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That's not bad karma as you're a good and decent person who has been a great on-line friend, kind and giving to others. There are other explanations of going through patches of bad luck or hard times. Maybe you're being tested by the Divine or maybe some evildoer is trying to attack a good person with a life they are insanely jealous of?
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I appreciate that more than you can know. Sometimes it seems everything just happens at once. Undecided

I'm just looking forward to unwinding (albeit GENTLY Unwinding...LOL!) at the Epcot Food & Wine Festival the first week in November. We're staying on Property so I will only have to handle luggage curbside at MSY (10' from the Rover to the Aircap) and then not touch it again until we get back home.

Again, Thanks for the kind words.
[b][i]"It's always funny until someone loses an eye!"[/i][/b]
I love Epcot! I think Germany was my favorite, and Japan was really cool tool. Out of all the Disney parks, Epcot is my favorite.
This will make my 16th Trip to Disney World, but the first time I've been to the Food & Wine Fest.

It will be my wife's 2nd time there ever, the first time being right after we got married and we had my 2 sons in tow, so this trip will be more oriented to OUR fun, or as much fun as I can have with one arm in a sling...

My first trip there was 6 months after DW Opened for a family spring break trip in March of 1972. I've enjoyed it every time I've been since!
[b][i]"It's always funny until someone loses an eye!"[/i][/b]
This year was my first time ever. Totally loved it. I do plan on going back, when my finances straighten out.
I am from CA and I have never been to any of the Di$ney parks I am visiting my brother summer '14 and I am so planning on going this time Smile.

[i]"Well gosh, breast men are the best men, you know, *giggles* I love you all."[/i]
[i]"You know your boobs are too big when a guy stands up to let u thru to your seat and despite him leaning back I boobed him back in his seat."[/i]
Chelsea Charms

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Special Agent: Dee
MiB; Division 6, NYC

Y'all bear in mind I was born and raised in NW Florida and it was about a 5-1/2 hour drive at most, to Disney World. I miss getting my Florida Resident's Discount. Sad
[b][i]"It's always funny until someone loses an eye!"[/i][/b]
If it makes you feel any better, as a Florida resident, I still couldn't get my discount, due to the summer tourist season.
yeah I lived in Daytona for 7 years and I hardly ever got any kind of res discount, I last went to Di$ney when I went to FL for vacation back in the 80s/90s.

[i]"Well gosh, breast men are the best men, you know, *giggles* I love you all."[/i]
[i]"You know your boobs are too big when a guy stands up to let u thru to your seat and despite him leaning back I boobed him back in his seat."[/i]
Chelsea Charms

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Special Agent: Dee
MiB; Division 6, NYC

My folks both live in Florida too... and you'd think there'd be some sort of family discount? Not a chance.
(I'm shaking my fist at your frozen corpse, Walter Disney!)
Check out my new story! 
Well my heart skipped a beat or two. They look awesome I'm sure you will both get your money's worth. Smile and she has nothing to be shy about. Stand up Mrs. Tug and take a bow. Sorry this is so late a reply as I have just joined I am catching up and trying to read and comment on as much as I can.
The one photo she let me post was her 650cc implants. She now has 800's and that shirt doesn't fit anymore. I keep hoping she'll let me post another one...

I did my Pre-Op this morning and got a real blow. Apparently, the surgeon may be going in using a conventional incision instead of scoping me like last time because of the complexity of bicep reattachment. Not 100% verified yet but if he does, I'm going to be good and sore for EPCOT.

Going to be another hellacious if I needed another one...
[b][i]"It's always funny until someone loses an eye!"[/i][/b]
Your wife's hot as balls... Hope she allows you to post a picture at 800cc once everything is all a-ok!
Check out my new story! 
Too bad I can't find a Halloween costume to take advantage of this...

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[b][i]"It's always funny until someone loses an eye!"[/i][/b]
LOL! Gruesome!!
Check out my new story! 
Tugboatcap, what's up with your wife now?
Other than taking care of me and our fat-ass white Persian cat, not much.
[b][i]"It's always funny until someone loses an eye!"[/i][/b]
LOL! You know, cappy, a lot of us are wondering when Mrs Tugboat will let you post another torso shot of her. Wink
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I'll have to get her to stand still long enough to take one first...Both Daughters are Pregnant at once, one due around Sept. 1st and the other around Christmas...And both live over 3 hours away.

Gonna have to buy new tires for her Rover when this is all over.
[b][i]"It's always funny until someone loses an eye!"[/i][/b]
Hey, it never hurts to ask! I have to come visit soon... next time I'm down at the folks' place in FL.
Check out my new story! 
Staying up, a bit uncomfortable, as I had to have yet another round of steroid injections in my neck Friday and I can't sleep. I decided to reward you all with a photo of Mrs Tug in all her glory.
(I think she got tired of the lights still being on and packed it in with the pillow over her head!!! LOL!


[b][i]"It's always funny until someone loses an eye!"[/i][/b]
Can you turn that photo around? I need to see the other side.
Check out my new story! 
Conversation about 1000's came up again last night...during of all things, running through what we need to pack for Disney World the week after next (yes, we are heading there again for a 5 day trip).

Then 26 days after we get back from Disney, we head out to Steamboat Springs for Christmas.

I'm going to be broke as hell after New Years and then I'll bet you she'll want to go to Italy for silicone 1000's in the Spring.

Apparently she's already been taking with Dr. Domanskis' office, unbeknownst to me... o.0
[b][i]"It's always funny until someone loses an eye!"[/i][/b]
Sounds like Christmas to me!!
Check out my new story! 

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