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The largest natural breasts in UK?
A while aback I wanted to watch a video of Leanne Crow, mostly because I haven't really seen that many videos of her over the last few years, except for short 'trailer' videos on her website, etc.

I looked up one online in which she was actually being interviewed, and I noticed that she had a slight American sounding accent.
I was confused by this for a moment, because I thought she was English, but when I looked into it I found that she has moved to the States and now lives there.

This then raised another question that occurred to me, regarding Rachel Aldana.
We all know that up until recently Rachel was 32MM, and that she was once crowned Britain's Largest Natural Breasts.

BUT, has we also know, since then there is evidence to suggest that Leanne has since surpassed this size and that she is now considered even bigger then Rachel (who, has some have pointed out, seems to have gone down a size or two, thus given yet more reason to believe that Leanne has now outgrown her).
Both women are English, they were born in England, grew up there and have passports and birth certificates to prove it.

But the fact that Leanne now appears to be even bigger then Rachel tome suggests that she is now a worthy contender for Bustiest English Woman, and therefore the Largest Natural Breasts in the UK-if she was still living here, that is!

[i]THEREFORE[/i], the question I ask is this:

Who has the biggest natural breasts in the UK?Huh

Is it (a) Leanne, because being a British woman by birth and origin she has a bigger size then Rachel, even though she doesn't technically live in the UK, or (b) Rachel, because she DOES live in the UK and is a citizen there, but is a size smaller then Leanne?

If I'm honest, I'm still scratching my head a little over this one. Undecided The fact the Leanne is currently living in America confuses the title a bit, and I feel that if she was still in England she would more then likely have the title.

I hope this makes sense to everyone.
Norma Stitz
Okay, sarcasm aside, define the requirements for this contest. Is it by birth, then Leanne wins. Is it by nationality, Leanne wins. Is it by hair color, then Leanne wins. Is it by skin color, then Leanne wins. Is it by size, then Leanne wins. Is it by residency, then Rachel wins.

Is it by personal preference, the September wins.

Okay, I'll stop now.
Pin-up Files contends that Leanne now hols that title. That's good enough for me!
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(02-06-2016, 01:20 PM)Bonecracker Wrote: Pin-up Files contends that Leanne now hols that title. That's good enough for me!

That's not what he's asking. Leanne is the larger than Rachel, largest in the Pinup stable. His scope is much larger than that, the whole United Kingdom. The dilemma is that Leanne doesn't reside there. So, because she is bigger than Rachel, and doesn't live in UK, is she really the "biggest" in the UK?

Sorry to be a jerk and moderate you. But statistics are close to my heart, and I want to keep this discussion as close to accurate as possible.
You do raise an interesting point. However, since all her family still lives in the UK and she is frequently there and it a Briton, doesn't she sitll qualify as the biggest in the UK?
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(02-06-2016, 04:33 PM)Bonecracker Wrote: You do raise an interesting point. However, since all her family still lives in the UK and she is frequently there and it a Briton, doesn't she still qualify as the biggest in the UK?

You also raise an interesting point. Posit this: when Leanne is present IN the UK, then it's possible that she has the biggest breasts, at that given moment in time. Who gets the title when she goes back to California? Rachel?

Should they both just have a title rotation sorta thing going on? Seems that like could be very boring, very quickly. What do you (or others) think?
I'm getting confused...
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On hindsight, there's two other factors to be considered. Firstly, I've mentioned the UK and America, but this could apply to ANY two countries in the world, and secondly, although I've emphasized large breasts in this case and same argument could also be used with whose who are the TALLEST, the SHORTEST, the FATTEST, etc, not just big breasts. Undecided

If I'm honest, I might even contact Guinness World Records themselves (or failing that, Ripley's Believe It Or Not, which is quite similar) and ask for their opinion, although I might use a different analogy other then large breasts, so that it wont sound quite so pervy. Blush
The fact is this: You can ascribe many different characteristics to our favorite models, and compare/contrast them. I took your message as "largest natural breasts in the UK", between Rachel and Leeanne. I'm going with Rachel, because, generally speaking, Leanne isn't "in" UK. She's "in" California. But, that is just my opinion.
Leanne's the British Babe with the proportionately largest breasts on the planet!
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(02-09-2016, 11:47 AM)Bonecracker Wrote: Leanne's the British Babe with the proportionately largest breasts on the planet!

Bone, you just got called to the principle's office. Principle Charms would like to have a word with you!
On my way, Principal Charms... i believe the appropriate punishment is for you to try and smother me with your boobage.
Check out my new story! 
I've just sent an e-mail to Guinness World Records, enquiring about this question (although I have changed the wording so that it's The Tallest Person in the question, rather then Largest Natural Breasts, so that it wouldn't sound quite pervy Blush).

IF I get a response I'll post it on here.

(for the record, the current Tallest Person in the UK is Neil Fingleton, 35, from Durham, who is 7' 7.5" Wink ).
What about Sarah Laing? Or Karla James?

Where do they fit into this? Who's a contenda?
Check out my new story! 
I can't really find out much about Sarah (although she sounds fascinating) but Karla James (according to Boobpedia) is now 38L, mostly because of a pregnancy of her first child in 2014/15.

If I'm honest I genuinely didn't knew that. I thought she was still about a G-cup.

Also, what happened to Stephanie Fox and Claire Smedley? They were once top contenders but have somewhat disappeared from public view. Undecided

The more I think about this topic the more I think that this is one question that will probably never really be resolved in great detail. It's probably going to be some debate going on about it.
Well, just to let you know that the other day I DID get a response back from Guinness-although it was slightly more 'abrupt' then I thought it would be. Undecided

Bearing in mind that I originally used the Tallest Person scenario, the response was has followed (and this is in it's entirety and unedited):

[i]Dear <My Name>,

Thank you for your enquiry.

We do not recognise records that are sub-categorised by country. All of our records, such as the one for the tallest person, are ones that encompass the entire world.

We do not monitor records for the “Tallest person in x country.”

Kind regards,

Guinness World Records

Sssoooo......if they recognize World Records purely on a GLOBAL scale rather then the individuals point of origin (has I think they are implying) then the fact that Leanne is bigger surely only means that[i] SHE [/i]is officially the Largest Natural UK woman, if I understand the above correctly.

Still not [i]entirely[/i] sure about this, but if they themselves say that's how they work things out then I'm ready to go with them on that. Undecided
What a complete and utter crock of shite. Going back 40 years ago, Guiness Book of World Records always listed the record for the world and the UK/Ireland in all records. Sometimes they really piss me face.
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I agree.

Years ago when I was a lot younger I would often get a Guinness Record Book for Christmas (NOT every Christmas mind, but occasionally when I was growing up), and I can clearly remember that the UK entry for a specific topic would also be present alongside the global entry.

Judging by what they've said, I can't the feeling that this will always be one of those topics never really going to have any definitive sense of closure. It will always be debated one way or another.
(03-08-2016, 07:31 AM)ManofKent Wrote: I agree.

Years ago when I was a lot younger I would often get a Guinness Record Book for Christmas (NOT every Christmas mind, but occasionally when I was growing up), and I can clearly remember that the UK entry for a specific topic would also be present alongside the global entry.

Judging by what they've said, I can't the feeling that this will always be one of those topics never really going to have any definitive sense of closure. It will always be debated one way or another.

Pretty sure Leanne has had a helping hand [Image: CgOkumDW8AAhu8Y.jpg]

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