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The next Chelsea or Beshine?
Hey all, do you think we're ever going to see another Chelsea or Beshine? Or even a return to the super boobers of the 90's?
I wish, maybe the power is shifting from models to average girls
Skepticism is good, it is the reason why Science progresses. We don't live anymore in the era when a model said she had a 183PPP bra and that was considered a fact by the rest of the mortals.

Welcome to the internet, where men are men, women are men, and children are the FBI

If it hurts, it means that you're still living
Wow, that's impressive. Kind of turns me on even more that she's only doing it for herself/husband than to do modelling and make money out of it.
(05-07-2013, 04:32 PM)Articdonkey Wrote: Hey all, do you think we're ever going to see another Chelsea or Beshine? Or even a return to the super boobers of the 90's?

I hope so, soon. Then again, I would put Penelope Black Diamond very close to that category, though she tends to emphasize the kinky side of things [b]MUCH TOO MUCH [/b][u]for my liking: with special emphasis on foot worship with what I consider to be very [b]unattractive [/b]toenails.

And she refuses to shave her vajayjay...not for me.

Others who have gotten up there, yet are hardly new on the scene:

Keisha Evans
Maxi Mounds
Elizabeth Starr (last 5 years)
Mistress Rhiannon, who despite her somewhat grotesque look actually is quite the piece of ass.
Did Mistress Rhiannon get explanted? I thought I had heard that a year or so ago and haven't seen anything recent of her in a long time.

[b][i]"It's always funny until someone loses an eye!"[/i][/b]
Me personally I would LOVE to see some model go to a place on this planet where you can still get string, get as much as she can put in her boobs and then get NO drains. Imagine how big Chelsea would be if she stayed away from her evil doctor Wink well maybe this dream girl will stay away and REALLY blow up, get some REAL compeTITion for Chelsea and Beshine Smile.

[i]"Well gosh, breast men are the best men, you know, *giggles* I love you all."[/i]
[i]"You know your boobs are too big when a guy stands up to let u thru to your seat and despite him leaning back I boobed him back in his seat."[/i]
Chelsea Charms

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Special Agent: Dee
MiB; Division 6, NYC

Cappy: Rhiannon did get ex-planted and was recently photographed where she appeared to be about 1000cc now. I wish I could put my finger on where I saw the picture, maybe it will come back to me and I can share. As I have never been a fan, I didn't bookmark or save the photo.

Adent Dee: There is a place in Russia that does String Implants. There is a possibility that some woman could get saline implants, get up to 3000ml or so and then have the new enlarged "breast implant pocket" filled with PPP/String and then let em grow. That would indeed be awesome. However, from lessons learned with Sable, Phoenix and other "disasters" I think drains would be necessary for the first 6 months or so until the skin is fully healed. Then if the growth is too rapid and the skin stretches too thin, drains would be needed again so that skin can keep up with tissue/fluid growth inside the breast pocket. Lessons learned!

I'm sure many of us have the fantasy of having a woman IRL who wanted to be Chelsea's size or bigger and would want to pursue this kind of goal. Preferably one who was sane also. Sometimes this can be thought of as extreme BDC (body dysmorphic condition) (not to us, of course) and most times the people who have BDC are mentally unstable. I have gone through several relationships with unstable women and believe me, it's better to be alone!
(05-08-2013, 01:07 AM)Djoser Wrote: I wish, maybe the power is shifting from models to average girls

Thanks for posting this! She looks fantastic at every single stage and of course, she's probably not done yet! Maybe she'll be the one who heads to Russia for PPP/String implants.

Imagine how great her breasts are going to look after they drop! We'll have to keep checking back on this link to see if the good doctor posts any pictures from post 90 days and so on...
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Let's not forget about Sheyla Hershey and of course Lacey Wildd. Oh, and Sabrina Sabrok.

Here is an interesting link which is notable mostly for the wrong picture of our beloved Chelsea Charms:
Nice page, but that ain't Chelsea's face. It's been shopped!
I just spewed Coca-cola out of my mouth when I saw Djoser's link to that amateur from Dr. Pousti who got 3200 cc implants just for the hell of it.

Holy shit! I might have heart attack if I saw that girl in public!

What's the deal with chicks like that? I guess they just love knowing that the mere sight of them gets boobmens' engines running in the red? Should they be condemned as wicked teases or praised as giving us boob men a great look at a huge pair, even if they are clothed?
Some girls just love really large boobs, especially flatchested ones, look at beshine she grew and grew and grew
Skepticism is good, it is the reason why Science progresses. We don't live anymore in the era when a model said she had a 183PPP bra and that was considered a fact by the rest of the mortals.

Welcome to the internet, where men are men, women are men, and children are the FBI

If it hurts, it means that you're still living
(05-08-2013, 01:42 PM)Bonecracker Wrote: Cappy: Rhiannon did get ex-planted and was recently photographed where she appeared to be about 1000cc now. I wish I could put my finger on where I saw the picture, maybe it will come back to me and I can share. As I have never been a fan, I didn't bookmark or save the photo.
Hi Bonecracker-
I know this was months ago, but curious to know if you were able to rercall any information about this. I've been wondering what she's been up to since she withdrew from the spotlight...

Thanks for any info!
She was dancing the b-circuit for about 5 years and I haven't heard a thing about her since then... that was 2004, last going off. I think she moved back to the Rez, tbh. The reduced picture I had of her was on a hard drive that contained a lot of irreplaceable material that got corrupted. Sad
Check out my new story! 
(07-15-2013, 04:58 PM)Bonecracker Wrote: She was dancing the b-circuit for about 5 years and I haven't heard a thing about her since then... that was 2004, last going off. I think she moved back to the Rez, tbh. The reduced picture I had of her was on a hard drive that contained a lot of irreplaceable material that got corrupted. Sad

Sorry to hear you lost your drive... that's never a good thing. Sad
Thanks for the follow-up!
wow amazing!!! thou they should be much bigger and more hanging. but still kinda big! i feel there is hope for ULTRA HUGE BOOB WORLD later. but when? dont know , maybe we are there in ten years..maybe cc and beshine have retired by then ..maybe caused by more competition..and competition gone CRAZED.

hope there comes girls that put up so much content to their sites that its like oh my!.. a model that films herself half the days and puts up 1hour video a day to her site!!! this is not impossible. i hate to say it but today there is just not enough HD SUPER BOOBS CONTENT out there. ...hope there is soon! LET THERE COME A GIRL...OR HUNDREDS . amen

very exciting thread this..and IMPORTANT!
Great post, "Username". Glad to have you aboard
Check out my new story! 
Nooooooo! Seems to be that I got too late to the party, I wanted to see the 3200ccs girl from Dr Pousti website but it gives me a not found result when I open the link Djoser posted at the beginning of the thread.

BTW this forum is totally new to me but it looks pretty nice, also I'm able to recognize some nicks from other sites lol :-)
Yes, the woman is called lilly and she's a regular poster at tpb, she's a dream woman for me and she wants moar!!!
Skepticism is good, it is the reason why Science progresses. We don't live anymore in the era when a model said she had a 183PPP bra and that was considered a fact by the rest of the mortals.

Welcome to the internet, where men are men, women are men, and children are the FBI

If it hurts, it means that you're still living
TPB? Whats that? xD by any chance do you have any links? I would really like to see her :3
Yes, @Djoser, please tell the class what "TPB" is! BTW, @Bloodninja, I have the stuff on her saved,. PM me with your email address and I'll send it to you.
Check out my new story! 
the perfect boobs, sorry
Skepticism is good, it is the reason why Science progresses. We don't live anymore in the era when a model said she had a 183PPP bra and that was considered a fact by the rest of the mortals.

Welcome to the internet, where men are men, women are men, and children are the FBI

If it hurts, it means that you're still living
link to the Lilly thread on Wink

[i]"Well gosh, breast men are the best men, you know, *giggles* I love you all."[/i]
[i]"You know your boobs are too big when a guy stands up to let u thru to your seat and despite him leaning back I boobed him back in his seat."[/i]
Chelsea Charms

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Special Agent: Dee
MiB; Division 6, NYC

Nice! Tnx for the link Dee
I would love to see more pictures of her. Being neither a sponsor or a star member over there, I don't have access to full-size images of her excellent 3270cc posed pictures (the red dress and the blue bra).

Anyone care to share, if you have them?
P.S. Is 4250 her next goal? I read that somewhere... but don't remember where, so I cannot cite a source, sorry.
Check out my new story! 
You do not need to be a sponsor or a star member I am neither and I have no problem viewing images on that forum. Just sign up it's free.

[i]"Well gosh, breast men are the best men, you know, *giggles* I love you all."[/i]
[i]"You know your boobs are too big when a guy stands up to let u thru to your seat and despite him leaning back I boobed him back in his seat."[/i]
Chelsea Charms

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Special Agent: Dee
MiB; Division 6, NYC


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