02-05-2016, 04:40 PM
A while aback I wanted to watch a video of Leanne Crow, mostly because I haven't really seen that many videos of her over the last few years, except for short 'trailer' videos on her website, etc.
I looked up one online in which she was actually being interviewed, and I noticed that she had a slight American sounding accent.
I was confused by this for a moment, because I thought she was English, but when I looked into it I found that she has moved to the States and now lives there.
This then raised another question that occurred to me, regarding Rachel Aldana.
We all know that up until recently Rachel was 32MM, and that she was once crowned Britain's Largest Natural Breasts.
BUT, has we also know, since then there is evidence to suggest that Leanne has since surpassed this size and that she is now considered even bigger then Rachel (who, has some have pointed out, seems to have gone down a size or two, thus given yet more reason to believe that Leanne has now outgrown her).
Both women are English, they were born in England, grew up there and have passports and birth certificates to prove it.
But the fact that Leanne now appears to be even bigger then Rachel tome suggests that she is now a worthy contender for Bustiest English Woman, and therefore the Largest Natural Breasts in the UK-if she was still living here, that is!
[i]THEREFORE[/i], the question I ask is this:
Who has the biggest natural breasts in the UK?
Is it (a) Leanne, because being a British woman by birth and origin she has a bigger size then Rachel, even though she doesn't technically live in the UK, or (b) Rachel, because she DOES live in the UK and is a citizen there, but is a size smaller then Leanne?
If I'm honest, I'm still scratching my head a little over this one.
The fact the Leanne is currently living in America confuses the title a bit, and I feel that if she was still in England she would more then likely have the title.
I hope this makes sense to everyone.
I looked up one online in which she was actually being interviewed, and I noticed that she had a slight American sounding accent.
I was confused by this for a moment, because I thought she was English, but when I looked into it I found that she has moved to the States and now lives there.
This then raised another question that occurred to me, regarding Rachel Aldana.
We all know that up until recently Rachel was 32MM, and that she was once crowned Britain's Largest Natural Breasts.
BUT, has we also know, since then there is evidence to suggest that Leanne has since surpassed this size and that she is now considered even bigger then Rachel (who, has some have pointed out, seems to have gone down a size or two, thus given yet more reason to believe that Leanne has now outgrown her).
Both women are English, they were born in England, grew up there and have passports and birth certificates to prove it.
But the fact that Leanne now appears to be even bigger then Rachel tome suggests that she is now a worthy contender for Bustiest English Woman, and therefore the Largest Natural Breasts in the UK-if she was still living here, that is!
[i]THEREFORE[/i], the question I ask is this:
Who has the biggest natural breasts in the UK?

Is it (a) Leanne, because being a British woman by birth and origin she has a bigger size then Rachel, even though she doesn't technically live in the UK, or (b) Rachel, because she DOES live in the UK and is a citizen there, but is a size smaller then Leanne?
If I'm honest, I'm still scratching my head a little over this one.

I hope this makes sense to everyone.