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StackeDDD - Adam Plantz
“Ready?” I asked, already knowing the answer. She just lay there and didnt say a word. I started to push down on the plunger, almost instantly Vanilla began to moan softly. Then as I pushed more her moans grew louder. I could actually see the skin on her left breast shift and tighten as it adjusted to the new volume being forced into it. I couldnt take it anymore, this was by far the most erotic experience in my life. I let out a load groan and came in my pants.

“I cant believe you lasted that long.” Vanilla said about the stain that was growing in my pants. She then closed her eyes, arched her back and moaned louder. “Im going to cum too!” she exclaimed. She then let out a muffled scream as she was desperately trying not to make noise. Just as her orgasm was subsiding I pushed the last few drops of saline into her left implant.

I proceeding to refill the syringe and pump in the second load of saline. Each breast now had 1800cc of saline. “Ok sit up, I want to see how they look on you.” I said. She tried to sit up and stopped, she then moved her arms under her back to help herself up.

“Damn these are really heavy.” When she finally got upright she looked down at herself. “God damn these are hot!” She exclaimed. She was right, they looked amazing on her tiny frame, like two big balls stuffed inside her. She started rubbing them, squeezing them and lifting them. “Here feel them.” She grabbed my hand and put it on her right tit, I instantly started to get hard again. “And to think, weve only added a quarter of what Im getting today! Come on lets pump me up some more.”

I had got idea and looked around the counter and saw another syringe. “You want the real experience of blowing up?” I asked.

“Yeah, what you do have in mind?”

I picked up the second syringe off the counter and held one in each hand. “Simple, lets inflate them both at the same time.” She gave me a wicked grin and lay back down on the table. I filled up both syringes and placed them in the filling tubes. I handed one to Vanilla and I kept the other one. “Ready? On 3 - 1, 2, 3.”

We both pushed on the plungers at the same time, I pushed twice as fast as last time and it was no surprise that Vanilla was keeping pace with me. We both looked down at her inflating chest and saw it swelling up. Within a matter of seconds we had both pumped in 200cc each and it was time to refill to the syringes. I refilled them quickly, reattached them and we both pumped again.

Vanilla was moaning as she was pumping, she was forcing herself to keep her eyes open. She was fighting the urge to close her eyes and enjoy the feeling because she wanted to see her tits growing. “God did you see that?” She asked? “My skin just…popped? There, again, it happened again!” As she continued to grow bigger and bigger the skin around the implants not only had to stretch but the pocket under the skin had to widen. When that happened it seemed to happen in bursts, the pressure would build against the skin until the skin finally gave way and lifted up, creating a bigger cavity for the implant. I looked at the side of her breasts and noticed how the skin was now showing the rippling of the implants as they enlarged with the saline.

Again we both finished within seconds of each other. “More!” Vanilla simply stated to me. I quickly refilled the syringes and we were both pumping her again within seconds. I couldnt take my eyes of her tits, watching her skin being pulled and ‘popping and finally now, after more than 800cc had been pumped into each implant, her skin was starting to get extremely tight and very shiny, almost glassy looking. As we neared 1000cc I started to notice more and more veins becoming visible under her thin overstretched skin.

“Oh my God Adam! Fuck this feels good! Look at them!” It was hard not to stare at them, the only thing that made me stop was knowing I had to refill the syringes so I could make her bigger still. I took the syringes out and walked back over to the bottle of saline.

“Damn, its empty.” In my haste and excitement I never realized that when I filled them the last time I had actually used the last of the saline in the bottle. I looked around the room to try and find another one.

“Come on Adam hurry, Im almost ready to cum again.” Vanilla tried to hasten me.

“Im looking, Im looking, but I dont see another one anywhere. Let me try in the cupboards.” I opened the cupboards over the counter and look diligently for five minutes. “Damn, nothing! Shit, well just have to wait for him to come back in.”

“Who? Oh yeah, haha, I actually forgot about the Doctor.” Vanilla said laughing.

I turned back around to look at her and was stunned. “Oh my God! Are you ok Vanilla? Look at you tits!” In the few minutes I had been looking for more saline Vanillas tits had turned bright red. Clearly her skin was over stressed from the amount of saline we had pumped into them, they looked positively painful.

“Oh God!” she said as she looked down at them. “I never thought it would be this much stress on them.”

Just then the door opened and Dr. Normass walked back in. “Sorry about that, I had to persuade a client to go even bigger.….Holy shit!” He stopped dead in his tracks when he noticed Vanillas swollen tits. “What the fuck have you two been doing? Never mind, dumb question, I know what you did!” He sighed heavily. “How much did you put in?”

“Only 1000cc each doc.” Vanilla said. Both of us then sat there silently as he walked over to her and inspected her strained breasts. He examined them carefully, but his exam also looked like it was bordering on groping and the bulge in his very loose pants was very obvious.

“Ok youre done for the day, they wont handle anymore, in fact you actually overdid it, I would have stopped about 200cc less. Its a damn good thing I keep the saline under lock a key in another room or the two of you would have burst these gorgeous implants…I mean…you look gorgeous…I mean…ah screw it. Ill be right back with some paperwork.” He left the room in a flustered fit.

Vanilla adjusted herself on the bed trying to sit in a more up right position. Her now massive tits seemed stuck to her ribcage, hard and pert. She struggled to move under her bodys new found mass and I had to help her with a hand on her shoulder. I couldnt help but stare at her boobs as she moved. They stayed immobile on her body. The sides of her tits showing the rippling of her skin from the sheer mass of the implant and her breast tissue stretched taught.

“Lock and key?” Vanilla asked. “Its like he doesnt trust us.” She laughed out loud briefly then her face grimaced again. “Im in quite a bit of pain actually, I think Id better take the night off from dancing to recover.” Then a look came across her face, a look I knew very well. “But that doesnt mean I want you to take the night off, Id love to take these for a test drive.”

Chapter 8

I dropped Vanilla off at her place and went back to the club, it was still early and I had way too much work to do, I promised Vanilla Id come by after closing and spend the night ‘testing her knew implants.

I was in my office working on my bar orders when I heard a knock at the door. “Come on in!”

The door opened and in walked Ebony. My cock started to stiffen as she was wearing a lime green string bikini that was clearly too tight because it was digging deep into her tits. The strings were pulled so tight they looked like they were going to snap at any moment and her 3/4" long nipples looked like they were about to tear through the thin green fabric of the triangular cups.

“Hi Adam, can I talk to you for a moment?”

‘Ya sure whats up?”

“I wanted to thank you for all you help and support over the last couple of months, its meant so much to me.”

“Oh please, think nothing of it. For a shy girl youve really proven yourself here. Id say youre the best performer we have.”

“Really?” She gave a little giggle. “Thanks, I actually wanted to talk to you about that…I mean about my performances, well actually, about lap dancing…I think Im ready to start giving lap dances now.”

“Thats great! I think youre ready too, you definitely got the moves and the body.”

“Well see, Im not that sure about my moves, I was hoping that maybe…well…maybe I could do a dance for you so you could tell me if Im ready or not.” She seemed so awkward asking me.

I actually got a lump in my throat. “Ya, sure lets see what you got. You want some music?”

“No I can do it without music.” She replied. She walked around my desk and turned my chair to face her. She then began to move her hips rhythmically from side to side as she put her hands up behind her head. She slowly leaned forward to give me a view of her 8 inches of cleavage. She leaned back again, arched her back and her bikini suddenly snapped! Both of the sides gave way at the same instant, there was so much elastic force built up that the triangular cups flew up and actually hit her in the face.

“Oh my God, Im so sorry!” She started to apologize.

“What? Why are you sorry, do you not know how hot that was? That was amazing!” I exclaimed. I damned near shot my load in my pants when it happened. I looked at Ebonys naked tits in front of me, it amazed me that Ebonys tits were still obviously so much larger than Vanillas despite Vanilla having just pumped in 1000cc.

“You think so?” she asked sheepishly. She looked down and saw the throbbing bulge in my pants. “Oh…” she paused for a minute, not sure what to do. “I guess you did like it.”

“Id love it if you continued Ebony.” I said in a supportive tone.

She hesitated and thought a moment. “Ok I hope you enjoy this.” Then it was like somebody flicked a light switch, her dance was sexy before but now she was acting like a crazed nymphomaniac. She was moving faster, whipping her head around, and then she straddled me in the chair and began to grind on me as she shoved her tits in my face. She got up, turned around and sat right down in my lap, she then began to grind her booty on my throbbing cock.

Then she did something that completely surprised me, she reached down and began to stroke my cock outside my pants. Needless to say I didnt stop her. She got up and turned around again to face me, she then got on her knees and dropped her tits in my lap. She began to massage her tits into my crotch.

“Fuck youre hot.” I said almost panting.

“You aint seen nothing yet.” She replied. She leaned forward and then using her teeth unzipped my pants. She quickly undid the top button and then grabbed my pants and quickly and forcefully pulled them off me. She could now see my cock standing at attention, she then leaned in again and wrapped her massive tits around it and began massaging them up and down on my shaft. I lost sight of the head as her tits completely engulfed my cock. I had never in my life tit fucked tits this large, I was in heaven!

Finally after a few minutes of having her massive orbs rubbed on me,I came with a loud moan and a huge stream of cum shot out of her tits. She was shocked at first but then quickly relaxed and enjoy the cum shower I was giving her. She leaned back and began to rub all the cum into her tits. Despite the fact that it was a lot of cum it was all absorbed by her large tits before she had even spread it around half of them. God there was just so much surface area.

“Did you like that?” She asked. I had a hard time telling whether or not she was asking it in a sexy-rhetorical way or if she genuinely was not sure if I enjoyed it or not.

“Oh ya, that was just … unbelievable! I mean … I dont even know how to describe to you how good it was.”

A sexy smile came across her face. “Mmmm good. I know that wasnt a proper lap dance, I just really wanted to thank you for all your help and support youve given me the last couple of months. Youve been so great and so nice to me.”

“Youre very welcome.” I replied. “Youve probably made a lot of guys happy doing that.”

“What makes you say that?” She asked sounding a little offended.

“Nothing, I was just joking around, a little light humor.” Damn I didnt want to offend her. “I just meant that whoever youve done that for before would have loved it, youre so good at it.”

“Well Ive never done that before.”

“Well maybe not that exact dance or moves but…”

She cut me off, “No, I mean Ive never done that before.” She looked down a moment and then back into my eyes. “Can I tell you a secret? I mean you have to promise not to tell any of the other girls or anyone else you know.”

“Sure, okay, what is it?”

“Well, Im technically still a virgin.” She said in a quiet tone.

“Really?” I said in a very surprised tone. I saw that she was a little embarrassed by my surprise, I wanted to be supportive so I changed my tone. “I mean, I would have thought that at your age and being girl who looks like you do…” Then I thought about what she said. “What do you mean, ‘technically a virgin?”

“Well I was with this guy two years ago, we were making out and feeling each others bodies. Then we both started to get undressed, as soon as I took of my shirt and he saw my breasts in my bra he acted all weird. He stopped for a second, then I saw him shudder and then he got all flustered and said he had to leave. He just got up and left and he never talked to me again after that. So you see, I was about to lose my virginity but I ended repulsing the guy so much that he ran out on me.”

This was so sad, for anyone else that situation would have been funny, a teenage boy losing control the instant he sees a real girl starting to get naked. But clearly Ebony didnt realize thats what happened and as a result she thought the boy thought she was ugly, when in fact the opposite was true. This clearly was one of the key moments in her life that made her think her outrageous body was unattractive.

“You know I dont think that boy was turned off by you, I think it was the other way around.” I said trying to reassure her.

“Hows that? He saw me, his body shook just like somebody who saw something disgusting and then he just got up and left. Whats to misinterpret?”

“Well, take it from a guy whose had more than his fair share of incidents like that, he didnt shake because he was disgusted by you, his body shook because he came in his pants just from the sight of your breasts. Then he left in a hurry because he was embarrassed and didnt want you to see the stain in his pants. He didnt want his friends to find out he couldnt hold his load.”

She processed what I said for a moment. “Oh my God, I cant believe it, youre right, it makes sense. All this time I thought he was turned off by me and by my body.”

“And youve never been with anyone else? No one else has ever asked you out?”

“Well lots of guys look at me, say things to me, but very few ever really talk to me. And only two other guys have ever asked me out, but I refused to go out with them because I thought the same thing would happen again as soon as they saw me naked.”

A soft look came over her face. “In fact youre the nicest man Ive ever known. You always want to chat, you always seem interested in what I have to say and you always tell me how sexy I look.” She leaned forward and pressed her lips against mine. She caught me completely off guard but after a moment I pressed back against her and we shared a long passionate kiss.

We continued to kiss and then I stood up and slowly moved us both over to my couch. I laid her down on her back and got on top of her. We continued to kiss and then our hands started to get busy. She started running her hands over my shirt and slowly undid the buttons and took it off.

I was running my hands over the most magnificent tits I had ever touched in my life! They werent the biggest I had touched -that honor was held by Chelsea Charms - but their size, shape and firmness made them by far the sexiest! I started to suck one of her nipples and instantly her back arched and she moaned loudly. “My nipples are really sensitive,” she said, “suck them and Ill cum for you baby. In fact, if you suck hard enough youll get another surprise.”

I continued to suck on her long thick nipples as she now was stroking my cock up and down with one hand and massaging my balls with the other. I continued to suck and then a got a sweet taste in my mouth. I stopped for a second and looked at her tits, I could see milk dribbling out of her left nipple. I dove back in and began to suck harder than before. Warm delicious milk began to gush into my mouth and I drank it down quickly. After a couple of minutes the milk stopped so I moved over to her right breast and began sucking hard. After a moment milk began to flow from it and I drank it all down too. Just as I was finishing my tasty treat Ebony began to shake and then with a loud scream she yelled out “Im cumming!” I couldnt hold myself back anymore and I came at the same moment covering her belly and tits with hot sticky cum.

We both collapsed and then just rested a movement. I finally got up and helped her sit up on the couch. “Wow! Wow! I mean…wow!” I was at a loss for words.

“God I never knew it could be so good with a man.” She said.

“Oh ya, and that wasnt even sex.” I replied. “Just wait it gets better.” I paused a moment. “So I have to ask you…how come youre lactating? Do you have a kid?”

“Oh that, well according to my doctor its because I play with my tits so much. Im constantly rubbing, pinching and sucking my tits and nipples so my doctor says that my body thinks that a baby is trying to nurse. So even though Ive never been pregnant my body has started to produce a small amount of milk.”

“Amazing, Ive never heard of that before. Just when I thought you couldnt possibly get any sexier.” I winked at her and she gave me a big smile. I was feeling a truly deep connection with her, a connection that I hadnt felt with a woman in a long time. I know it was more than just her body because at this moment, for the first time since I knew her I wasnt lusting after her, I was longing to just spend time with her.

“Say, do you want to maybe come back to my place after work tonight? We can maybe get to know each other better.” I gave her another wink.

She smiled and replied, “Yeah, Id really like that.” She looked at her watch, “Im late, I got a floor show in 5 minutes and I have to find a new top to wear. Ill see you later, I cant wait for tonight.” She leaned over and kissed me again and then hurried out of my office.

Five minutes later I was down in the club at my personal table which was right next to the stage, I couldnt stop thinking about Ebony as I sat patiently and waited for her show to start. The DJ came over the loud speaker and announced Ebony, the music started and she walked out from behind the curtain. Something was different about the way she was walking now, she seamed to have more confidence, more attitude. Usually she didnt relax until she was into her routine but this time she was hot, sexy and confident right away.

She was wearing a white stretchy t-shirt that couldnt even cover the bottom of her breasts and it was pulled so tight across her chest that it actually mashed her firm breasts about 8 inches out to the side of her chest, she couldnt put her arms down straight at her sides. I looked closer at her shirt and noticed that just below each nipple was a small wet stain. She looked around the stage as she always did, trying to make eye contact with the guys who were lined up their with all their Dollar bills. As she continued to look her eyes finally came to rest on mine. She stopped in her tracks as she seemed to be caught off guard a little and then a look of joy came over her face as she smiled and then gave me a flirty little wave.

From that point on anytime she was facing my side of the stage her eyes were locked onto mine, it was as if she was dancing just for me. I was transfixed on her as well, I had seen hundreds of performances by the bustiest women in the world but never had I been as focused as I was right now. It was almost like I was high, the performance became a blur, I didnt even notice when her shirt came off but I sure as hell noticed the tiny trickles of milk running down her ebony colored tits onto her flat stomach. Then I saw her walk off stage and disappear behind the curtain as the music ended. I felt myself waiting for the next moment I was going to see her again.

I was jolted out of my trance by my cell phone vibrating. I pulled it out of my pocket and saw that I had a text message.

Can wait to try out my tits tonight


“Shit!” I said out loud. “I forgot about Vanilla!” For a moment I panicked as I didnt know what I should do. I remembered what Vanillas tits looked like and what it was like to pump her tits up with saline giving us both the ultimate BE fantasy. Then I thought about Ebony and the experience we just had a few minutes ago in my office and the connection I felt with her when she was on stage. I looked up and saw Ebony coming out of the back room, she saw me still sitting at my table and practically ran over to me. Before shed even taken one step towards me I know what my choice was going to be.

Chapter 9

The next day I dreaded having to face Vanilla, I had given her a lame excuse the night before about not feeling well and wanting to go to my own place and try to sleep it off. She was disappointed but decided not to make a big stink about it.

I clearly had made the right choice to take Ebony home with me, we not only had sex, we made love. We connected on a level I never even thought possible, not just on a sexual level but on a deep emotional level as well. We both had felt like outcasts in our teens, we both never felt confident in ourselves and we seemed to compliment each other in every other way. If I could say she was lacking anything (and thats a big if) it would be that she didnt have any interest in BE at all, as far as she was concerned her breasts were big enough and the idea of them getting bigger seemed ridiculous to her, but that was a small price to pay for everything else she offered. We stayed up till 6:30am talking and making out, we acted like a couple of love sick teenagers, it was an evening that neither of us wanted to ever end.

Today I had to tell Vanilla that I needed to put our little “fling” on hold. Having a casual relationship with more than one woman is one thing but even after one night I knew what Ebony and I had was nothing close to casual, so I thought it appropriate to put the brakes on me and Vanilla at least until I realized if Ebony and I could have something serious. I didnt think Vanilla would really mind since we werent serious in any way but I knew her well enough that she make take it as a shot to her ego.

I was in my office as usual when Vanilla quickly came walking in without even knocking. “Hey tit man, you feeling better today?” She asked as she walked towards me wearing a spaghetti string top that dug deep into her shoulders. Her rock hard tits were bulging so far out of the top that her nipples werent even covered up, her top was acting more like a shelf bra. I had forgotten just how big she was now, Jesus her tits were huge! She was still smaller than Ebony but huge none the less. She didnt even wait for me to respond as she walked around my desk and turned my chair towards her, she reached down to unzip my pants, it took every ounce of strength I had to resist reaching out and touching those magnificent shiny overstretched globes. When my hand reached out to stop her she was shocked. “Whats up?” She asked confused. “Still sick?”

“We need to talk.” I said with a lump in my throat and in my pants.

“Talk? This sounds serious.” She said as she backed away.

“We need to take a break from … having fun.” I couldnt believe these words were coming out of my mouth. Her face changed to one of shock as I continued. “Dont get me wrong you are truly awesome, its just that … well … I kinda met someone else.”

I couldnt tell if she was shocked, angry or both. “Someone else? Someone else? Who else could there be? I got the biggest implants here which I know you love, in fact there is only person here who is bigger than me and thats Ebony.” She chuckled at the thought. “I know it cant be her!” She scoffed.

I was trying to think of what to say next, clearly I had hurt her ego which is what I thought might happen. I was thinking of simply coming clean and telling her that I was indeed leaving her for Ebony.

Then my door opened and a voice came through. “Hey lover!” I heard Ebonys voice before I even saw her, apparently no one felt like knocking on my damn door today. I turned to see her smiling face appear as the door swung open. Her smile quickly faded as she saw Vanilla standing over me at my desk.

We all stood silent for a moment then Vanilla spoke up. “It is her isnt it? Youre leaving me for an awkward, inexperienced, teenaged virgin who doesnt even like her own tits? Are you shitting me? Im willing to blow my tits up bigger and bigger and let you revel in your ultimate fantasy but youd rather have the girl who only a few months ago wanted a fucking breast REDUCTION!”

Ebony instantly went on the offensive which was something I had never seen her do before. “I have news for you bitch, not only am I experienced, not only am I not a virgin, but I LOVE my big juicy, round, milk filled tits!” She walked over to Vanilla and got right in her face, her tits were pressed against Vanillas hard saline sacks so hard that Ebonys tits actually wrapped themselves around Vanillas. She lowered her voice and she continued in a slow deliberate tone. “And I dont know if youve noticed…” she looked down at her tits which had almost completed swallowed up Vanillas, “but despite all your surgeries Im STILL BIGGER BITCH!”

Vanilla turned to me. “I should have known, youre all about the tits. I should have known youd drop me if you ever got a chance to be with someone even bigger than me.” She shook her head. “Im fucking huge and yet youre still pushing me to the side for a few more cup sizes.”

“Im sorry Vanilla, but its more complicated than that but …”

“But nothing, save your breath.” Vanilla said as she stormed out of my office.

I stood there for a moment after she left then I turned back to look at Ebony. She had a look in her eye that I had never seen before, confidence. “Ebony, wow I didnt know you had it in you.”

She took a deep breath making her massive bosoms heave. “Ya me neither … and I have you to thank for it.”

“Me? How so?”

“Youve given me the confidence in myself and my body that I never ever thought possible. For the first time in my life I really do love my body.” She smiled at me and I could see a hint of a tear starting to well up in her eye. “Thank you Adam.” She wrapped her arms around me and gave me a deep kiss.

Chapter 10

Ebony and I were now dating exclusively. It had been two months since we spent our first night together and our relationship was still getting stronger everyday. I rented a luxury apartment for her, not that she used it much since she spent almost every night over at my house. I was also spoiling her rotten in every other way, I bought her a brand new Mercedes 500SL coupe, a ton of jewelry and a fur coat. The other girls in the club started to become very jealous of her but Ebony didnt seem to care, she had a new found confidence in herself that she never had before and it made her sexier than ever.

It had also been two months since my ugly “break up” with Vanilla. We were barely speaking and if we ever did it was always work related, whatever friendship we had was gone. At first I thought she was just mad at me for ditching her for someone else, I thought it was just her ego that was bruised but as the weeks passed by it seemed that she may have been genuinely hurt. Perhaps she felt more deeply for me than I thought, perhaps she thought our relationship was deeper than a simple “booty call.” I tried on numerous occasions to apologize but she always refused to talk about it. Then when she heard that I rented a place for Ebony and that we were now officially a couple she went off the deep end. She started drinking heavily every night and always seemed so utterly depressed.

It was 3 oclock in the afternoon when Ebony and I were sitting at the bar talking as we often did when the club was slow between the lunch rush and the after work crowd. I was telling her the details about a little trip I had planned for the two of us on the weekend. I was in the middle of a sentence when Ebony cut me off, “Oh my god look, look, look!” She was pointing behind me towards the front door.

I turned around to see what she was talking about. Vanilla had just walked in the front door and her tits were enormous! She was wearing an old red tank top that she had frequently worn before. The top had always fit her perfectly before, it had been a sexy tight top that showed about 6 inches of cleavage. Now the top was way too small, not only was there at least a good 12 inches of cleavage, the top was pulled so far up her body by the mass of her tits that her tits were hanging out the bottom of it, actually ‘projecting out of the bottom would be better term as her tits were so rigid that there was absolutely no ‘hang to them what so ever. Her tits were swollen and discolored, parts of them were a deep red and some other parts almost looked purple. Her skin was so tight and shiny that the lights of the club were reflecting off them almost like a disco ball.

She was clearly way bigger than Ebony now, at least 30 or 40 percent bigger. My mind was going crazy trying to calculate how much saline Dr. Normass must have just pumped into her tits today to go up so dramatically in size. I was dumbfounded as I thought how it was even possible to get such a huge increase in one day, but as she walked closer and closer it became more obvious how much her tits were truly strained, that she had indeed pushed them too far.

I could see her struggling to keep her balance as she walked, clearly the sudden increase in weight on her chest was throwing off her sense of equilibrium. With every step she took the bottom of her tight tank top rode up more and more on her chest exposing her overstretched nipples and areolas. Finally as she was about 10 feet away her shirt finally passed the largest part of her girth and the elastic in the shit caused it to pop up and completely expose her monumental breasts.

I felt a shiver as I sat there speechless and looked at them, they projected out from her body in every direction, they projected out, they projected down, they even projected up from the point where the implant met her ribs. They also projected off the side of her ribs by at least 6 inches, her upper arms were actually hidden by their massive girth. Now that she was closer I could see even more evidence of the intense strain her skin was under as I saw countless painful looking stretch marks and numerous veins which were visible under her very thin looking skin, clearly being pushed out by the enormous volume of saline inside.

She stopped about two feet from us and stared at Ebony. All three of us knew why she was now standing here naked, continuing to stare. You could have cut the tension with a knife. I decided to try and add a little levity to the situation. “So how much is Dr. Normass going to charge me for this?” I said jokingly.

She ignored my question and looked right at Ebony. “Hmmm, looks like Im bigger now.” She said looking up and down at Ebonys body. Then she quickly turned and walked towards the dressing room.

“Oh my God she a fucking freak now!” Ebony quipped. I didnt reply as I sat there and watched Vanilla walk away, her breasts visible from behind as she walked into the dressing room. “Hellooo!!” Ebony said as she started waving her hand in front of my face. I finally snapped out of my trance.

“What were we talking about?” I asked innocently.

She chuckled lightly. “She was right, you really are all about the tits arent you.” She said as she smiled at me. “Well why dont we go and take care of that.” She leaned over and pressed her chest into my arm, as she did she reached down to my crotch and started to rub it but only for a second before she stopped. “Whats this? Your pants feel wet.”

“Oh shit!” I said to myself. I never even noticed that when I was staring at Vanilla I had actually cum in my pants. “Ahh….that….ahhhh….its sweat, its just so damn hot in here. I better go clean up and take a shower, freshen myself up for you.” Ebony was a smart girl and she was certainly getting more and more experienced when it came to sexual things but in many ways she was still a very naive teenager.

“Ok baby, Ill come up to your office in a little while for a ‘visit.” She kissed me on the cheek.

I took a quick shower in the dancers shower and cleaned myself up. I went back to my office to try and clear my mind. I sat down and checked my email. I started going through the new messages and I noticed one from someone I never thought Id get an email from, Vanilla. I noticed it had an attachment. I nervously opened it thinking it might have a computer destroying virus.

I know you wanted to be there so here is the next best thing.

I looked at the attachment, it was a file called “pumping up huge.mpg”. I instantly felt my dick stiffen in anticipation of what I was about to see. I double clicked the file and within a few seconds a video opened on my screen. At first all I could see was the inside of the treatment room at the BA Cosmetic Clinic, the camera was moving around. Then I heard Vanillas voice, “come on hurry up, pump them up, pump them up now!”

Then I heard Erics voice behind the camera. “Im just trying to find the perfect spot to sit the camera.” Then the camera came to rest and Vanilla came into view. She was flat on her back with her old 2400cc implants projecting straight up off her chest like volleyballs. “There, perfect, okay lets do this.” Eric said as he ran around the camera and over to the counter where the syringes and saline were kept.

The tubes had already been inserted into Vanillas implants, I could see the tube on the side facing me coming out of her armpit and laying on the table. Eric got two syringes and walked back over to the table, he quickly hooked them both into the fill tubes and handled one of the syringes to Vanilla. Erics erection was visible a mile away as he was clearly just as excited as I was at this moment.

“Ok … push.” Eric said and both he and Vanilla began to push on their syringes. It didnt take long for Vanillas tits to pink up as her skin stretched and swelled under the pressure being forced into them. I couldnt take it anymore I unzipped my pants and took my dick out and began to stroke myself to this awe-inspiring event. I watched for 10 minutes as the two of them pumped in syringe after syringe of saline, watching as Eric had to refill the syringes about every minute or so with 200cc of saline each time.

“I used to love watching you stroke yourself to my tits.” Vanilla said, but something was different about her voice, it didnt sound like it came from the video I was watching. I looked up from my screen to see Vanilla standing topless in my doorway. “Please dont stop, keep stroking yourself to my monster tits, thats why I sent you the video.”

I was paralyzed with an overwhelming flood of emotions as she walked into my office. The projection of her breasts was nothing short of a feat of engineering, how she didnt fall over Ill never know. Every step she took her torso would rotate ever so slightly and her tits would move in precise alignment as if fused to her chest. They were totally hypnotic and there was nothing I wanted to do more at this moment than touch them and cum all over them. Amazingly enough I also couldnt get the thought out of my head that she shouldnt be here, that Ebony would be here at any moment. I couldnt tell her to leave but I also didnt want to do anything to encourage her to stay so I just sat there, motionless, staring at her almost inhuman sized tits as she continued to walk around my desk.

“I knew you wouldnt be able to help yourself, I know how your brain works, you really are all about the tits. I sent that video to you 15 minutes ago and you are already stroking your rock hard cock, despite the fact you just came in your pants a few minutes ago when you saw me walk in. Thats right I noticed, you just cant control yourself around tits can you? Especially tits like mine.” Her tits were now only inches from my face. Her strained skin which was covered in tiny stretch marks and ruptured blood vessels was rippling close to her ribcage as the skin was pulled right tight against the massively overfilled implants underneath.

I knew I wouldnt be able to resist her much longer so I tried my best to speak. “Eb … Ebony … Ebony …” I was still tongue tied.

“Yes I know you and Ebony are together.” She said as she leaned just slightly closer to my face. “Well dont worry Im not a home wrecker, Im not going to make you cheat on her, even though I know I could.” She put her hands on her tits and started rubbing them around, her hands were dwarfed by the shear mass of her tits now as she ran them all around from side to side and top to bottom. “I could make you do anything I wanted with these tits and you know it! But Im not going to be that direct. Ive decided it would be much more fun to let you think youre in control, to make you think that when you decide to leave Ebony and her bee stings for me that its your choice. When in fact it will be me and my monster sizes tits controlling you, controlling every thought in your head over the next few days or weeks or even months, until you break under the pressure of my tits and realize that Ebony cant and never will satisfy you the way I can.

“Ahhhh….ahhhh.” I couldnt even form words anymore.

She leaned back from me and then started to walk out of my office. “By the way,” She said looking back at my computer screen and the video of her that was still playing on it. “youre not even at the best part yet.”

I was finally able to speak. “Whats the best part?” I asked nervously.

“When the Doctor forces in the last bit of saline and announces my new size. I know youll cum the instant he says it.” She smiled at me and walked out the door.

I returned to the video, it was still only half way through so I fast forwarded to the last minute. I turned the volume up and watched and listened intently. Vanilla was moaning with pleasure and sounded like she was on the verge of a climax as I saw the last few drops being pushed out Erics syringe. “Oh my God.” Eric said, “I never thought your tits would handle 1500cc in one day.” I did the calculation in my head quickly and figured out that her implants were now 3900cc, I felt my orgasm starting deep down, but before I came Dr. Normass continued talking. “So its fucking unbelievable that they are now 4500cc each!!”

“What?!” I said out loud as cum erupted from my cock with spurt after spurt flying into the air, my orgasm now intensified by knowing Vanillas tits are now 4500cc. I looked back at the video to see Dr. Eric Normass shoot ropes of cum onto Vanillas tits and Vanilla arching her back and bucking her legs as she too came from the revelation of just how big her tits had become.

The video abruptly ended and I sat there for a few seconds as I digested everything that had just happened in the past few minutes. Then I noticed movement out of the corner of my eye, Ebony was standing in my doorway, the look on her face was enough to tell me that not only had she seen what just happened, but it also told me just how hurt she was. She turned and walked out without a word.

I was covered in my own cum so I tried to clean myself up so I could follow her. Just as I was zipping my pants up my phone beeped with a text message. I picked it up and read it.

Im taking a few days off pls dont call me I need some time alone. E

I sighed. “Shit!” I really messed things up. In the last few days I had come to realize that I actually loved Ebony, I was going to tell her this weekend on a trip that I was planning and now that was all fucked up. Not only did I not know if shed be willing to go on this trip with me, I didnt even know if she would ever forgive me.

Chapter 11

The weekend came and went and I didnt hear a word from Ebony. She hadnt come into work since she left that day and nobody had heard from her either. I was miserable, I didnt speak to anyone, I took some days off and just stayed home, on the days when I did go into work I just locked myself in my office.

It was the following Thursday when I got a phone call from my friend Dr. Eric Normass, the last time I spoke to him was the day before my break up with Ebony. “Adam, I heard from one of the dancers that you and Ebony broke up.”

“Ya huh.” Was all I could say.

“Listen, the best cure for a break up is getting out and having some fun. Why dont you come out on my yacht with me this weekend?”

I thought about it for a second. “Ya sure why not.” I said in an unenthusiastic tone. Eric gave the information for the shuttle service to take me out to his yacht as he was already out at sea.

Friday afternoon I was skimming over the waves of the Atlantic Ocean in a small power, it was a water taxi that Eric had arranged for me. We had just passed the 12 mile marker and a large yacht came into view on the horizon. Within three minutes we were pulling up along side. The yacht was huge, this wasnt one of those small cabin cruiser type boats, this thing was a ship that actually needed more than one person to be able to operate it. I wondered if this is why Erics clinic looked so plain, because he put all his money into this giant yacht of his.

As we pulled up along side a couple of deck hands greeted us and took our mooring line and tied us off. I was stepping out of the boat onto a small landing when I heard a friendly voice greet me. “Adam! Get your ass up here!” Eric yelled out from the main deck.

I waved back to him and walked up the steps to the main deck. I walked up the last step and saw Eric standing there with his hand extended to shake mine. As I was about to shake Erics hand my eyes instantly shifted to a magnificent pair of tits that were sunbathing in a deck chair a few feet behind Eric. As my eyes were drawn away my entire body followed and I missed Erics hand completely. He chuckled out loud. “Ya I thought you might do that.” He said still laughing.

I quickly analyzed every square inch of the tits in front of me, while their shape and size reminded me of several of the girls who worked in my club it didnt take me long to realize that I didnt know this girl. I guess they were somewhere in the 1500cc to 1700cc range, not huge by the standards that I had become accustomed to but still very large and unquestionably fake as they stood up straight of her chest at least 4 inches with a deep steep gap between them about 3 inches wide. What really stood out however was the unusually large and very pink scars on the underside of both breasts, I knew Eric to be a perfectionist and he seldom, if ever, left scars so it was unusual to see scars that we at least 2 inches long.

The girl sat up and my guess was right, I didnt know her but my god she was pretty. Of course my eyes shifted right back again to her breasts which barely moved as she sat up to see who I was.

Eric started to speak but he was quickly cut off by a voice coming from behind us. I turned to see another girl in a bikini walking out of the main cabin. She was even bigger than the first girl, my guess was about 2300cc and her bikini was so tight it was digging deep into boobs and her shoulders.

“Hi Doctor.” She said in a bubbly tone as she waved at Eric. “I grew another inch yesterday.” She said in a giddy tone. “See?” She asked as she thrust her chest out making her bikini dig even deeper into her chest. “Ouch that hurts.” She finally said after a few seconds. “Damn this thing is really tight now, hard to believe it used to be loose.” She chuckled as she walked over towards the other girl and laid down next her.

The view of the two of them laying there with their tits projecting straight up and sitting ever so slightly to the side of their rib cage made my dick strain in my shorts, I adjusted myself as I didnt want it poking out the bottom. I certainly wasnt expecting to find this here, I came out here to relax, gigantic tits was the last thing I wanted to see right now. But I should have known better, after all I was on a tit obsessed Doctors boat.

Eric smiled at me and then escorted me inside the main cabin to allow us to talk privately. “They are patients of mine.”

“Patients? Youve been holding out on me Eric!” I said. “You never told me you had other patients that were this size.” Then I thought for a minute. “Not that Im complaining but why are they out here on this boat with you?”

“Well they are part of an experimental study, ever heard of polypropylene string implants?” He smiled as he asked me that, he knew damn well I knew what string implants were, they are the famous ‘growing implants that made models like Minka, Maxi Mounds and Chelsea Charms so unbelievably huge.

“Youre experimenting with string?! Oh my God, but how? I thought they were illegal.”

“Illegal in the United States yes, but we are in international waters, US laws dont apply here.” A more sinister grin came over his face.

“So you mean …”

He cut me off. ““Yup, I bought a ship big enough to build myself a little operating room on the lower deck and enough bedrooms to house a few patients to give them time to recover.”

“But … this is all kinda … unbelievable.” I said dumbfounded. “I mean, only a few months ago you were having a hard time finding any girls who wanted to go bigger than 500cc, now you got two girls who want string implants that will make them huge?”

“Well its not quite as easy as that. See they are part of an experimental study Im doing, I had never done string implants before and I needed to try it out to figure out the best way to maximize their growth. So I took your idea and I made an offer that these girls had a hard time saying no to. They all wanted implants so I offered them free implants, free surgery and 3 free months aboard a luxurious ship at sea, the only catch was they had to accept what ever size implants I gave them. Most girls I made the offered to didnt want to take the chance on an experiment but I found three who were so desperate for implants that they decided to take the risk.”

I thought for a second and then realized what he just said. “Three? You mean theres another girl here?”

Eric took a deep breath. “Ya, I did three different operations, they all got 500cc implants but I varied how the string was wrapped up to measure the difference in growth.” He turned and pointed at the smaller girl out on the deck. “Tina there was my first, her 500cc have grown to about 1500cc now and still going well, the girl next to her was also 500cc but I used a looser type of implants and shes almost at 2500cc now and she was done 2 weeks after Tina. And as you heard her say a few seconds ago, she grew 1 inch in just one day yesterday.”

“So whos the third?” I asked nervously, I feared hearing the details of the third patient may make me lose control in front of Eric.

Eric shook his head slightly. “The third didnt work out so well.” He paused. “Her implants grew so rapidly that a day after the surgery they almost doubled in size! The implants grew so fast that they ripped her stitches wide open and I had to go in a remove them.”

I took a deep breath and another and another, I was trying desperately not to cum in my pants. What he just told me, while disturbing to most, was so fucking unbelievably hot that I wanted to cream my pants right then and there. The idea of implants growing so fast, to double in size in one day and actually rip apart the stitches that tried in vein to contain them sounded like a BE story come true.

Chapter 12

Over the next three days I tried to relax but I was unable to, every time I went out on the deck to get some sun the two girls were there, their bikinis straining like crazy as their breasts continued to grow just a little each day. I jerked off no fewer than 7 times each day in an effort to try and relieve the tension caused by the PPP queens who were constantly around me but it didnt work.

I became exhausted, I couldnt relax during the day and night was even worse. The walls of the staterooms were not very thick and the girl who had the 2500cc implants was staying in the room right next to mine. She would keep me up for hours on end as she either had phone sex with her boyfriend teasing him about when he would see her magnificent new tits or she would masturbate non stop and scream with 4 or 5 orgasms every night waking me up over and over.

The one highlight I had when I was there came on the 3rd night, I was in bed trying to sleep, the PPP queen next door had just woken me up for the third time. I looked at my clock, it was 3am. I put my head back down and slowly started to drift off to sleep again. My head began to swim with random thoughts and images that sometimes fill my head when Im only half asleep, it was one of those waking type dreams that seemed so real at the time.

I heard Ebonys voice in the distance, but I couldnt quite make out what she was saying. Her voice got louder and the image of ebony now stood in front of me. She was wearing the same small bikini that the PPP queen was wearing all week except that on Ebony it was so much tighter. The strings dug into her flesh so far she had a horizontal cleavage that matched her vertical cleavage.

I finally started to be able to understand what she was saying. “I wanted them bigger, I told you I wanted them bigger.” Her gangster girl attitude was starting to come through in her voice. I then heard another voice behind me, I couldnt tell who it was, when I turned around to see him all I saw was a dark shadow.

The shadow replied. “You will be bigger trust me, this is just the tip of the ice burg. Your breasts are going to grow every second of everyday for the rest of your life. They are growing right now as we speak.”

I turned back to look at Ebony and my jaw hit the floor. Her breasts surged out in every direction as they doubled in size within seconds. The tiny bikini that she was wearing was quickly snapped into pieces and flew across the room. Ebonys hands went up to her growing tits and began to massage them lovingly as they quickly grew bigger than any tits on the planet and showed no signs of stopping. She reached out to pinch her nipples and small streams of milk shot out, but after only a few second her hands were forced away from her nipples as her breasts continued to grow so large she could longer reach them.

My cock was raging hard and I couldnt hold my excitement any longer, I didnt care that someone else was in the room with us, I simply let go and came so hard a stream of cum 10 feet across the room.

I quickly woke up to find myself lying in bed with my pajama bottoms soaked in cum. I looked at the clock which now said 3:10am. As I lay my head back down I could already hear the PPP queen next door building up to her next orgasm.

Chapter 13

After three weeks on Erics boat I gave up trying to relax and decided it was time to head back to land and back to my daily life. I felt like I was in hell, I had two gorgeous women stuck in my head that I couldnt stop thinking about. Vanilla, the girl who was willing to give me my ultimate BE dream life and Ebony, the girl who I truly loved. I was torn between the two of them but as more time passed without hearing from Ebony my thoughts were beginning to turn to Vanilla more and more.

I arrived at StackeDD at 6am on Monday, I wanted a chance to get some work done before any of the girls showed up. I knew once they started coming in to work my excitement would get the better of me and Id be too distracted to get any work done. I sat at my desk and opened up my email, my eyes immediately went to the message that Vanilla had sent me over a week ago, the message with the video of her pumping up her boobs. I had work to do but I couldnt stop myself from opening the video and watching it. I couldnt control myself as I immediately unzipped my pants and started to stroke my cock to the awe inspiring image before me.

I stroked myself hard as I watched her boobs slowly grow and grow before my eyes. Within 30 seconds I came with a loud moan but I just kept on stroking. I never got soft once as I continued stroking myself for 45 minutes straight as I watched the video over and over again, cumming 8 times as I did. My pants, my chair and even my desk were covered in cum and I didnt care as I just kept stoking myself as I was hypnotized by Vanillas saline filled sacks growing on video.

I couldnt take it anymore, I snapped. Vanilla was right about me, it was only a matter of time before her boobs would take total control over me and my thoughts. At this moment my only thoughts were of Vanilla and her gigantic 4500cc expandable implants. I picked up my phone and I called Vanilla.

“Well well well, look whos calling me.” She said smugly as she answered the phone. “I knew it was only a matter of time.”

“I need to see you … now!” I demanded. “Come to the club, theres no one here, well be alone.” In my present state I didnt want to leave the club, I was certainly in no condition to drive, this was the most fucked up I had ever been in my life.

“Ill be there in 10 minutes.” She said quickly and hung up the phone.

I cleaned myself up and took a quick a shower in the dancers change room. I put on a clean set of clothes but I was already sweating in anticipation of seeing Vanilla, I was so nervous and excited. I walked out of the backroom into the main club area and saw a figure on stage. From this distance I could only see a silhouette but as she turned to the side I knew it was Vanilla. In this light and from this distance she looked like a God damn letter “P” standing there, her tiny legs and waist topped off by her tits projecting out straight out from her chest 12 inches.

“I was wondering where you were.” She said as I continued to walk closer, my cock now raging hard in my pants making walking difficult. The closer I got to her the more I could see of her as the back lighting no longer cast her in a shadow. As she turned to face me it still blew me away how her breasts stuck out so far to the side that they actually hid her arms from her shoulders all the way down past her elbows. The veins on them seemed to be popping out even more than ever as the texture of the skin looked more like a relief map than a set of breasts.

“Why dont come down here so we can get right to business.” I said not wanting to wait a second longer than I had to before I touched those beautiful globes.

She shook her head slowly. “Tisk tisk tisk. I thought you were with Ebony? Arent you two a couple?” She asked giving me a smirk.

“Ebony … shes not in the picture anymore, youre the one I want!”

“Im the one you want? I think what you mean to say is my TITS are the ones you want.” She put her hands on the top of her tits and slid them slowly down towards her nipples, it seemed to take forever for them to make the long journey. Once her hands reached her nipples I could see how far her arms were extended out to reach them, actually reaching around her tits to the side. I figured another inch or so and she wouldnt be able to touch them anymore.

“So tell me, how much have you been thinking about them? Having they been driving you crazy the last few weeks?” She said in a confident tone. “I told you that you wouldnt be able to get them out of your head, that they would control you.” She smiled. “And now here we are, you BEGGING me to be with you, BEGGING me to touch my tits.” She looked down at my pants. “And I can see just how excited you are, your cock is BEGGING to be released from your pants. Do it, pull your pants down and pull out your cock.”

I did as she asked without hesitation. My pants were on the floor within three seconds and my cock was standing straight out at attention. “Mmm thats better.” Her soft voice echoing slightly in the quiet club. “I love to see your cock rock hard for my tits.” She thought for a second and smiled again. “Remember how small I was ..... before …. with my little natural C cups? Remember how Id make you cum by just teasing you about what it would be like IF I got implants. Remember how when I was still so tiny, wed do a little role play fantasy that youd come into the club and scan around for ME - not Stevie - but ME!! Me and my 1000cc implants? And I'd want to take you to the VIP section for some release. Me - teeny tiny little Vanilla from before with my little C-cup boobs made you cum so hard just THINKING about 1000cc implants.”

I was damn close to blowing a load again with this incessant teasing of hers. She kneeled down on the stage and then laid “flat” on chest as best she could. Her tits propped her torso up like ramp and her implants squeezed out to the sides just ever so slightly under her body weight. I could see a substantial amount of rippling now close to her chest as her implants tried as best they could to conform to the weight being put on them.

“But I don't have 1000cc implants now, do I?” She paused briefly. “DO I??!!!!!” She asked in a stern tone wanting a response from me, I shook my head without a word and she continued. “I dont have double the size, not even TRIPLE the size, I have over FOUR AND A HALF times THAT SIZE!! I now have GIGANTIC overfilled implants - bigger than even the BIGGEST of the big-boobed stars out there. I'm even bigger than your beloved Penelope Black Diamond - bigger by AT LEAST 1000cc's - maybe more. Now Im Teeny-tiny little Vanilla with HUGE - INSANELY OVERFILLED freak-show implants. I'm small but SO BIG - I'm even bigger than that kook Rhiannon.”

Then I heard the loud “click” sound of the clubs sound system being turned on. A slight hum came over the speakers and then suddenly a loud booming voice. “And my implants are SIX times bigger!”

That voice … it was Ebony! Vanilla and I sat there for a brief moment stunned as we were caught of guard by the loud booming voice, then the Pussycat Dolls song “Buttons” started up. I noticed the stage curtains behind Vanilla shifting around and out of reflex I pointed towards them. Just as the lyrics to song started we both noticed what was happening to the curtains.

I'm telling you loosen up my buttons baby
But you keep fronting
Saying what you going do to me…

We watched as two gigantic round spheres began to form in the fabric. The spheres grew larger and larger, expanding in every direction, the further they pushed out the wider and higher they got. The curtains hung straight down off the spheres as they continued to expand, with every inch the spheres projected out the curtains lifted an inch off the stage, I could now see a pair of feet under the curtains.

Typical, hardly the type I fall for
I like when the physical
Don't leave me asking for more
I'm a sexy mama
Who knows just how to get what I wanna
What I want to do is spring this on you…

“Youve got to be shitting me!” Vanilla blurted out as the left curtain panel finally fell away to reveal an enormous dark colored breast the size of which was beyond anything I had ever seen before. The right curtain was pushed aside shortly after revealing the biggest pair of black tits the world had ever seen!

You've been saying all the right things all night long
But I can't seem to get you over here to help take this off
Baby, can't you see?
How these clothes arent fitting on me
And the heat coming from this beat
I'm about to blow
I don't think you know

Ebony looked Vanilla square in the eye. “Hes mine now bitch!” She walked forward ever so slowly, carefully checking her balance with each step. Vanilla and I were in awe as Ebony approached us, I could almost feel the gravitational pull of the immense globes on her chest. “Hmph, Looks like IM bigger NOW!” She said as she continued to look at Vanilla. She then turned her gaze to me and a soft smile cracked across her face. “Surprise!”

“Im … Im … wow!” Was all I could say.

Her smiled broadened. “Thats what I wanted to hear! I know what you need and now I can give it to you.” She slowly started to run her hands all over the huge expanse of flesh that was now her chest. Her tits didnt even look real and by that I mean they looked like some of those prosthetic breasts that those models from the 80s used to use, models like Vicky Little. They literally looked like beech balls projecting out from her chest. Her nipples were perfectly centered, it looked like the Doctor has used a micrometer to place them. Her breasts barely moved as her hands moved over them, she pushed into them to show just how unbelievably firm they were.

Vanilla stood up and stood tit to tit with Ebony. Vanillas tits looked so massive on her tiny frame but there was no doubt that Ebonys tits were at least 50% bigger! Ebony looked back at Vanilla and giggled.

“Theres nothing funny about this bitch!” Vanilla shouted. “Do you have any idea what Ive gone through get this big? The surgeries, the fillings, the PAIN! And now you just walk in here and BAM youre fucking huge! I hate you so much!” She said gritting her teeth. “But two can play at this game.”

Vanilla hopped down off the stage with considerable effort and quickly got dressed. “You havent seen the last of me!” She yelled at Ebony just as she turned and stormed out of the club.

I looked back at Ebony who already had her deep dark eyes focused on me. “You look so … so…”

Ebony giggled again. “Its okay, I think I know how you feel.” She said shifting her gaze to my throbbing crotch. “Actually I can SEE exactly how you feel.” She smiled. “Lets take care of that shall we. Meet me in your office in two minutes, I just have to my things from the dressing room.”

I agreed and hurried off to my office, I stripped down and sat on the couch and waited for her arrive. My eyes were fixed on the open door as I waited for Ebony to arrive. I heard some light footsteps approaching and got more excited. Then on the right side of the door I saw a big dark nipple appear, then slowly it moved furt
Check out my new story! 

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StackeDDD - Adam Plantz - by Bonecracker - 07-01-2012, 11:21 AM
RE: StackeDDD - Adam Plantz - by Breastninja - 12-30-2013, 03:14 AM
RE: StackeDDD - Adam Plantz - by Bonecracker - 12-30-2013, 10:35 AM
RE: StackeDDD - Adam Plantz - by Breastninja - 12-31-2013, 01:07 AM
RE: StackeDDD - Adam Plantz - by Bonecracker - 12-31-2013, 02:06 AM
RE: StackeDDD - Adam Plantz - by Breastninja - 12-31-2013, 12:11 PM
RE: StackeDDD - Adam Plantz - by Bonecracker - 01-01-2014, 07:55 PM
RE: StackeDDD - Adam Plantz - by Archaon - 01-02-2014, 09:29 PM
RE: StackeDDD - Adam Plantz - by Adam Plantz - 02-10-2014, 04:33 PM
RE: StackeDDD - Adam Plantz - by Bonecracker - 02-10-2014, 10:13 PM
RE: StackeDDD - Adam Plantz - by Djoser - 02-12-2014, 03:49 PM
RE: StackeDDD - Adam Plantz - by Adam Plantz - 02-22-2014, 09:00 AM
RE: StackeDDD - Adam Plantz - by Archaon - 02-11-2014, 05:38 PM
RE: StackeDDD - Adam Plantz - by Djoser - 01-04-2014, 03:24 PM

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