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Leanne Crow
(04-17-2018, 06:31 AM)ManofKent Wrote: I think the same thing happened with Linzi Dawn Mckenzie many years ago.  I think she became pregnant with her partner and when that happened there was quite a backlash from many fans.

I always thought that it was more nuanced than that... Didn't she try the domesticated life? Shortly there after, had a breast reduction, and slowly fade?

I also think right before this time, she parted ways with Score, and kinda lost her branding power. She wasn't "out there" as much, if you will.

She made her official comeback circa 2007 or so, and it just wasn't the same. I think after a while, she even had breast augmentation surgery. It was like she was trying to capture something that was long gone.

As a fan, I hung in there as much as I could. But it just wasn't the same for me. Also, I think she kept her pregnancy out of her public life as much as she could.

Her downfall, if you will, has little, if nothing to do with her pregnancy. I think it was more about her slow fade in to a more private life.

This is my honest opinion, Im not trolling, its just my personal opinion.

Is just me or does Leanne only have a 3 poses? The "I think I forgot something" pose, "the something funny is happening off camera" pose, and the perennial favourite "Is it sexy if I bit my lip" pose..

Many, MANY apologies to the Leanne fans, she has great, awesome tits.


Compared to, for example, LDM, shes a crap model. Boring shots, with no charisma.

P.S I have the same opinion of Rachel Aldana. Sorry.

I shall now run away and hide from the abuse.
you're not entirely off base here, @slappy. There is a sense of millennial entitlement with a lot of models of this era.

The "I have big tits and a sexy ass, so you better be nice to me and give me stuff" attitude.

I prefer the Wendy Whoppers, Sarena Lee, et al attitude of "I want to be your ultimate fantasy and please you"
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(05-15-2018, 06:28 PM)Bonecracker Wrote: you're not entirely off base here, @slappy.  There is a sense of millennial entitlement with a lot of models of this era.

The "I have big tits and a sexy ass, so you better be nice to me and give me stuff" attitude.

I prefer the Wendy Whoppers, Sarena Lee, et al attitude of "I want to be your ultimate fantasy and please you"

Thanks for the validation of my opinion BC. I wondered whether the amazing tits would give her a free pass, nice to met a fan who's as interested in the personality the model's project.
Don't know why millennials are anything unique in terms of entitlement, especially after the fucking boomer generation.
(05-16-2018, 11:36 PM)TheRock1525 Wrote: Don't know why millennials are anything unique in terms of entitlement, especially after the fucking boomer generation.

I have no idea either... but holy shit, the attitude is crazy and the sense of entitlement is palpable.  Maybe only amongst 50% of the millennials . . . but that means the other 50% have to carry twice their weight.

I have two sons in this generation.  One works like a dog, the other thinks he's entitled to everything . 

But we're off topic.

All my fault.  Sorry
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Millennials produce more than any other generation, live with stagnating wages, very few jobs offering pension plans, almost zero job security, competing on a now global market workforce, watch as the Boomer generation pushes to cut the safety nets like Social Security and Medicare they're currently collecting on, all the while getting blamed for not spending their few excesses the way previous generations overspent and drove themselves into ridiculous debt in the same of "Keeping Up with the Jones."

Anyone that talks about Millennial entitlement can shove it straight up their asses. There was just as many lazy Boomers, Gen-Xers, and future Gen-Zers as there are Millennials. There's nothing unique or special to any Post-WW2 generation, you all have your great people and your shit-heads in any generation.
OK, let's get back on topic now.

We've had our little vent.
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Just a quick question... What is the name of the generation that are swallowing tide pods? hahaha
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I would like to go swimming with her

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Something something flotation devices.
So good to see something new from Leanne Crow, another one of my dream girls

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Cat's out of the bag now!  These two pregnancy progress pics shared with us courtesy of Leanna.

God bless you, Leanne and may you have an easy pregnancy and delivery and wonderful life with your family!!

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She looks amazing, as always... Is she still with that guy?
(11-15-2018, 10:13 PM)JustSomeone Wrote: She looks amazing, as always... Is she still with that guy?

The mixed messages and hearsay from common friends indicate it isn't a perfectly smooth road she walks.  So I can't say for certain.  

I will ask!  I wish she would come by and write something.   Angel
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Every generation feels the last got all the breaks, though stats show the Boomers did do quite well (other than worrying about WWIII everyday).
I think part of the problem is the photographers these days, they lack the eye that made the pages of Mayfair throb. Joanne Latham, big bust of the 70s, perfection bursting with fullness, but packing apples compared to the melons of today.
How is it that Score magazine having some of the best models have the most boring photosets and videos?
How can any photographer dampen down the hotness of Hitomi? But they do it all the time. Instead of quality they just go for 4K 100 shot slideshows hoping that there will be one or two good pics. Doesn't matter. It's an assembly line. Churn it out. Churn out the models. There's always another pretty face with a great rack. Next.

If Leanne was a Russian model I'd get the never smile style, it's their thing.
My thing is, I want to see her smile, enjoy herself, cherish this moment.

Greatly appreciating the preg shots, didn't think she would do any, but never say never.
If that is at 4 months, yowza, what will 9 do?
A gorgeous view!

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Love it!!!
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