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StackeDDD - Adam Plantz
But wait... there's more!
I agreed and hurried off to my office, I stripped down and sat on the couch and waited for her arrive. My eyes were fixed on the open door as I waited for Ebony to arrive. I heard some light footsteps approaching and got more excited. Then on the right side of the door I saw a big dark nipple appear, then slowly it moved further into the door way revealing the expanse of flesh it was attached to. I tried my best to estimate the inches as her breast moved further and further into view. Her one breast was taking up almost a quarter of the doorway and I still couldnt see the rest of Ebonys body. “Guess who?” She asked in a playful tone.

She then quickly moved her entire body into the door way, her breasts were so enormous that they took up the entire width of the door, each of her breasts was less than an inch from the door jambs. “Hmm, if I get any bigger I wont be able to fit.” She winked at me as she slowly walked through the door and walked towards my desk with large purse in hand. She put her purse on my desk and took out a small box. “Here, this is your real present.” She said as she handed me the box.

“You mean theres more?” I asked. “I dont know if my heart can take anymore excitement today.” I took the small box and opened the lid and looked inside. I knew what it was but I was puzzled why Ebony would call this the “real present”. I took the rolled up sewing tape measure out of the box and let it unravel. I looked back up at Ebony with a puzzled look. “I dont get it, I already have a tape measure, in fact Ive measured you with it many times before.” I said trying to remind her of the fun times wed have in my office over the last few months.

“Yeeesss, I know that.” She said as she took the tape from my hand. “But this one is special.” She started to pull to the tape up through her fingers, I watched as the numbers on the tape got higher and higher. “Youre old tape is much to short for me now, if I remember correctly it ONLY went up to 60 inches.” She said as her smile spread from ear to ear.

“Oh my God, you mean youre …. youre … bigger than that now?”

She nodded her head and simply hummed “mmm hmm.”

“Oh my God I cant stand it anymore, I gotta know, I gotta know how big!” I snapped and lost control of my composure, I had been struggling to maintain control of myself but now I had lost it. I snapped the tape out of her hand and leaned against her chest as I tried to wrap the tape around her back. The instant I touched those unbelievably massive firm orbs I lost complete control and came with a loud moan as cum shot up between the two of us.

“I was hoping that would happen.” She moaned. “I was beginning to think that you didnt like my new tits.”

I took a few seconds to compose myself as Ebony simply started to rub my cum into her tits. I then leaned forward again to start wrapping the tape around her, I struggled to reach around her for about a minute and then realized my hands werent even close to reaching around her back now.

“I think Im going to need your help for this.” I said. She smiled back with a sexy look and took one end of the tape and held it in the middle of her chest. I took the other end and literally walked all the way around her until the tape measure met up with the end that Ebony was holding. “Jesus Christ!” I blurted out. “79 inches!!”

She then spoke in a very monotone. “Wow, I guess I grown some more.” I looked up her face and saw a look that was so confident she almost looked smug.

“Excuse me? Grown? What do you mean?” I asked as my brain tried to process all that was happening.

She put a hand tenderly on my face. “I know what you want, I know what need and Im going to be the one to give it ALL to you.” She looked deep into my eyes. “I didnt get regular implants, I got Poly String implants and I got them just for you.”

“Oh my God.” I felt my cock twitch uncontrollably like I was having an orgasm but having just cum a few seconds earlier there was nothing to come out. Then I remembered my ‘dream while I was on Dr. Normous boat and I realized that maybe it wasnt a dream after all.

“Did you get your implants on Erics boat?” I asked.

She nodded. “I had to stay hidden from you, I didnt want you to find out until I was ready to see you again.”

“So how much have you … grown so far?” I asked, not knowing if I could handle the answer.

“Well if Im 79 inches that means Ive grown 10 inches so far and I just got these a little over 3 weeks ago.” She leaned and pressed her tits against my chest, almost knocking me over with their mass. “So imagine how much bigger Ill be in a year!”

I couldnt take it anymore, I moved her onto the couch and I got on top of her. The two of us went non-stop for the next 4 hours straight, kissing, sucking and whole lot of touching. I explored each and every inch of her 79 inch gargantuan bust, kissing and sucking it all 10 times over.

We finally stopped only when we realized that we should get something to eat, we needed energy if we were going to keep going. We put our clothes on and we decided to go to the club which was now open for lunch. Ebony was about to walk out the door when I heard my computer beep with a new email. “Ill catch up to you baby, I wont be long.” I said as I sat down at my desk.

“You better not be long, you know I wont be sitting there alone for long with these monsters.” She said hefting them up as best she could with both hands and smiling. She then gave me an air kiss and walked out of my office.

I looked at my screen and my heart skipped a beat as I saw that the new email was from Vanilla and it had a video attached to it. There was a message in the email but I skipped over it and went right to the video. The name of the video was “super huge.mpg” I nervously opened it and hit the play button.

A room appeared and quickly I recognized it, it was Vanillas bedroom. The camera shook around then settled down as Vanilla walked out from behind the camera. As she walked towards the bed I could see the tubes already hanging out of her armpits just waiting to have a syringe full of saline plugged into them. When she got the bed she picked up a large container off the floor and put in on her night stand. “You see this?” She said in a loud voice so that the microphone on the camera would pick it up. “This is 4 Litres, thats right, 4 LITRES of saline right here.” She bent over again and hefted up another container that was the same as the other. “And this is 8 LITRES! Thats right Im going to pump in 4 LITRES into each one of my tits. Im going to be bigger than that ghetto bitch of yours, youll see!”

She picked up a syringe and quickly filled it up, she then hooked it into the right fill tube and began to push. Her moan of pleasure could be heard even with the pour sound on the video. Within 30 seconds she had emptied it and was filling it up again. She turned and looked straight at the camera. “When Im done Ill have the biggest tits on the planet!”

Without even thinking I pulled my dick out of my pants and began to stroke myself. Ten minutes passed as I watched her pump and fill and pump and fill over and over again. She alternated breasts as she went along to keep them an even size. I watched as thousands of capillaries burst under her skin and her breasts turned a bright red under the strain. I watched as ripples formed where the implants met her ribs and then those same ripples would move around as more saline was pumped in forcing the implants to change shape yet again.

“Ach hem.” A cough came from my doorway. I looked up to see Ebony standing there looking at me, the black oversized tank top she was wearing was straining at every seem. “Watching Vanillas new video I assume?” She asked knowing the answer.

“How did you…”

“How did I know? She sent a copy to my phone with the message ‘watch out.” She walked in and walked around behind me at my desk. “I fast forwarded all the way to end already.”

I realized my cock was still sticking out of my pants and I moved to put it away but Ebony stopped me. “You dont need to do that…I know how much this must be turning you on.” She spun me around in my chair and looked deep into my eyes. “I understand you now, I know this is what you want, I know this is what drives you wild. Why do think I did this for you?” She asked looking down at her monstrous chest. “Id be stupid to think that a video like this wouldnt drive you insanely crazy. Just remember that at the end of the day Im the one who will give you EVERYTHING you ever wanted and more.” She motioned back to the screen. “Heres the part you gotta see.”

Vanilla had just finished pumping a syringe and a knocking sound came from off camera. Then a voice could be heard in the distance. “Vanilla? Vanilla its Eric Normass, Im here to help you fill your implants.” As vanilla struggled to get out of bed with the new weight on her chest I looked at the night stand and noticed that the first bottle of saline was a little more than half empty now, meaning that she had pumped in more than 500cc into each breast making each a little more than 5000cc now.

As Vanilla walked out of the room I could hear mumbled voices in the background, I turned and looked back at Ebony. “Keep watching.” She simply said.

Then off camera I could hear Erics voice become elevated. “Jesus fucking Christ Vanilla! Are you fucking serious? Do you know what your implants are rated for?”

“Dont argue with me just do it!” Vanilla yelled as she stomped back into her bedroom and lay down again. “Now pump them more!” She demanded.

Eric came into view now. “I wont do it, youre implants are only rated to 1500cc, I can only safely fill them to 3 times that volume, which is where you were at BEFORE you started filling today. At this point now any more saline could make them burst!”

“Burst them then!” Vanilla shouted. I was totally taken aback by that comment, I knew Vanilla was competitive but to risk bursting her implants just so that she was bigger than Ebony was a risk I never thought shed take.

It quickly became clear that Eric wasnt going to let her do that. Eric, like me, was obsessed with gigantic tits, but to destroy a set of tits like Vanillas, even if it was in an attempt to make them as big as possible was sacrilege. He walked over to her night stand and picked up the half empty bottle of saline and started to walk out of the room with it.

“Dont take that!” Vanilla yelled and she got up and tried to grab Eric by the arm. Eric lost his balance and dropped the bottle of saline on the floor. The bottle smashed open and the saline went everywhere.

“Fuck!” Vanilla yelled. “I hate you so much!” She swung at Eric and hit him square on the face, the punch took him off guard and he fell over knocking down the camera in the process. The video went black as the video ended.

I looked back at Ebony who had a look of disbelief on her face, even though shed already seen the video. “Did you read the message she wrote in her email?” She asked pointing to the screen.

In my haste to watch the video I didnt even bother looking at what Vanilla had written. I closed the video and looked at the email.

Adam, do not under estimate my commitment to continue making my tits bigger and bigger and bigger! You know that one day Ill have the biggest breasts on earth and no one is going to stop me! At this moment your ‘friend Eric Normass is unconscious on the floor in my bedroom, he tried to stop me from overfilling my implants. Unfortunately when he fell he broke my camera so all I can show you is what Ive already done to myself. But know that as Im writing this I still have 2 more liters of saline that I am going to pump into my implants today, know that as you are sitting there watching this video of me pumping in a measly 500cc into my implants that I will be at that moment pumping in another 1000cc into each one!

Believe me when I say that you havent seen the last of me.

And tell your “girlfriend” that shes not going to be bigger than me for long.

“Damn that girl is crazy!” Ebony said as she finished reading the email. “I mean theres obsessing and then there is obsessing!” She shook her head. Then we both looked at each other as we had the same thought, my heart dropped as I realized that Vanilla could be in serious trouble.

“Oh my God, Eric said that if she pumped in anymore saline her implants could burst and she just wrote that shes going to pump in another 1000cc.” I said. “We need to get to her place and stop her.”

Ebony grabbed my arm as I tried to get out of my chair. “Stop. First of all she sent that email almost 20 minutes ago, at this point if anything did happen to her were too late. Secondly …” She paused as she straddled my lap and sat down. “You dont need to worry about her, shes an adult who can take care of herself. And…” She pressed her humongous beach balls into my chest pinning me in my chair. “…shes nothing compared to what Im going to give to you.”

I swallowed hard as I stared at the impossibly deep cleavage only inches from my face. She grabbed my head and pushed it down into her tits, smothering me. She let go and I came up for gasping for air.

“Imagine …” She licked her lips as she began, “…waking up every day knowing that Im bigger than the day before. Every morning taking your tape measure here …” she picked up the tape measure that was on my desk and let it unravel all the way to the floor, “…taking this tape measure and measuring my gargantuan, mammoth tits. Tits so big you literally have to walk AROUND me to get the tape around them. Every morning SEEING how much bigger they are from the day before, measuring their growth, charting their progress.” She licked her lips again as another idea came to her.

“I know what youd like … well set up a camera on a tripod and everyday Ill stand in the same position and you can take a picture of me and my growth. After only a week youll be able to compare the pictures and see how much my tits have expanded! Imagine what the progression will be like after a month or three months. Watching my tits grow from the size they are now, watching them grow outwards, forwards, downwards and up. Watching them expand in every direction as each day the poly string unravels and serum races into my tits to fill the space up.”

I wiped my mouth as saliva was starting to drip down the sides. “Fuck I love to see how excited you get when you think about my tits.” She began to grind her ass into my lap as she continued. “Pick a top of mine, which ever one is your favorite and everyday Ill wear it for you. Youll be able see how much tighter it gets on my tits each and everyday. Each day it will dig into my tits just a little more and littler more, until eventually I either rip it or I just cant get it on anymore.”

“Oh my God Ebony!”

“Oh Im not done … you need to know the most important part…”

“Im afraid to ask.” I said excitedly.

“If my gigantic poly string filled tits ever stop growing…” She leaned her face right against mine until we were nose to nose. She continued in whisper, “…if they ever stop growing … Ill get new even bigger implants for you!” She kissed me deeply as my cock spasmed uncontrollably with a huge orgasm as she continued to work her ass and hips into my crotch.


The next six months passed by in a blur. Ebonys tits had continued their rapid growth just as we both hoped that they would. I measured her tits each and every morning, before we brushed our teeth or had a shower it was always the first thing we did.

Her growth was nothing short of remarkable. Dr. Normass had given Ebony polypropylene string implants that were 4000cc in volume, the implants combined with Ebony naturally huge breasts made her tits look more like 7000cc, but her breasts now made her previous size look tiny. She had grown from 79 inches all the way up to 92 inches in just six months. We measured her breasts in a tank of water and estimated their total volume to be about 11,000cc now. We also discovered that her breasts didnt always grow at the same pace, in fact we discovered a way that actually made them grow just a little faster.

On days when we only had sex a few times her breasts would either only grow 1/16” or sometimes not at all, but on days when we had sex and a lot of breast play her breasts seemed to surge out 1/2" in just a day! We discovered that the more attention her breasts got, especially if it was rough, the string would unravel faster and therefore her tits would grow more. Needless to say as soon as we realized that I was playing with her tits ever free second I got and when I wasnt able to, Ebony would play with them herself.

Vanilla had disappeared, she had said that she would be back but nobody had seen her, talked to her or even had an email from her, she just seemed to drop off the face of the planet. I sent someone over to her apartment to check on her a few days after she tried to fill her implants up but the landlord said that she had left suddenly and didnt leave a forwarding address. I was worried about her, perhaps she had gotten carried away trying to fill her implants and had seriously hurt herself. I often found myself daydreaming about her, not because I wanted to be with her, I was very happy with Ebony, but the breast maniac in me couldnt help but fantasize about what she may look like now especially if she had done what she was so determined to do, what if she really did have the biggest breasts on earth?

It was late afternoon at StackeDD and I had just completed some much needed work in my office. I headed out to the club to find Ebony so we could have one of our private one on one sessions. It had only been 30 minutes since our last ‘session but as usual I couldnt wait to be with her again. I walked out into the club and within a few seconds I spotted her, she was giving a lap dance to a guy in the VIP section. I sat down at a table near by that had a good view so I could watch her do her thing.

No matter how often I looked at her I couldnt get over the sheer volume of her breasts. I watched her from behind but I could still see her massive globes projecting out to the sides of her body, projecting out past her arms. The volume of breast meat that was visible out past the line of her arms was more than the average girl could ever hope to have in total. I continued to watch as she turned around and sat in the guys lap, leaning back into him so he got a clear view down the front of her insanely deep cleavage. I then noticed “the look” on the guys face and I instantly knew what was happening. Within a few seconds he quickly took $200 out of his wallet and paid Ebony, he then apologized to her and ran off to the bathroom with a wet stain in his crotch that was growing bigger by the second.

Ebony smiled as she put the money in her small purse and she looked up and noticed me and her smile widened even more. She mouthed the word “Hi” to me and slowly walked over to where I was sitting. I watched in a trance as she moved her chest from side to side, her breasts stuck to rib like two giant beach balls.

“Another satisfied customer I see?” I said once she was within ear shot.

She smiled and nodded. “I have to admit I cant get enough of that now.” She said in her confident tone. “Who would have guessed that little shy Ebony would get off making strangers cum in their pants?”

“I always knew you had it in you.” I winked at her. Without another word we both headed back to my office, passing by 6 guys in the club all of whom tried to flag down Ebony for a private dance, she just simply said to each one of them “Wait your turn boys, lots of me to go around”.

We got back to my office and quickly stripped down but before I could lay a hand on her tits she stopped me. “I want to try my shirt again, Im sure today will be the day.” I simply nodded as she reached into her small purse and pulled out an old white tank top of hers. This was a routine we had done many times before, she would put on her old top and show me how much tighter it was but in recent days they top was showing serious signs of strain, we knew it was only a matter of time before Ebonys ever growing tits started ripping the seams in it.

She started by pulling out the tag on the back of the shirt and holding it close enough to my face for me to read the size, XXXL.. She smiled and licked her lips and she pulled it over her head with little effort, but now came the hard part, pulling it over her growing chest. She grabbed the bottom elastic and stretched it out the max and then slowly and forcefully pulled down. It got down to about 2 inches above her nipples which still wasnt even the fullest part of her breasts. She pulled down hard and you could see the effort on her face as she struggled to pull it down, the fabric stretched and distended and the seams went crooked as it tried to conform to a size it was never intended to be. It was now past the fullest part but it still wasnt all the way down, she took a deep breath and give it one last big pull.

A loud RIP sound came from the right side of the shirt as the seam split wide open. Her breast flesh was clearly visible through the hole which had to be at least 8 inches long. Ebony moaned loudly as the satisfaction of ripping a XXXL shirt with her mammoth bust got her extremely excited. My cock was raging hard and pointing straight up in the air, it was begging to release a huge load.

Then, almost on cue, little wet spots appears around her nipples as little bits of milk started to flow out. Eric had done such a suburb job on Ebonys tits, hed managed to stuff in 4000cc of Poly String and not disturb her active milk ducts at all. She looked down at the wet spot and her smile broadened even more. “God I love my tits!” She yelled out.

Then she looked into my eyes. “And I know you love them too dont you? I mean look at these gigantic magnificent tits. These tits just ripped a fucking TRIPLE EXTRA LARGE shirt! These tits are so big that soon I wont even be able to find clothes in a store to fit them.” She leaned them into my chest pressing their weight against me. “And theyre yours, all yours, others may look at them, some others may touch them, but in at the end of the day they are all yours.” She began slowly moving them down my chest until they reached my cock and quickly enveloped it. “Did you ever think youd have a girl with tits this big? I know youve dreamed about it since you were young but now its a reality, your girl has the BIGGEST TITS ON EARTH!!

We went at for an hour, we only stopped because her timer on her phone went off reminding her she had a floor show in 15 minutes. “Damn work interfering with our sex.” I said jokingly.

She smiled as she ran a finger along my cheek. “Its not like were not going to do at least 5 or 6 more times today.” She leaned in to kiss me.

We both got dressed and I sat down at my desk and looked at my emails. I had a new one from someone I didnt recognize, “PPPgirl.” I said the name out loud.

“Who?” Ebony asked.

“I dont know, someone named PPPgirl sent me an email.” Ebony came to my desk and looked at my screen as I opened the email. There was no text or subject just a video attachment, my heart sank in anticipation of what this could be.

The video started and Vanilla appeared, the camera was zoomed in on her face, she looked like hell, no make-up and exhausted. “Hello Adam, I told you Id be back. Sorry Ive been gone for so long but I had a little … mishap a few months ago, but youre good friend Eric was able to help me out.”

Damn it! I asked Eric if he knew where Vanilla was and he lied and said when he awoke in Vanillas apartment that she was already gone.

“Im sure you know about his little “floating clinic” out here on the Atlantic. Well he just implanted me with one of his super fast growing experimental Poly string implants.” The camera zoomed out to reveal her tiny frame which was totally dominated and concealed by two gigantic spherical breasts. Her breasts were wider than her arms and were almost up to her neck and down to her waist. Around her massive orbs she had a tape measure that she held together in middle of her cleavage, I looked closely to try and read the numbers, it looked like 71 inches.

“6000cc of string! Now I know what youre thinking, Im still smaller than your beauty queen Ebony but Erics promised me that this string will grow faster and bigger than Ebonys, its only a matter of time before Im bigger than her again, I know you wont be able to say no to me then.” Her face winched in pain and she let go of the tape measure. I then saw Eric come into view from behind the camera as he picked up the tape measure and gave her breasts a very quick visual exam. He then handed the tape measure back to Vanilla who positioned it back in the centre of her cleavage, Eric walked around Vanilla straightening the tape out around her back.

Eric completed his circle around Vanilla and stopped to read the tape measure. “Oh my God! Your bust is 72 inches now, you just grew one inch in five minutes.” He said sounding worried and excited at the same time. “This isnt good.”

She smiled and looked back at the camera. “Its better than good, its perfect!”
Check out my new story! 

Messages In This Thread
StackeDDD - Adam Plantz - by Bonecracker - 07-01-2012, 11:21 AM
RE: StackeDDD - Adam Plantz - by Breastninja - 12-30-2013, 03:14 AM
RE: StackeDDD - Adam Plantz - by Bonecracker - 12-30-2013, 10:35 AM
RE: StackeDDD - Adam Plantz - by Breastninja - 12-31-2013, 01:07 AM
RE: StackeDDD - Adam Plantz - by Bonecracker - 12-31-2013, 02:06 AM
RE: StackeDDD - Adam Plantz - by Breastninja - 12-31-2013, 12:11 PM
RE: StackeDDD - Adam Plantz - by Bonecracker - 01-01-2014, 07:55 PM
RE: StackeDDD - Adam Plantz - by Archaon - 01-02-2014, 09:29 PM
RE: StackeDDD - Adam Plantz - by Adam Plantz - 02-10-2014, 04:33 PM
RE: StackeDDD - Adam Plantz - by Bonecracker - 02-10-2014, 10:13 PM
RE: StackeDDD - Adam Plantz - by Djoser - 02-12-2014, 03:49 PM
RE: StackeDDD - Adam Plantz - by Adam Plantz - 02-22-2014, 09:00 AM
RE: StackeDDD - Adam Plantz - by Archaon - 02-11-2014, 05:38 PM
RE: StackeDDD - Adam Plantz - by Djoser - 01-04-2014, 03:24 PM

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