Christina just recently had a bit of good fortune. Years back (2008) a former webmaster of hers forced her off her OWN website, and kept the money generated by that site for his own use; this is know by normal upstanding folks like us as theft.
Christina had in the past few years set up her current site and took this asshat to court.
She has won, if any of you had any links to her old site which I wont bother to mention because it no longer exists, it will instantaneously send you to her true site if she got any of what has been stolen from her in the way of money I have no idea.
I am very happy for her.
Christina had in the past few years set up her current site and took this asshat to court.
She has won, if any of you had any links to her old site which I wont bother to mention because it no longer exists, it will instantaneously send you to her true site if she got any of what has been stolen from her in the way of money I have no idea.
I am very happy for her.
Are you in a fair fight? If so your tactics suck ass.