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Chelsea Charms
Another new video out! This one's pretty good too! Quality is fine by me. She looks enormous in it too!!

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Am I the only one who gets turned on by the supposed "bad" quality of her videos? I like HD on my films and non-erotic videos ofc. As long as Chelsea is Chelsea I don't care if her videos are 720 or 240. If the video turns me on it's irrelevant to me if it's HD or not. I can like both. Honestly, I like that blurry cinematic camera. Gives me nostalgic feel, like it's still the 90's and I sneak peak them on TV.
(02-18-2014, 04:30 AM)man_in_space Wrote: Am I the only one who gets turned on by the supposed "bad" quality of her videos? I like HD on my films and non-erotic videos ofc. As long as Chelsea is Chelsea I don't care if her videos are 720 or 240. If the video turns me on it's irrelevant to me if it's HD or not. I can like both. Honestly, I like that blurry cinematic camera. Gives me nostalgic feel, like it's still the 90's and I sneak peak them on TV.

I mean as long as I can see Chels in all her massive mammed glory I'm fine. People today have no idea what grabbing a blank VHS and recording Jenny Jones or Richard Bey only to find that it's grainy as hell during playback is like. And it's been the same thing over and over, rally the troops so we can behave in a like minded fashion and demand a changing Chelsea. Not gonna.
Every single CC fan since 2002 has wanted a "Changing Chelsea 2" or 3 or 4 or 6 by now... she is aware of this and our collective voice in requesting such has been ignored. Is this tactful disregard or ignorance? It's hard to say.

She may be of the mindset or received advice to the same that releasing another Changing Chelsea video will detract from her live show appeal. Sort of like what Metallica did in not releasing music videos until "One" which was a counter-productive move and merely served to limit their appeal. I'm not suggesting CC could enjoy the widespread acceptance and popularity/celebrity of Metaliica or other rock bands, but it can be argued she is limiting her appeal in not releasing a CC2,3,4... as well.

We've also got to be cognizant of the fact that she's approaching 40, and women don't have the smooth flawless bodies they had when they were in their early 20s. To which, you and I say, "So what, Chelsea, we still think you're the sexiest thing in creation." But we are talking about a woman's self-image here and not wishing to expose her every flaw and preserve it in video when it comes to full nudity in a video. This is probably why she will still do near full nudity live but not in a video. When was the last time you even saw her legs? She's been "panted" in videos and pictures since 2003.

And that's a shame, because she has a lovely bottom and gorgeous legs.

But this is her choice... we can only continue to ask and offer to compensate her for any new video she produces by buying it.
"Chelsea at home" doesn't exactly carry with it the same enticement and titillation that "Changing Chelsea" does!

OPINIONS MAY VARY! This is only mine. Smile
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Well what I meant by changing Chelsea is that she changes the camera with which to film her, but I as well would like to see a sequel to Changing Chelsea Bone. Smile
[Image: thumbsup_2-1kkdh18.gif]
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I just wanted to chip in and say that Bonecracker makes some good points.

It could be that Chelsea releases low-quality videos because of her (understandable) desire to minimize the ability of people to scrutinize her every flaw. As a model, it would be awful for her to showcase the changes of time. A person who counts time as an enemy has an adversary not subject to casualty, and no one considers time as more of an enemy than a female nude model or performer.

I too wish Chelsea would've released tons of "Changing Chelsea" sequels. Perhaps she is thinking that, by limiting her videos, she makes her personal strip club appearances and private shows that much more impressive and special and unique. I agree with Bone, that such a tactic is not a good tactic. It does not maximize her money or fame.

However, have you guys noticed how Chelsea has appeared on television interviews on British and Finland and New Zealand television, but she's never been on America television interview, at least as fas as I know? I find this very interesting and curious. Why not? It could be she's seen the kind of vitriol and hatred that many USA women show towards huge titty dancers/models on talk shows, and maybe she not only avoids US television, but also she is punishing USA for our cultural crimes by limiting the quantity and quality of her released videos. Just a thought.
Other countries, I'd say are more excepting of the naked female form. Lolo had no qualms about bringing them out for TV as well as a few other dancers on other shows. Other places seem to have embraced what adults already know while we act like "it can't get me if its covered".
what we havent got from her is videos where she shows her boobs clearly. not in LowD or HD. this is true no "opinions" needed here from you guys. sometimes i think youre all working for the boobmodels we are writing about here.

why so big deal giving HD videos filmed in a way where we actually see the boobs and not her toes or from back like she does today on those commodore 64 quality like "videos". I KNOW! every fan wants to see videos in good quality. the one who says yeah im happy she puts out commodore 64 quality like videos is lying or trolling.
That's a little harsh, and to be quite frank, your continued aggressive approach to those who don't agree with you could be considered trolling. Several of us here think that the videos are clear enough, even though we would like to have the quality more like Beshine's. The argument is moot at this point.

They are what they are. Only paying members to her site can go on her forum and tell her directly what they would like to see. Are you presently a paying member?
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(02-18-2014, 05:21 PM)ussername Wrote: what we havent got from her is videos where she shows her boobs clearly. not in LowD or HD. this is true no "opinions" needed here from you guys. sometimes i think youre all working for the boobmodels we are writing about here.

why so big deal giving HD videos filmed in a way where we actually see the boobs and not her toes or from back like she does today on those commodore 64 quality like "videos". I KNOW! every fan wants to see videos in good quality. the one who says yeah im happy she puts out commodore 64 quality like videos is lying or trolling.

Here's the thing dude, your record hasn't changed in the whole time you've been a member of this site and the other. And you joined that one what....back in 2010, 2011 maybe? To put in perspective, Resident Evil 5 had been out one year, the 3DS was cards on the table, the movie 2012 was in production, Psy was nearly ready to Gangnam Style, Windows 8 didn't exist, the iPod Nano was still that little 1"x1" square thing, iPad was only on its second, and Michael Jackson had been dead for one year. It's 2014, and you still haven't switched the song. Telling us about it does what exactly? We aren't going to band together, storm her site and demand that she does things differently. There are those of us who realize that Chels doesn't HAVE to take selfies with a camera phone, let alone a "commodore 64" one, or your holy grail of an HD one. We are just glad that here's a woman who said, "tried and true types of breast implants be damned, give me those experimental ones". And when the other women who got complications with their polypropylene string, she didn't hop on the first thing smoking to her doctors office, she said to herself, I'm gonna let you two be as big as I can stand you. You got issues with the cameras used to film her, WE GET IT. How many times are you going to tell us about it? You get invited to a party, you show up and drink the beer, it's awful to you, how many conversations are you gonna cut into and go "hey, ya know this beer bites ass"? Don't tell us, tell her. Present your case, and see how far it gets you. If you've already done so, and it's gotten you nowhere, well then there's your answer, take your ball and go home. But there's other people like myself who pitched tents for feature dancers 1/4 the size of Chelsea on talk shows and it was back before all this flat panel HD stuff. We heard you, we're just ignoring your "I want it all about me" quest.
(02-18-2014, 10:55 PM)Kopykat Wrote:
(02-18-2014, 05:21 PM)ussername Wrote: what we havent got from her is videos where she shows her boobs clearly. not in LowD or HD. this is true no "opinions" needed here from you guys. sometimes i think youre all working for the boobmodels we are writing about here.

why so big deal giving HD videos filmed in a way where we actually see the boobs and not her toes or from back like she does today on those commodore 64 quality like "videos". I KNOW! every fan wants to see videos in good quality. the one who says yeah im happy she puts out commodore 64 quality like videos is lying or trolling.

Here's the thing dude, your record hasn't changed in the whole time you've been a member of this site and the other. And you joined that one what....back in 2010, 2011 maybe? To put in perspective, Resident Evil 5 had been out one year, the 3DS was cards on the table, the movie 2012 was in production, Psy was nearly ready to Gangnam Style, Windows 8 didn't exist, the iPod Nano was still that little 1"x1" square thing, iPad was only on its second, and Michael Jackson had been dead for one year. It's 2014, and you still haven't switched the song. Telling us about it does what exactly? We aren't going to band together, storm her site and demand that she does things differently. There are those of us who realize that Chels doesn't HAVE to take selfies with a camera phone, let alone a "commodore 64" one, or your holy grail of an HD one. We are just glad that here's a woman who said, "tried and true types of breast implants be damned, give me those experimental ones". And when the other women who got complications with their polypropylene string, she didn't hop on the first thing smoking to her doctors office, she said to herself, I'm gonna let you two be as big as I can stand you. You got issues with the cameras used to film her, WE GET IT. How many times are you going to tell us about it? You get invited to a party, you show up and drink the beer, it's awful to you, how many conversations are you gonna cut into and go "hey, ya know this beer bites ass"? Don't tell us, tell her. Present your case, and see how far it gets you. If you've already done so, and it's gotten you nowhere, well then there's your answer, take your ball and go home. But there's other people like myself who pitched tents for feature dancers 1/4 the size of Chelsea on talk shows and it was back before all this flat panel HD stuff. We heard you, we're just ignoring your "I want it all about me" quest.

1 Billion thumbs up - Kopykat you made my day!

And then we wonder why models after some time leave the boards! Thank you.
(02-18-2014, 05:21 PM)ussername Wrote: sometimes i think youre all working for the boobmodels we are writing about here.

Oh boy, I wish I was working for her. And as close as possible too. No, seriously, can you imagine? Chelsea sending me personaly to change your militant position about HD with my brief post? She cares day and night about a guy named "ussername" posting on a forum.

(02-18-2014, 05:21 PM)ussername Wrote: the one who says yeah im happy she puts out commodore 64 quality like videos is lying or trolling.

Am I lying or trolling? Well, I am not lying. Check. Am I trolling? Who am I gonna troll with that? I thought it was as neutral and personal as possible. Considering how succesful you are on bringing negative attenton on yourself from others here, maybe you're trolling?

My point was - she will switch to good quality? Awesome. She has out of date quality on her videos? Still awesome, I have a fetish for it.
I agree with MIS 1 Billion % (to quote Britain's Got Talent)!!
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(02-19-2014, 02:55 PM)Bonecracker Wrote: I agree with MIS 1 Billion % (to quote Britain's Got Talent)!!
Like I have said on the "other" forum. If one has issues with the "merchandise" do not complain with the buyer take it to the seller. Frankly I don´t care what others have to say about image quality or video quality. I personally use the boards, twitter, facebook to get info and news about the girls I like.
Just my two cents.
(02-19-2014, 04:17 PM)helogos Wrote:
(02-19-2014, 02:55 PM)Bonecracker Wrote: I agree with MIS 1 Billion % (to quote Britain's Got Talent)!!
Like I have said on the "other" forum. If one has issues with the "merchandise" do not complain with the buyer take it to the seller. Frankly I don´t care what others have to say about image quality or video quality. I personally use the boards, twitter, facebook to get info and news about the girls I like.
Just my two cents.

Thanks all, and I agree, this is why we can't have nice things (people)
lol why would we work for them, we like them and I think it is natural for fans of any model to defend her when she's being attacked Tongue
Skepticism is good, it is the reason why Science progresses. We don't live anymore in the era when a model said she had a 183PPP bra and that was considered a fact by the rest of the mortals.

Welcome to the internet, where men are men, women are men, and children are the FBI

If it hurts, it means that you're still living
surfed at one other huge boobed model´s site yesterday. she puts out almost ten minutes clips several times a week. yesterday she put 2 of those up and promises new clips today.on the first video she blows bubble gum wow. she has i think three kids and still she has time. her boobs are very visible in the clips and yes they are HUGE. videoquality is NOT commodore 64 like. it is very modern quality here and YEAH, videos are not even sandpapered, or the videocamera lense i should say. is there much much job to make these videos done? no just like push camera on record stand,sit right there in front and talk or smile etc. also adjust camera so fans see whole of you including the boobs of course, sometimes so you see the boobs and face nicely. and yeah, she talks, laughs makes noices in all of her videos , no problems here.

please chelsea can you put out some video, also let us see the boobs in decent, modern quality, why cant you put up a clipstore for us fans? also stand in front of camera so we can see the boobs, we fans dont like clips where you hide them, or where you are filmed from behind all the time etc. just show the boobs all time.also could you talk in the videos? thanks for now
(02-22-2014, 10:23 AM)ussername Wrote: surfed at one other huge boobed model´s site yesterday. she puts out almost ten minutes clips several times a week. yesterday she put 2 of those up and promises new clips today.on the first video she blows bubble gum wow. she has i think three kids and still she has time. her boobs are very visible in the clips and yes they are HUGE. videoquality is NOT commodore 64 like. it is very modern quality here and YEAH, videos are not even sandpapered, or the videocamera lense i should say. is there much much job to make these videos done? no just like push camera on record stand,sit right there in front and talk or smile etc. also adjust camera so fans see whole of you including the boobs of course, sometimes so you see the boobs and face nicely. and yeah, she talks, laughs makes noices in all of her videos , no problems here.

please chelsea can you put out some video, also let us see the boobs in decent, modern quality, why cant you put up a clipstore for us fans? also stand in front of camera so we can see the boobs, we fans dont like clips where you hide them, or where you are filmed from behind all the time etc. just show the boobs all time.also could you talk in the videos? thanks for now

[size=x-large][color=#FF0000]But... WHY????? [/color][/size]
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What's all this "we" stuff? I'm pretty sure "we" find ourselves around the quality and appreciate that she's even letting us along for the ride. If "we" didn't then there wouldn't be any members of her site. "We" can say and want a lot of stuff (oral, nether region shots, facials, hardcore, whips, chains, FMG, balloon animals etc...) but the endgame lies with her. The sooner you realize know.
dammit ussername, if I hear one more comment about her 'commodore 64' quality videos and lack of new content or a lot of content, you are gonna not be allowed to post for a while. I know you are not a fan of her video quality or lack of it, there are at times I agree with you but you keep beating a dead horse about it over and over again. so this is your only warning, if you have nothing nice to say, don't say it or you are getting a time out from this site, have a nice day Smile.

[i]"Well gosh, breast men are the best men, you know, *giggles* I love you all."[/i]
[i]"You know your boobs are too big when a guy stands up to let u thru to your seat and despite him leaning back I boobed him back in his seat."[/i]
Chelsea Charms

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Special Agent: Dee
MiB; Division 6, NYC

I don't know that ussername recordings sounds like Edisons "Mary had a little lamb" from 1877 - an indeed very, very old recording and of poor quality.
hey all im considering joining, is it any good? updated regularly? oh ya and is there many videos, ive looked at her gallery on here, do you think the pics on her site would be different ones, or does the gallery here have most of them? thanks,
Sure, join for a while and bring back a report of how often she updates and the quality of updates along with what kind of communication you get from her on her message board. If it's all good, it may entice others to join/rejoin!
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I've got a ton of new Chelsea photos to share but since I can't get the upload function on the gallery working, I'll share a few samples here.
These samples are from the "Newsletter extras". To see the full set, JOIN CHELSEA'S SITE!

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