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Beth's Bodacious Beauties
Beths Bodacious Beauties Chapter 1
- a companion story to ‘And Then . . .

Beth was always an average pretty girl with an average comfy and curvy body but like most average pretty girls, never quite satisfied with herself and didnt really know what to do about it. Well, it was something she put out of her mind after high school and the ‘competition to be the most ‘mature looking girl was over.

Beth was a real animal lover and as such was a vegetarian but not quite a vegan. She had happily chosen this path in her senior year of high school. And being an animal lover, had always wanted to work with animals in some capacity but couldnt quite get the marks in school to get into the right college and become a vet.

So, Beth decided to go to community college and become a veterinarian clinic technician with a study major in live-stock.

Working with animals on a daily basis was very rewarding for Beth. Being a Nerd who really wasnt into the drama of ‘boys meant she had less of a social life and street rep to worry about and was a lot happier taking every bit of available overtime with the clinic and doing field work.

Field work meant farm work, and her specialty was livestock. how she wished she could have become a vet, but at least she got to work with cattle. She loved cows. She was obsessed with udder health and how productive they could become but also concerned about what the hormones they were giving cows could do.

After working with a number of dairy farm clients, it had become clear to her that some farms had more productive cattle than others. In particular Triple-P had one special herd that were producing 50 liters of milk per day on average over a 10 month cycle… which was phenomenal given that peak production with dietary supplements and hormones was usually 60 liters per day and only 28 l per day on average. How did they get to nearly double production? granted, these cows were about 2-3 inches taller at the hip joint than their other herds and also a little wider to accommodate udders that were about 75% greater in mass than the other holsteins.

Beths fascination with cows was more specifically a fascination with udders and milk production . . . and her mind was at the point of obsession over them. Past the point really. She took it upon herself to hit the Triple-P dairy farm early each day and assist with milking the old fashioned way. One of the Ps in Triple-P was Paul and she explained to Paul that she wanted to hand milk 4 or 5 of the most productive cows each day and study their milk and behaviour. Paul agreed and Beth was off and running in her experiments.

She named the cows, Bessy, Betty, Sally and Molly and made logbooks for each one of them.
She would limit milking to 30 minutes each, so they could still be productive for the farm

1st week Mondays entry
Bessy Betty Sally Molly
5 Liters 5 Liters 5 Liters 6 Liters
5 Liters 5 Liters 5 Liters 6 Liters
5 Liters 5 Liters 5 Liters 7 Liters
5 Liters 5 Liters 5 Liters 7 Liters
5 Liters 5 Liters 5 Liters 8 Liters
5 Liters 5 Liters 5 Liters 8 Liters

It was unusual that 3 of the girls would be stable but Molly was increasing in production volume.

She went to Paul and asked . . .
“Paul, Ive noticed an uptick in Mollys milk production although the other cows seem stable. Any ideas why?”
Paul answered. “I wasnt sure how that would work itself out, you see, we accidentally gave Molly her weekly BAS injection twice on Monday and I guess its causing her to produce a lot more. We wont make that mistake again this week!
Beth thanked him and went on her way.

She took home Mollys milk production for the week and started to analyze it in her home lab. Everything seemed similar to other bovine milk but Mollys seemed cleaner under the microscope, so she decided she would save only a 4 ounce vial of it for her study and drink the rest herself instead of supermarket pasteurized milk.

Beth started taking Mollys milk home daily after this and started to really develop a taste for it, so she drank a little over a gallon a day after that. after a few days she noticed she had put on a little weight as she was having trouble tucking in her shirts into her jeans as she had always done and noticed her jeans seemed a little harder to zip up.

“just getting to a healthy womans weight” she said to herself and laughed, thinking about all the times her ma told her that would happen eventually. “Curves run in the family dear, nothing to be ashamed of” she would say and chortle.

The following Monday, as she was getting ready for work, not only did her shirts not want to tuck in, her F cup bra wouldnt fit either. She studied herself in the mirror and noticed her breasts were definitely fuller rounder, projected more and in general looked just plain gorgeous . . . more gorgeous than since she was in her early teens. The skin glowed.

She was absolutely enamoured with them and loved her new size as well, she estimated she might be up 3 cup sizes, which meant finding a bra was going to be a challenge, so she decided to go without one for the day.

Beth arrived at Triple-P around 0530 just in time for the BAS shots for her special girls. She asked the main vet if she could administer the shots as she was a veterinary assistant, and of course he agreed and handed her the full kit. “Less work for me and you work with the girls all the time, so it should work out well and ill give you a good report for such initiative!”

Beth noticed there was about 1 Liter of BAS in the kit, and enough syringes to do 6 or 7 cows for the next 20 weeks… a devious thought crossed her mind.

She cut back Bessy, Betty and Sally from 100ml to 75ml each, increased Molly to 125ml and then. . . filled up two smaller syringes with 25 ml each and made sure nobody was looking as she removed her shirt and injected each of her breasts with the BAS. She quickly felt a warm sensation throughout her breasts and down to her genitals. She squealed with delight. “Oh my God” she muttered “I have to keep this under control.”

Her girls were all mooing, indicating they needed to be milked immediately and so, Beth got straight to work. She was both hungry and thirsty and started sampling from each jug as she went along . . . and knocked back a liter of each cows milk, and 2 liters from Molly.

Her tummy was full and warm and so were her breasts. She could feel a small difference and she was loving it.

Since she was working on a farm and couldnt tuck her shirts in anymore, she stopped at the Farmers supply on the way home and bought herself a few pairs of extra large overalls

She tried a pair on when she got home and much to her surprise, even with the straps more than halfway extended, there wasnt a lot of extra room in there for her breasts. She was going to need extension straps and larger overalls.

Beth sat back in her favorite chair with some popcorn and her laptop and started looking up videos on milk production and airy cattle, after a few hours she fell asleep arms wrapped around her burgeoning breasts.

Stay tuned for chapter 2
Check out my new story! 

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Beth's Bodacious Beauties - by Bonecracker - 03-06-2021, 07:51 PM

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