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High IQ Discussion
(08-12-2015, 11:37 AM)Mr. Fixit Wrote: Just someone, I've done some research and it appears that other than joining All data or Mitchell 1 (a costly proposition) they're appears to be no after market repair manual available for a prius after 2012. Chilton makes a manual for up to 2012, but nothing after. I have access to info on them through work, through Alldata, but that's all I could find, other than purchasing a very costly set of factory manuals. I suspect the lack of info available to the public to be quite deliberate, add more of a safety concern than anything. A prius is one of the most complicated, advanced vehicles on the road today, and when working worth these cars you are dealing with electrical voltages that can quite easily make you very, very DEAD if one doesn't know what they're doing.

And thanks for the welcome, guys. Now back to the subject at hand, I don't know why metal and big boobs go together so well, but I have a theory. Most metal heads are, at their core, nerds. (A recent study showed the average I.Q. of metal fans to be 130. Genius level starts at 130, Einstein was 160) And as my wife once told me "Nerds get the girls with the big tits!"

I guess I'm proof of your wife's statement. I test between 160-180 (more caffeinated = higher scores) and not only is my girl massively endowed, but I also know many other massively endowed women.

That said, I'm more proud of my work ethic than my IQ. My usual statement immediately following spilling the beans is: "A genius IQ and $0.25 will buy you a piece of bubblegum." The work ethic is what puts the problem solving ability into action, which would speak well to how I've managed to surround myself in cleavage.
Twitter - @BigBoobsGeek
xHamster - huge3dboobs
Where is this cheap 25 cent gum. Othe that the little white pieces from Mexico bi must know. Lol.

My IQ is high enough for me not to care. How fast you can learn. Has no barring in what you learned, how you use what you learned, what else you want to learn.... I'd rather be wise that smart.

Anyone heard of the band Psychostick. They end the show thanking everyone for coming out to see them and saying since you came to see them and you enjoyed their music it means you are all nerds. But it's cool since they are nerds too. Nerds love metal because most metal bands are comprised of nerd. It's nerd music.
Check out my friend Teddi Barrett’s official links.
X @TeddiBarrett

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