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Nude pictures and side by side comparisons of photos from 2012-2013 (the last official new ones I can recall) would really be helpful. Is that possible or am I asking too much?
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based on her lack of updates, new materail, and poses. yes i think ur asking alot. the whole side boob and lack of body shots make her updates a snooze. i love her thou but its getting to be repetative.
"I dont mind being called "looking fake"...thats what I i'm glad its recognized. I dont act fake, but I certainly go out of my way to look it!!!
I always explicity tell a Dr before suregry, that I want to look super fake, round, set high...basically basketballs on my chest...I in no way, shape or form want to look natural"
A personal email convo with Cathy Metal
(09-19-2013, 09:59 PM)Bonecracker Wrote: "New" Beshine. I put high rez copies in the gallery but they seem to have disappeard!

So here they are via smaller versions as attachments, ENJOY!

As you can tell, these were taken before any booty work was done, so they're over a year old.



If you look at the last image, she has the sort of fleshy thighs which look stunning in sheer black stockings. I wish she would do some haute couture lingerie sets.
(05-09-2016, 02:57 PM)GeorgeGatley Wrote: If you look at the last image, she has the sort of fleshy thighs which look stunning in sheer black stockings. I wish she would do some haute couture lingerie sets.
She did once. ONCE. And it was awesome.
Check out my new story! 
good set back in the day, i agree
"I dont mind being called "looking fake"...thats what I i'm glad its recognized. I dont act fake, but I certainly go out of my way to look it!!!
I always explicity tell a Dr before suregry, that I want to look super fake, round, set high...basically basketballs on my chest...I in no way, shape or form want to look natural"
A personal email convo with Cathy Metal
From one of her recent Tweets:

i'm still laying in the tanning bed and yes.. i can not close it

Agent "wow!" Dee
[i]"Well gosh, breast men are the best men, you know, *giggles* I love you all."[/i]
[i]"You know your boobs are too big when a guy stands up to let u thru to your seat and despite him leaning back I boobed him back in his seat."[/i]
Chelsea Charms

[url=]want a custom avatar?[/url]

Special Agent: Dee
MiB; Division 6, NYC

Pictures or it didn't happen! LOL
Check out my new story! 
agreed she can do some more uploading. especialy candid pics
"I dont mind being called "looking fake"...thats what I i'm glad its recognized. I dont act fake, but I certainly go out of my way to look it!!!
I always explicity tell a Dr before suregry, that I want to look super fake, round, set high...basically basketballs on my chest...I in no way, shape or form want to look natural"
A personal email convo with Cathy Metal
(05-15-2016, 02:57 AM)Bonecracker Wrote: Pictures or it didn't happen! LOL

new update is great, a lot of the same angles she always does but even some pov stuff towards the end. in the latter shots she looks bigger than even, as well. the video updates lately have been meh, though.
(06-27-2016, 12:08 PM)ypofh Wrote: new update is great, a lot of the same angles she always does but even some pov stuff towards the end. in the latter shots she looks bigger than even, as well. the video updates lately have been meh, though.

Is there a sample or two available?
Check out my new story! 
still a bit new to how sharing images and all from the sites go but i'll wager this being allowed? these are two examples of the images i was talking about but it's a pretty hefty (71 image) set Big Grin

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)
welcome to the forum ypofh FYI content from her webcams (videos caps and gifs) are not allowed here if you want another beshine avatar hit me up there is a link to an avatar request thread in my signature.

[i]"Well gosh, breast men are the best men, you know, *giggles* I love you all."[/i]
[i]"You know your boobs are too big when a guy stands up to let u thru to your seat and despite him leaning back I boobed him back in his seat."[/i]
Chelsea Charms

[url=]want a custom avatar?[/url]

Special Agent: Dee
MiB; Division 6, NYC

(06-28-2016, 01:47 AM)ypofh Wrote: still a bit new to how sharing images and all from the sites go but i'll wager this being allowed? these are two examples of the images i was talking about but it's a pretty hefty (71 image) set Big Grin
Thanks, ypoth!
Check out my new story! 
looks huge but same angles since 2014...
"I dont mind being called "looking fake"...thats what I i'm glad its recognized. I dont act fake, but I certainly go out of my way to look it!!!
I always explicity tell a Dr before suregry, that I want to look super fake, round, set high...basically basketballs on my chest...I in no way, shape or form want to look natural"
A personal email convo with Cathy Metal
(06-28-2016, 01:47 AM)ypofh Wrote: still a bit new to how sharing images and all from the sites go but i'll wager this being allowed? these are two examples of the images i was talking about but it's a pretty hefty (71 image) set Big Grin

Her set is pretty and hefty - that is for sure. Wink
I'm still wondering if she will go bigger. Her recent stuff is good but more or less the same for the past few months.

If anybody wants to chat about giant boobs hit me up on yahoo or Skype
(07-06-2016, 01:27 PM)Tvrules2089 Wrote: I'm still wondering if she will go bigger. Her recent stuff is good but more or less the same for the past few months.

If anybody wants to chat about giant boobs hit me up on yahoo or Skype
Here's hoping she doesn't get contented and keeps wanting to go bigger and BIGGER Smile
I'm starting to wonder if she CAN go any bigger. She's supposedly at what, 22,000, 24,000cc's now? Considering the largest available implants now are somewhere in the vicinity of 6,000cc's max, I imagine she has to be somewhere near or even greatly over what her implants were ever made to handle.
I have a great deal of difficulty believing she is over 10,000 ml of saline per implant.
Check out my new story! 
(07-06-2016, 10:47 PM)Bonecracker Wrote: I have a great deal of difficulty believing she is over 10,000 ml of saline per implant.

This guy gets it.
So if you think she is only around 10,000 cc per boob. How do you explain her size? Do you think it's all camera tricks? I wonder the same thing too. She looks massive but I wonder her real size.
(07-06-2016, 10:47 PM)Bonecracker Wrote: I have a great deal of difficulty believing she is over 10,000 ml of saline per implant.

I also doubt that Beshine is 19k 20k per breast and think the same of Chelsea Charms, they will be around 15k 16k;
21k or 22k by weight chest is a lot to bear; yes 22k 15k are an awful lot is really a monstrosity, carry that weight all day is unbearable, gravity fails and no matter the sport or exercise you do.

Why do you think you always have your measurements in secret? for you to start to fantasize, to speculate and look around so you are always attracted by them

It is just my opinion! nothing more. I do not want anyone upset and feel bad
Interesting thoughts. I can see what you're saying. How do you explain the sheer size of them? I think beshine is closer to 10,000 ml but firmly believe that Chelsea is easily 20k and more at times. She mentioned in an interview(in February) that her boobs are 30lbs each. I believe they have to be close or more than that number
Think about it this way. Every 3700ml of implant saline is a GALLON (or 3.7liters) of saltwater.

So Beshine presently has (that we know of) about 3 gallons in each implant. Imagine carting around 6 1-gallon jugs of milk on your chest. NOT FOR THE FAINT OF HEART!

Now think about double that amount. It would be impossible to walk. Not physically possible.
Check out my new story! 

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