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Photographing Big boobs
Just wondering if anyone has ever photographed a big boobs women? Im not talking about taking a single pic of your gf or something... i mean like doing a amateur photoshoot of some sort. I just convinced by best friend to photograph here... very exciting and a long journey to finally achieve this level of comfort. so just wondering if anyone else has done this or wants to exchange ideas, stories, etc. Im not gonna ramble if no one is interested. Tongue
"I dont mind being called "looking fake"...thats what I i'm glad its recognized. I dont act fake, but I certainly go out of my way to look it!!!
I always explicity tell a Dr before suregry, that I want to look super fake, round, set high...basically basketballs on my chest...I in no way, shape or form want to look natural"
A personal email convo with Cathy Metal
Hi interesting thread. When I have a bit time I happily would contribute. Not about big blobs photo shooting but photography in general.
But let me ask a few questions up front:
- only photography or also movie?
- what style do you or your model like? Can you describe it in general? What is your intention to display?
- Do you like outdoors or indoors shooting?
- Do you like settings? Costumes, background, etc.
- Do you like close-up (mainly boobs and sometimes face), normal (torso, boobs and face) or more the full body shoots or sometimes portraits?
- What equipment do you want to use? Bridge cameras, DSLR ASP-C cameras like with Canon EF-S lenses, or full frame DSLR cameras? Any other camera or photo tools you already own?
- What is your background knowledge about photography in general? How would you describe it in these categories: technically, theoretically and practically?
- Do you like smooth lighting or hard shadows?
- Do you want to maybe use this for publishing?
- Do you like pictures how they usually look when taken with camera or hyperrealistic pictures like in HDR?
- What photo finish tools (Software) do you already own?

I think there are a few more questions, but those are those I could make up quickly.
I'm sure that PinUp Files has a wealth of knowledge to share on this topic.

Otherwise, I've photographed a few friends over the years. One of the first lessons I learned was about light. Try to use natural light, like the Sun. Or even a softer artificial light. Hard light, like a flash, I try to avoid at all costs.

Good luck!
(09-17-2015, 10:10 AM)JustSomeone Wrote: I'm sure that PinUp Files has a wealth of knowledge to share on this topic.

Otherwise, I've photographed a few friends over the years. One of the first lessons I learned was about light. Try to use natural light, like the Sun. Or even a softer artificial light. Hard light, like a flash, I try to avoid at all costs.

Good luck!

My father-in-law would disagree with me, because he was a lightning technician at german movies and TV (OK they had a lot of technical equipment for this) but try to use the light (sun) at very early morning or late evening. The light in the very early morning is the best.
thanks for all the responses guys. when i get off from work ill provide some info.

looking foward to latter.

again ty for all the responses.
"I dont mind being called "looking fake"...thats what I i'm glad its recognized. I dont act fake, but I certainly go out of my way to look it!!!
I always explicity tell a Dr before suregry, that I want to look super fake, round, set high...basically basketballs on my chest...I in no way, shape or form want to look natural"
A personal email convo with Cathy Metal
Hey guys thanks for the feedback.

At this time, I do not have any editing software, I was hoping to get some suggestions.

The photoshoot will be inside her house as she is not comfortable to be outside yet.

There will not be any nudity at this time.. maybe if she gets really comfortable... but im not gonna push it yet.... yet Smile

I want to swtich between wide shots that are fulll body and some that will be from her torso up. She has a great smile, but also can flip the switch and look like a badass.

This shoot is basicly to make her feel good... shes going through a rough time with a divorce. Not gonna lie its something i wanna do. I cant say for sure that I want to build a portfolio but i can see this as a hobby.

As for what she will be wearing, everyday clothing, some clubwear, she said she would be willing to pose in a bra.

Her best features is her face and boobs. Like i said she can smile, look seductive, then look like a legit badass. Her boobs are a nice 34 DD and her skin is tan as shes puerto rican.

Any ideas are welcome and i am heading over in the next day or so to hang out.
"I dont mind being called "looking fake"...thats what I i'm glad its recognized. I dont act fake, but I certainly go out of my way to look it!!!
I always explicity tell a Dr before suregry, that I want to look super fake, round, set high...basically basketballs on my chest...I in no way, shape or form want to look natural"
A personal email convo with Cathy Metal
What photo equipement do you have at hand?
Can you tell the camera name and tye please? If you have a DSLR what lenses do you own?
I have a basic cannon camera.

like i said it is just a hobby so im not looking to spend alot of $$$
"I dont mind being called "looking fake"...thats what I i'm glad its recognized. I dont act fake, but I certainly go out of my way to look it!!!
I always explicity tell a Dr before suregry, that I want to look super fake, round, set high...basically basketballs on my chest...I in no way, shape or form want to look natural"
A personal email convo with Cathy Metal
Thanks loucar. it's a DSLR. And based on the two dots red and white (chip in ASP-C format with crop factor 1.6) I can see you can use Canon EF-S lenses and Canon EF lenses. I try to put something together the next days.
thanks man... could u recomend editing software?

anyone else have any ideas about posing, outfits or anything? im hanging out with her on friday Smile
"I dont mind being called "looking fake"...thats what I i'm glad its recognized. I dont act fake, but I certainly go out of my way to look it!!!
I always explicity tell a Dr before suregry, that I want to look super fake, round, set high...basically basketballs on my chest...I in no way, shape or form want to look natural"
A personal email convo with Cathy Metal
Hey, I have many ideas to share with you. I've just got to take the time. Before Friday, I promise.
(09-22-2015, 03:13 PM)loucar1986 Wrote: thanks man... could u recomend editing software?

anyone else have any ideas about posing, outfits or anything? im hanging out with her on friday Smile


don't have more time at present ... to be continued (hopefully)

There is editing software and there is editing software.
You told you want to do indoor shooting.

Light conditions
- Indoor shooting - no additonal flashes
If you have a tall and wide Window (floor deep) / glas-Door. Try to do it close to it. You might need a bright and sunny day, but if possible try to avoid direct soonbeams falling through your window. Creating deep shadows and overexposed areas in your background and a hard edge between them. You will have trouble to find the right camera settings todo a whole shooting, espcially if you use some automatic mechnisms of your camera. This is like garbage in / garbage out.

But you could use it if you have a light white roller blind that could act as diffusor of direct sunlight falling through your window.

I do macrophotography in such conditions. And use a reflector for the sides / backside of the objects. But I used a white linen sheet so far, but it creates the wrong hue in reflection (I supose it is the laundry detergent component that transforms UV-light into visible white light)

Maybe have a look at something like this (one of the first google search results):

Or search eg. in Amazon for "photography reflector".

Camera settings
- turn on RAW mode
First thing you should do, which should be possible with your camera. Do change your settings for your camera to shoot in RAW format (and highest resolution jpeg - mabye it is also named "RAW + L" on your camera).
- try that you set the aperture as you want on a DSLR, because you have to deal with depth of field:
- try to avoid too high ISO because you will have noise like crazy and you can forget the pictures.
- if possible for the beginning try to have serial shots - don't know the english expression - 3 pics in serial. One overexposed one underexposed one normal. On Canon cameras in the setting you can choose either steps by 1/2 or 1/3 aperture between -2 / +2. And you can shift the "normal" exposure. You will find that useful selecting the pictures you like. But be aware that this makes a whole picture set with different exposures. It will look very inconsistent. Maybe only use it to find the right exposure you want to use for the setting.

Editing Software
Now I didn't ask for the OS you use ...
But when I said there is editing software and there is editing software you might consider two different types of software. Raw Converters and Picture manipulating software.

Under normal conditions your jpeg do have 24 bits colour depth. 8 bit per 3 channels. Now you camera can do more. Maybe 10 or 11 or more bit per colour channel. This means your JPEG is an autooptimized result out of these picture informations. If you take your RAW file you still have the orginal informations.

- RAW converter
If you don't want to retouch a pimple + a few other things or manipulate the background a RAW converter software can be already enough for your needs. This software can work through a lot of things (some a bit more) like:
- camera and camera lens corrections (some)
- white point (better already do this in your camera settings)
- histogram adjustments (you tell what is really dark and what is bright and everything inbetween)
- sharpness or smoothing
- noise reduction
- etc. etc. etc.
I know three free software: Rawtherapee, Lightzone and Darktable (Linux).
Just two weeks ago I started to use a licensed version of Corel After Shot Pro 2. And then there is the "leader" every software tries ot measure up to: Adobe Lightroom.

Your choice ... Try the free ones first. One of them is too slow on opening large folders and loading the previews. Can't remember which one - drives me nuts. I'm quite happy with what these RAW converters provide in functionality to improve the pictures.

And try to keep the pictures of one set as close as possible together in brightness and darkness and in overall appearance. Maybe use the same workflow to all pictures of that same set. Only do minor adjustments different from that workflow for some of the pictures. I've seen famous examples from the BIZ who are not able to keep this the same appearance, because the photographer and editor seems not to have any clue about photography. Maybe they just don't want to, because they are not interested in what their clients think about the picture quality.

- picture editing software
(maybe other people can help out more here)
I used a lot of different free software in the past, nearly for 10 years always the same one, but it was very out dated. But now I switched these too. Since 2 weeks I also use Corel Paint Shop Pro X8 Ultimate.

Can't help with recent free software recommendation here. People always try to compare GIMP with Adobe Photoshop. But this won't really work - Photoshop users will tell you. I use the Corel, because I was used to it in the past already.

And I hope I don't need to edit this again - the 15 min. editing limit isn't very useful for such posts.
I've always enjoyed Photoshop for editing software. Elements is great cheap version.
thank you for all that information. i am going to have to soak it up.. it is alot of info and i thank for it all.

i will look into these suggestions of editibg software.

i look foward to you guys' ideas for the shoot.

thanks again
"I dont mind being called "looking fake"...thats what I i'm glad its recognized. I dont act fake, but I certainly go out of my way to look it!!!
I always explicity tell a Dr before suregry, that I want to look super fake, round, set high...basically basketballs on my chest...I in no way, shape or form want to look natural"
A personal email convo with Cathy Metal

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