02-17-2016, 02:42 PM
Looks like this thread died awhile back but for my 2 cents worth i dated jeanetta joy for about a year but the trips between sd and missouri were a challenge. She moved to florida for a short period and she wanted to move to texas close to her mom so i offered to help. We were driving thru new orleans at 4.00 in the morn to avoud traffic and ran out of gas literally in the middle of nowhere and noone but alligators. Thank god for AAA lol. I met chelsea 6 mos ago for a couple hours of the biggest boobs in my face hands etc. Epic time but she wouldnt let me take a pic or give her a kiss...everything else tho. Now im with the hottest girl in the world and were having a baby! Her stage name is deseriee vega at score....end of story.