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Rachel Aldana
did she ever produce any lactation/pregnancy photo sets/videos?

been unable to find any; almost makes me wonder if she didn't even breastfeed her newborn in order to stop lactating.

her kid was either in heaven or hell.
(01-14-2015, 03:38 AM)skywalker Wrote: did she ever produce any lactation/pregnancy photo sets/videos?

been unable to find any; almost makes me wonder if she didn't even breastfeed her newborn in order to stop lactating.

her kid was either in heaven or hell.
I don't think she would, because having seen many videos and blogs by her I really don't think she's really that kind of person (personality wise). Undecided

Posing topless is one thing, but has we all know not every model feels comfortable with things like full nudity, hardcore, or in this case lactation.
When you look at magazines like [i]Score[/i] there are many models who feel okay with just posing in front of the cameras but don't particular feel comfortable with hardcore or anything like that.
For many models (such has Peta Todd, Wendy Fiore, etc) they just go has far as nudity, but no further because they don't really want to.

I think that, at the end of the day it's pretty much her own choice has to how she wants to model for the cameras, and obviously we should al respect her decision because of it. Smile
(01-14-2015, 09:44 AM)ManofKent Wrote:
(01-14-2015, 03:38 AM)skywalker Wrote: did she ever produce any lactation/pregnancy photo sets/videos?

been unable to find any; almost makes me wonder if she didn't even breastfeed her newborn in order to stop lactating.

her kid was either in heaven or hell.
I don't think she would, because having seen many videos and blogs by her I really don't think she's really that kind of person (personality wise). Undecided

Posing topless is one thing, but has we all know not every model feels comfortable with things like full nudity, hardcore, or in this case lactation.
When you look at magazines like [i]Score[/i] there are many models who feel okay with just posing in front of the cameras but don't particular feel comfortable with hardcore or anything like that.
For many models (such has Peta Todd, Wendy Fiore, etc) they just go has far as nudity, but no further because they don't really want to.

I think that, at the end of the day it's pretty much her own choice has to how she wants to model for the cameras, and obviously we should al respect her decision because of it. Smile

Hadn't thought of it that way, but you're right.

Still though there isn't much to complain about with her.
Whilst I'm here can I take this opportunity to ask a question Ive been wondering for a while now.

Im a big fan of Rachel Aldana, and I think shes one of my top ten big bust models of all time, especially considering the fact that her 30N breasts are considered (by many) to be the biggest in the UK.

The question I was wondering was, does Rachel still have that title? Blush

Has far as Im aware there are (at present) four major contenders for this title, and they are:

[u]Rachel Aldana[/u]=30N (equal to a MM cup), and has far as Im aware shes the current record holder.

[u]Stephanie Fox[/u]=32M. From what I can tell shes probably the closest contender for Rachel, but theres been no major news about here for quiet a while, so maybe be she has probably retired from the race.

[u]Donna Jones[/u]=40M

[u]Claire Smedley[/u]=(est)42MMM

If Im honest I think Claire Smedley could be the most problematic of them all, because, without wanting to sound too harsh, something tells me that shes the only one that, if it turns out she isnt ‘The One could cause a bit of a stink about it. Undecided
The thing about the other three (Rachel, Stephanie and Donna) is that there is a certain degree level-headedness about their own attitudes towards having this (possible) title.

What I love about Rachel (God bless her! Smile) is that, although she enjoys doing the modeling and web cams etc on her website, she also seems to be firmly standing on the ground with regards to the fame she is receiving because of them.
Ive seen her web cam interviews, and what I like is that her attitude seems to be [i]“Hey everybody! I know Ive got the biggest breasts in the UK, but I wasnt planning on this happening-of the millions of woman in the UK it just kinda happened to me thats all. These huge breasts are just part of my identity and who I am, and so I might has well just accept it into my everyday life”.
And I must say I like that (rather sensible) attitude. Smile

And then theres Donna and Stephanie, and again they also have that ‘this-is-just-who-I-am attitude, but they also show a lot more ‘modesty regarding the publicity/status it has given them
If Im honest Ive only ever seen just ONE interview of each of them, and apart from a few modeling photos of Steph they both seem to have kept out of the limelight this title has given them, and although Rachel enjoys her modeling and running her website the most out of the four of them I think their (Donna & Stephs) attitude is very much the same has hers- [i]“We never expected to have this title, but now weve (possibly) got it we might has well just accept.
And Im sorry to criticize or sound harsh, but from the interviews Ive read about her I cant help but feel that Claire seems to be the only one who [i]DELIBERTLY[/i] seems to focusing on the [i]ATTENTION[/i] shes getting trying to get/maintaining that title. Whereas Rachel, Steph and Donna seem to say to the public ‘[i]I have the UKs largest breasts, and thats just the way it is everyone”[/i] whenever I read about Claire I cant help but feel that her attitude is more like [i]“Ive got the UKs largest breasts, Im bound to get into ALL the newspapers and magazines with this title. Hooray! Everyones going to be talking about ME!”.
[/i]And to prove my theory, Id like to highlight the following-Claire has always maintained her breasts are a 42M and that they were the biggest in the UK, but when she was measured by a PROFFESIONAL in January 2010 it was discovered that she was actually a 40K, which (in terms of cup size) is MUCH [i]smalle[/i]r then the other three.

[i]HOWEVER,[/i] according to her, after this she then put on so much weight that they were now a 42MMM, and (apparently) they are heavier then ever.
(Which, if Im honest, when you consider she publicly announced this AFTER being measured has 40K it kinda supports my theory that she is somewhat exaggerating her claims a bit to get the most out of this raceUndecided).
What I have noticed is that whenever Rachel has an important announcement to make to the public/her fans (like when she was pregnant, or come up a bra size), all she does is just go on her website and just simply [i]ANNOUCES[/i] it to them (Reading her postings/web cams to me it feels like [i]“Can I have everyones attention please? I just want to say…whatever…thank you for listening[/i]”) whereas I cant help but feel that whenever Claire does that I cant help but feel that a part of her expects a big round of applause from everyone at the end.

All things considered, I dont want to sound biased towards the other three but, if its base purely on measurements I still think that Rachels MM (or N cups) are still the current record holders, and if Im honest still tend to gravitate towards her being the current record breaker.Blush
We have to consider Leanne Crow in this mix too!
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(01-17-2015, 05:01 PM)Bonecracker Wrote: We have to consider Leanne Crow in this mix too!
[i]Possibly[/i], but is she one of the [i]biggest[/i]? Undecided

Don't get me wrong, I really like her too (and like Rachel she's also in my Top Ten) and she is HUGE, but apparently she's currently a 34K, whereas the four I've mentioned above are all M-cups (or bigger).

In order to reach at least an M-cup I think she [i]might[/i] need to go up (just) a couple of sizes.
Here's hoping...Blush
All these ladies have one thing in common: They're natural wonders! I can't see either of them changing that.
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(01-18-2015, 01:51 PM)Bonecracker Wrote: All these ladies have one thing in common: They're natural wonders! I can't see either of them changing that.

Agreed, and the difference between them is more or less negligible to the point where you could make a fair argument for any of them.
We need more photographs!!
Oh this makes my heart thump and the blood go pumpity pump!
[Image: attachment.php?aid=2642]

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I don't care who's bigger. I just wanna look at the pretty ladies.
Are you in a fair fight? If so your tactics suck ass.

[i]"Well gosh, breast men are the best men, you know, *giggles* I love you all."[/i]
[i]"You know your boobs are too big when a guy stands up to let u thru to your seat and despite him leaning back I boobed him back in his seat."[/i]
Chelsea Charms

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Special Agent: Dee
MiB; Division 6, NYC

Oh my God
Mon Dieu Seigneur
Mios Dios!
Mein GOTT!!

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(02-06-2015, 05:33 PM)Bonecracker Wrote: Oh my God
Mon Dieu Seigneur
Mios Dios!
Mein GOTT!!

Bone, usually I can pick out a favorite photo. But they're all good!!! She looks exceptionally pillowy in these.

Being the motorboatman I think it's clear what I would love to do next.

She's spectacular.
HAHA! I'd love to also. That and a whole bunch of other things.
Check out my new story! 
All tits.

Must be close to 40% of her entire body.
A more realistic bit of maths would estimate that her breasts weigh approximately 30 lbs in total at their heaviest (these are real, not implants which weight more) and her entire body weight is around 150 lbs. Making her 20% boobs. That's pretty amazing considering the average D-cup weighs 3 lbs.
Check out my new story! 
I always chuckle when I see the word maths, monies, and stuffs. Each of these words in their singular form is also considered plural. Yet, my spell checker think it's a legitimate spelling.
Maths because it's short for Mathematics. Note the s
Math is short for mathematic. LOL
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(02-07-2015, 03:09 PM)Bonecracker Wrote: Maths because it's short for Mathematics. Note the s
Math is short for mathematic. LOL

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(02-07-2015, 12:51 PM)Bonecracker Wrote: A more realistic bit of maths would estimate that her breasts weigh approximately 30 lbs in total at their heaviest (these are real, not implants which weight more) and her entire body weight is around 150 lbs. Making her 20% boobs. That's pretty amazing considering the average D-cup weighs 3 lbs.


After reading your post I simply began to search online via Google. First, Rachel has a video out where she weighs her breasts, each one and you'll be shocked once you look and watch it (less than 60 seconds and free as I'm not a member of her website). I just Googled "How much do Rachel Aldana's breasts weigh"

From the "Breast" Wiki page there is the following too:

The dimensions and weight of the breast vary among women, ranging from approximately 500 to 1,000 grams (1.1 to 2.2 pounds) each; thus, a small-to-medium-sized breast weighs 500 grams (1.1 pounds) or less; and a large breast weighs approximately 750 to 1,000 grams (1.7 to 2.2 pounds.) The tissue composition ratios of the breast likewise vary among women; some breasts have greater proportions of glandular tissue than of adipose or connective tissues, and vice versa; therefore the fat-to-connective-tissue ratio determines the density (firmness) of the breast. In the course of a woman's life, her breasts will change size, shape, and weight, because of the hormonal bodily changes occurred in thelarche (pubertal breast development), menstruation (fertility), pregnancy (reproduction), the breast-feeding of an infant child, and the climacterium (the end of fertility).[6][7]

With respect to implants weighing more than real breast tissue, there is a lot of info online. Here are many words from different doctors on this subject.

"Saline-filled implants definitely weigh slightly more than the same volume of breast tissue as breast tissue has a certain amount of fat in it and fat weighs less than water (saline)." "The older the person and the heavier the person, the more fat present in their breasts, as a rule. A silicone gel implant weighs virtually the same as a saline implant of the same volume."

"Saline implants are somewhat heavier (for an equal volume) than breast tissue." Silicone implants have a very similar weight to natural breast tissue."

"Given that breast tissue is more similar to fat in mature individuals, for the same volume, saline implants weigh slightly more whereas silicone implants are roughly equivalent and may therefore feel slightly more natural."

So as to real breasts weighing more than saline implants, it doesn't appear to be the case as saline implants weigh slightly more than real breast tissue.

And silicone implants weigh roughly the same as real breast tissue.

Again, simply go and look this info up as it's not me saying this, but info I've found online.

Also, if need be I'll find the math and the article but the info is out there online about how much one CC of weighs for saline and silicone implants so if a lady were to get 400 CC's in each breast she'd know how much weight gain she would have.

Wendy Whoppers, before her retirement and reduction had 3,000 CC's in each breast and each breast weighed about 7 lbs meaning both of her breasts combined weighed about 14 lbs.

Like almost any topic on the internet, there is a lot of wildly conflicting information but reading many different articles on the same topic and seeing who it is providing the info helps too (a doctor, though not all doctors are correct of course vs. John Q. Public responding to a Yahoo question someone posted...) And I've found dumb things saying that D cup breasts weight like 15 to 23 pounds and that's simply not true.

Bra sizes 32A, 30B, 28C = about .5 pound per breast
Bra sizes 34A, 32B, 30C, 28D = about .6 pound per breast
Bra sizes 36A, 34B, 32C, 30D, 28E = about .7 pound per breast
Bra sizes 38A, 36B, 34C, 32D, 30E, 28F = about .9 pound per breast
Bra sizes 40A, 38B, 36C, 34D, 32E, 30F, 28G = about 1.2 pounds per breast
Bra sizes 42A, 40B, 38C, 36D, 34E, 32F, 30G, 28H = about 1.5 pounds per breast
Bra sizes 44A, 42B, 40C, 38D, 36E, 34F, 32G, 30H, 28I = about 1.7 pounds per breast
Bra sizes 44B, 42C, 40D, 38E, 36F, 34G, 32H, 30I, 28J = about 2 pounds per breast

Again, please simply look info up. I don't think Rachel's breasts weigh anywhere close to 30 lbs combined... especially after watching her video...

Lastly, here is a great chart about bra size, cup diameter, volume of one cup and total weight of both breasts.

Well it doesn't cut and paste nicely in here but I'll drop the link in here.

It's from the Brassier measurement wiki page...

There is a lot of info on the page and you'll need to scroll all the way down to the bottom of the page for this very informative chart. It lists the U.S. and the British bra sizes side-by-side too.
Do you think that on occasion we over analyze things?

True weight might be one thing, but actual effect of knocking us on our ass? 30 sounds right.
Are you in a fair fight? If so your tactics suck ass.
Perceived values are not always precise values. These photos jive with our man, with one post.
You have forgotten 2 important things:

1. She is much bigger than she was before due to having a baby and thus lactating.

2. Lactating breasts are filled with milk which is heavier than water. And MUCH heavier than fat or glandular tissue.
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Speaking for myself, I've not overlooked lactation. I've explicitly considered it. I look at it this way: If an average human head weighs 10 lbs, then double that is 20 lbs. In your world, Rachel Aldana still has to come up with 10 extra pounds.

If your world, tell me how much Miosotis' tits weigh? 11-12 pounds sounds about correct to me. Would you say 40 pounds, 20 per?

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