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Another Life 2
Hello everybody!

 I have been working on a sequel for my story "Another Life".

Writing is a hobby for me and I seek to share with people who may have similar tastes. I hope you like it!

I also wanted to share the link to the index that I have created in case you like to check the first part, or the small spin off that I wrote within the same fictional world.
I like where this is going!
Check out my new story! 
Hope you don't mind... Bloodninja, Bit-Su. But everyone has to read this!! It's really something special.

Christopher Bates

Dr White Aesthetic Center, Downtown Santa Monica

Christopher looked at his electronic diary. “April 12, 2031, appointment with Dr. Jay White”. Then he looked at his watch, 5 pm. He was late, Bates thought he couldn't catch Jay, however when he arrived Jay was still there.

"Chris, nice to see you, come on in, for a second I thought you werent coming" the young doctor told him.

"Yes, I know I'm late, I had an unexpected event that I had to take care of, I'm very sorry, but tell me, how was it? Could you see everything?".

Jay smiled confidently, something that immediately reassured Bates.

Chris was under a lot of pressure, he needed to know if Jay could really do the procedure that made Daisy the woman with the biggest breasts in the world. "Chris friend, I hope you have the girl, because I have the implants and the machine!". Chris was about to hug Jay out of the emotion.

Jay had spent the last few months studying some of Adler's research notes, the information having been gathered from BioTech's servers. But it wasn't until a couple of weeks ago that they had made any real breakthrough. The doctor proceeded to explain everything they had accomplished to Chris, who was not really even paying attention, he was thinking about the future instead.

Lately his luck was changing, everything seemed to be going perfectly. There was some other important news that Bates didnt tell the girls, mainly because he didn't want to discourage Elizabeth who seemed totally determined to defeat Daisy. But if the rumors were true, Daisy had disappeared without a trace, Heissen lost his companion and nobody knew for sure where she was.

It had been more than a month since the last time anybody saw the blonde, Heissen always took her everywhere and now her absence was evident.

Some people said that she had abandoned him, that she got tired of satisfying him; but others thought that she died, that Heissen had been filling the girl's breasts too often, too many times. It was just rumoring and Chris didn't care, what mattered was that she wasnt with Heissen.

The last people to see her had no idea how much saline her boobs contained, but they described her as carrying a pair of giant balloons, too full and heavy to be real. Whatever happened, the important thing to Christopher was that she had left the scene and now Elizabeth would receive implants just like the ones that had made Daisy a legend in The Court, the biggest girl in Santa Monica. It was time to break the good news to Elizabeth.


Rachel Lars

Dr White Aesthetic Center, Downtown Santa Monica

April 13, 2:00 pm

Once Elizabeth knew everything, she was ready for her surgery, she didn't want to wait for anything, typical of her, Rachel thought. She rushed everyone and for the next day they had her sedated in the surgery room. Rachel was now sitting in the clinic's waiting room.

"Are you nervous?" Christopher asked her, she certainly was, the woman she loved and with whom she had shared her life for the last three years was undergoing a surgery for something she could not describe as anything other than an experimental procedure. And what did they know about the doctor? Just the little Bates had told them, and these implants were being created and manipulated by someone who had barely read how they worked.

Yes, Rachel was nervous, in the same way that she was jealous that Bates could give Elizabeth something she never could. She was nervous, jealous, and even somewhat upset. "What do you think?" she answered him rudely.

"Is there something wrong?" he asked her. He had to be doing it on purpose, he couldn't be so clueless. “You ask the right questions, don't you Chris? Of course, theres something wrong, you are risking Betsy's life just to be your trophy! You are a damn selfish person; you hope that she goes through these situations for your own unfortunate benefit”. It felt good to say it out loud.

“Look Rachel, I know you don't trust me, but at least think about this. Do you think Betsy is the only woman in all of Santa Monica willing to do this? I could have a line of women willing to risk everything to be where she is right now. I did not seek her out of necessity, I sought her because I love her, I want her to be there, because I care about her. I respect the relationship you two have, but I really want the best for her. I don't know how you intended to make this happen, but I trust this is the best way. I see it as a mutual benefit, a symbiotic relationship. I really want the best for you both. Now, regarding the surgery, I have known Jay for a long time and he is the best there is at doing this kind of job, she is in very good hands”.

Bates's words calmed her down a bit, she spent a few seconds staring into space and then she said in a softly tone “I know you think you know her, but… you have no idea. When you first met her years ago, in her mansion, with her dresses and all her money, it was just a shell, she… she was not happy, she was being superficial, protecting herself… but we have been through a lot together…”.

Chris was silent with a surprised expression, Rachel realized that she had tears in her eyes, she cleared her throat a little and kept going “have you ever stopped to think why she always uses arm warmers? or coats? Or a long-sleeved blouse? ... you don't know her, not like me, you don't know what happened and I don't think anyone has any idea of Betsy's will to live”.

A few minutes passed in silence, finally Chris apologized to her and left.


Dr Jay White

Dr White Aesthetic Centers parking lot, Downtown Santa Monica

April 13, 4:30 pm

Jay lit a cigarette, it was common for him to smoke after a surgery, especially when it was a difficult one. This had not been particularly difficult, but it had been long and he was nervous, it was the first time that he had worked with this kind of implants and although he had followed the entire procedure, he still could not avoid the feeling of nervousness, it was, after all, something new for him.

He heard the door of the clinic opening and looked over his shoulder, it was his old friend Chris. He was probably coming to ask how the surgery went, he had no problem explaining and telling him everything he wanted to know about it. What gnawed at Jay's conscience was a secret he couldn't talk about with his friend, it was the secret of how he had cracked Dr. Adler's technology, those were the kind of questions Jay wanted to avoid.

As his friend got closer, Jay's memories came back to him in rapid succession, a few months ago he met Daisy. After Chris told him everything about this girl Jay became obsessed with, he had to see her with his own eyes, Chris's story sounded like science fiction, so it became his priority to corroborate what he had told him. He moved heaven and earth for an opportunity to meet her. After collecting various favors with one of Heissen's security members, he finally got the chance to meet her, while also meeting Doctor Adler himself.

They set up an appointment at Adlers lab, the guy who managed to bring it in introduced him as nothing more than a huge Daisy fan. Adler was meticulous about the young woman's constant growth so they had lots of follow-up appointments. He was proud and over-talking, Jay played dumb on most of the things Adler explained, but understood more than he should.

Daisy was a friendly girl with an easy smile. Her body was a work of art and her breasts defied all logic and science. She was the overwhelming proof of Adler's genius. Jay had the opportunity not only to see the girl, but he was also able to hold the biggest, roundest and firmest tits on the planet with his hands, she was a unique woman and her implants went far beyond what he ever imagined. At this moment Jay decided, he should become able to replicate this work, Daisy was unique, but there was no reason for her to be, there was no reason for Adler and Heissen to monopolize that beautiful woman and the technology that had been capable of taking her beyond human limits.

After a few days Jay decided to go to an old client of his, a woman with power in Santa Monica known as the lady of death. Zia was extremely interested in Daisy, and all Jay wanted was the secrets of Adler's implants. Jay already knew where Dr. Adler worked, and he knew how Heissen's security team operated.

In the months that followed Jay and Zia found a way to contact Daisy and agree on a plan, Daisy was willing to go with Zia, who had offered to make her more than just a companion, she would stop being Heissen's trophy and would become the partner of the lady of death. The outcome was not what Jay would have wanted, he never wanted Adler to die, this would weigh on his conscience more than he thought.

After Adler's death, just a couple of weeks before, Jay met with Zia. He gave her a copy of all the information obtained, as part of the deal they had made. This was the last time he saw Daisy; he couldn't say what had happened to her during those last months, she was still resplendent, her blonde hair shone and she always had that beautiful smile, but at the same time she was not the same girl, her gaze was different, something in her had changed. Also her boobs were much bigger than when he met her, Jay was unable to begin to make calculations to determine how many liters were needed to bring her to such size, but at first glance she looked amazing, each boob taken to the absolute extreme, so incredibly round, so impossibly full, colossal spheres that surpassed reality. The question crossed his mind, would it really be possible to bring any other woman to her size?

"Jay, are you okay?" He heard Chris's voice, pulling him out of the swirl of memories. Jay looked at him and smiled "yes ... yes, yes, yes, old man! more than good! Elizabeth is ready, everything went perfect! will go where no other woman has gone!" he said smiling, with more confidence in his voice than he had in his mind.


Elizabeth Clayton

Bates Manor, Outskirts of Santa Monica

May 15, 2031

The sensation was unsettling, exciting, Elizabeth's senses fired incessantly, from the second she heard the machine starting its work her heart raced with emotion. When the liquid began to slowly fill her implants, she could feel it, she felt her skin stretch, trying to make room for each drop that went inside her. She felt like her body was fighting against the change and yet she was losing to the constant pumping of the machine, as her implants required little by little more room, she felt like her interior was filling in as her boobs grew in the effort to contain more and more.

Before she realized, the machine had finished its work and added an extra liter to her breasts. Either way it was irrelevant now, Elizabeth was lying on her bed, panting, slowly withdrawing her hand from her totally wet crotch. It was a scene that had already been repeated several times, it was a highly addictive sensation and Elizabeth once again had only been carried away by her senses.

From the moment she first saw a woman with giant implants, she knew it, she knew that is what she wanted, she wanted it with all her might. She spent day and night imagining what she would look like, thinking that other women seeing her would immediately know that it was impossible to reach her, she would become the greatest of all. All men would want her, it would be a fantasy come true. Today for the first time in many years, she felt that her dream was coming true, she could not stop now, she had to press the button again.
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I don't mind at all! =)
Another Life 2, Chapter 4 - by Bloodninja

Christopher Bates
Santa Monica Route 301
May 15 2031

Chris's hands were still shaking a bit, he was trying to stay calm while driving the car. He still wasn't sure what had happened, the shooting, the people running, Heissen's thugs acting like a death squad. Everything happened so fast, what seemed like just a regular night at the club had turned into a disaster by the end of the night.

Christopher was not an experienced thug, unlike his grandfather, he was a newbie at this and a shooting like the one he had just experienced was something totally new to him. "Tell me, what were you doing there? what happened?" Chris asked his companion.

The young woman was totally downcast, deep in thought, gently tied her dark hair and with her hands she wiped a tear that was beginning to run down her cheek. “I already told you Chris, I tried to screw with Heissen, but it didn't work, he screwed me up, and she… Donna… she's going to pay for my stupidity… and her sister, oh no, those assholes shot her. Stephanie, I can't believe it…” Jackie's voice broke into thousands of fragments until her words were drowned out.

"Now calm down, calm down, you don't have to say anything else, calm down". He tried to comfort her, although not even he could remain calm. Right now he just wanted to get home.

He immediately remembered Elizabeth, and then his mind went to the redhead at the club. Adler was dead, and Daisy was missing, but it was evident after that night that Heissen had found replacements for both of them, that redhead had such big boobs it could only mean that she was using Adler's implants.

Elizabeth now had real competition. He was sure he had seen the redhead get into a limousine accompanied by Clara Whitters as they left the club, so she had to be with Heissen.


Rachel Lars

Bates Manor, Outskirts of Santa Monica

Rachel had been worried about Elizabeth; not because of the surgery since it was a complete success, what had her worried now was Elizabeth's attitude.

After the operation, Dr. White showed them how to use the special machine and fill Elizabeth's implants. He also made it very clear to them that these implants are virtually indestructible, he tested the limits himself; according to him he gave up after, in his own words, gallons after gallons wasted on tests.

But the doctor also told them that even though the implants seem to have no limits, on the other hand the human body would definitely have it. If they were filled incessantly, the logical thing would be that a person's body would be unable to contain such huge implants.

Elizabeth seemed to have forgotten this last part and that is what Rachel was worried about. Shortly after the operation Chris arranged a special room in the mansion for Elizabeth. Dr. White designed a variation of the Adler machine that they used to fill the implants, this new machine did not use the one-liter packages, instead it simply had a tank connected to it. This way they would avoid having to change packages and it was only enough to press a button to operate the machine.

"Betsy again?" she asked. Elizabeth sighed slowly without saying anything, disconnected the tubes from her implants, stood up and her boobs bounced strongly, they were indeed bigger. “Twelve liters, can you believe it? It is double what we had achieved in three years, this is the best in the world! " Elizabeth told her, but Rachel wasn't happy and it probably showed on her face, as Elizabeth immediately came to her scolded-girl expression.

Elizabeth approached her and gave her a kiss, her soft lips brushing against hers, Rachel could feel Elizabeth's breath, then she pressed her huge round tits against her body, and finally pushed her onto the bed. As Elizabeth connected the tubes to her implants she said "let's try something new".

Rachel didn't know how to react, she had no idea what to do, and even though she hated to admit it, she felt turned on by Elizabeth's exuberant body, she worried about what she was doing to herself, but she couldn't deny that those tits looked magnificent. In the past she had had fantasies where Elizabeth reached a size like this or even bigger, but it was very different to dream of that than to feel with her own hands those tight spheres, the skin smooth and extended to its maximum extent, her Betsy was a living fantasy.

Elizabeth settled over her on the bed, dropping the entire volume of her chest onto her.

"Touch me, slowly, kindly" she heard her say. Rachel without thinking twice took those balloons in her hands, feeling Elizabehts firm but at the same time soft skin. She then bit Betsys nipple, placing her head right in front of her girlfriend's boob, which was bigger than her own head. Elizabeth pressed a button that was next to the bed, Rachel heard a beep, it was the signal that the machine would begin to deliver a full liter to each of her lover's tits.

Between her hands she could feel it, slowly but surely, that gigantic tit which she still had in her mouth was growing, it was gaining size and weight, the sensation was incredible, a fantasy come true for the two of them. Suddenly Rachel just wanted to hold her girlfriend's chest and feel it grow, she had forgotten everything else, and just as quickly as it had started the machine suddenly stopped.

"That was… amazing," Rachel said with obvious disbelief.

"I hope that helps you understand a little what I've been feeling, I don't want to stop, I just want to grow, look into my eyes, how much more do you think I can handle? ... How much more do you want me to grow? Do you want my boobs to be even bigger?" Elizabeth's question had a hint of complicity, Rachel knew it, her Betsy was seeking permission, she wanted what she was about to do to be done with consent, a decision of both.

Rachel sighed, a little scared by what she was about to say, but there, lying under the body of the woman she loved, holding her lovers impossibly large tits, lust and desire could more than reason "as much as you want, as much as you can, all you want… ”and with these words coming out of Rachel's mouth, Elizabeth pressed the button again.

Rachel stroked her lovers boobs in circles as both mountains slowly grew. She regularly squeezed one of Elizabeth's tits with both hands, which resulted in a moan from the girl, Rachel nibbled one of the nipples in a playful way, and Elizabeth let that tit fall on top of her, huge as it was. It was heavy enough to suffocate her, but Rachel enjoyed it.

Suddenly she could hear another beep coming from the machine, this could only mean that Betsy had pressed the button again, another liter started to fill in, and continued to increase the mass of those tits, the veins began to stand out on the sides of Elizabeth's chest. Rachel could mention something about it, stop her for fear that she could not hold the incoming liquid, but truth be told, she was enjoying the act and deep down she did not have the strength to stop her. Rachel put a hand on Elizabeth's crotch who moaned loudly and caressed one of her tits while Rachel licked the other.

The machine began to stop. "More, more, don't stop, don't let it stop" Rachel screamed in a rush of desire.

"I will never stop" Elizabeth replied at the same time that a beep was heard again and filled the room with its echo. Elizabeth's areolas were gigantic, Rachel loved them, but she also noticed the reddish marks on the sides of each tit.

"Tell me, tell me Rachel, how big do you want me?" Elizabeth managed to say between gasps, in Rachels mind crossed the idea that Elizabeth would not take much longer before blowing up, but she did not want to think, she only wanted one thing. "Huge, I wish you huge, more than that, I just want you to keep going, I want you to be as big as you've always dreamed of".

Rachel couldn't believe it, Elizabeth was massive at that point, they both moaned in unison, each boob was so big that they could no longer hold them, so full and heavy, Rachel felt several orgasms and she was sure that Elizabeth herself had also come several times.

Finally Elizabeth took Rachel's hand and placed it on one of her tits. "Hold her, for heaven's sake ... they're ... so heavy, hold them tight" she said, and there was another beep. Indeed they were tremendously heavy, and the liquid kept filling in, while Rachel was holding one boob with both hands Elizabeth grasped the other, then Rachel noticed it, the veins of Elizabeths chest stood out, thick, the reddish marks had intensified, the skin felt hot.

"More, I want more" Elizabeth said between demanding and asking permission at the same time, Rachel placed each of her hands on the side of each tit, lifting them with great effort, each of her lover's boobs bounced with force, Rachel began to feel a tremendous fatigue in her arms due to the effort, that pair of balloons that she was holding had already exceeded her expectations, she began to wonder, how much longer was Elizabeth going to be able to endure this?

It didn't matter much what she thought, before she could say anything the loud beep was heard once more in the room.


Christopher Bates

Bates Manor, Outskirts of Santa Monica

They arrived late, the place was quiet. He prepared Jackeline some tea to help her calm down. Chris wasn't sure if she was sad or angry or in some kind of shock, but she was definitely not okay.

He had not seen her for years, after high school graduation they lost contact and the last he heard from her is that, despite being a Koffman, a descendant of one of the aristocratic families of Santa Monica, she had become a detective in the Santa Monica Police Department; Detective Jackeline Koffman.

Either way he had no idea what she was doing at Heissen's club that night. After the shots everything turned into chaos, he could see that they took out a girl with blood all over her and then he saw Jackeline walking disoriented, clearly she had received a blow to the head, he could not just leave her there, she was a police officer after all, she would probably be in danger. He took her by the hand and left the place with her.

"Drink your tea and try to calm yourself down, I'll go get the girls, you'll like them, I'm sure you can wear something from Rachel to change those clothes" Chris told her. Jackeline nodded slowly, she was definitely not well. Chris had the idea to call Jay, he was a doctor after all, maybe he could check her.

After a quick call to Jay, who told him he would be here shortly, he asked about Rachel and Elizabeth.

"In the machine room" his butler had said. It was not surprising, Elizabeth was getting used to the implants and Jay had given her the green light to fill them up, it was sure that she would be doing it right now, after all it was like a dream come true for her, it was good to see her so happy.

Chris opened the door to the room, just at that moment a beep sounded, Chris was stunned by the scene.

Both girls were in bed, Elizabeth over Rachel, for a moment only the machine could be heard pumping and the gasp of both women who now lay still but agitated, the two were just looking at Bates. Christopher did not know how to react to what he was seeing, indeed Elizabeth was bigger, but he had never imagined how much she had grown. Rachel was holding the huge balloons as best she could, but her hands looked tiny against the tremendous girth. Chris couldn't react, much less think clearly, he just knew that he was facing something impressive, Elizabeth had definitely reached a new level.
Check out my new story! 
Chapter 5 by Bloodninja

Elizabeth Clayton

Bates Manor, Outskirts of Santa Monica

The sound of the machine stopped slowly, indicating that it was finishing its task. When the sound was extinguished, the silence surrounded the place, only Betsy and Rachels agitated breathing interrupted what would otherwise be total silence in the room. Bates had an expression of utter disbelief.

Elizabeth knew it, she had gotten out of control, it was not the first time something like this had happened to her, she had a certain tendency to lose control about things that made her feel good, even when it could cause harm to herself. This has always been the reason not to consume any type of drugs, she was afraid of what could happen if she got a drug addiction.

"What the hell did you do!?" Bates finally said. Elizabeth did what she did best, acted as if everything was fine and under control.

She smiled slightly so that her lips barely showed her teeth and delicately disconnected the tubes from her implants. Slowly she slid out of bed, Rachel was still lying down and didn't seem to show any intention of saying or doing anything at all. Elizabeth knew the reason. Bates trusted Rachel's sanity, and it was clear that things had gotten out of control so in his eyes she probably failed him.

For her, Rachel had always been very easy to manipulate, but she was not going to let Chris recriminate anything at his girl, she would take responsibility. After all it was her body and she could do whatever she wanted.

Finally she stood up, but gravity took her by surprise, her tits were so heavy that her center of gravity was no longer the same, she was about to fall headlong but Chris held her.

She was able to position herself better, her gigantic chest protruded in front of her, her breasts full to the fullest extent, rising firmly. Chris held her as best as he could, with one hand he took one of her arms and the other hand took one of her tits. For a moment Elizabeth was afraid of what Chris might tell her about her recent fill up, but from his friend's face it seemed that he was not mad at all.

Bates was absolutely absorbed, the hand that held her tit was now slowly caressing her, Elizabeth could feel it slowly passing over her skin. She felt her face hot and how her nipples hardened, although she usually did not look for anything from a man, the truth is that there was something about Christopher that had always caught her attention, perhaps those outbursts of jealousy from Rachel were not so badly unfounded after all? Sometimes Elizabeth herself wasn't sure about this.

Elizabeth was so focused on Bates that she completely forgot that Rachel was watching them. She was even so focused that she didnt even notice the woman at the door of the room until she spoke.

“I can't believe it, who the hell are you? You are as big as Donna!”.

They immediately reacted, Bates released her, and Elizabeth regained her composure and responded with a question. “Who am I? The question here is who are you, and who the hell is Donna?".


Christopher Bates

Bates Manor, a few hours later

Chris went into his office, it used to be his grandfather's, slowly closed the door behind him. He walked slowly, as if his feet were too heavy, finally he walked over to the large wooden desk and sat in the huge recliner chair. It had been a long day, with too much to take in, he was tired. Bates had a habit of coming in here when he required meditation.

The stumbles and surprises he took that day spun in his mind.

Tonight he managed to confirm that Daisy had dumped Heissen, but that redhead at the club was Heissen's ace up his sleeve, his way of saying he didn't need Daisy.

On the other hand, there was Jackeline. Chris thought about the plan that Jackeline had confessed she executed to destroy Heissen. That night she told them everything, including how she sacrificed her co-worker, the same co-worker who had now become the replacement for Daisy and the direct competition for Elizabeth. All to avenge Adeline, her sister.

As for Elizabeth, she had lost control today, showing that neither she nor Rachel could be fully trusted, from now on he would have to be more careful with them. Elizabeth overstepped her limits, allowed herself to be carried away and as a result her boobs were now absolutely gigantic.

The fact in itself was not bad, it was actually part of his own plan; it had even served to prove that Elizabeth had what it takes to compete against any woman. But it was risky and showed the lack of self-control of the girls.

Jay personally reviewed her, said that she was perfect for this, her body had assimilated in an incredible way a huge expansion in each of her tits; And even though he didn't recommend giving her a single drop more for at least a month. He was confident that in the future she could become much bigger, she had reached 18,000 ccs and made it look like child's play.

Jay then injected her with what he described as a serum to make her feel better, to improve her recovery after augmentation. Chris knew it was another dose of the genetic modification compound, and without it a normal woman would not be able to handle the Adler implants. But anyway Elizabeth was not a normal woman, he knew it but could not reveal it, it was a secret that he would keep from Betsy.

On the other hand, Jay accidentally gave him the last bomb of the night. When Jackeline compared Elizabeth to Donna and Daisy, Jay couldn't help commenting that Elizabeth was a long way from being able to compare herself to Daisy.

This is where Chris got uncomfortable, he realized that Jay had met Daisy in person. He did not like that people kept secrets from him, his grandfather had taught him very well the importance of information, and that the secrets other people hide from you tell more about them than what they show you.

The sound of the office door opening pushed the thoughts out of his mind. "Here you are!" Elizabeth said as she went in, she was wearing tight jeans and black arm warmers, but she was topless, her huge breasts bounced with each step, she literally did not have any kind of clothing to cover herself, it is something in what they would have to work on since she shouldn't walk naked all day. Although the idea was appealing for him.

"What are you doing? You seem too thoughtful… ”Elizabeth told him as she walked towards him.

"I'm sorry, it has been a long day, in fact you could say that I am planning, I come here when I need to meditate on what I should do, at the same time I find some peace and calm".

Elizabeth stopped right in front of the desk and placed her hand on the wooden surface. "This office was your grandfather's right? It maintains that imposing air that Mr. Victor used to have. Something tells me that you should seek psychological help, it is not good to live in the shadow of a dead man”.

Elizabeth's words were hurtful, mainly because they hit in the spot. Sometimes it was difficult to deal with her, she was a smart but irreverent girl, that combined with the wine she had drank while they were all talking together in the living room did not make a good combination for her behavior.

"Me? seek psychological help? Vulgar advice coming from someone who exhibits self-destructive habits…” Chris replied as he pointed to his own arms.

"So, you noticed…" Elizabeth said softly as she drew back her arm warmers, revealing the old scars that ran across her skin. Christopher stared at her in silence for a few seconds, then took one of her hands and slowly ran his fingers over the marks. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have talked to you like that, I got carried away. But tell me, were you really planning to commit suicide?" he asked, he was somewhat intrigued, this was an aspect that he did not know about the young woman.

Elizabeth picked up her hand, straightened her dark hair removing it from her face, swallowed and finally spoke “no… thats not it, it was difficult and confusing times for me, I was in a lot of pain, I don't know if you've ever felt that kind of stress, that constant pain. You know that it hurts and it feels like something growing inside you, but you do not have a wound, you have nothing to heal, you simply do not have anyone and there is no way to calm the pain, it is something difficult to understand ... I think ... I just cut myself to understand, give a meaning to the pain, when I made a cut, I had a physical way of explaining why I felt pain, and it helped me to move on ... I don't know if what I'm saying makes sense ... ".

"I'm sorry Betsy, I had no idea ..." Chris started to tell her, but Elizabeth stopped him as she covered her arm again.

“It is not a big deal, it is a thing of the past, after that Rachel came to my life, people believe that material things are important, but Rachel taught me to be happy without my family's fortune, and today everything is better… Also, now you have arrived, and you have given me a gift that I appreciate very much”. She said as she placed her breasts on the desk and gave him one of the sincerest smiles that he had ever seen on Betsys face. Elizabeth always had a smile on her face, at least most of the time, but Chris knew her better, he knew that many times it was not a real smile, but this one was different, there was truth in that smile she was giving him.

Chris hadn't had a chance to get a good look at Elizabeth with everything that had happened that night, but now that they were alone, he was able to see those voluptuous boobs in detail. She had definitely gone for sheer massive volume.

Those gigantic spheres rested before him, he placed his hand on the side of Elizabeth's chest, they were the largest tits he had ever touched, he caressed her gently and Elizabeth moaned under her breath, he could notice that her cheeks were red, finally she said “from what Jay mentioned, that Daisy woman, I'm still a long way from reaching her, I thought this would be enough, but it seems that I'm still far behind. Even so, don't worry, I'm going to surpass her, if it were up to me at this moment I'd be filling myself up, I can't stand the idea that there is another woman bigger than me!".

“Betsy, take it easy, we'll have time. By now you've heard Jay, a break of at least a month before trying something else".

Elizabeth got on the table, kneeling before Christopher, took both of his hands and made him grab her tits from the bottom, Bates could feel the tremendous weight that the young woman carried. Then she guided his hands, massaging in a circular motion over her nipples, the surface of her skin smooth and taut. Elizabeth gave him a tender smile and said, "Tell me, how can I make it up to you for everything you've given me? And for all that you will give me?”.

Elizabeth lowered her feet so that she was sitting on the desk, Christopher stood up, without letting go of the girl's chest, kissing her on the lips, as he had done with that young woman almost five years ago, before she became a world-famous model, when she was just a fifteen year old with delusions of freedom.

Christopher lifted Elizabeth up, noticed that despite being the same small and thin girl, now she was easily around 80 kg in total, her boobs were adding a tremendous weight to her and yet she handled them with great subtlety.

It was so long since the last time they were together, but Chris had always appreciated her in one way or another, and although he made excuses, he knew that this was the reason why he immediately thought of her when he saw her name on the list. He couldn't believe that Elizabeth was one of the test subjects that Adler himself had considered to have extraordinary potential.

He laid her down on a large couch that was in the office, she kept looking at him with a certain innocence and shyness, it seemed that between them the years had not passed. She had left her strong attitude aside to return to the shy young woman who he had spent with him that night when she was younger, five years ago. With the incredible difference that now her boobs barely had any room in the couch where she was lying.

Chris approached to give her another kiss and inevitably leaned on Elizabeth's chest, then took those gigantic spheres with both hands, but this time with more aggressiveness, he pressed them with force, they were so full that they were incredibly firm and hardly lost their spherical shape. Elizabeth's nipples hardened as she moaned softly.

"Tell me, you do like big tits, right?" Elizabeth asked him.

“Its obvious, isn't it?” he answered.

"A little, but I was afraid that you would not like them as big as mine, you did not react so well when you first saw me earlier...".

Chris took one of Elizabeth's tits with both hands, stroking it slowly. "Of course I like them Betsy, I love them, it was just that I worried about you, it seems like you're about to burst! At first glance it seems that if you get a single drop more then... well, even when you touch them they feel at their limits!”.

Elizabeth took her boobs from the sides by squeezing them towards the center and lifting them up. “Relax Chris, the day I feel like I am bursting, I'll tell you myself. But I hope that until the moment that that happens you will let me keep growing, I am sure that I am not near my limit yet, I want to fill myself to the fullest, that there is no doubt in the eyes of anyone in the world that there is no woman who compares to me, and one day we will remember this moment, when my tits were this small, barely 18 liters. This will be insignificant compared to the size I will reach one day!".


Jackeline Koffman

It had been a rough day, this Saturday would be in her memory for a long time, she would repeat the events in her mind, trying to think for months about what actions she could do differently. Dr. White had retired after confirming that she had only received a few hits at the club, nothing to worry about. The redhead, Rachel, had taken too much wine and now she was asleep in the living room chair, Christopher had disappeared and the girl with the giant tits had gone after him.

Now that she was alone in the great living room of the Bates manor, she just thought about everything that had gone wrong with her previous plan, after the speech she received from Clara Whitters she thought it was all over, that Heissen was insurmountable.

But now life was giving her a new chance, fate had reunited her with Heissen's enemies, and now it would not be about revenge, now her new goal would be to get Donna out of the clutches of the fat bastard. Bates and his girls could serve this purpose. Elizabeth had tits as big as Donna's, the situation lent itself to bring Heissen down, Jackeline was determined to become a guide to these people. Placing Bates at the head of the Court sounded much better than having Heissen pull the strings of the city, plus she had to redeem herself with Donna. After Stephanie's death that night the least she could do was to rescue her former partner, she didn't even want to imagine what that pig would do to Donna.

That night Jackeline began to hatch a new plan, she should discuss with Bates as soon as possible.
Check out my new story! 

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