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Our Love Affair with Magazines, Strippers, etc.
2013 Chelsea Charms
Chelsea Charms – Jan. 31 – Feb. 2, 2013 - Déjà Vu, Ypsilanti, MI
The weather's changed and all the lines are down, the things we do for love!
So... why am I writing in this journal when I'm scheduled to be driving to Ypsilanti?

The forecast said 30% chance of snow. Ha! By 8pm, we had an inch or two so I cleaned off my walk and car before I changed into my strip club duds (I spent $120 on a new shirt and pants yesterday). By 8:55, everything was covered again. A bad feeling was creeping up on me. I finally got rolling but could hardly see through the falling snow. After about a half a mile I said to myself, "Self, this is fucking insane!" I turned around and returned home. I may be a fan but I'm not a fanatic (I know, I know, they're the same word). Ypsi is about 55mi and an hour and a half away so, for once, I let the big head decide my future. CC will be there the next two nights not to mention next week in Lansing.

In a way, this may turn out better. I aim for Thursdays because I believe that it won't be as crowded. Deja Vu Saginaw was about 2/3 full which I found to be just about right. You do need a decent crowd to raise the excitement level and to motivate the dancers. I just don't want it so packed that I can't get near the stage (or Chelsea). At any rate, I called the joint last night to confirm the engagement and to get show times. At Saginaw, she danced at 10pm and 2am. In Ypsi her schedule is: Thursday 2 shows after 11pm (probably midnight and 2am), Friday 3 shows after 11pm, Saturday 3 shows after 11pm. Friday, I'll try again and aim for a 10pm arrival just in case. I should get to see three shows. The lady I talked to suggested that they would be at 12am, 1am & 2am. Seems quite hurried to me. My only concern is that there be enough time for my lap dance.

Okie Dokie, here we go with stage two, the Deja Vu, Ypsilanti encouinter!
I head out for Ypsilanti at 8:43pm. The roads are clear and dry and I make great time until I missed the bend in Michigan Ave. near Ypsi and spend the next half hour lost. The street signs are all but invisible but I finally find the old theatre (by its old style marquee) at 9:43pm. I'm still there in plenty of time for shows that aren't supposed to start until after 11pm.
After parking in a nearby public lot, I stop in the 14° cold to take two photos of the Deja Vu marquee that boasts: "CHELSEA CHARMS - BIGGEST BREASTS - IN THE WORLD 181XXX - JAN 31 FEB 1-2".
Inside, I show my free passes (from the Saginaw branch) to the guy taking the cover and say, "I don't suppose these are any good." He agreed claiming "special feature". Well, the features don't come more special than Chelsea Charms so I gladly forked over the $20 (up $5 from Saginaw). He then fitted me with a shocking pink, hospital like wristband that was "Good for the night, you can come and go."
Passing through the "Love Boutique", a rather large sex shop with lots of toys, etc., I walked down a seemingly endless hallway to the club entrance where a doorman greeted me and showed me to a seat at the stage. I ordered a ginger ale (free) and tipped the waitress $5 and settled in for the ordeal until Chelsea made her appearance.
The building was old and the club was cheesy. The stage stood back from the rail that ringed it by a good three feet. The performer had to step down (maybe 10") from the stage, cross the gap then still had the 2' of table to deal with. A poor set-up.
As I guessed, the girls were a notch above those in Saginaw but still nothing to brag about. There was not one of the bunch that I would give a second look at if I saw her on the street. Since I was sitting at the stage I was more or less obligated to give each dancer a buck when she came begging at the start of her second song. Perhaps I should rethink this camping at the stage strategy and instead sit close by and move up when the feature comes on.
After an eternity of bad women and worse music, Chelsea took the stage about 11:15. Now billed as 181XXX, she looked great and even bigger than she was in Saginaw at a mere 153XXX. I didn't do the math then but in the light of a new dawn it figures that she is now claiming to be 71.26" or 5' 11" expanded from 60.24in or 5'¼'' I'm simply not buying that she is 11inches bigger in the 57 days it's been since I last saw her. Doesn't matter, she's still luscious!
First show: Dressed in a white (with red polkadots) sunsuit outfit, she danced for a minute or so to a recent version of “My Boy Lollypop.” Off came the top exposing a black halter. She then did her first round of motorboats, etc. Before Chelsea hit the stage there were only about 25 people in the club. When she began her act there were suddenly about 40 people there (many more had joined me at the rail) but still the place was only half full. After crossing the gap, Chelsea would raise one knee then the other and kneel on the table, very degrading not to mention murder on the knees (hard Formica table) and an outrageous amount of energy expended, pain endured and (in my opinion) shame swallowed for the singles they were giving her. I spent a five for my first contact...heavenly. She then held her cleavage open for me to insert the bill. Back on stage, she removed the skirt, quickly followed by her panties. Examining her entire body for a change, I noticed for the first time how much larger her legs are now than they were 14 years ago, much sturdier to support the rigors of hauling that glorious payload. However, she was moving too fast for me to have a chance to actually study the rarely seen Neverland between those legs. Now nude save for the famous gold chain, she was joined by the barker who handed her a fiver and laid down for the "floor massage). He then asked the crowd to pull out their fives and hop on stage with the dreamboat. Amazingly, I was the only taker. I made a fool of myself tripping on the way to the stage but finally made it. I laid down on my back and was nearly smothered...what a way to go! I failed at the "Win a poster!" yelling contest. and that was that.
After the requisite 15min wait, Chelsea reappeared with her stash and set up shop in the rear corner of the club. I only saw two guys get pics and  then a very big guy talking to her. After five minutes or so, I could see that this was going to continue for a while so I approached and asked for a Polaroid. They were now $20 (up from the $10 at Saginaw). After reminding her of Saginaw she said that she remembered me. I decided to just get one Polaroid and thought I'd go for broke and ask for t a specific pose (Me standing behind CC, both facing left, 45degree angle. Both hands full of breast!). She really didn't remember me, why should she, because she directed me toward the chair for the standard first pic shot of man in chair with Chelsea above, tits on/around head. I said I had already done that and asked for the pose that I wanted. She didn't flinch at all and succumbed to my charm. We took the pic and it turned out well though I forgot about the 45° angle. I then looked at her magazines while asking if we could talk. She said yes and I was thrilled. She only had three magazines this time (I was expecting to buy 7 or 8) and I bought them all. Buxotica, Score Special #59 / Score, June 2000 / Hustler's Best of Busty Beauties, Vol. 15. Another guy wanted a pic so I sat with the big guy and we talked boobs for 20min or so. Chelsea was busy again for a while. I'd turn every so often to check if she was free. Then I turned and she was gone. I was a bit pissed but realized with everything going on, she just forgot and didn't notice me sitting nearby with my back to her.
Second show: Back at the stage, I awaited act #2. At about 12:50am, they started saying that Chelsea would be back within the half hour and she reappeared at about 1:15am.  This time she wore the same silver top that she was wearing in the Kamasutra Strip video. It was covered by a gold-tinted brown cape with matching skirt and cap. She danced a while then stripped down to shorts and began a short round of mashing. I was able to get another pounding before she started her "cleavage cup" game. This time the game was played with ones (fives at Saginaw, go figure) and I tried four times and never came close, I was way short every time. I know, a dollar doesn't go as far...
She had absolutely no business taking place back in her corner so I tried again. This time she had the Score, March 2000 issue displayed so I grabbed it. She said, "Didn't you get one of these last time." (she did remember!) As she signed it I told her that it was a backup. I then looked through her DVDs and found the new Chelsea Charms New Zealand. I was very surprised when she told me that it was $20. She sells them online for $40. I then broached the "lap dance challenge".
Back in my seat, I resisted the temptation to keep peeking back in her corner. After ten minutes or so I looked...she was gone! Packed up and gone. I was crushed. Am I such a troll that she'd turn down $150? After about five minutes she reappeared. She posed for a few pictures with staff then looked my way and gave me the "come on" wave. I grabbed my jacket and goodie packet and headed toward adventure. I had wondered where the VIP Lounge with the private rooms was and now realized what that long hallway was all about. The VIP took up all that space (the boutique, VIP, then the club itself added up to the length of the small movie theatre that once was in operation here. There was a surprising amount of activity going on or so I sort of noticed in my periphery since I really only had eyes for the magnificent huge breasted Goddess who was leading me by the hand. We arrived at an upholstered booth about five feet wide. It was seven or eight feet to the back wall with a bench seat running the width of the back. No door or curtain!
I asked her what was I supposed to do. She said to just sit back and relax and she'd take care of everything...hands at my side, legs spread. I certainly did not like that hands at my side order! She had me confirm that I wanted 3 songs then started. Basically, the dance had two components. She rubbed, poked, mashed and massaged those golden globes into my stomach, chest and up into the bottom of my face. Then she would back off and briefly run through some of her sexiest poses before returning to contact. As wonderful as the touching was, it was just ungodly seeing those monsters posed only a foot away but also maddening not being able to grab them. At one point I asked, almost begged, to touch her with my hands. She turned and indicated the glowing red eye high above us and said the camera would catch it. I said, "We're being watched?" She nodded. I told her that I wanted a copy of the tape.
After about a song and a half, I asked where we stood. She surprised me by saying that we were just finishing the first. Earlier I had used a stop watch and the dancers songs averaged only about 2'40''. 2'40'' x 3 = 8min or $1125/hr...ouch! Sitting here composing this report the day after, I just now realize that there was no filler music, announcements, etc. in the VIP so they must have had the own set of longer, more appropriate, songs. After what was somewhere between 12 and 15 minutes, Chelsea stood up and with a sweet smile gave me the bad news, it was over. I handed her a hundred and a fifty. "I know that they get a cut of this but this is just for you" and gave her $30 more as a tip. She thanked me and gave me a big goodbye hug. I told her that I was never washing the shirt I had on.  As I was walking out I bumped into a bench and almost tripped again. A girl said that everyone hits that thing. Halfway turned, I saw Chelsea leading this really creepy guy back to the booth. Such is life!
I forsook the last act...I didn't see the night getting any better. An expensive night, $329 at Deja Vu. Was it worth it? I can't say it wasn't because I have some swag and a fantastic memory but...$329, Damn!

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RE: Our Love Affair with Magazines, Strippers, etc. - by titzling319 - 05-26-2020, 12:31 PM

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