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She's been on the Big Bust Model scene since 1994...she sailed on three Boob Cruises...self entitled the "Bountiful Beautiful Asian", she is usually considered the "largest breasted Asian woman in the world"...she is a member of "The Erotica Hall of Fame"...most of all, she is on almost every big bust fan's Top Ten list! Minka surely deserves her own BEA Gallery so I started one for her. Please check it out and let me know what you think.

[Image: 2008%20Pink%20Towel%207.JPG?m=1388354660]
What a profile!

[Image: Minka%20Misc_28.jpg?m=1388353310]
Always hated rap...then I saw this!
Great work as always!
Thanks! Minka is awesome!
In the mid-1990s, Minka, using the name Satin, was involved with the World Wrestling Federation (before the name change to W.W.E.) in Vegas. I found some photos from that time and have posted them in Minka's Gallery. I've identified some of the wrestlers...others look familiar but their names escape me. Is that white-face guy Sting? How about the tall guy in red? Is that Kevin Nash (Diesel)? Help me out, guys. I know, it'e embarrassing to admit that we watched that crap, but we did!

[Image: Minka%20announcing.JPG?m=1388431351]
Satin Announcing!

[Image: Minka%20in%20Action%204.jpg?m=1388431405]
Satin in Action!
The guy in the yellow hat is Buff Bagwell. His gotee and sunglasses are a giveaway. Unless it was that pimp like manager guy...
[Image: Minka%20with%20wrestlers%203.JPG?m=1388431780]
On the left is Brian Knobbs of the Nasty Boys, and the right is Sting.
[Image: Minka%20with%20wrestlers%204.JPG?m=1388431776]
This guy is the 1-2-3 Kid aka XPac.
[Image: Minka%20with%20wrestler%207.JPG?m=1388431710]
At this time, he is known as Kevin Nash. Of course during his first time with the WWF, he was Diesel, bodyguard of Shawn Michiels.
[Image: Minka%20with%20wrestler%206.JPG?m=1388431498]
This guy is either Mr Perfect or Sid Justice.
[Image: Minka%20with%20wrestler%203.JPG?m=1388431496]
This is Diamond Dallas Page (DDP)
[Image: Minka%20with%20wrestler%205.JPG?m=1388431493]
This is classic announcer, Mean Gene Oakerland. I'm surprised he's groping. He always striked me as a clean cut straight man.
[Image: Minka%20with%20Mean%20Gene.JPG?m=1388431453]
This is the Macho King, Randy Savage.
[Image: Minka%20with%20Randy%20Savage.JPG?m=1388431451]
This is Bill Goldberg. I liked him better in WCW.
[Image: Minka%20with%20Goldberg.JPG?m=1388431408]
This was probably one of the wrestelers of the small Mexican factions. Like Rey Mysterio Jr.
[Image: Minka%20in%20Action%204.jpg?m=1388431405]
I wouldn't min her smashing me like that, I can tell you that much Tongue
More Minka pics posted in her Gallery. I'm freezing my ass off in Michigan and have nothing better to do!

[Image: 2005%20AVN%20with%20Vixen%20LaMoore.JPG?m=1389147587]
with VIXEN!

[Image: Lime%20Visor%203.jpg?m=1389148091]
man I have to admit that minka has quite teh rocking body. She's indeed fitter than any other big boob model of her size, or bigger
Skepticism is good, it is the reason why Science progresses. We don't live anymore in the era when a model said she had a 183PPP bra and that was considered a fact by the rest of the mortals.

Welcome to the internet, where men are men, women are men, and children are the FBI

If it hurts, it means that you're still living
[Image: J8QZkXxc.jpg]

This next one is taken from Bizarre magazine, in an article about big-bust pornstars:

[Image: F9jGxMHs.jpg]

I love the caption that goes with this picture-that "her breasts are the size of basketballs"
[Image: h6sOXdyR.jpg]
And this one, taken from Score magazine, of her (top right) and some friends:

[Image: S3JXHOLS.jpg]
Thanks ManofKent for your recent photo contributions in this thread and others. It's cool to see rare photos.
Indeed thanks, all that material is new to me!
Skepticism is good, it is the reason why Science progresses. We don't live anymore in the era when a model said she had a 183PPP bra and that was considered a fact by the rest of the mortals.

Welcome to the internet, where men are men, women are men, and children are the FBI

If it hurts, it means that you're still living
(12-30-2013, 04:46 PM)JustSomeone Wrote: This guy is the 1-2-3 Kid aka XPac.
[Image: Minka%20with%20wrestler%207.JPG?m=1388431710]
This guy is either Mr Perfect or Sid Justice.
[Image: Minka%20with%20wrestler%203.JPG?m=1388431496]

Just found this forum. Minka is one of my favourites of all time.

To be pedantic, I think the wrestler in the top photo is Billy Kidman. The wrestler in the bottom photo is Sid Justice (also known as Sycho Sid and Sid Vicious).

And to be even more pedantic, it was the "Macho Man" Randy Savage (RIP).
Minka is one of my favorites of all time too!! She definitely had the best shaped/most beautiful looking breasts of ALL the super-enhanced ladies! Perfect tear-drop shape and nipples in the correct place, not pointing at the ground or "wall-eyed".

I haven't heard much about her current activities in the past 5 years. Is she retired or semi-retired now? I see her website still seems to be active.
Check out my new story! 
She has made at least 2 videos in recent years (at least released in recent years).
One has some amazing titfucking Tongue
(03-11-2014, 05:08 PM)addy2000 Wrote: She has made at least 2 videos in recent years (at least released in recent years).
One has some amazing titfucking Tongue

Well, those are amazing tits to fuck! Smile Most men would get lost in there. LOL
Check out my new story! 
(03-11-2014, 07:10 AM)McCoyPauley Wrote:
(12-30-2013, 04:46 PM)JustSomeone Wrote: This guy is the 1-2-3 Kid aka XPac.
[Image: Minka%20with%20wrestler%207.JPG?m=1388431710]
This guy is either Mr Perfect or Sid Justice.
[Image: Minka%20with%20wrestler%203.JPG?m=1388431496]

Just found this forum. Minka is one of my favourites of all time.

To be pedantic, I think the wrestler in the top photo is Billy Kidman. The wrestler in the bottom photo is Sid Justice (also known as Sycho Sid and Sid Vicious).

And to be even more pedantic, it was the "Macho Man" Randy Savage (RIP).
Well, he was Macho King, before he was Macho Man. I know I reaching waaay back there. I discovered it was Sid Justice after I posted. I just didn't go back and correct it. Lazy, I know. And good catch on the Billy Kidman. Turns out he also resides here in Tampa, kinda cool.
(12-30-2013, 04:46 PM)JustSomeone Wrote: The guy in the yellow hat is Buff Bagwell. His gotee and sunglasses are a giveaway. Unless it was that pimp like manager guy...
[Image: Minka%20with%20wrestlers%203.JPG?m=1388431780]
On the left is Brian Knobbs of the Nasty Boys, and the right is Sting.
[Image: Minka%20with%20wrestlers%204.JPG?m=1388431776]
This guy is the 1-2-3 Kid aka XPac.
[Image: Minka%20with%20wrestler%207.JPG?m=1388431710]
At this time, he is known as Kevin Nash. Of course during his first time with the WWF, he was Diesel, bodyguard of Shawn Michiels.
[Image: Minka%20with%20wrestler%206.JPG?m=1388431498]
This guy is either Mr Perfect or Sid Justice.
[Image: Minka%20with%20wrestler%203.JPG?m=1388431496]
This is Diamond Dallas Page (DDP)
[Image: Minka%20with%20wrestler%205.JPG?m=1388431493]
This is classic announcer, Mean Gene Oakerland. I'm surprised he's groping. He always striked me as a clean cut straight man.
[Image: Minka%20with%20Mean%20Gene.JPG?m=1388431453]
This is the Macho King, Randy Savage.
[Image: Minka%20with%20Randy%20Savage.JPG?m=1388431451]
This is Bill Goldberg. I liked him better in WCW.
[Image: Minka%20with%20Goldberg.JPG?m=1388431408]
This was probably one of the wrestelers of the small Mexican factions. Like Rey Mysterio Jr.
[Image: Minka%20in%20Action%204.jpg?m=1388431405]
No, the guy in the yellow hat I believe is The Godfather not Buff Bagwell.
Who cares about the 'rasslers'... how bout them titties??!! Big Grin
Check out my new story! 
(03-11-2014, 09:24 PM)Bonecracker Wrote: Who cares about the 'rasslers'... how bout them titties??!! Big Grin
I wouldn't be surprised if most of the guys here or over [i]there[/i] also like wrestling. I've been a big fan since the early 80's. Didn't like the 'attitude era' as much as the 80's though.
Wrestling is great! I am only teasing. But Minka really made it all that much more enjoyable for us boob-men!! Smile
Check out my new story! 
(03-11-2014, 09:24 PM)Bonecracker Wrote: Who cares about the 'rasslers'... how bout them titties??!! Big Grin

And those legs...Big Grin

Those who have breasts like that coupled with legs like those... damn!
True!!! Not much of an arse, but GREAT legs!! Big Grin
Check out my new story! 
(03-12-2014, 07:32 PM)Bonecracker Wrote: True!!! Not much of an arse, but GREAT legs!! Big Grin

For her size she has quite the figure, maybe because of her tennis career and practice. Let's face it, most extra top heavy women tend to go for a 'fuller' figure.
Skepticism is good, it is the reason why Science progresses. We don't live anymore in the era when a model said she had a 183PPP bra and that was considered a fact by the rest of the mortals.

Welcome to the internet, where men are men, women are men, and children are the FBI

If it hurts, it means that you're still living
110 Minka images added to her gallery! If the "Glamourchest" pics look odd it's because they're photos of photos...still, not bad.
[Image: 1998%20Closet%203.JPG?m=1396421427]
c1998...Minka sure seemed to like painting her tits...I'm glad she had outgrown that phase by the time Boob Cruise V came about.
[Image: Poolside%2016.jpg?m=1396422938]
If John Barrymore was "The Great Profile", how does one describe Minka?

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