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Hurricane Isaac SUCKS!
Been on Generator since 9am this morning. Went all night through the worst part of the storm without a flicker, then at 9am with no real wind or rain, the power decided to go out and hasn't been back on since. Air Cards in my laptop and my whole house generator has been a godsend! Poor folks just south of here in Madisonville and Mandeville are getting tons of flooding from the tidal surge. So far, I'm fine.

Tugboat"I hate hurricanes"Cap!
[b][i]"It's always funny until someone loses an eye!"[/i][/b]
All of my friends and family are back home, dealing with the same. Biloxi area supposedly lost power earlier today as well. Hang in there Cap'n!
Yeah, I feel for you... I'm on the coast, so when they start rolling up the Atlantic seaboard, I know we'll be facing the same over here... it's a matter of when not if.
Check out my new story! 
That sucks. I hope things get better. Glad I don't have to deal with that kind of weather.
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