02-22-2015, 09:00 PM
To Nitschke66, I figured I should move your question over here on the appropriate thread You asked, "I'd thoroughly love knowing that this 45(lb) report is factual. How do you know this to be true ?"
We know Chelsea blew past 18K and was around 19K per boob way back in early July 2014. It was later reported by her and many fans that had seen her in early July and then again in late August that she was even BIGGER. As most of us know, Chelsea traditionally 'let's them grow' for a big Vegas splash every summer. It appears that was the case again this year. So if she was at 41-43 pounds each in July, it's easy to figure that she was 43-46 pounds in each boob six to seven weeks later. It might even be higher, but I'll play it conservatively. She's reported hundreds of times over the years that they grow 100-300 cc per day depending on her activity.
We know Chelsea blew past 18K and was around 19K per boob way back in early July 2014. It was later reported by her and many fans that had seen her in early July and then again in late August that she was even BIGGER. As most of us know, Chelsea traditionally 'let's them grow' for a big Vegas splash every summer. It appears that was the case again this year. So if she was at 41-43 pounds each in July, it's easy to figure that she was 43-46 pounds in each boob six to seven weeks later. It might even be higher, but I'll play it conservatively. She's reported hundreds of times over the years that they grow 100-300 cc per day depending on her activity.