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another greatest hits from the decade of huge silicone tits, the glorious 90s! Think of it a decade of peace, cold war ended, MTV still played music videos and VHS porn morphed to DVD porn. MOST OF ALL THE INTERNET and free big boob porn.

Before that I had to buy SCORE magazine and Heidi was a regular, only girl/girl I ever saw in print with her was with Chloe. I don't know what I like more, Heidi's boobs or her ass!
Those were the days

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You guys rock!! Thanks for all the great contributions.

And Heidi? Magnificent .
Check out my new story! 
I know this is a Heidi thread. But, I'm always happy to see when Chloe is mentioned. She's just a classic.
Oh man, the Heide Hooters, i was so addicted to her in while, it all started after i bought the magazine with her on the cover, i think it was the Big Ones, man that woman was the dream for every guy in our neighborhood. After the Big Ones, i started buying every single magazine with her, i remeber that almost half of my pocket money were spent on these magazines, every single time i found out that there was a new magazine with her, i was already looking for it in every store. Not so long ago, i was on the site of a London escort agency, and i saw i girl which was looking exactly like Heide, i had all those flashbacks from my childhood.
such a legend

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