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And then...
Chapter 5

Amanda went on about her day, got out of the tub and put away the few things she didnt eat in there. She was feeling a little bit pudgy or chubby from all the food she had eaten, her preggo belly and her big round titties . . . and her boobs felt a little weird too. But she remembered what the Vet Clinic worker, Beth, had told her about old milk ducts breaking down (which turned her pee a little orange) and new ones forming.

Maybe thats all that was going on… the old ones were dissolving as the new ones were forming. She admitted to herself that she was rather turned on by the prospect! She knew she was bigger getting out of the tub than when she had gotten in it, both boobs and belly, but the belly was just a ‘holding tank for her boobs. She snickered at the thought of that.

Then she decided she needed some exercise and since Warren was being such a sweetheart, helping her out earlier, maybe he could use a little help with the yard-work. She had never been over there before, despite his being her next-door neighbor. To be completely, honest, she hadnt even looked over the fence into his backyard.

But what the heck, no sense waiting any longer . . . hey werent strangers now, and after all, he had been in her house.

She walked over and knocked on the tall fence gate to his backyard.

“Just a minute please, wait for me to get there . . .I have some tools up against the gate” Warren sang out.

“Hey Warren, its Amanda from next door. Its a warm day and Im feeling great now and I really need some exercise, so I thought maybe I could come over and help you with your yard work and maybe learn a bit in the process.” 

“Sure, Amanda, just hang on until I move those tools!”

About a minute later, Warren had everything moved and opened the gate to his neighbor. His eyes nearly popped out of his head. Amanda was wearing nothing but sandals and really short jean-shorts and a sheer white 3/4 willowy top with a deep neckline. Her breasts were the size of small cantaloupes and freely bounced back and forth under the shirt. Amanda was oblivious to this as she had often dressed this way, but being rather petite up top, nobody seemed to notice.

But there was no hiding this now, and even though she hadnt even fully clued in yet, still Warren was gobsmacked!

She was also oblivious to her puffies. Despite the fact that they were so amazing to her, just a day ago, their presence and her inch long nipples seemed to have skipped her mind. Areolae that stuck out like 3/4” tall little domes off the top of her new bloated breasts and 1” barrel style nipples the thickness of AA batteries on top of that, but that didnt even register.

She just felt constantly horny and every time a slight breeze moved her top, or she herself moved too quickly she felt like her whole body was hit by a small electrical charge and she had to pause and shiver with a small orgasm.

Warren looked at her, and smiled . . . and he felt something running down his chin.

“Warren, are you drooling?” Amanda asked, feigning naïveté. “Whatever you were eating, got any more?”

“oh Sorry, Amanda, yes some quesadillas. Theres a dish of them on the counter in my kitchen if you want some. Want me to bring some out?” 

“Sure, Warren, that would be sweet. I can go in and get them, you know.” 

“no, thats ok, youre my guest here for the afternoon so let me take care of you!”

Oh she liked the sound of that. She hadnt been properly taken care of since she finally got clear of that loser Jason. A grown man in his late 30s still living with his mommy. She laughed hard. She was doing much better than that now . . . potentially, if she played her cards right, she figured.

Warren brought out a tray of about 20 quesadillas, hot sauces and some guac and tortilla chips, and some beers

“Were going to share this, of course.” He laughed.

She thought to herself, “to be honest I could eat twice that myself right now, but I dont want to look like a pig to Warren.”

So after a short break for their repast, it dawned on her just how ‘outstanding her boobs areolae and nipples were in that sheer top she had on, and then realized why Warren had been staring at her the whole time and drooling as well. “maybe hes a Tit-man?” Her heart fluttered then pounded at the possibility. If she really played her cards right, maybe she would even have a partner in crime too!!

“Gardening… I dont know a lot about it, but your garden is amazing! Tell me, what can I do to help?” She asked. 

Warren thought to himself, whats the best thing I can get her to do to see those tits swaying back and forth, and bobbing up and down?

“How about some raking, Amanda? Theres a lot of dead grass under the lawn that the green grass tends to cover up, so youll need to dig in.” 

She smiled and started raking, gently at first but then realized Warren was right and shed need to dig in. She could feel her boobs start to bounce a little and lightly bang off her rib cage, it was a glorious feeling and she was too taken by it to notice that Warren was staring at her, watching her every move. The feeling was unreal, little shockwaves in her breasts reverberated throughout her body. Her clitoris was on fire . . . she began to breathe heavy and had to stop for a moment and collect herself. Then she started again and they bounced a little more than they had a moment ago. Perhaps they liked it? Maybe they needed to get out and move around a bit?

After about 10 minutes, Warren handed her a beer and she guzzled it down . . . 

“Thirsty?” He asked.

“Oh my God, you have no idea… Im parched and I find beer so thirst-quenching. Why dont you bring out a cooler of beers?” She asked and batted her eyes a little. 

Warren laughed “Sure, no problem, anything for my favorite neighbor!”

He went inside and got a cooler and filled it with a case of beer and ice. He brought it out and set it down on the small iron and glass table in the middle of the stone circular in the garden. “Help yourself” he said and smiled. 

She was happy he didnt treat her like someone who needed everything done for her, and she took out a couple of cold ones and twisted off the caps. She took a breath after the third beer and let out a loud belch. 

“Oh my goodness, Im so sorry” she laughed “I guess I drank them too fast. 

“Amanda?” Warren asked “Whats going on with your shirt? Did you tuck it in tighter?”

She looked down and noticed her boobs had grown out about an inch more in all directions and hung about and inch lower too. She held them in her hands and lifted them up and down back and forth and started to play with her nipples… she couldnt believe it. They weighed about 9 pounds each now. And they were warm to the touch, like when they had grown each time before. She knew they were still growing, and her top was growing tighter.

Warren was fascinated, enthralled and his jaw was hanging on his chest.

Amanda saw this, and the enormous erection in his pants too. 

“Warren I have to run home for a moment, for just a moment, and Ill be right back. Could you please get a large towel and spread it out on the picnic table over there? And maybe a small bucket of warm water?”

“Sh- sh- sh- sure Amanda,” he stammered, “run home and come back quickly please.” Why did he say that? Ugh, anyhow, he did her bidding and waited for her.

Amanda ran home as fast as she could considering the bouncing that was going on. “Im really going to put him over the top” she thought to herself “Ill make him pop by looking at me. 

She ran into her room, stripped off, put on her tightest waist cincher (she hated anything on her boobs even when she was small) and a short jean skirt, a large enough yellow tank top to cover most of her breasts except for her 8" of cleavage and then a lightweight extra large plaid shirt to hang over and hide everything…. She was just about to leave her house when she remembered the formula from the Vet clinic. She took a bottle which is normally 5 does, and downed it on her way out. She could feel the new milk ducts growing inside her full but still growing mammaries.

She bounced on over to Warrens backyard when she saw the towel on the picnic table, and the pail of warm water. Even better, he had put some bath salts in it, which she loved . . . how did he know? Oh well, didnt matter now.

Warren was gobsmacked. He had never seen such large tits on such a small woman before. He had never seen such large breasts on ANY other woman before. And they looked bigger now than when she had just toddled off to her place. His mouth was watering… he was trembling and she could see it. She took the shirt off and started massaging her breasts over the tank top. She pulled on her long nippled which were almost poking through the brand new large tank. She tweaked them over and over and pinched around her domes as well. The excitement was crazy.

“Warren, can you help me with something? Can you get that pail of water please?”
He did as he was told. 
“Now, warren please pour it all over my chest . . . good, soak it in all over this tank top. Massage it in please. OH GOD, please rub my titties. Yes YES Y E S.” She half-screamed. “touch my areolae, play around the edges, tease my nipples. Tweak them, pull on them.”

Warren was so hard it actually hurt.

She turned around and faced the end of the picnic table and with the towel on it. She reach to her sides and slowly started to pull the tank top off…. Revealing her super tight waist cinched which made her boobs look even larger. And they were getting larger, the size of small honeydew melons now. She could feel the new ducts forming and expanding her breasts from the inside, pushing out. She had brought her new moisturizer with her - one that pregnant ladies used for their bellies to avoid stretch marks when the skin grew rapidly. She covered her boobs in and started rubbing it in. 

“Warren. Help me. Rub this cream in please. My boobs are growing and I dont want any stretch marks.”

Warren was dumbfounded. He thought her boobs were growing but he was only now convinced it was a continuous ‘problem and he was somehow caught up in it. Not against his will, mind you. He poured more of the moisturizer on her breasts and rubbed in, lengthwise, side to side, up and down, in and out, around her areolae, under the bottom of her breasts and in her cleavage.

Amanda leaned over and lay her breasts on the towel then moved them each slightly to the side of her chest and she let herself settle down on it. Her breasts combined were wider than her whole body at its widest point. She put her arms our in front of her to help lift her up a little to helps support them. She didnt want anything interfering with her breast growth. She had dreamed of this her entire life.

She knew Warren was as hard as a rock and ready to go, because she could feel it when he was massaging her. It was the perfect sized cock. Not enough to hurt her, but enough so that she would feel full.

“Warren, Im not wearing any panties and your wonderful massaging has me oh so wet. Im dying for you Warren, please take me.”

Still awestruck, Warren did exactly as he was told and dropped his pants and lifted her jean skirt to get inside her warm, soaking wet, perfectly shorn pussy. He started a few inches inn then deeper and deeper and started pumping her hard. Holding onto her breasts, hands slipping underneath them to tweak her nipples.

“thats it, baby,” she whimpered, “fuck me. Fuck me harder. Harder! Fill me. Fill me with your cock. Faster. Faster HARDER. Im not going to break. Pull on my nipples, make them grow too… ” 

She could feel he was almost there when she quickly turned around and stuffed his cock in between her breasts… despite 8” of cleavage, she found a way to let it through and she bowed her head until she could lick it each time it came up. He was just about to come and she put as much of his cock in her mouth and to the tip of her throat as she could. She sucked and swallowed hard. His cum was absolutely delicious. She felt the cum inside her belly, he came so much, seem to make her boobs feel even more energized, like the cum itself was a magic food for her breasts and it helped them soften a bit . . .

Why had she waited all this time to finally fuck him? She had missed out on so much . . . but then she realized that she couldnt close the deal without the boobs and she would need to keep them and let them grow even more to seal the deal.

Stay tuned for chapter 6! 
Check out my new story! 

Messages In This Thread
And then... - by Bonecracker - 09-05-2013, 11:49 AM
RE: And then... - by Bonecracker - 09-08-2013, 09:16 PM
RE: And then... - by Djoser - 09-09-2013, 07:49 PM
RE: And then... - by Bonecracker - 09-10-2013, 06:36 PM
RE: And then... - by Djoser - 09-11-2013, 08:52 PM
RE: And then... - by Bonecracker - 09-12-2013, 03:13 PM
RE: And then... - by Djoser - 09-13-2013, 02:40 AM
RE: And then... - by Bonecracker - 09-14-2013, 11:54 PM
RE: And then... - by Bonecracker - 09-15-2013, 03:00 PM
RE: And then... - by Djoser - 09-15-2013, 06:13 PM
RE: And then... - by Bonecracker - 09-17-2013, 12:44 AM
RE: And then... - by Bonecracker - 09-17-2013, 06:49 PM
RE: And then... - by Djoser - 09-17-2013, 10:27 PM
RE: And then... - by deux_anges - 12-02-2013, 05:53 PM
RE: And then... - by Bonecracker - 12-05-2013, 02:46 PM
RE: And then... - by Djoser - 12-02-2013, 06:49 PM
RE: And then... - by Breastninja - 12-30-2013, 02:35 AM
RE: And then... - by Djoser - 01-04-2014, 03:20 PM
RE: And then... - by Bonecracker - 04-11-2019, 06:32 PM
RE: And then... - by Bonecracker - 04-12-2019, 01:05 PM
RE: And then... - by Bonecracker - 04-12-2019, 08:50 PM
RE: And then... - by Bonecracker - 04-15-2019, 01:01 PM
RE: And then... - by Bonecracker - 04-17-2019, 12:13 PM
RE: And then... - by Bonecracker - 04-17-2019, 12:44 PM
RE: And then... - by Bonecracker - 04-26-2019, 01:11 PM
RE: And then... - by Bonecracker - 04-26-2019, 07:25 PM
RE: And then... - by Bonecracker - 04-29-2019, 03:32 PM
RE: And then... - by Bonecracker - 05-15-2019, 08:01 PM
RE: And then... - by Bonecracker - 05-15-2019, 08:02 PM
RE: And then... - by Bonecracker - 05-22-2019, 02:47 PM
RE: And then... - by Bonecracker - 05-23-2019, 12:58 PM
RE: And then... - by Bonecracker - 05-26-2019, 08:01 PM
RE: And then... - by Bonecracker - 06-01-2019, 04:29 PM
RE: And then... - by Bonecracker - 06-03-2019, 06:44 PM
RE: And then... - by Bonecracker - 06-10-2019, 04:15 PM
RE: And then... - by Bonecracker - 06-12-2019, 06:38 PM
RE: And then... - by Bonecracker - 07-11-2019, 10:25 PM

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