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Marilyn Sakova aka Busty Marilyn aka Anya, Saf, sad news to report
I'm sad to say, I've just found out today, and confirmed it, One of my all time favorite busty models, Marilyn Sakova, has Sally had a beast reduction. Her glorious, huge natural breasts are no more. And the reduction job they did on her is butchered to boot. Apparently, she was diagnosed with cystic breast cancer, and had all of her natural breast tissue removed. What remains is now silicone.

A moment of silence please...
Wait a minute, she had breast doesn't that make this a mastectomy?? My wife had to have this done, so isn't Merilyn's (correct spelling) life more important??

That being said, since I know this first they put in expanders which are not the "final product." So, of course they may not look perfect but I don't think it's fair to her to say that anything was "butchered." Plus, let's face it: she had a lot of extra skin around the "insides" that were removed so it's quite possible she may want to eventually get very large again st some point in the future.

In the meantime, I think its best to pray that they got everything out in time for her to be able to enjoy many more years.
Most importantly, we are very saddened for this woman's health troubles and having to go through such difficult surgeries.

My personal wish: May God be with her, and help her physical and emotional recovery.
(you can add your own wishes or prayers to which ever deity, religion, science, or nothingness you believe in without sny comments on mine, thank you.)
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I wasn't saying anything against her for it, god no. I completely understand. And as far as my research gathered the cancer was benign in nature but she decided it was best to go through with it. She's still beautiful, just not as... Big.
There's a video on xvideos, of what is believed to be her last webcam performance. I'm not posting a link but you can find it. See for yourselves.
and you didn't come across as negative in any way, Mr. Fixit! I should have stated in my post my gratitude for your bringing us the sad news to begin with.

It is appreciated, sir!
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I had heard about this a little while ago and I wish only the best for her. While I'll miss Anya's absolutely magnificent rack, her health comes first and foremost.

However, what bosomblaster about her expanders is interesting. Given that she was huge before, if Anya does decide to go large again we may be lucky enough to see another legendary silicone girl along the same lines as Tiffany Towers or Sarenna Lee.

P.S. As a side note, I'm surprised we didn't have a Merilyn/Anya thread before this, especially since she's modeled for so many sites. I was wondering what can we freely post and what, if anything, is forbidden on the forum? Attached is a screencap from now defunct website so I think that should be alright.

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)
It was a conscious decision, on my part at least, not to start one. Many of us 'knew' something was up based on her online activity and lack of pro work being done. I had hoped it was just family related.
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