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And then...
And Then . . . Chapter 8, In My Wildest Dreams

Outside of Amandas dreamland, Warren was doing his dirty duty to be Amandas partner in crime. The electrodes hooked up to nerve centers near muscle masses in her abs, thighs and glutes were doing their work to stimulate contractions of muscles and growth accordingly.

A little thing of only 411 and less than 100 pounds total body weight when she started was so sexy to him, but on top of that she had become his fantasy with her growing boobs that had reached a total of 40 pounds in weight, so far. Doing the math on that 40 pounds was 18 kg or 9 kilograms a tit… thats 9000 grams and thats 9000 cubic millimeters or milliliters or CCs, Warren estimated that at the weight of her boobs she was now at about 9000cc in size. Considering how tiny her frame was, this was a staggering amount of breast, real breast, per each boob.

Add to that her desire for a rounder bigger ass, and willingly subjecting herself to his body modification plans, she was a dream come true.

Of course, any ‘dream come true needed as much help as possible. And though she had been consuming huge amounts of food and beer and milk to help her breasts grow, along with the BGH and BAS she had taken, he had figured that the 5ml per breast injection of pure estrogen was going to further enhance things. He wasnt wrong.

But now as she slept, he knew she would not be able to eat or drink and would need nutrients and liquids to keep push it along. So he called a friend of his in the medical supply business and had him delivery liquid meals that were delivered by intravenous. He hooked the IV lines up to a prominent vein in each of her legs, as the pumping of the muscles would help circulate everything all the faster…and where needed. He hooked up two 1000ml bags of 10% Dextrose and set the flow to a low 50 milliliters per hour, so that would last 20 hours.

He had her positioned on a massage table now, upside down with gaps for her breasts to hang from torso and rest on soft cushioned (and blanketed) pads 16” below. Of course he knew there would be more breast growth, so he had to monitor the lower level. He cranked up the center support (normally for keeping knees bent) to lift up her tummy and ass in the air and keep her stretched out. Her muscles continued to be exercised and the flow continued. He gave her another small dosage of sleep-aid and one for himself and lay down on the couch he had moved over beside her. He positioned himself with pillows and held her hand. They were both out for about 10 hours.

10 hours later . . .

Amanda woke first and shook Warrens hand until he was starting to wake-up.

“Warren, wake up! Im going to need your help to disconnect me and help me get up off this contraption now! I can tell from all the hook-ups that you really are my partner in crime and youve been doing a lot of work here to help me reach my goals!

“Diconnect all this stuff first, but dont get me up just yet” she continued, “I need you to do something else for me first. Actually some things else.” She chortled a little.

“OK, sweetums, anything you want, my dream come true.” He turned off the electro stimulation and removed all the sensors, then he turned off both IV drips and disconnected the tubes from them, but left the insertion ends in the veins in her legs.

“All done, Amanda, now what are the special somethings you want me to do?”

“Ok, I have no idea how big my ass or breasts are now . . . but I want you to get down below me and just suck on one tit and play with the other for a couple of minutes, and then switch back and forth and back forth a few times. I have no idea why, but I just need to be sucked on.”

So Warren did as he was asked and got down on the floor underneath the massage table. Her breasts seemed like they were bigger. They seemed to be resting on the pads but wider than before. He got them positioned between the two pads in such a way that her nipples were now exposed. He started sucking on one… to his surprise it filled his mouth. It was huge and soft. He ran his tongue in and out along it, pressing it against the roof of his mouth and grabbed the other one and started pulling on it firmly but not hard, like a farmer would on a cows teat.

Amanda moaned in delight and shuddered and booted above him. He felt little droplets of her cum coming down over the sides of the massage table and landing on his body. She repeatedly orgasmed.He moved to the opposite side and started sucking on that bountiful breast, the size of a pregnant belly, and massaging the nipple he had been sucking on. His hands started getting a little wet and he could taste something like condensed sweetened baking milk from her tit. She was beginning to lactate!

Her breasts had increased in weight too, meaning they had grown a little more. He lifted them gently making sure to take all the weight up and then both together. The exact feeling of one plate. 45 pounds. Which was 20, 400 grams or just over 10,000ml per breast. TEN THOUSAND CCs!!

Amanda called out to him “Anything else you want to do… I mean, I wish that never had to stop because it feels fantastic, but I need something else from you too.”

“Whats that then?”Warren asked, “cos this is pretty awesome and I dont really want to stop” 

“Can you please spread my legs apart and fuck me again? I mean, fill me. Fill me with your cock and fill me with your cum!”

Warren got out from underneath the massage table, moved the end section to the side so her legs could fall to the floor and she could touch it with her tip-toes. Her toes touched the floor on one end, and her nipples would have touched the floor on the other if they werent resting on that pad.

He opened her legs apart, she was constantly moaning and started to rub her ass.

“Warren please get out your measuring tape and measure around the thickest part of my ass please? I went to sleep with a 30” ass and Im hoping for a 40” ass some day. So Im wondering what happened in 10 or 12 short hours.”

Warren got his cloth measuring tape out and put it under here near her pussy and extended around and met the other side. He lift her legs up and out straight, let them drop together and spread them apart. He took measurements each time.
“Amanda, youre about 33” around the fullest part of your bubble butt now, and its all muscle”.

She giggled “Bubble butt! I love it!! And my ass has grown 3 inches already? WOW, I love it. Baby, open my legs, crawl up behind me and inside of me and fuck me please, lover, please!”

Again, he did as asked - as his cock was ready to burst. She was so wet, it wasnt extremely difficult to work his way inside her pussy that had gotten so much tighter as well. He thrust in side her and pulled most of the way out, over and over again . . . staring over the sides of her and drooling as he eyeballed her pendulous tear-drop shaped breasts hanging off her. He remembered the taste of her pre-milk, he salivated thinking about sucking on her breasts again… he watched them boing and quiver as he fucked her with all his might, and finally came so much inside her, it sounded like a full tube of caulking unloading on a wall seam at a construction job.His balls pulsated as he came.

Amanda felt full indeed. Her pussy was full of Warrens cum and her own gushing everywhere. She moved her hands back to feel her round ass and started to cum again!!

“Help me up out of this, Warren. Were not done her yet, but I need to get up and go to the bathroom.”

Her helped move each of her breasts out and up which had clearly grown. Her ‘domes (may as well call her areolae that) had once again grown back to where they were and then a little more. 3/4” pinkish brown domes off the tops of her breasts with nipples than were an inch and a 1/4 long but thicker than before. He laid one breast on the couch then the other, then helped position her body around and helped her stand up.

Her tits stood 15” off her chest now and she could just reach her nipples and started playing with them. Oddly enough, she felt really strong and had no trouble standing. Her body was stronger, able to hold the weight and her back was straight and although she felt the pull of her breasts that were now about 45 lbs, she could manage to keep them up and stuck out straight

“Warren, what did you do to me in my sleep?” She asked.

Warren explained all he had done as he walked her into the bathroom and she sat down and peed. She then wanted his help back to the bed. She kept listening.

“Ok, that was really smart thinking. Now just one small request please!” Amanda asked. 

“Anything” Warren replied.

“Do it again. The hormones, the IV, the estrogen, the contacts, the electro stimulation, the sleeping aids, everything. And fuck me as often as you can.

Warren changed his tone a little, “Youre going to have to wait until the day after tomorrow, Amanda. I have to go away tonight until late tomorrow night on business and I cant let you do this on your own. Not anymore, and that goes for the BGH and BAS as well. Promise me you wont. Not without me, please!! If we want to achieve your goals, were going to have to be really careful from hereon in!”

Amanda agreed. “Can I milk myself, suck myself, play with them when youre away, please baby? Ill save the milk, you know, for testing, and Ill try and control my appetite.” 

“Sure, honey, but we have a few hours, and I need you as bad as I think you need me.”
Check out my new story! 
And Then . . . Chapter 9, In My Wildest Dreams 2/2

With Warren gone away for a little while, Amanda was home alone again and left to her own devices. To be honest with herself, she didnt really know what to do . . . So she went for the old standbys and put a couple pounds of wings in the deep frier and took out a freezing 6 pack of beer and a 1/2 gallon of rocky road.

She devoured the ice-cream waiting for the wings to cook… but how cares, it was breakfast time anyhow. Wings done, and smothered in hot sauce she devoured them with the 6 beers.

Standing in the middle of her kitchen in nothing but a pair of skimpy knickers, she massaged her breasts and pulled on her nipples… ‘grow babies grow for your mama she said to herself, expecting she might get another couple of pounds on her boobs, another 1000cc in size before Warren got back again.

Suddenly, she realized she had nothing to wear. She remembered she had stopped at some fabric shop and bought all kinds of super oversized tank-tops and materials, so she decided she would have a sewing day and make some really great clothes for herself to tease Warren with.

Warren had left her quite a few extra things in large cloth shopping bags before he left. An assortment of waist cinchers that were even stronger than the ones she owned, so she put one on. It was really curious, it was neoprene and latex, in layers, with side straps that appeared to tighten only and not loosen. She put it on, sucked in, and got it fairly snug. It felt REALLY good to her. And it pushed the little bits of fat she had down onto her hips and up into her tits.

Her breasts were still stuck out pretty straight and had perked a little since her breakfast. She bounced her way to the bathroom and sized herself up in the mirror. To the contrast of her black waist cincher, she looked positively freakishly big! She got wet just looking at herself. . . oh my God, she thought, she had become her own secret dream come true, and her mind embraced her new figure with approval and desire for even more.

Here she was, 10,400cc per breast in size, 33% of her body weight was boobs and she gazed long and hard in the mirror and then said aloud to herself “still kind of small, I can still be a lot bigger than this. I want to drain Warren daily of every drop of cum in his sac until he spends his time away from me just recuperating.

She bounced up and down on her toes, making her boobs bounce up and down a few inches, then more, until then were almost traveling 2 feet from very bottom to very top of their bounce. It was an astonishing sight. She admired the curves of her hips and ass now too. And her flat tummy. She was truly on her way to becoming the perfect little fuck doll. Something she wanted to be more and more with each passing hour.

She moved her materials into the living room, brought out a cooler full of milk and beers and other drinks, and set up at her sewing machine with scissors, and sewing patterns, and her MacBook on a side desk, and the TV in front of her too . . . she was ready to put in a full days work. She pulled an XXL tank top down over her torso and it kind had a weird shape to it, so she decided she would start with another one and tailor it around her boobs and her petite frame.

She took it in on the sides around the waist, and then flared it out a little on the bottom, and shortened the straps by about 6”. She also took some of the material she had cut away and sewed it into the opened up seams on the sides near her boobs, to accommodate them now and when they got a bit bigger.

She took off the tank she was wearing and slipped on her new tailored one. BANG, it fit like a smack in the mouth. It hugged her curves and accentuated her tits and hips and ass perfectly. She walked back to her bathroom and sized herself up. She mouthed the word WOW over and over and was awe-struck at how great her curves looked. Her nipples poked right out and were clearly protruding to the point of busting holes in the tank.

She knew she would need to try her hand at making a bra next. She hated bras, always and forever, but she needed to contain her tits. To contain their bouncing as she walked, to strap them in if she had to run, and of course to put a mini-bra over her domes to keep her nipples from hurting anyone!! She laughed hard at the thought of all that.

Despite having all the material she needed for most of her planned projects, she had nothing to make a bra out of. So she put her brothers old plaid shirt over top of her tank top and hopped in her car on a mission and popped into Wal-Mart on the way and bought a bunch of big bras in various sizes then the fabric outlet to get some bra-like material, strong clasps and a some heavy duty thread. She opted for black and red colors all round, so that she could wear her favorite floppy semi-see-through tops again and show off what was underneath without showing a thing.

Amanda carried everything in to her ‘work station and got to work making what she could. She measure the circumference of each boob at about 33.5” HOLY GOD, They were as big around as her whole ass and hips! She tried out the cups from all the big old bras she had bought, but now of them would fit around her boobs. So she decided the best thing to do was to make a gelatin mold by filling up a couple of big balloons. Then she took some red bra material and started to shape, measure and pin it before sewing it together. Next she found the black bra with the strongest thickest band and straps and cut that down to fit around her ribcage that was smaller around than even one of her boobs, and started putting it all togeher. 2 hours later, she had a bra that fit her. Then because of the red fabric and being able to see through it, she put it on, grabbed a black sharpie and marked out her areoles on it and took it off and cut out holes for them to poke through. She tried it back on again and it fit perfectly! He areolae and nipples fit through it all the way. Then she took one of her old black bras and cut the cups out and shaped them to completely cover her areolae and nips. Then she sewed it together and put it back on. It was positively obscene!! She loved it. She had tailored it for 16” of cleavage and her domes looked like normal b cup tits sitting on top of basketballs. It was positively delightful. She made one tiny alteration, she unstitched the nipple cups half way so they could fold down for quick and easy access.

She loved her new bra and decided to make a few more. This was thirsty business, and it even though it seemed gross to her, Amanda alternated before a pint of milk and a pint of beer a few times that day.

Amanda found her corset/waist cincher nicely tightening, from the internal abdominal pressure of the beer and milk sloshing around inside her but she knew she had to take it easy and not try and grow too fast or shed be back to a preggo looking belly and then tits growing quickly again and having to make more bras.

It suddenly dawned on her: She was planning on reaching a size where it was going to be really hard for her to make clothes for herself. She was planning on reaching a size where everything besides growing breasts and having sex was going to be challenging. She might even reach the size where she would have to rely on Warren for everything, even helping her get to the bathroom. She orgasmed uncontrollably at the very thought!

So she started into making bras that were bigger and bigger, making larger molds that were 12,000, 15,000, 20,000, 22,500, 25,000 30,000 all the way up to 50,000ml balloons. And then started in on making bras to fit each and every one of them. She assumed the band size of the bras wouldnt change as she was watching her weight from hereon in.

Next she started altering more tank tops to form fit her, and then she strapped on the bigger bras and made tanks to form-fit around each of them - with enough space to grow a little. She then took her brothers old plaid shirt apart, altered it to form fit her now and then used it as pattern to make more tops to fit her tightly, and ones than would fit her after each stage of growth. She used all kinds of material. Plaids, silks, cottons, lycra-spandex blends, you name it. She even got some oversized sweaters out of storage and altered them as best she could.

She had created an entire wardrobe for a woman who was forever going to have breasts that were half her body weight.

She slugged down one of the bottles of BAS from the vet and laid down on her couch playing with her nipples like cows teats until she fell fast asleep.

It wasnt long before she was in dreamland where she started dreaming of milk all over her and hungry mouths sucking on her.

7 hours later with the sun streaming through her living room windows, She awoke to find one of her nipples in her own mouth and one being furiously drawn on by her hand, and she was covered in sticky sweet milk!! Her nipples were close to 2” long now and still 3/4” thick!! Her areolae hadnt shrunk any either, if anything they were now about 7/8” off the tops of her tits. And her tits? Well, they felt a little heavier but also a little bit squishier thanks to her milking!!

She went to her kitchen sink and started expressing milk in a large mixing bowl until it was full, from one breast alone. She bottled that off and then did the same for the other breast.

She felt so much better then noticed that Warren would be home soon! Only one problem. Even though her new bra still fit her snugly, the areolae/nipple domes were way too small now.
“Holy shit, my areolae and nipples are C-cups maybe even D-cups on their own now!”

She was very excited . . .

Stay tuned for chapter 10.
Check out my new story! 
And THEN . . . Chapter 10. Warrens interests

Amandas predicament wasnt entirely a lonely venture, Warren was equally engaged in it as the point and had been dreaming of such a stroke of luck for years now.

Warren was at an experimental lab/farm in upstate and had been doing some research into breast and udder development, over-development and lactation for some time now. Sure, he and his colleagues had talked about the possibilities of human trials some day, the idea of inducing lactation beyond the Newton-Goldfarb protocol, and other crazy ideas . . . but the ethical dilemma of doing it to a human with persuasion or without consent was just too much to even consider.

But imagine someone actually WANTED to be a part of this? Imagine someone actually had dreamt of being this kind of person? Imagine someone actually wanted obscenely large breasts? Imagine some one or two or more than a few actually wanted to be human cows???

It was crazy thinking, until now . . .

Now he might be able to see the fruits of his labor come to pass in the most meaningful way, and not through a series of random strangers or volunteers in the distant future but in his lifetime through his neighbor Amanda, a woman who he had known for a few years now and now knew intimately.

His team had received funding from one of the biggest dairy companies in the country to come up with a method of bottling human breast milk in sufficient quantities to be able to replace ‘formula to the world of mothers who could not or did not want to nurse their babies . . . and fathers who had primary care of their kids, of course. Equality and all, fair is fair.

Research had shown that with proper development to about 35,000cc or bigger breasts, and proper milk duct development, ample feeding and hormonal influence, it would be possible for the average human female subject to produce approximately 5 gallons of safe breastmilk per day. They had developed a new formula for testing that accelerated breast growth and milk production, and all Warren could think about was Amanda growing to 35,000cc or bigger.

They had also developed a self milking machine where a woman could be siting on a couch, and have the machine come to help, cradle and knead each breast and had variable sized teat cups like they used in dairy production.

Well, last he checked Amanda had quickly reached the size of 11,000 CCs and he had told her to take a break from it so she could get used to this size before going further., But what he really wanted to do was bring home the experimental serum and switch her over from BAS and injections onto “the good stuff”.

She was also going to need to continue to build up her strength and muscular development in order to be able to move with 100 lbs of breasts in the near future. Half of her body was going to be breasts. The very thought was very exciting to him.

He had to be careful and make sure it was really what Amanda wanted and that she was up for the challenge as well.

He packed up a couple of large pelican crates full of test equipment and supplies and a smaller case that had built in cooling to get the serum down to and maintained at 1º centigrade - just above freezing

Meanwhile back at home, Amanda was having her own fun.

She had earlier found her snug bras and tops still fit her XXXL breasts but that her puffies had gotten to the size of medium sized breasts in their own right. It was just astonishing to her. She had removed the old bra cups and was using as domes from another bra and started trying to figure out a way to make even bigger domes out of her old bras, and she had found one that had a little extra material, and sewed them on then used some extra ‘bra material for support.

She kept the flip down design going because now that she was lactating, she realized she might find herself ‘caught short somewhere and need to whip out her tits at any time to express milk. She still wasnt quite sure how she felt about lactating yet…but she had just accepted it as being part of her new reality. And she also knew that when she got too heavy, she could relieve some weight with a firm milking. It was just still so weird . . . she was a bit like a cow. She giggled, thinking back to her conversation with whatserrename at the Vet!

After adapting a couple of her other bras too . . . she stuck to her trusty sewing machine and started modifying some of her tops, putting extra material in the side seems and then draw strings, like on a corset, so the tops coulee be put on, then tightened to shape around her enormous boobs and adjusted in size should she go any larger. Like that was a ‘maybe! HA!!

She had been hooked up to the electro-impulse exercise system that Warren had leant her for some time now and was craving a lot of protein as well. Milk proteins in particular, so she made up a snack tray for herself next to her workstation. Cheese sticks, a big old bowl of ice cream, a tub of cottage cheese and a 1/2 gallon of milk. It didnt last even half an hour and she decided to get up again… her baggy sweat pants were getting really tight in the seat and the thighs. She smiled to herself as she rubbed down her lower half. She could feel the strength in all her new musculature as well. She really felt it when she turned off the contraption, disconnected the sensors and stood up to take her sweet pants off.

She got up with such ease. Her beautiful bouncing teardrop shaped hooters with the c-cupped puffies were not as heavy feeling as they had been. On the desktop scales she had put together, she was able to weigh her breasts. They came in at an astonishing 24 pounds each now. 48 in total. Which indeed was actually in excess of 1/3 her body weight now.

Now at 12,000cc in volume per boob, the first top she had made just a few hours ago was really too snug, like her sweat pants, so she took an old pair of baggy jeans, and made her trademark jean cut-off short-shorts and put them on. They road high into the crack of her ass… and just screamed “fuck me now”. Oh she loved that. The bra and top she had on were her custom designed 15,000cc size. Still a little room to grow in each and a little loose but oh so comfy, for now. She sized herself up in her bathroom mirror.

“Geez, I could induce a man to want to fuck me all day and night looking like this.” She was dripping wet with pre-cum flowing out of her va-j-j dying to be fucked.

Her ass was so round and firm, her tits were so round and firm. The size change was noticeable. She promised Warren shed stay status quo until he got back, but she just couldnt help herself. Milk started to slowly ooze out of her tankers.

She stood at her sink again, her double stainless steel sink with a boob in each sink, like she had done before… she pushed and kneaded her boobs and filled up a pan with each boob, nearly 3 quarts (or 3 liters) of milk. It felt so-o-o-o good and she just relaxed a bit and leaned onto her boobs and rested a bit.

She awoke about an hour later as she felt a little uncomfortable, and who wouldnt be, but it was because her boobs were full and hard and pushing her up. She tried to just get up from the sink but found it a little more difficult than the last time. It was like she was pinned to the sink - impossible - but she had grown in size and was full of milk again.

The front door opened and Warren sang out to a very startled Amanda. “Amanda, honey, Im back and I brought surprises for you.”

“Just in the nick of time, Warren, Im just up here in the kitchen and kind of stuck and I could use your help.”

Warren kicked off his shoes and brought the stuff up with him to the kitchen. He saw Amanda leaned over into the sink with a boob in each ‘bay and her tummy pulled forward and her ass stuck out. To make it even better, she was wearing her custom altered tank top, home-made nursing bra and short-shorts that were completely buried in the crack of her ass. She had her hands about 4 apart on the counter trying to push herself up to no avail. And her ass was so round and plump now. He was at full mast at this point dying for her.

“Amanda, let me help you with those boobs and get you situated. Ive got a milking machine for you here thats really going to make your life easier.” 

“That sounds great Warren But Im trapped and helpless here and the feeling has made me extremely horny since you walked in. Please satisfy your horny woman. Please make it even harder for me to walk!” 

Warren obliged and thrust himself inside her…. Her short-shorts ripped apart at the crotch, as he in too much of a hurry to take them down. Her legs in high heels and as far apart as she could get them. His cock was the biggest it had ever been in his life and he was trying his best to bury it in her but she was just so tight.

“Oh my GOD WARREN, Hurry up and fill me with your cum, I feel like Im going to explode and I need to be milked. Milk your cow maiden!”

Warren exploded inside her and emptied himself. After a few moments to catch his breath and soften up a bit, he helped her up our of the sink, one boob at a time, standing in awe of the size and shape of her breasts which were now at about 15,000cc and her puffies were INSANE! They really were the size of average breasts all on their own now. Average large-c small-d cup boobs growing out of gigantic ZZZ cup tankers. He started bringing the equipment he had into the living room. A retrofit for her favorite chair that had a variable adjustable platform on each side to hold up each breast And then the heavy duty milking machine with the udder attachments and varying sized teat-cups. Even the bigger ones couldnt get her nipples in them, but could accommodate her nipples.

The milk started flowing almost immediately and she felt the pressure being received. “Oh my fuck, Warren, this feels so amazing. By the way, I expressed milk twice in the past few hours and saved it for you.”

Warren was delighted by this. He planned to take the milk collected and analyze it in his office once he set up the laboratory gear.

For now, he just collected milk from each breast. He had a full gallon in no time, and he could see that her breasts had gone squishy, flatter and were now soft to the touch.

Amanda stood up, on her own, after she was drained and Warren awe-struck watched her strut to the kitchen again.

“Wow” she exclaimed, measuring her boob weight on her tabletop scales “even after the milking theyre still about 20 lbs each. How big do you think they were?”

“Well, we just milked out 4 liters of milk which is about 35 lbs. But your boobs were about 30 lbs or so each when we started. Theyve just started immediately filling themselves back up again… granted, it is a lot slower than before.”

“Amanda, did you take any more serum when I was gone, or do anything else to accelerate the lactation process?”

She turned bashful and looked at the floor, “Warren, I only took one dose of the drink-me potion hahahaha, and happened to be very hungry for dairy, so I indulged.” 

“Ok” he said, “Im going to give you a new Serum to replace the others, so never take them again, ok?” She batted her eyes and nodded in agreement. Warren looked down but never took his attention off her for a moment.

“Thats if you want this, to have the biggest boobs you could ever imagine and be giving milk every day. Milk that will be used for the good of humanity too. But its going to take over our lives.” Amanda furiously nodded in agreement… “this is what I want now. Now and forever”.

He took out his new formula from the crate he had brought in and measured out 10cc into each syringe. He used a #4 needle this time for penetration and strength.

He set her up against the counter, same outfit on, plunged the needles into the base of each boob, took her hands and placed them on each plunger. And she depressed them so that all the serum went evenly into her entire boobs. 

Whilst she was doing that, Warren had positioned the milking equipment on counter for the expected 2nd round of milking and sex . . . 10cc doesnt seem like a lot, but its a powerful formula and it was going to further transform her.


Stay tuned for Chapter 11, Cowgirl rides again
Check out my new story! 
And THEN . . . Chapter 11: Cowgirl Rides Again

“You see Amanda, the main baby formula company were working with wants to bottle and market human breast milk to mothers who cant nurse their own children instead of using a synthetic formula. Theyre going to pay really well for it, and charge a lot for it too . . . but theyll market at first to female executives and women who have the means to afford it, and of course to single dads whose kids dont have their mom in their lives. It really is genuinely noble when you think about it.

“Ive been put in charge of this project now, and my orders are to see if we can get a woman to produce as much as 5 gallons of milk a day, every day, year round. Which would be enough to feed 20 babies each. And I have to find another 99 women for this trial too.” 

“OMG, Warren, I just produced a couple gallons from 60 lbs of breasts, how much bigger do I need to be to produce 5 gallons? 150 lbs of boobs? Ill never move again!” 

“no no, nothing like that, your milk production is going to increase dramatically with the help of the machine, regular milking and the new serum, and of course modifications to your diet to help you along.”

Amanda was no longer worried, now she was getting horny again. But first they needed to eat.

Warren helped her back out to her sewing station where she got to work on new even bigger clothes for her growth ahead, she hooked up her electrodes to get to work exercising her quads and glutes to continue to build her strength.

Warren started preparing food in the kitchen. Salmon fried in olive oil, vegetables sautéed in coconut oil, heavy cream and cheese sauce smothered over both and a cup of rice. A pint of sour cream and cottage cheese each on the side. And that was just for Amanda. It was all steak and potatoes for him with asparagus and carrots.

After about a half-hour supper was ready and he called her out to the kitchen.

“Warren, I think Im kind of stuck again now” she giggled. 

He went to the living room room to help her up and saw her boobs had blown up to about 15,000cc again, and were dense and heavy ALREADY. He knelt down and started to suck on her right giant nipple and massaged her puffy areola. Then switched over to the left, he filled his mouth with milk each time.

“Ok now, Warren, dont go filling up on me! Lets go eat supper!”

They sat next to each other at the small square kitchen table, with Amanda sat at the corner. This allowed him to get the table close enough to the middle of her chest she she could reach her food. Her pendulous breasts pointed out 18” or more from her chest and really did come to a lovely point, like cruise missiles, on the ends and were clearly twice as wide as her body. He could see how taut her skin was. He could bounce quarters off it. Her puffies were dark purple and nipples looked like they had a long hole inside each one that could open up to let milk flow out faster now. All part of the genetic modding properties of the new serum. He was in absolute awe of her breasts and the rest of her body.

Once they had finished their meals, Warren helped her down the hall to the bathroom and waited for her to come out, which she did without her short-shorts on and big wet circles on her tank top that was stretched to the limit, bra discarded.

“Warren, can you bring the milking machine to my bedroom please and position it so I can be milked in bed?” He nodded and agreed as soon as she was in the boudoir.

She shouted out to him “And bring lots of water, ice cream, beer, some wine, and maybe some snacks”. She giggled.

He got all the gear into the bedroom and positioned for a bed laden milking . . . she had already put several layers of towels on top of the bed, anticipating it was going to be soaked.

“Now, lie down on the bed and let me get on top of you and give you the ride of your life. But get the milking started at the same time.”

Warren did as asked, his cock straight up and out aimed at her pussy as she straddled him. It was so hot and wet and tight. OMG, he didnt know how we be able to contain himself and not cum immediately, but he controlled himself and got the teat cups hooked up to her nipples.

She leaned forward and rested her breasts on his chest, crushing on them and started riding his cock. From his vantage point, all he could see was her arms, her giant breasts and her cute face with her hair dangling down in his face. It was bushier and longer than he remembered. She took an elastic off her wrist and pinned her hair back. She rode him hard and slow then faster and faster until she came, and she repeated this 12 or 13 times until she was parched . . . and stopped and they both drank a liter of water each, as she continued sitting on him, impaled by his pink torpedo, and her vagina just pulsated, milking him like the machine was doing to her.

Speaking of the machine, He checked the tanks and they were each approaching 4 liters (about a gallon) each.

“Amanda, you better drink a lot more, youre already expressed a gallon of milk out of each breast!” She obliged and put away a few beers, a 1/2 gallon of cows milk, ate a gallon of ice cream and drink another liter of water.

“Ok, Im good now. So you better hold on cowboy. Your cow-woman is going to ride you into the orgasm corral and its going to be a bumpy ride”.

Her breasts seemed to soak up everything she had consumed and were burgeoning on 20,000cc at this point as Warren had expected they would be. She was pounding her vagina on his cock and pelvic bone and screaming her head off as massive orgasm after massive orgasm erupted inside her and spewed cum all over him and dripped down onto the towels. He had about 150 lbs resting on his chest and it was making breathing challenging which made it even more erotic. Her breasts had widened of course, but seemed the same length as she was still close enough to him so he could feel her breathe on him.

As she increased speed to 4 then 5 then 6 pumps per second, he yelled out he was coming and erupted inside her… She clamped her pussy down hard on him and he could swear it felt like was sucking every drop of cum from him. As soon as he stopped cumming, extremely sensitive, she started riding him again…

“OMG, please give me a few minutes, Im really sensitive now”

“No way, cowboy, were not done this ride yet.” 5 minutes later he came inside her again and again her vagina sucked it up and she collapsed on top of him. She slowly fell over to the side and his cock slid almost all the way out. One breast the size of a person between them, the other on her other side, one leg still across him, he reached for the machine controls on the remote and shut it off. 4 gallons of milk in total had been extracted from her udders.

She was blissfully oblivious at this point but totally dehydrated and started finishing off whatever water was left.

He hooked her up to an IV again and connected bags of glucose in water and saline, and another special high protein formula and let it feed her body as they both fell asleep for a few hours before dawns early light would wake them again.


Stay tuned for Chapter 12!
Check out my new story! 
And Then . . . Chapter 12: Over night sensations

Warren woke up as he hit the hardwood floor . . . he had been pushed out of bed by Amandas tits. Amandas tits were bigger than they had ever been last night, after a night of feeding after hours of sex. And he knew why. His climate controlled case with the new serum in it was left on the floor beside her side of the bed and 3 empty bottles were lying on the floor.

Shit! 1 bottle is for a week. Each bottle will give up to a 20% growth in breast volume or about 3000ccs each. The math was easy. She was shrunk down to about 13,500cc with the milk drained out of her last night, meaning her exponential growth put her at about 23,325cc per breast PLUS MILK.

Clearly she was well over 23,000 mark, 46,000 in total, and probably had another 2.5 gallons of milk in each breast. He quickly woke her…

“Amanda, honey, you have to wake up and we have to get you up to be milked ASAP before your skin tears!” 

“OMG, Warren, look at me, Im beautiful… Im ready to give milk and feed 100 babies! Or you . . . “

“Yes, Amanda, but your skin is as taut as a drum and weve got to get milk out of your udders so the skin doesnt tear. Thats the last thing we want! Ok, were going to work together to comfortably get you sat up in bed with your breasts resting comfortably so I can get the teatcups on your nipples. “

Good thing he was strong. Estimating 67 Liters meant she had an awful lot of weight to move around! Over 150 pounds, to be exact.

He got her right boob moved to one side of the bed and her left boob to the other, He got pillows up behind her back and separate ones under each leg to partially rest each boob on. He dumped last nights 4 gallons of milk and got the larger tanks, just in case…. And put the larger teatcups on each nipple. Each nipple was now about 2” long and a bit and 3/4” wide or maybe 7/8” wide. The hole up the center of each one was clear. Milk had already started to trickle out each one.

All set, he switched on the pumps and watched the steady flow of milk coming out her medicine ball sized tankers. She looked at him and licked her lips, He sat up on top of her, knees on each side of her close to her boobs, and she took his cock in her mouth and sucked like it was the source of all life. As he was getting close, she pulled it out… 

“Warren, fuck me, fill me”

He didnt really know where to rest his body weight with so much tit-meat competing for bed space, but he figured it out after a bit and drove into her with all his might into a pussy that felt tighter and was stronger than the tightest grip hed ever put on his cock with this own hands,

The harder he banged her, the quicker the flow of the milk. There was a definite correlation between her excitement level, orgasms, and her bodys milk production.

He was enthralled in the process and came in her after about 20 minutes, in what felt like the biggest orgasm of his life, every hair stood on end and he tingled all over. She has come several times during intercourse, with him and again after him… the mattress was so drenched it was ruined!

“Oh well, were going to need a bigger bed anyhow, since theres 4 of us now” she giggled.

“Amanda, that was awesome and you are amazing in every way but we have to stop your growth now. Your body was more than half boobs when you awoke. After the milking your down 6 gallons of milk, or 53 pounds, but youre still only 110 pounds of body without the boobs and 97 pounds of tits. Well keep the workouts and the electronic stimulation and milking you, but we have to make sure youre still able to get around to some degree… “ 

“I dont care, Warren, I love being this big and even bigger, and all I want to do all day to today is fuck and suck and have you milk me and come in me, and make me ruin more sheets . . . “

“Thats all I want to do too, but what if Im not by your side and you need to go to the bathroom , cook some food, get a drink, get changed, make new clothes or go swimming??”


“Yeah, I forgot to tell you, I have an olympic size pool in may sub-basement that has been filled with a water mixture with moisturizers and nutrients to help massage your skin and help it stretch”.

“Speaking of which, Mr. Man, dont you need to massage that moisturizer into my boob skin so that it doesnt tear?”

“And then . . . maybe we can go over to my house again and go to the swimming pool? I have a feeling youre going to want to be in the warm watery moisturizing mixture as the three doses of the new serum slowly start to take effect. Weve only just seen a bit of what the serum will do, yet, which is why we have to lay off for now. “ 


Stay Tuned for Chapter 13, life in the spa
Check out my new story! 
AND THEN . . . Chapter 13: life in the spa

There was a lot to be done. A lot of preparations to make, construction, new concepts in living, new accommodations for living like this. Amanda was just his first now, and Warren new that even if she were up to producing 8 gallons of milk a day, that would not be enough to meet his new favorite client/sponsors demands.

But for right now, he had to deal with the task at hand.

He had quickly but thoroughly prepared the room next to the pool for many needs, not the least of which was a giant massage chair with two side chairs big enough to hold each breast at her current size and sizes to come. There was another inverted chair on top of it that he could lower himself or someone else next to her with, to massage and moisturize her breasts without putting any weight on her - besides her own breast weight.

He had modified exercise equipment so her breasts could be supported fully and not interfere with her ability to squat actual barbell weight, to be able to do leg presses, calf lifts, quad curls etc. Everything to give her the satisfaction of working out and building muscle on her own . . . and of course, an occupied mind is a healthy mind, and makes for a healthier body.

He had modified the shallow end of the pool to accommodate a lift that she could use to get into and out of the pool. And although it might sound kind of vulgar to a prim person, the lift could be turned to accommodate a small toilet that she could use if she found herself caught short from being in the water swimming and floating around . . . and need to go. Better than an accident in the water!

Thoughts swirled in his head about how to help her move more freely the spa, the pool, the stairs of his house up to the next 3 levels, and of course over to her house next door. Plans were forming in his mind and he would have to get an engineer involved to figure the best way of a 411 110 lb woman pushing 120 pounds of boobs around, maybe more.

He was also formulating how he could have her sewing room, kitchen, regular bath and shower, doorways etc modified to accommodate her new growing assets.

Warren was also planning to install 3 or 4 sterile mechanical milking stalls in his house and at least 2 in hers.

But for the moment . . . back to todays reality.

Warren had modified an old persons ‘Walker with a padded large flat tray on top, sitting at about 4 off the ground, and about 34” wide. Handles above it for her to hold on to and push her boobs around, and much better wheels that allowed for seamless transport and some cushion in them as well.

And while they werent really as wide as her boobs wanted right now, it would get her through the 36” door frames in her house and into his and what-not, so mobility was so much easier this way without compromise to those incredible tits.

Amanda put on her disappearing-up-her-asscrack short shorts and the best supporting large enough bra and and a sizable tank-top over that. Then she got close to positioning, and Warren lifted her left boob then her right boob on top of the walkers tray and repositioned them until she was comfortable.

“Oh My God, Warren, this is incredible! I cant believe you did all this for me and my silly desire to have tits big enough that I would normally be immobilized. I am in your debt and promise to pay that debt VERY soon.”

She reached down between his legs and grabbed her favorite toy and massaged her boobs with the other one.

“I hope youll be good to go as soon as we get over to your spa!”

Warren smiled and nodded at her. And started walking with her over to her stair case, then lifted to the entire walker and boobs as she walked dow the stairs, out of her back porch and then onto her walkway over to his house. He repeated the process there to get her down over his stairs into the spa.

Once down there, he helped her get into a proper massage position like she had been on before when she was first using the Stimulatorâ„¢ (new name he thought of) and jacked it up to a high setting so her boobs could hang freely.

“Holy crap, this is awesome, Warren, feeling my boobs sway back and forth like they were only 3000 or 4000cc like a week ago!” She cuckled a little a started massaging her pussy as Warren started working the moisturizer into her breast skin…he went through about a gallon all over before her skin stopped ‘drinking it in.

Once he was satisfied that she was properly moisturized and there wouldnt be any chance of skin tears, he started to play with her nipples. He was quickly covered in milk and could tell she would want to be milked soon as well.

“Warren my love, my pussy is awful wet and lonely too. . . do you think you can get up here behind me and help make my big beautiful breasts rock back and forth?” Helps the skin stretch a little”. She giggled.

Warren knew what he meant as he pulled 2 of her fingers out of her sopping wet vagina, and slowly worked his oddly larger rock-hard penis inside it. He could almost swear her vagina was continuing to get tighter and tighter . . .but that wasnt exactly what was going on. But thats another conversation.

Once he was firmly inside her, as deep as she could get, he started moving her harder and harder, faster and faster…. Her pendulous nearly 16,000cc tits swung back and forth which drove him absolutely INSANE he was so turned on! Amanda, tightened up and came, again and again, and started squirting like a garden hose. It was incredible.

Warren pulled out for a minute and grabbed her a tank with a feeding hose, and put it in her mouth so she could quench her thirst on the saline water and sucrose/protein solution. There was at least 3 gallons of it in the tank… as he stuck the tube in her mouth, it almost fell out of her mouth again as she started at the impressive size of his cock. She thought to herself “thats gotta be 10 inches long… and almost as wide as my hand, how did that fit in me?”

She was so dehydrated, she sucked on the tube with all her might as Warren fucked the daylights out of her.

He finally came in her, which felt like another bucket to her. Her pussy again sucked up every drop of his cum. Not a drop dripped out of her.

Spent and starting to hang, Warren put on a loose fitting pair of trunks and proceeded to help Amanda get up off the massage table and make her way over to his poolroom.

He got the boobs on the walker table and Amanda looked at him with such adoration he almost couldnt control his racing heart.

“Honey, can I be milked before we go to the pool, please?”

“Of course, Amanda, lets roll over to that milking machine over on the other side of the massage table.”

He hooked the big teat cups up to her puffies as usual, and was happy to note that the large ones he had still fit well and it seemed as though the nipples had settled on a size which would definitely make it easier for milking from hereon in.

The flow was solid and steady but a little slower than last night in her bed.

“Warren, you need to stimulate me to get the milk flowing faster, please”

“Amanda, my cock is just dangling here . . . I need about 15 minutes please”

“Warren, didnt God give you a tongue? You know what to do!”

Without any further persuasion, Warren got down on his needs and fit his mouth inside two of the puffiest labia any man or woman had ever gone down on and started tongue-banging that clit and vjj like it had never been done before. The milk started flowing like crazy and after about 15 minutes, his cock started to rise again and he thrust inside her just as she erupted into a mad 45 second orgasm that gushed out at least a pint of cum. Within 10 minutes, there was close to 5 gallons of milk in the tank and the sight of it, and the swinging jugs, and the grinding of that tight soaking wet little pussy was all too much and exploded inside her again.

She howled in delight and then turned around to him “Warren, you know Im not on the pill and we arent taking any precautions”

“Amanda, remember those estrogen boosters shots Ive given you every second day?”

She nodded.

“well” he continued “They have the same effect as taking birth control pills and then some. Unless your body uses all the estrogen up elsewhere, which is impossible, were not going to be procreating any time soon!”

She sighed and smiled.

He pulled out of her again, and again, nothing was left to drip. Amanda pushed herself up from the table and wobbled a bit but managed to stand upright.

“Im 30 pounds lighter now, Warren, I can almost get around on my own! Almost…” she grinned slyly.

Warren held out his arm, and she cuddled into him, as did her left boob, with the right one swaying and banging into it, and they walked out to his pool.

Together, they walked down the steps and waded into the moisturizing waters. Amanda let out a howl of laughter!

“Oh my fuck, Warren, my tits are floating out in front of me! This is amazing. I could grow bigger here and swim or wade around to my hearts content! This is incredible!”


Stay tuned for Chapter 14 - splash splash!
Check out my new story! 
AND THEN . . . Chapter 14: splish splash

Amandas tits were floating on their own and protruded nearly 2 feet out in front of her now. Just past her wrists to where she could still close her hands on the front of them but not quite reach her nipples.

The water felt incredible to her, and she could feel her skin soaking up some nutrients that were added to it with the moisturizer. It felt amazing all over, from her neck to the tips of her nipples to her toes and every millimeter in between,

Warren got in behind her after helping her down into the water, and handed her a bottle of the new serum . . . 

“Whats this then?” She asked, “I thought you said we were down with that for now?”

“Just one more bottle with a little booster shot of estrogen and BGH to give you a little more buoyancy”. 

“oh my” she cooed “so, estrogen in my butt, BGH in my tits and down the hatch with the serum”. 

“Yes, thats about the size of it . . . and well see what size well get!” 

Warren injected 15ml of estrogen into her butt, and 25ml of BGH in each of her tits just below her giant puffies. Amanda could feel things stirring already and paused for about 10 minutes before she downed the bottle of serum.

She could feel things churning inside her. She could feel the pressure starting again inside her breasts. She was watching her tits re inflate right in front of her eyes and start to round out again but this time without gravity to pull them down. And she could feel her skin sucking in nutrients from the waters additives.

Her tits were starting to round out like balloons now. They still had their normal base and arc outwards from her chest where they joined her body, but at about a foot out they were getting rather round and bulbous much to her extreme delight.

“Warren, this is amazing, Im watching them grow! I have no idea how heavy they are now and it doesnt even matter . . . theyre floating perfectly in the water, half below and half above with the nipples lapping at there surface. This is incredible. 

“You know I can feel how hard youre getting, right? You have to put that to good use, right here in the water.”

“Oh my fuck, Amanda, you are every dream that every man ever had come true at once.” He said as he thrust himself inside her.

He turned her around and was able to have upright face to face sex with her for the first time in days. Her tits were 2 feet out now and round and he had to lean back on a slight angle to stay upright with her. The more he fucked her, the more they grew. As they both began to climax, they were pushing him out another 6” as they were floating 30” in front of her now.

“Warren, Im never going to be able to reach my nipples and milk myself again and I think I need to be milked soon anyhow, but Im so hungry and thirsty. Can you get me some things to eat and drink please?”

Warren obliged. He brought her oven some quick and thick milkshakes that were loaded with protein and nutrients. Those were carbo and fat loaded also . . . leaving out nothing her body needed.

“Everything you need is right here, for future reference, my lover. You float over to the lift, sit down on the seat, float your boobs over to each holding platform and then operate the lift to take you up out of the water. Then, you can roll over your massive jugs to the tit-walker and roll over to the little kitchen area there, and make what you need and bring it back to the waters edge. You can also use the loo just a few feet away.”

“Wow, youve thought of everything!”

“and when youre resting in the water, you can walk over to the automated milking machine where you can have it lift your boobs up, put the teat cups on your nipples and it will drain all the milk from your massive tankers and then youll be lighter and can pop up to the kitchen again!”

After a few minutes had passed, and Amanda had satisfied her hunger and cravings, her tits were really starting to get full. So, with Warren beside her, she waded over to the automated milking machine and pressed the commands to have it hoist up her now 40,000ml jugs and start milking her.

“Get behind me, Warren, and stimulate my milk production please.”

Warren obliged again. Amanda was truly in command and he did as he was asked. He dove under the water and came up between her tits, pushing them slightly the sides so he could get close to her face, then he kissed her as hard as he could and neither of them could stop . . . he reach out his arms that were longer than hers, and started massaging her puffies, her areaolae and could feel the milk pulsing out of them. In some ways, he wished she wasnt being milked and just grew and grew. But then, all his facility was being paid for and monitored by his main client now . . . and he couldnt let them down.

He went down underwater, held his breath and went down on her and she started to buck like a wild mare. Then he got behind her and shagged the daylights out of her again.

After about 25 minutes, they both exploded again and again, Amandas pussy sucked up and soaked up every drop of his cum. They looked at the results on the tanks next to the milking machine and there was about 3 gallons in each.

“Funny, I thought there would be more by now, Warren.”

“Dont worry Amanda, remember, youve already given out 8 gallons of milk today on top of this 6. Thats 14 gallons of milk! I dont know if anyone will ever top that”

“Warren, is there anyone else yet?”

“Not yet, my love, so far youre the entire operation.” 

“Well, I want there to be. I want two other women with me. I dont want to be the only one. I want to be the queen of the tits but I want two other women who can rival me and . . . I want to be able to play with them too.” 

Holy crap, this was more than Warren had ever expected to hear from Amanda. He was beyond turned on now, his cock was so stiff it actually hurt and without even pausing for thought, he was again in between her tits and had his cock buried balls deep into her vagina.

Amanda wrapped her legs around his waist and pulled them together as tightly as she could.

“Just stay in there like that for a little while, without moving just yet. I know I just turned you on massively, with the idea that you can watch me play with another woman. Im bisexual, but more than that, Im polyamorous and want you to play too. You and I can help each other them grow bigger and eat them and Ill feed them, and you can fuck me while they do that or fuck them too. Well each have playmates besides each other, but youre the only man here. And also, you should probably take a few minutes to check out the size of your cock too. I havent been getting any tighter, my pussy has gotten quite the stretching out from your cock which is about 10 inches long now and 3” wide. Its bigger than my arm!

“So were going to need to go gently on our little playmates so we dont end up hurting them inside ok?”

Warren had not noticed any changes in himself, being too oblivious to himself with the changes going on with Amanda. But he could tell he had grown maybe an inch or so in length and girth and was amazed that all this fit inside her little torso. After all, her tits had grown 9000% and her ass was twice the size she had started with, but the rest of her body remained unchanged.

They were both incredibly aroused again, and he slowly moved in and out of her, until she moved her drained off boobs slightly off to the sides, put her hands on his shoulders and started lowering and raising herself on him.

“This is where we really need someone else with us to play with my boobs, massage my puffies and suck on my tits while I ride you.” 

Warren smiled and laughed and couldnt help but agree with her all the more. 

“and… “ she said “I have just the two girls in mind. Theyre a bit different to me, body wise, but I know youll like them a lot and Im certain theyre going to love this.”


Stay tuned for chapter 15, opportunity knocks!
Check out my new story! 
AND THEN . . . Chapter 15: Opportunity Knocks

There were a few things that Amanda was absolutely certain of… 
1. She had gigantic milk cans now and possibly the biggest ever
2. She absolutely loved having such gigantic breasts and that they were real
3. That her friends Christine Beaulevant and Kim Jackson were going to love them
4. That they both had also wanted giant breasts of their own in high school and so . . . 

She started wondering who she was going to start with first and what she was going to do to introduce them to a complete change in life that was probably going to seem a bit outlandish to them both. At least certain parts of it.

She would have to talk to them in person, but she would need to get them interested in every aspect of the idea. . . .hmmm . . . she had to get her thinking cap on.

In the meantime she was floating around in ‘her new pool dragging or pushing her absolutely giant boobs around. She found it amazing that they floated so high on the water after milking and held her up. It was an absolute delight, really, and it made for all kinds of fun activities as she tried to submerge under the surface and drag her boobs down under with her but they were so buoyant that they would pull straight up, straight away.

She tried the sidestroke but couldnt get enough clearance to reach out and draw water down. She found it all so funny.

She tried doing the breaststroke, naturally, but all she did was stroke the sides of her tits as they pushed to the sides yet still pushed her up another 18” in the air above the surface . . . and of course, being straight out couldnt get her arms and hands down to even touch the water. So she just cranked up her legs and get herself moving at a decent pace up and down the pool - which was really quite the workout for her legs and quite another sight to behold!

She didnt notice, but Warren had snuck back in and was watching her the last 10 minutes, stroking his meat cleaver.

“Warren, dont you waster that! You get in here and put that some place it belongs please!” Amanda cried out.

Warren jumped in the water and waded up behind her and spend her legs and butt cheeks apart and started the process of squeezing into her vagina and slowly working his way up inside.

It all seemed so perfectly natural by now, and he was just enthralled with their entire process.

“Have you contacted your friends yet, Amanda?”

“not yet. Why? Are you anxious for our playthings to join us?” 

“Normally my reaction would be to respond defensively and say ‘no of course not, but the fact is that I am quite intrigued, even anxiously awaiting you and your two sister lovers joining us!”

Amanda laughed at him . . . “I think my childhood Mormon upbringing is having to much of an effect on you and youve been watching too much television like that show Sister Wives” 

“Sister Boobs” Warren laughed out loud!

“Well hold your horses, Mister Boobs, you are in the middle of taking care of your first boob-wife now and I want to feel maximum impact and get you off fairly quickly for a change.”

Warren had installed a new ‘water chair in the mid section of the pool at around the 6 depth mark. The seat of it was down about 30” below the water surface and it also had to gigantic landing pads on it that were easily big enough for 4 of Amandas gigantic boobs each.

Amanda wondered to herself if this was how big Warren actually fantasized about her growing to, even though he said she was more than big enough already and that he didnt want her immobilized by the sheer mass of boobs that weighed more than the rest of her body.

So Amanda did what any good woman would do, she shoved Warren into the chair and swam away then back up to him, mermaid style. She used her boobs buoyancy to get one of them up onto one landing pad than get her other up onto the other landing pad. Then she just floated there, moored to the chair by the weight of her boobs . . . moving in and out.

“Well Warren, dont just sit there . . . go bring my milking machine over and get me a 2 gallon tank of protein and fruit shake and straw. Lets kill 4 birds with one stone.

Amanda fed through there straw and Warren got the biggest teatcups on her nipples and then she mounted him, and started to ride him. She could move so freely with the tits being supported by the landing pads. It was awesome!

The big old pumps roared to life and started milking her, which felt divine to her. Warrens big old cock inside her felt divine. Her riding up and down on his pole, hitting every nerve from her clit to g-spot to every inch inside her felt divine, she orgasmed many times and each time her milk production shot up for a minute. But the time she felt Warren coming to his climax, and her 23rd orgasm, the tanks nearly had 2 gallons of milk in them EACH. Bumper crop! She collapsed from the draining, and had also finished her tank of protein shake and was ready for another, she was so dehydrated.

Warren got up as quickly as he could and went and got her two more 2 gallon tanks of the protein shake and put some extra yogurt and ice cream in it, to help replenish her.

Warren then looked at Amanda, and helped her turn around in the chair and reverse mount her giant boobs to the opposite landing pads.

“Ive got to go and interview some potential clients now, Amanda, so Im going to leave you here alone for a while ok?”

“Sure, Warren, I still have to call my old friends up who I mentioned and get them warmed up to the idea and see if we can get some progress happening with them too. And remember, no matter how tempting it is, you dont get to have sex with those other potential clients unless I say so! Were in this together now, and I want to be a part of everything!”

Warren agreed and went upstairs to his main living area, showered and changed and headed into work.

Amanda got busy looking Kim and Christine on Facebook and Instagram. She decided she would start with Kim, since they had had great sex before in the past and remained fairly close.

She shot her a message and asked for her phone number, and got a reply in seconds and called her up.

“Hi Kimmy, its Amanda from high school. Remember me?”

“Well of course, love, how could I ever forget. Ive been thinking you a lot lately.” 

“Wow, really? Well, Im flattered and Ive missed you . . . but there is a reason for my phone call but now Im curious as to why youve been thinking about me a lot.” 

“OK, well, remember in high school, you were the pussy monster, Christine was the ass monster and I was the titty monster?” 

“How could I ever forget, I was so jealous of those tits you grew” 

“Well, funny you should say that . . . because theyve grown again, and theyre quite large now and aching to be sucked like you used to suck them.”

“Wow, that is very curious indeed, Kimmy, like how big are we talking here?” 

“I kind of ran out of cup sizes once I got to Z, so I did the water displacement method and discovered that theyre about 7000 millimeters each now! Can you believe that? Its insane… theyre so huge, I look like a freak. . . but I love it. I mean, Im absolutely in love with my boobs and I think they might still grow some more”

“ERMERGERRRDDD . . .” Amanda answered in a silly voice, “Youre not the only one. My boobs have grown like crazy too, and it immediately made me think of you. And theres a lot more to it than that but Id really like to talk about it, face to face, tit to tit, maybe even clit to clit so to speak. To be honest, my tits are tanker now, and need to be seen in order to be actually appreciated. I think you and I are going to have a ball.” 

“and theres something else too…” she continued, “I am staying at my new boyfriends house. Its right next door to mine . . . Im in the basement, well, the sub-basement in his olympic sized swimming pool as we speak. And loving it.” 

“Boyfriend?” Kim stammered “I thought you were interested in rekindling what we had” 

“OMG, Kimmy, of course I am. And I want to share him with you. Hes better and bigger than any dildo we shared, and he has the soul of a woman too . . . just one with a massive delicious cock and beautiful body and special talents that also we need to talk about together” 

“Oh thank fuck” Kim breathed a sigh of relief. “That is exactly what I want, so much. I miss you and our sex so much but want much more than that . . . and sharing a man with an amazing penis sounds like just what the doctor ordered”

Amanda was dripping wet, and not just from the water-moisturizer mixture in the swimming pool either. “I can only imagine the sexual exploits were about to share and the adventure were going to embark on with our new massive tits” 

“Give me the address… uh huh…. Ok…. yeah, got it. Alright, Im going to get dressed in something comfortable to drive over and join you in the pool, ok?” 

“Oh that sounds awesome . . . but be warned, as big as your tits are right now, expect to see something even bigger, and you might be a little freaked out. But keep mind ok? Because as freakish as I might look as seem when you see me, this is an awesome development and you are going to love it. OK?

AND THEN . . . Chapter 16: Kimmys Back Story

Kimmy was the early bloomer in high school, the one that other girls were jealous of because she got visited by the Tit Faerie first, and best.

She was always quite proud of her figure and happy with how uncomfortable and jealous it made other women. She also loved the attention she got from men and women who liked women.

The bounce in her bra or just in a tank or bikini top was always a reassuring feeling to her. It made her feel like a woman and her tits were always so sensitive that they became central to her sexual life and nipple play alone always brought her to orgasm

Well into her 30s, her boobs began to change and not for the better. First the firmness started to go, and they became stretchy. Inside of not really needing a bra, wearing one because essential or her tits would hang really low and bounce really high. That would have been bad enough but

Then they started to get soft and spongy and she was losing breast volume. Not anything major but enough to cause concern and make her start seeking out a way to restore her breasts to their prime.

So Kim began a quest to find an experimental medical way to pump up her breasts without resorting to implants, as much as she loved the fake titty look. But maybe there was a way to achieve that naturally? She wondered.

Working in admin at the local university introduced her to all kinds of people in every department and she got to know a few of them girls and guys in research in biology. She was very open with them about what she was looking for.

One of the girls suggested that there was some research going on in the basement lab which would cause her breasts to increase in weight and size albeit kind of slowly.

She called up the research team and told them her predicament and presented her case. They were very sympathetic and supportive. She was referred to someone named Kath Loveless and had an appointment for the following Monday.

Monday rolls around . . .

Kath welcomed Kimmy into her office and asked her to describe her medical history and situation, and what she wanted. She said, upon evaluation she would then decide whether she could be an eligible candidate for an experimental procedure.

“What kind of experiment?” Kim asked 

“Well,” Kath replied, “its a new gene therapy to unlock the potential in your genes and supplement them towards developing the results you want. Its basically programming your body to be what you want it to be.” 

“Can I sculpt myself, genetically?”

“Thats exactly what we have in mind. Wed like to take detailed photos of you and put a 3D model on the screen and let you manipulate it with out of our digital artists. Then we can program that into the computer and come up with a gene therapy to trigger the necessary changes in your DNA Code so that you body will reshape itself to meeting that design. 

Kath continued, “But I have to warn you, this is not without side effects and not everything is absolutely guaranteed to go according to plan.” 

Kimmy replied “Well then, I guess thats why youre calling it ‘experimental gene therapy!” 

Kath smiled, “You seem to have a grasp on this which means youre the right candidate and Im giving you the green light to proceed now”

Kim went to the digital arts department and started working on her design with some guy named Dave. 

She had been photographed from every angle and every square millimeter of her was documented. It was then made into a full 3D rendering of her body on screen.

“Ok” she said, “Lets start with my waist. Can you trim it down to 22”? I means, really tight! Oh good, yeah that looks great. Now add a big bit of oomph for my butt, I want a ski slope from the small of my back to the greatest point out on my ass. Yes, thats good too!

“Now, lets move on to the real reason were here… my breasts!” 

“Yeah, about that,” Dave said with apprehension. “How long have you been hiding the fact that youre multiple mammaried?”

“what?” She exclaimed “What the hell is multiple mammaries? What do you know about this? Sorry if Im in shock, I didnt really want to talk about that little flaw”

“You see” Dave pointed to the screen, “Under your breasts, those two smaller breasts that arent quite detached but not connected either. Did you think you only had extra nipples?” 

“Yeah pretty much, and I didnt want to say anything about it because I thought maybe this would be a chance to erase them!”

“Well” he said, “That is one of the possibilities we can look at. If youre sure thats what you want to do.” 

“Do you mean, I have a choice? I didnt really want to get rid of them, I thought I was a freak. But is there a way to have them and not make it abundantly obvious to the world? Ive read up on it, and it happens in 1 out of every 1000 women in the Poland/Belarus area of the world”

“Again, Im really impressed that youre done your research. But lets get back to the 3D modeling, shall we”

“Ok” she responded, “Lets go to my breasts next. Can you give me 7000cc on each side?”

“Sure, no problem”

“OK, great. Now can you divide each breast of mine into 2 breasts?”

Dave Gulped.

“Now lets go with being able to put a pair of breasts into each cup of a bra. A really big bra. Lets just say we have 4000cc on the bottom breast and 3000cc in each of the two top breasts. Is that possible?” 

“I guess it is. But remember, this is gene therapy and this is going to be irreversible once we do this. And if you put on weight later, theres a good chance its going to go to your boobs”

“Oh my God, this is a tough decision… I mean, if I was given 4 breasts, Im supposed to have 4 breasts, right? Even if two of them were dwarf breasts?”

“Thats probably a healthy was of looking any it, sure” Dave conceded.

“Then I want to go for it. On the screen, give me the 4 breasts please in the sizes I mentioned and lets see how they look. I want one to rest on top of the other, so that in a bra it looks like one left and one right boob, please.”

Dave did it up like she asked him to.

“Oh wow, I look amazing. Can we start with the gene therapy please?”

Dave left the room and brought everything over electronically with him to Doctor Kath. She asked him over and over again about what he had explained to her and she looked over the computer renderings of everything that they had come up with. She was satisfied and gave him the green light to start the procedures.

Doctor Kath came back into the room and talked to Kimmy about it. She was convinced that this is what Kimmy wanted and the gene therapy began.

For experimental reasons, Kimmy was kept on site in special quarters with only a very tightly prescribed diet for 2 weeks.

The day Kimmy was leaving, there was a scientist at the clinic speaking with Doctor Kath about the procedures. Kimmy couldnt help but notice him as he was tall and strong and good looking and a scientific researcher too. Warren was his name and he was equally taken with her.

As she passed by, Warren accidentally pumped into her and slipped his business card into her back pocket.

Kin got home and sized herself up in the mirror. First with clothes on, where he hourglass figure was something to behold and her giant breasts stuck right out and were HUGE. She slowly undressed in her bathroom mirror and was down to her undies as she slipped off her bra and her 4 breasts were set free. It was a spectacular site to behold, and she honestly didnt even know what to make of herself. She was just so gorgeous and sexy and the very sight or herself was driving her bonkers with horniness. The way her 4 breasts cooperatively fit on her chest was amazing to her. The top two outflanked the bottom two and rested across them. She just stood there drooling. And at the same time she was so thirsty for both milk and beer.

She drank everything she had in her fridge, which was about 2 gallons of milk and a full 24 cans of beer. And then a couple of gallons of water. She didnt know where it was all going, but she had the feeling her body was trying to stay hydrated and replenished.

Her ass was 44” on the round, her waist was 22” and her tits were over 50” around. She was in awe of herself. She started thinking about old girlfriends and boyfriends she had had, and that scientist Warren she had met. And her old friend Amanda….
Check out my new story! 
AND THEN . . . Chapter 17: Old Friends together again

Kimmy was amazed at how quickly the gene therapy had worked and how in just 2 weeks she had undergone such a remarkable transformation. They exaggerated curves were just something else. Her ass was amazing. It was like a finely marbled steak. She could feel how it shaped in different ways as she flexed and squeezed different parts of her rump.

There was definitely a nice fat cap on it, and layers of fat and muscle underneath and it was a good 6” to get from the end of her cheeks at their fullest parts, to her crotch.

“It would take a fine cock to get through all this”, she snickered to herself.

And she could nearly get her own hands around her tiny waist. Her hip to waist ratio was more than 2:1 and she was thoroughly loving it.

And of course, her boobs were solid and full like she had always wanted, and the bra she had on even with deep plunging cleavage didnt give away her secret. She could swear she was a tiny bit bigger than the 14,000cc she left the clinic with . . . but nah, that was just her imagination.

She was an absolute freak of nature in every possible way. And . . . loving it.

She started getting ready to head over to Amandas…. well, Warrens house with the underground olympic sized pool and everything else.

What to wear? Swimsuit underneath of course, a bra underneath to keep her secret in tact for now, a short skirt and cut pumps, and a loose fitting sheer top over everything. She put her hair up and used just a little bit of makeup and there she was . . . done up like a stick of gum.

Kimmy called Amanda up.

“Hey Mandy .. . “
“Dont EVER call me that, grrrr”
“Oh yeah, of course, sorry . . . Amanda, whats your address please, or your boyfriends address?”
“Sure… its 88 Bernard Drive. Oh wait, Im at his place. . . . 84 Bernard. Right next door. Come to the back and come in the back door down two flights of stairs, or take the elevator down.”

“Sure will. See you soon!”

Kimmy got in her car and drove over. It wasnt too far away, only about 20 minutes. She stopped into the wine store on the way and picked up a couple of bottles of what used to be their favorite vintage of Pinot Noir and Pinot Griggio. They had a thing for Italian wines.

Kim arrived at Warrens house about 25 minutes later, after stopping for wine and walked around back of the considerable mansion, through the backyard that unbeknownst to her had been the scene of some pretty crazy sex just a week ago. Sex that propelled Amanda to where she was today. Sex back when she was ‘small in relation to her size today.

She walked down over the 2 flights of stairs carrying her pumps in one hand and the canvas bag with the win in the other . . .

“Honey Im home!” Kimmy cried out.

“I can see that, kind of hard to miss those knockers. Im in the pool” She said looking over her shoulders and trying not to draw attention to her massive boobs. “Take off your clothes and slide on here in the water and come over next to me”

Kim left on her swimsuit and ‘containing bra for now, but got in the water and made her way over.

As she got closer, she had to take a double take and pick her jaw up off her chest.

“GOOD GOD, AMANDA!! Those are the biggest tits Ive ever seen in my life! They make me look positively small. Just how big are they?”

“40,000 cc each, or at least they were this morning. But since they seem to be constantly growing, its hard to tell from day to day.”

“How do you manage to get around?”

“Im in the water, silly, they float. I can walk around in here or go swimming, use the lift on the other side to get out of the water, and then my boob walker to go to the bathroom or kitchen. Ive got my phone and MacBook and tv here too. Plus warrens around a fair bit and I can get over to the gym there (points) too and take care of staying strong enough to support these! But your tits are HUUUUGGGGEE too! Whats your story?”

“ok, Amanda, I was bothered by my tits starting to go soft so I started making inquiries in the medical world and then of course at the university, with the bio research people and that led me to a gene therapy experiment where you can program your DNA and well, they found something interesting in my DNA which created a possibility that I acted on and Ill tell you about that in a few minutes… but first of all, I programmed in for 7000cc of breast per side, this amazing 22” waist and a 42” ass! I got what I wanted and maybe a tiny bit more. The gene therapy was pretty painless, the effects of it and my body doing all this work, not so painless! But no pain, no gain!!

She took a breath and continued, “Anyhow after 2 weeks, I was pretty much as you see me now… and through all this, I was thinking of you! Now, you have to tell me your story. I know how big they are . . . but holy hell, you were flat as board and now you have the biggest real breasts on the planet, probably!”

Amanda tried to lift up her giant tits, up out of the water, off the landing pads on her chair, but to no avail… “Here help me lift these monsters and Ill start telling you my story”.

Kimmy obliged, of course and had to put her mouth around one of those massive nipples. She had an electric orgasm when she realized Amanda was lactating and immediately her mouth was getting filled with delicious breast milk.

“Can I just suck on your tits and you tell me the story, please?”
“Sure, but maybe take it easy . . . we need the milk for the breast milk project and I dont know what kind of effect my breastmilk might have on another woman, especially one who was genetically programmed for giant breasts!

“Anyhow, back to my story. See, I was really tired of being flat so I started researching ways to increase my boobs, and found out about the Newton Goldfarb protocol and started taking both estrogen injections like trans do, and then Bovine growth serum and then I got a drinkable one from the vet on top of it to increase udder development in cows and milk production. On top of that, I was quenching insatiable cravings for dairy, beer, water, fatty foods, steaks etc you name it.

“Then on top of that, I need help moving things and getting around when I was only your size, and my neighbor who owns this hours saw my predicament and was only too happy to help me. We fell in lust then in love, and I found out he was a total tit man and then we started fucking like rabbits in heat and I started lactating, and then I found out he was also in research in the same field . . . and he wanted me to be this big also, or close to it.

“And he enjoyed the lactation as much as I did. And he wanted to milk me, and so did I, and I wanted to be milked like a cow . . . and it was amazing, so he got the equipment for a milking machine and then another and then another . . . and Ive been giving up to 8 gallons a day but usually 5 or so. And were part of one of the baby formula companys work to supply real babies with real food. Its wonderful really…

“so” Kimmy asked, taking a break from suckling, “does this feel as good as the machine does pumping you hard for milk?”

“Are you kidding me, Kimmy, it feels amazing and nobody knows how to suck a boob like you do, except for Warren. And dont worry you cant suck enough milk out of me to make a difference anyhow”

“Well see about that, Amanda, Im starving and I think I could easily drink a gallon of milk”

Amanda continued “So, Warren came up with this super serum that really increased my breast size and milk production to what it is today. I think were done with my expansion now but you never know! Weve also got to find some more girls who want to be a part of this if its going to succeed.”

“coincidentally, my journey from flat to 40k has all been in the past 3 weeks also. Weird huh?”

Kim took a break and her belly was popped out as big as one of her boobs and completely round too!

“Oh look, I got triplets now” referring to her belly matching the size and shape of her boobs. They both laughed heartily.

“OK, Amanda, its time for me to tell you my other secret”

“OMG, please dont tell me youve grown a dick!”

“No no no, nothing like that . . . its all tits and ass with a tiny waist here. And we got your boyfriend Warren for cock right?”

“Our boyfriend, Kimmy, were going to show and enjoy a polyamorous life together. Warren is loaded and will take care of us if we take care of him”

“Ok, well remember I said 7000cc per side?”

“yeah, but you said there was a surprise in your DNA”

“Exactly, see, I have always hidden my second set of nipples, even from you back in the day, but they were connected to extra breasts just under the skin waiting to burst out.”

Amanda thought she had heard it all until now!
“Wait a second… so 7000 per side but you have FOUR BREASTS???”
“Yes, four breasts and Im about to show you too” Kimmy lifted her shirt off the bra. The bottom two breasts plopped out and then the top pair flopped down on top of them. 4 huge breasts on one extremely curvy woman. And they were just so perfect on her too. The bottom ones being bigger than the top pair.

“Oh my god, theyre beautiful. Lets swim over to the lift and get up out of here and get over to the bedroom and lay down on the double king bed ok?” Amanda asked with eager eyes and a hurry libido.

“Ok, lets go play” Kim answered. “I want to suck on your breasts, and have you suck on mine too! Do you know where any more of that serum is too? I would love to be bigger than 7000 a side, maybe?”

“We really should ask Warren about that before we go any further tho. After all, the serum will induce lactation and did you really want to be a milk maiden, a milk girl, a milk maiden?”

“I think I do, Amanda, after tasting your milk and knowing what its for, I think I really want to become a milk maiden too. How much milk do you give a day, again?”

“Usually 5 or 6 gallons but its been up to 8 most days this week”

Amanda and Kimmy made their way to the double-King bed and started to fondle each other, nurse each other, fuck each other, give oral stimulation to each other and lactate all over and in each other again.

As they were both coming for about the 11th times, They heard Warren coming in to the pool area and singing out for Amanda.

Check out my new story! 
AND THEN . . . Chapter 18: a Possible Deviation

Warren bounded down over the stairs and into the pool room at a fairly quick trot. Dressed only in a pair of short trunks (not budgie smugglers, thank god) it was easy to see that he was excited at the prospect of just seeing Amanda, let alone touching her or having sex with her. She was now his joy in life, and what he looked forward to every single day. And night. 

So imagine his surprise to see the pool empty and then to find Kimmy in bed with her, just off the side of the pool. He was extremely aroused by this and seeing Amanda and Kim sucking each others breasts and drinking each others milk was further enticing. His cock was at full mast and almost complete out of his shorts.

Amanda non-verbally communicated and motioned him over. She was too entranced with sucking Kims breasts and having her own sucked as well.

Warren got behind Amanda and slowly started to work his cock into her and thrust her tiny tight little pussy as fast as he could, moving in deeper and deeper and filling her insides up.

Within 10 minutes he erupted inside her and she came all over his shaft. She let out a howl and lifted up a big so her breast pulled out of Kims mouth and milk shot out everywhere.

“Oh my God, Warren, if I had known how much this would excite you, I would have called her last week!”

Warren could finally see Kim.

“Hey, I know you” he said, “Werent you at the research labs . . . undergoing some sort of genetic manipulation experiment?” 

“Yes”, Kim replied, “they programmed my DNA to grow this big round ass” which she smacked, “and found a dormant ancient gene in my DNA for multiple breasts, so they triggered it to grow double breasts on each side . . . we even programmed the size they will be.”

“I have new for you, if youve taken the serum and if you have already drank anymore than a glass of Amandas milk”, Warren replied. 

“What do you mean?” They both asked of him, with faces that were whitened by the curious hanging news and jaws that hung open. 

“Well, youre both in for a growth spurt that isnt triggered by DNA or the serum alone. Drinking another womans breast milk will cause your own breasts to grow again also. So, watch out, this is going to happen over the next couple of hours. 

“Amanda, your breasts were already at about 40,000. Well, you can expect them to grow to about 60,000 in the next two hours. Thats going to be a lot more weight, and a LOT more milk too . . . “ 

“Well” Amanda said, “Im fine with that. But Im going to need more cock to stimulate that milk production too”

“What about me?” Kimmy asked. “Am I going to grow much?”

“Kim, youre in for quite a shock Im afraid. You see, I checked into the genetic chart and predictions at the lab before I left to come home today . . . youre a total of 14,000cc now, right?”

Kim nodded. “Yes, 2 breasts at 4000cc and 2 breasts at 3000cc”. 

“well, you are programmed to slowly grow to 12,500 on each lower breast and 7500 on each upper breast. Thats a total of …” 

“I can do math, 40,000. Which is the total size Amanda is now. Which I can handle. Im a bigger girl.” 

Warren corrected her “You were programmed for that without any serum or Amandas breast milk which is also Genetically modified now. Now youre going to grow to about 40,000 over the next 3-4 hours. And youre going to keep growing over the next few weeks.” 

“How big will I get” Kim asked…. 

“Ill need to check all computer models to see for certain., But I would estimate somewhere around 75,000.”

Amanda cried foul. “Warren, you told me I would be the biggest!” She protested.

“Im going to work on that, Amanda, but Its going to take some science and some real work to keep everything ok so youll still be somewhat mobile outside of the swimming pool.” 

Kimmy looked at Amanda “Baby, Im really horny. Can we go back to what we were doing. . . but can Warren fuck me, please? I wanna go down on you, have my big old ass up in the air and have him ream me from behind. Is that ok, please? I know hes your boyfriend. I just need him.”

“Its ok, Kimmy, hes OUR boyfriend now . . . and yes, he can fuck you as much as you want him to, as long as theres enough for me too!”

Amanda lay back and Warren strapped on the teat-cups and started to milk her again, Kim got him 4 growing breasts down on the bed as best she could and got her face into Amandas pussy, and her ass up in the air. Warren crawled in behind her on his knees, started to work his cock into her and pushed down on the small of her back.

Amanda reached up to the night table on the side of the bed and grabbed the bottle of lubricant and passed it down to Kimmy who passed it onto Warren. Warren squirted the lubricant out of the bottle and all over his cock and then into Kimmy who groaned as she felt the coolness of the lube enter her vagina. “Nothing feels better than a squishy pussy”, she laughed to herself.

Kimmy gasped as Warrens cock entered her. She was so grateful she was lubed up. Oh the feelings that flooded her from the hairs on the top of her head to her tingling toes. She dove into Amandas pussy with even greater zeal. Sucking on her labia, licking her clit, furiously tongue fucking her vagina, and flicking on her clit again as fast as she could… and one hand moved down to her own vagina just to play with her own clit and feel Warren work his way in and out of her like a piston in an engine. It felt like he was firkin a truck into her.

It felt harder to get completely at Amandas pussy. Her neck was bent down and she could feel her back buckling harder to aim her crotch up at Warren to get as much of him inside her as possible.

Why was it getting uncomfortable? She drove her fingers into Amandas juicy pussy and started finger banging her as she looked down at her chest and saw that her own boobs were what was pushing her up off the bed. She was more than a foot off the bed, and could see milk stains that were 3 in diameter until her tits.

“Warren!” She cried out. “Do we have any more teat-cups and another milking machine please? I think Im full or over-full and need to be milked ASAP!”

“Hang on!” He cried out,”Im almost there”.

A few seconds later he filled her twat with his cum and shuddered for a good 5 minutes afterwards . . . falling over on her back with 10” of cock firmly stuck inside her.

Amanda looked at her milk cans beside her and they were full already. And she needed another set yet, still needing to be pumped off, and knew Kim would need a couple of milk cans also.

“Warren, do we have any extra milk cans, and 4 more teat-cups please?”

Warren came to, caught his and got up… his cock swinging around hard enough to bruise his own legs and put an eye out!

A couple minutes later he came in with the quadra-milker and 6 extra milk cans on a cart. He helped Kimmy up onto the pillows on his side of the bed and next got medium sized teat-cups hooked up to her nipples. Her tits were easily about 10,000cc each or 40,000 in total. The top and bottom breasts and each side were about the same size and hard and round. Each breast looked like a basketball. 10,000cc round balls of pleasure, filled to bursting. Each pushing the others up and out, barely enough room on her chest to fit them all on. Warren got the teat-cups on pronto and started up the quadra-milker which immediately started producing solid results.

He helped Amanda sit up in bed as close to her as possible. He changed out her milk cans and made sure her giant teats were securely in her own extra large teat-cups and restarted her milker.

He knew this be a long night, and one of many . . . Warren knew that Kimmy would soon outgrow Amanda and that Amanda wouldnt stand for that.

He was hard again.

STAY TUNED FOR CHAPTER 19: Three of a kind
Check out my new story! 
AND THEN . . . Chapter 19: And then there were 3

The girls both gasped at Warrens flagpole. They were casually lying in bed, being milked, each eating their second gallon of ice cream, in between flattening out cases of beers. Both of them had little tummies forming from over-indulging and eating so much so quickly. Both so horny they couldnt get enough in them to quell their sexual urges.

Amanda spoke up “Warren, I believe its my turn now! And I want it doggy style on the bed please!”

“Ok, you two get started without me” Kimmy added, “Im still able to get around pretty easily, since even with twice the breasts Ive only got half the breasts that Amanda does. So Im going to go out to the kitchen and be back in a couple of minutes.”

Neither Warren nor Amanda heard a word she said, and she knew it. They were already in doggy style position and working Warrens cock into Amandas super tight little twat. Amanda was squirting and screaming as she waddled out of the room.

Kimmy looked through the fridge and found nothing . . . nothing she was looking for, but chugged back a couple cartons of Amandas milk since it was there. She looked through all the cupboards and drawers and found nothing there either… so she chugged back a couple of gallons until she looked 6 or 7 months preggers.

Then she saw it! The Cooler with the serum. She took out 6 vials of it. She drank down two immediately and brought four with her back to the bedroom… with a straw.

She could feel the effects of all Amandas breast milk and the serum in her stomach, churning like a factory about to explode into overload in the tit production department.

Her breasts were already started to blow up like basketballs again, even after giving a couple gallons of milk. She got them on the bed and got in doggy style position herself and nuzzled up next to Amanda, as best she could with 120,000cc of breasts on the bed. She poked a straw into a vial and passed it overt to her and giggled “Drink me”. And Amanda drank it down without breathing.

“thats for one of your beauties, Amanda, and this one is for the other” and Km handed her over the other vial.

Amanda yelled out to Warren… “OK, you fuck me 10 thrusts, then fuck Kimmys 10 thrusts and back and forth, for as long as you can!”

Kim giggled and got a good grip on the bed sheets and held on tight as Warren started to work his cock into her juicy fat pussy now.

After 10 strokes, he moved back over to Amanda who was just in love with Kimmy again too and looking at her with astonishment as Kimmy guzzled down two vials of the serum.

“I already took two in the kitchen, this makes 4 now!”

“Oh my God, Kim, were going to get SO BIG WE WONT BE ABLE TO MOVE!”

“Thats the idea, except in the water, where I plan on spending a lot of time once my boobs reach 40,000cc each.”

It was a good thing the bed was a double king size, Because in unison, all 6 of the girls boobs started to expand slowly but surely and were soon each round spheres fighting for space, and pushing on each other. Amandas breasts were a good 50,000cc each at this point and Kims were growing at an astounding rate.

If I had to guess just by looking at them, the bottom two had grown to about 15,000cc each and the top two were at about 12,500 each. When she sat back during Amandas turn with the cock, her top breasts pushed into the centers of her bottom breasts and flattened them out to where they squished each other together for over 18” of cleavage. The top breasts settled into the bottom ones like the cherries on top that they were. Her nipples were finally growing too and she was playing with them, filling her palm with each one and yanking a big at a time and howling in orgasmic delight as she did so.

Warren paused fucking Amanda for a moment and gazed in absolutely astonishment at Kimmys 4 gigantic breasts- reaching over to pull on her nipples and cause strong thick jets of milk to shoot out from each one. If he could reach her breasts, he would be sucking on one of them right now.

Then he looked down and saw the size of Amandas breasts had also grown. The amount of side breast from each one was now wider than her entire rib cage. Looking down on her, she was 2 of left breast, 13” of torso and then another 2 of right breast.

This was all driving him crazy.

Amanda didnt even have her hands on the bed, and she was 2 feet off the bed. Her breasts were so full and huge, they were holding her up that much. Clearly she had passed the 55,000cc mark at this point and her skin was dangerously tight.

“Warren, I need to be milked ASAP. Please hook my machine get up and drain me off a bit?”

Warren hauled himself out of her for a minute and staggered to the milk teats lying on the floor and cleaned them, started up the milker and get the large teat-cups on her puffies.

“I hope we have bigger teat cups, because these ones arent going to fit much longer”

“Dont worry, Amanda my love, I have two more sizes left yet and the biggest ones are beyond big enough for any projected size”

Warren had taken advantage of the break to grab a couple 2 liter jars of the skin relaxant cream he and Amanda had made use of earlier in this process. He put one on the bed by her left hip. He managed to get himself back inside her and opened up the jar and started to massage the bottom halves and outside parts of her breast whilst she was being pumped off.

“Kimmy? I know youre in need of a good milking and some of this skin relaxant cream too but bear with me… lets take care of Amanda first and then well take care of all your beautiful breasts also”

“OK” Kim replied, “But you see how large Im getting, right? Amanda took 2 vials of the serum, but I drank 4 of them and also put away 2 gallons of her milk from the fridge too… and I can feel a pressure building.”

“Oh shit… girls, well that certainly explains the growth. OK, lets get to work and start massaging in the cream and pumping off the milk”.

“Warren, honey, let Kim on top of me…. Let me get the 2 liters of that cream all over our breasts and we can massage it in to them all at the same time. Well squish it in where it needs to go and milk off shortly. But Kim deserves you to finish her off, and finish off yourself too”

Warren was so turned on and hot, he was ready to explode. He could see the tautness of Amandas skin as she reached 60,000cc per boob. He could see the ripples on the surface of Kims breasts as they neared and then passed 30,000 each.

Warren came with all his might into Kimmy… he must have come 3 oz at least. Kim squealed with delight.

“All my dreams might just come true yet” she said mysteriously.

Within an hour the 6 breasts had stopped growing and had reach a combined total of 250,000cc

Just then . . .


The sound file played on Warrens phone. He knew who it was. It was Stephanie, the ass monster from the old trio of Amanda, Kimmy and Steffi. Stephanie came in through the big doorway sort of sideways and ass first, which a sight to behold as her ass was nearly 4 feet across, and sitting on top of that was a tiny waist and slender torso. Except for the boobs… which were already 10,000cc in size.

“Stephanie?” The girls cried out in unison… “Oh my God, you look amazing! What brings you here?”

Stephanie looked at them, beaming,

“Warren brings me here. Ive been watching your progress and have been making some progress myself. I only give 2 gallons of milk a day now, but I plan on joining you in the larger quantities. I doubt Ill get to 10 gallons a day as Ive got an ass to worry about too . . . but Im definitely going for 25,000 to 30,000cc in size each, and 5 gallons of milk production a day too.”

“So, come on, ladies, lets soak in the pool and let Warren be our manservant and bring us drinks and whatever else we want”

Steffi bent over and took Warrens cock in her mouth and started to suck the chrome off the bumper while the other two girls rolled off the bed and scootched over to the pool and carefully rolled their bodies and gigantic boobs in.

“My God, Warren honey, I do so like the taste of cunny juice all over your cock! Im glad to see our plan is going as scheduled.”


Stay tuned for Chapter 20.
Check out my new story! 
Chapter 20, the final chapter.

AND THEN . . ., Chapter 20:

Steffi grinned at Warren. Warren grinned back.

“What do you think of the girls then?”

“Theyre an anxious pair, they do so love their tits and love being fucked on top of it all. Amanda is the one who thinks shes going to be first boob wife amongst you three, and to be honest, she is quite dominant for such a petite little thing and without her, none of this would have happened.” 

“well, let her think that dear. And besides she certainly has the biggest boobs. My word, what are they up to now? Looks like over 65,000cc each.

“I think she could make it up a few sizes yet. But yeah about 65,000cc each for now. I think we should all do the water displacement measuring procedure on all three of you, see where each of you are and set some goals, what do you think?” Warren asked

“I think thats an awesome plan! We should get at that soon. But you need to take care of ME now!”

Warren obliged and got behind his partner in crime. Stephanie not only had the largest ass around but also an enlarged swollen pussy that was soaking wet and felt amaZing at entry.

“Oy God, Warren, youre bigger than I remember . . . whats going on with your cock?”

“I think its all the excitement, really . . . I mean, Stef, the constant growing boobs, having three women who need me, the asses, the pussy, everything is just so amazing.

“Warren, speaking of constantly growing boobs, what about mine? I feel kind of small at this size. I mean, freakishly large to the world at large but not so big in here in the world that matters most to you . . . and me.” Stef pouted as she said it which made Warren even hornier for her. She felt the surge in his cock as she pouted. He was hard but seemed to get even harder and maybe even a little more swollen. She loved having this effect on him.

“I need to go out to the kitchen for a minute Warren. Whatever is working for Kimmy, I want to work for me too!” 

Warren gasped and knew what that meant. Stef was going to drink what she could of Amandas milk and the serum and try to catch up! Part of him didnt want her too because he knew that the three women would be stuck here at his place and he would have to do everything for them . . . but the most of him wanted this more than anything ever in his life and that overtook all his concerns and worries and left him willing to go along with her choice to join the ‘cows.

In the kitchen, Stef found 2 gallons of Amandas milk in jugs, and several bottles of the serum. 5 to be exact. She slowly drank down the milk, a quart at a time, and a vial of serum in between until she had polished it all off. She could feel the chug in her tummy as she made her way back through the pool area. But she stopped and knelt down by her two enormously endowed friends.

“Amanda, Kim?”
“Yes, Stef…” they replied in unison.
“Im going to join you all the way. I just drank to gallons of Amandas milk and 5 vials of them serum. But I want more milk. Can I please… “

“Oh my goodness, of course, please drink all you can. Im swollen to the point where it really hurts now” Amanda said, “and Kimmy cant take any more cause shes starting to get too taut in her skin on all 4 of her breasts. “

Stef jumped in the water, and swam to the end of the pool and came back to Amanda.

“Hang on Warren” she cried out “I have to help the girls girls out a bit. 

Thinking she merely meant hooking up the teat cups and turning on the milking machines, he answered her “Jus dont too long please, Im dying to fill your pussy and mouth up”.

She smiled from ear to ear. But she was already filling her mouth the way she wanted to for now!

With Amandas tits resting on the giant landing pads, Stef was able to easily get at her puffies without having to get under the water. She latched on to the left one and sucked as hard as she could and swallowed everything she could until she had to stop. Then she rubbed her belly which looked about 4 months pregnant and striated on Amandas right tit. She sucked as hard as she could on that one and drank a gallon out of that one also. Her belly was now as tight as a drum and she looked about 6 months pregnant.

Amanda serenely cooed at her, “Oh Stef, that was wonderful but I still have a lot of milk left to get out of me . . . can you hook me up to my teat cups and turn on the milking machine please?”

Stef was happy to acquiesce to her request and waddled her way around in the water and got the giant teat cups on her magnificent udders and turned the machine on full tilt.

The lubricants in the water were helping her skin adjust to its tautness in her belly and her boobs, which she didnt notice had already started to grow. She didnt notice because they were floating in the water!

She moved over to Kimmy and got her 4 tits which were now about 45,000cc each on each of their landing pads. This time she was prepared in advance and already had to teat cups in place for Kimmys quartet of gargantuan mammaries. Still, with very little coaxing, she squirted over to Kimmys left breasts and drank all she could from them. Close to a gallon from the [air of them. Then she moved over to the right breasts and drank even more out of them. She could take no more! She knew was beyond capacity and every part of her insides was filled with milk and she could feel the surge in her breasts now too.

Stef hooked up the 4 teat cups and turned on Kims milking machine also.

She slowly got up out of the pool. She looked beyond 9 months pregnant now.,.. like she was carrying quadruplets, and her tits were stuck straight out. She very carefully made her way back into the bedroom where Warren was.

Warrens eyes nearly popped out of his head!

“Stef, youve really over done it! How much did you drink?”

“Oh Warren, I drank 5 vials of the serum then 4 gallons of Amandas milk and 2 gallons of Kims milk”

“Steffi, thats more than anyone has before. And by the look of it, your tits are already doubled in size to about 20,000 a piece and theyre going to grow a LOT more!”

“Warren, can you please start massaging that udder or preggo cream into them please? And fuck me?

Warren took another gallon of that cream/lubricant and started working it into the skin on Stefs breasts. He worked it into her nipples and puffies too. They were also starting to grow tremendously. Not to the size of Amandas but they werent done yet.

Stef lay down flat on her back and arched it up and pulled Warren down on top of her. She wrapped her legs around Warren and grabbed his cock and greedily shoved it into her pussy through her 2” deep labia. So soft and wet, it was electric to Warren.
Warren fucked her furiously and watched her boobs bounce up and down on her chest and in his face as they started creeping up towards him and her belly started to flatten out. He was almost straight up at a 90º angle from her when he came, because her tits had grown so much they had pushed him away. Her areola were the size of saucers and stuck 4” off the domes of her breasts and her nipples were 3” long or maybe even longer. He got behind her head and started to help her sit up. She sat on the bed and her tits filled her lap and were just hanging over the ends of her knees.

“How big do you think I am now, Warren?” She asked

“I would say you are easily 60,000cc. Pretty close to Amandas size when I last saw her”

“well, I still have some more growing to do. Amanda has grown a bit more since you last saw her . . . its going to surprise you! And as for me . . . well, with these hips and ass and strong legs, I might still be able to walk to the pool today. Well see about tomorrow when that comes.”

“But theres more to me, isnt there Warren?” She asked nervously… 

“Yes, Stef there is . . . I didnt know this would happen, I dont know how it happened…maybe because you drank a couple gallons of Kims milk or maybe something else, but you have a second set of areola and nipples on your breasts, about 6” away from your first nipples. And theyre not as big as the first pair youve always had but the areola are 4” wide and 2” off your breast domes and nipples are almost 2” long now.” 

Stef smiled. “well I guess that makes me special too, doesnt it?”

His heart was beating faster . . . “Yes, its freaking me out but its freaking amazing too! I dont know if youll need 2 or 4 teat cups, but we definitely have enough and enough machinery.” 

Stef grinned like a Cheshire Cat. “Help me stand up straight, you cunt struck fool and get me out with my girls please!” 

Warren helped Stef up and she held on to him for support as she made her way to the pool.

When the girls saw her, they squealed with delight. 

“OH MY GOD, STEFFI! Youre our size now! I dont care if Im the absolute biggest anymore, Im so happen being this huge and having my two sister-boob wives with me to share all this with!” Amanda said loudly and excitedly.

Kim got off her perch and worked her way through the water over to Stef. Her 4 breasts all moving in different directions. The craziest sight any of them had ever beheld and that was saying something!!

“OMG . . . Oh Em Gee!” She cried “You havent got 4 boobs like me, but youve got 4 nipples! This is awesome. This is absolutely awesome!”

Kim nuzzled up to Stefs boobs and started rubbing them and sucking each of her 4 nipples a little.

“You know, Stef, if we drink each others milk a little, well accelerate the process and be able to give a lot more milk each day!”

Kim and Stef smiled at each other. Kim went back to her station and Warren hooked her up again, and then he moved Amanda to the middle with slightly bigger teat cups, and got Stef on Amandas other side and hooked up to her old station but with 2 large and two medium teat cups. He gave each of them a gallon of the others milks and then turned the machines on.

“Lets see if all 3 of you can produce 10 gallons each before we all go back to bed, ok?”

They all nodded. “I dont know how were going to get there or fit in there, but sounds like fun!” Stef answered him as Amanda and Kimmy nodded along.

Warren then brought three more stations over to the pool and put them in.

“What are those for?” Amanda asked, “And why are the landing pads even bigger than mine?”

Warren smugly smiled…

“Three more of your friends or rivals have been watching some of this online through our private server. They signed up for the milk trials and are going to be joining us. At the beginning, I mentioned we need a lot of breast milk for this . . . and since this is going so well, the people funding my research have decided to invest a lot more money in this project and see just how far we can take it. We need to feed the babies of America!”

Warren gazed at the pool. Amanda was now at 170,000cc of breast tissue, Kimmy was at 180,000 with her 4 breasts, and Stef was already any 160,000 and would grow to 200,000cc in total by the time she was done. 

No telling how big the next three sister-boob wives would grow. He knew he was going to be working himself to the bone, and working his bone in each of them to no end . . . but he was up for it!


To be continued, some day . . . in a sequel.
Check out my new story! 

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