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Shadowmuse Blown
The second half of chapter 2 of "Possessions" has been posted on my regular blog.

Just how big CAN tits get?
Today's post highlights Tory showing some independence. Take a trip from Ken's upper Eastside brownstone to her little apartment in Brooklyn? Who needs a chauffeur? Surely, she can manage a subway ride by herself! The resulting trip, and how Tory copes with her enormous 10,000cc bosoms, is what this post is all about. Hope you enjoy, even if things do turn out a little nasty for our heoione. Let me know what you think.

"Revenge", Chapter 10, part 1, has been posted on my Revenge Blog.
Back at my regular blog, I posted the wrap-up scene for the current chapter in "Possessions". Pumped up until her breasts are forty feet across, Tara wants Kal to go all the way and pump her till she pops. The third part to chapter 2 has been posted.
Just posted on my Revenge Blog:

Tory has had quite the traumatic experience from the aftermath of her subway "adventure". She is grateful to the man who saved her, and takes him back to her old apartment to thank him.
"Possessions", chapter 3, part 1 has been posted on my regular blog. Tara wonders how she survived when her humongous bosoms had exploded.
"Revenge", Chapter 11 has been posted on my Revenge Blog...

Young Bobby is finally old enough to shoot a video with hyper-buxom Tory. Too bad, Tory's flat-chested sister, Gail, unexpectedly pays Tory a visit that day!
Kal has Tara meet Simon, to show him a good time and to expand for him until Simon says: "Stop". How big will she get?

Read the next installment of "Possessions" on my free regular blog.

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