea Charms

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Special Agent: Dee
MiB; Division 6, NYC

Drains are the scourge of goodwilled men
Skepticism is good, it is the reason why Science progresses. We don't live anymore in the era when a model said she had a 183PPP bra and that was considered a fact by the rest of the mortals.

Welcome to the internet, where men are men, women are men, and children are the FBI

If it hurts, it means that you're still living
*offers Djoser a manly fist bump in agreement*

[i]"Well gosh, breast men are the best men, you know, *giggles* I love you all."[/i]
[i]"You know your boobs are too big when a guy stands up to let u thru to your seat and despite him leaning back I boobed him back in his seat."[/i]
Chelsea Charms

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Special Agent: Dee
MiB; Division 6, NYC

As much as we all adore Chelsea in a pre-drain condition I think we are better off absorbing the "good" with the "not quite as good". I trust Chelsea and her doctor to know her body better than any of us. If there is the slightest chance of injury or even discomfort, why take the chance. Anyone who has seen or been with Chelsea realizes how tough and resilient her fun bags are...she really beats guys up with them. It seems that every other "huge implant" lady that ever came down the pike had some sort of problems with them (knock on wood, Beshine). This tells me that Chelsea must be doing something right and she'll get no complaints out of me...carry on, girl, you're the best ever!
Is it just me or would you love to see what she looks like topless in both states?
[b][i]"It's always funny until someone loses an eye!"[/i][/b]
does anyone have some good video clips?
I do but they are on my PC some are from bosomquest which was part of photoclubs.

[i]"Well gosh, breast men are the best men, you know, *giggles* I love you all."[/i]
[i]"You know your boobs are too big when a guy stands up to let u thru to your seat and despite him leaning back I boobed him back in his seat."[/i]
Chelsea Charms

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Special Agent: Dee
MiB; Division 6, NYC

she twitted " Home now. First my boobs wouldn't fit in a coach seat. Now it's gotten to the point where they don't fit in a first class seat. So now what? " OMG I would like to be in that plane!!

she is asked " So how many cubic centimeters have your boobs now??
Chelsea Charms ‏@chelseacharmsx 10min
@LionKing007 Somewhere between 13,500K and 15,000K currently in each boob. WOW super fast refill!!!
taken from the other forum wow is all I can say if this is an unaltered picture

[Image: CC%202013.jpg]

[i]"Well gosh, breast men are the best men, you know, *giggles* I love you all."[/i]
[i]"You know your boobs are too big when a guy stands up to let u thru to your seat and despite him leaning back I boobed him back in his seat."[/i]
Chelsea Charms

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Special Agent: Dee
MiB; Division 6, NYC

Holy Shiteballs!! :-O

Is there an entire set of these, par chance?
Check out my new story! 
no its just 2 at the end of the orange top set

wow I wonder when those were taken she just looks so damn ginormous in them o.o

[i]"Well gosh, breast men are the best men, you know, *giggles* I love you all."[/i]
[i]"You know your boobs are too big when a guy stands up to let u thru to your seat and despite him leaning back I boobed him back in his seat."[/i]
Chelsea Charms

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Special Agent: Dee
MiB; Division 6, NYC

The PhotoClubs set being discussed was released on 4-1-2013. There are 44 pics - 22 with Chelsea sporting the orange tube top (no nudes) - 4 show CC wearing the blue hoodie zipped (like above) - 18 with the tube top pulled down to her waist and the hoodie unzipped showing off the monsters! I've already posted 5 images from this new set...dare I post more?
dare oh my god dare!!!

[i]"Well gosh, breast men are the best men, you know, *giggles* I love you all."[/i]
[i]"You know your boobs are too big when a guy stands up to let u thru to your seat and despite him leaning back I boobed him back in his seat."[/i]
Chelsea Charms

[url=]want a custom avatar?[/url]

Special Agent: Dee
MiB; Division 6, NYC

(05-11-2013, 04:43 AM)thenolol Wrote: does anyone have some good video clips?

I have over 400 15 second PhotoClubs clips, 12 BosomBox of at least 5 min each (some up to 15 min), over 200 misc. (YouTube, etc.). Some are extraordinary. I wish I had some good way to share them besides mailing each of you a DVD. Check the Gallery for some screen captures from some of my favorite vids.
(05-13-2013, 12:05 AM)Agent Dee Wrote: dare oh my god dare!!!

Done! I only posted six more (trying to obey the rules as best I can)...I hope they help!

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massive! thanks!!
Skepticism is good, it is the reason why Science progresses. We don't live anymore in the era when a model said she had a 183PPP bra and that was considered a fact by the rest of the mortals.

Welcome to the internet, where men are men, women are men, and children are the FBI

If it hurts, it means that you're still living

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