"Day 46: Still unable to see my doctor, but I REALLY need a drain....like yesterday. It's difficult to practice social distancing when Itsy & Bitsy take up all of the six feet between me and the nearest person. The oversized shirts I wear when I want to dress down have become taut and nearly sheer. I've had to cut several others the entire length of my cleavage just to be able to get into them, and at this rate I'll have to resort to wearing tied up sheets. I rested my boobs on a table for a video like I do sometimes and it broke, it broke! Late last year I saw a video of an implant that was overfilled to 50,000 ccs.....not so far fetched now. Well I'll keep you all cupdated."
(Not really a quote by her but by May maybe.)
(Not really a quote by her but by May maybe.)