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PPP String Implants in Thailand
It says they are offered here:
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Website registrant either: Privacy Group Inc. (historical) or Godaddy

I would not trust this site for any second.. Well maybe the clinic mentioned there should be better contacted directly.
The internet has lots of myths like this they always say that 'in Asia' or 'in South America' you can find ppp string implants and surgeons willing to do the operation. All is internet bs.
Skepticism is good, it is the reason why Science progresses. We don't live anymore in the era when a model said she had a 183PPP bra and that was considered a fact by the rest of the mortals.

Welcome to the internet, where men are men, women are men, and children are the FBI

If it hurts, it means that you're still living
Yup, this is a a surgery! life and death operation. Look at what happened to Sheyla when she went to a shady doctor for bigger boobs.
So is this actually possible? I agree I think this is just an old flyer because every doctor in Thailand I talk with tells me they won't do this surgery. I always hear rumors of doctors that would do them but nothing ever pans out. Wasn't there a doctor in Russia? If anyone has information please let me know.
I have a cousin working in Thailand now, I've already asked him to check into it. His girlfriend is a Thai woman and she will be communicating with some doctors. If anything comes of it, I will let you know here.
Check out my new story! 

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