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NFL football and Fantasy Football
I thought I'd start an NFL thread and/or Fantasy Football thread.

I enjoy fantasy football. I've played the last 3 years.

Its fun.

Id like to see the Broncos win the Super Bowl because no quarterback has ever won 2 Super Bowls with 2 different teams. And Im a big fan of Peyton Manning. I have his autograph.
I guess you are intimating that The Patriots are going to blow it yet AGAIN this year.
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Disclosure: I run football stats.

The Pats are THE best performing team. They are typically the highest in scoring points per game. Among other metrics. They are the no 1 seed. Yet, it's always the 3-5th seed that wins the Super Bowl. Giants and Broncos are there.
Yeah, Wes Welker and Tom Brady were $$$ for me on my FF team last year. I finished 6 out of 16.

But no, I wasn't intimating anything about the Patriots, I like the Patriots.

I hate the Steelers.

How bout that Peyton Manning?! 7 touchdowns! (I saw a stat that said Kansas City only had 8 passing TD's all year last year!)

Peyton is something special. Vol for Life
(09-07-2013, 10:46 PM)Rickypym Wrote: 1. I like the Patriots.
2. I hate the Steelers.
3. Peyton Manning is something special. Vol for Life

We'll get along just fine. You talk sense. LOL
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Who is going to win this Ice Bowl II between Green Bay and the 49ers at Lambeau?
You KNOW it's cold when you can see Joe Buck and Troy Aikmans breath in the booth!
And there were 4.

49ers, Seahawks, Patriots and Broncos.

Great drama. The 4th meeting of Brady and Manning in the playoffs. The possibility that Manning could become the 1st QB to ever win Super Bowl with 2 teams.

It will be a barnstormer in Seattle. These two teams are the biggest rivals of the last 3 years.
Seahawks versus Patriots in the Superbowl, I reckon. As I'm a Pats fan, I'm expecting them to win but also fearing a repeat of "the great choke" that happened the last time the Pats were in the Superbowl.
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I will repeat what I told my friend, Broncos VS Seahawks. The Divs, and playoffs are for nothing. Also, check my prediction from from way back on the Broncos. Can I call it or what?

Also, to add an addendum to my earlier prediction: this year, the number one seed on either conference is going to the super bowl. The rarely if ever happens. This year, football stats were just plain crazy, for some unknown reason.
49ers vs Broncos

Manning and the Broncos win
That's unpossible!! I'll bet you a copy of Changing Chelsea Two that you're wrong!!
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We all know that the Pats are gonna lose to the Broncos, at the moment, the line is Dev -4.5. Everyone is expecting Seattle to beat San Fran. However, I think that'd be the upset for the weekend. I'd LOVE to see Kaepernick shine. But I just doubt that it's gonna happen.

So I have to reenforce the idea of Seattle VS Denver. Denver, winning.
Wanna bet?
Check out my new story! 
It will be denver vs seattle in the sb. Seattle D is good enough that they will make up for their soso passing game right now. I think the pats are a little overrated comming out of possibly the weakest division. Dont get me wrong bradey is great... Im a jets fan trust me i know hes good.
"I dont mind being called "looking fake"...thats what I i'm glad its recognized. I dont act fake, but I certainly go out of my way to look it!!!
I always explicity tell a Dr before suregry, that I want to look super fake, round, set high...basically basketballs on my chest...I in no way, shape or form want to look natural"
A personal email convo with Cathy Metal
(01-14-2014, 10:32 PM)Bonecracker Wrote: Wanna bet?

What's the wager?
A private dance with Chelsea?
Check out my new story! 
Ha! No offense, but I've heard her dances aren't that special. I will do you one better, I will give you, what I believe to be her real name, and possibly a phone number to go with it. If you agree to that, then what do you offer in return?
Damn! I don't know what could possibly equal that exactly... I'm thinking!!
Check out my new story! 
(01-16-2014, 07:33 PM)JustSomeone Wrote: Ha! No offense, but I've heard her dances aren't that special.

Not to hijack the thread, but having had a private dance with the babe a few years ago, I have to vehemently [u][b]DISAGREE[/b][/u]!

Well, that was a I am turning myself into the mega-titty authorities and throw myself on the mercy of the court.
(01-17-2014, 11:11 AM)bosomblaster Wrote: Not to hijack the thread, but having had a private dance with the babe a few years ago, I have to vehemently [u][b]DISAGREE[/b][/u]!

Well, that was a I am turning myself into the mega-titty authorities and throw myself on the mercy of the court.
Haha, that's okay.

I'm pulling my reference from the guy over at the other BEA. The guy that has basically been with all the popular busty girls, Chili? Was that his name? I seem to recall him advising against a dance from Chels. His claim was that she hardly did anything. Of course, this a very long time ago, if I recall correctly.

But everyone is entitled to their own opinion.

This was all the way back in 2003, but I somehow remember this:

Quote:If you have absolutely no expectations of what a true porn star experience should be like, then go ahead and burn your $750 on her.

In ALL my years of private dances and much more with porn stars, I've never had a more disappointing experience than I had with CC earlier this year.

From the lackluster greeting at the door, to actually counting the money in front of me (another first), to setting the timer so that you get EXACTLY 60 minutes (god forbid she gives you one extra minute of her time), to the fact that you DON'T GET TO TAKE YOUR CLOTHES OFF, there are so many other big busted porn stars who charge the equivalent or less and deliver so much more that it just isn't worth being with this zero personality gal in private. On the escort boards, the phrase most bandied about to describe her is "cold fish." Aside from "Hello", "Do you have the rest of the money?" and "The pants stay on", I can't think of anything else she said to me. Oh yeah, "Time's up."

That said, here is what you do get: unlimited access to her otherworldly breasts. Touch 'em, squeeze 'em, lick 'em, suck 'em, hold 'em up and drop 'em down, stick your head between 'em til you can't breathe and then do it again. And again. You honestly have no idea just how much bigger she is than anyone else out there. If that's enough for you (and you will last the entire time, because as far as CC is concerned, Ken dolls ARE anatomically correct), then knock yourself out and make the appointment. I managed to do a few other things with her I won't get into here, but that's just me. OTOH, if you want a little more value for your hard earned dollar, then wait for Lisa Lipps, Ashley Evans, Minka or any number of other SCORE babes to visit NY and get everything you paid for.

Caveat emptor, my friend.



Appreciate the comments and your feedback on CC's performance. As for my time with Chelsea, I got to enjoy dining at her sopping wet "Y", but that is definitely a "your mileage may vary" issue.

However, I must disagree on your definition of "professional" as it relates to adult entertainment and private encounters. Happily (or sadly, depending upon your perspective), I've probably had as much if not more experience with porn/big boob escorts as anyone on this board, and Chelsea easily rates in the bottom percentile of this group (in fact, only Sofia Staks gets a lower rating from me).

Let us compare and contrast CC with, say, Lisa Lipps, who is, for lack of a better term, the anti-Chelsea.

CC: contact via e-mail only
LL: contact via e-mail, followed up by personal phone call(s) from Lisa

CC: nice hotel by airport, single room, double beds
LL: upscale hotel on the westside, multi-room suite, queen size bed

CC: answers door in everyday robe, make-up and hair ok
LL: answers door in form-fitting white mini-skirt and matching top, perfect make-up and hair

CC: timid hello and demand for payment
LL: Big hug and open mouth kiss, pre-arranged to put $$$ envelope on the table (assistant will count it later).

CC: sets timer, begins air dance
LL: offers a beverage or other refreshment, then we retire to the bedroom

CC: still standing, continues dances, allows unfettered access to the twins
LL: rip each other's clothes off, battle of the tongues ensues

CC: slowly undresses, leaves panties on, but your pants ain't coming off, and she ain't touching below the belt.
LL: anything and everything is on the menu, and it's even better than you thought it would be.

CC: Time's up, don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.
LL: nice cool down, shower if desired, kiss goodbye.

Now you tell me: within the context of adult entertainment, who is the true professional and who is the one trying to do the least and get the most?

Quite honestly, it is women such as Chelsea who provide so little while charging so much and customers like yourself who deem this attitude as acceptable simply because you are thrilled that the dancer deigns to be in the same room as you, that creates problem for true consumers like me. As long as the Internet creates an inexhaustible supply of people who are willing to be taken advantage of (and make no mistake about it, that is exactly what happened), then the Chelsea Charms of the world will continue to flourish. At some point, someone has to point out that the emperor has no clothes (which would put him one up on me ).

Context is key. I have been with several "celeb" mega-busty babes who escorted, and CC is NOT number 1 on my list by a long shot. But it is definitely YMMV because I got to enjoy everything on my own personal menu.

Babes who escort make the rules and sometimes the rules are based on the customer's appearance, personality and most of all: hygiene.
(01-14-2014, 09:11 PM)JustSomeone Wrote: We all know that the Pats are gonna lose to the Broncos, at the moment, the line is Dev -4.5. Everyone is expecting Seattle to beat San Fran. However, I think that'd be the upset for the weekend. I'd LOVE to see Kaepernick shine. But I just doubt that it's gonna happen.

So I have to reenforce the idea of Seattle VS Denver. Denver, winning.
So yeah, called it!
Worst day ever...
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(01-20-2014, 12:50 AM)Bonecracker Wrote: Worst day ever...
I agree it's the worst day. I honestly wanted to see Kaepernick shine. I think he's the new Brett Farve. Even though the stats don't show it, Ron Wilson kept goofing, and Lynch wasn't at his best. The Hawks basically bumbled through this game.

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