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(03-17-2016, 11:01 AM)Bonecracker Wrote: [ -> ] (03-16-2016, 10:44 PM)JustSomeone Wrote: [ -> ] (03-16-2016, 10:02 PM)Bonecracker Wrote: [ -> ]Maybe another moment...
OMG, these two pictures... SHE LOOKS FUCKING AMAZING! How recent is this? Sorry to go crazy BUT WOW! Actually I'm not sorry. Not one bit! Maybe Kristi should spank me.
I have to point out, she is no longer this big.
(03-17-2016, 11:01 AM)Bonecracker Wrote: [ -> ] (03-16-2016, 10:44 PM)JustSomeone Wrote: [ -> ] (03-16-2016, 10:02 PM)Bonecracker Wrote: [ -> ]Maybe another moment...
OMG, these two pictures... SHE LOOKS FUCKING AMAZING! How recent is this? Sorry to go crazy BUT WOW! Actually I'm not sorry. Not one bit! Maybe Kristi should spank me.
I have to point out, she is no longer this big.
Wait, what? She downnnnnnnsized?
So bigger? Or smaller than this?
She was bigger than that, over 3000ml per implant.
But she has reduced to 2250ml per implant. Could be just a temporary thing... sometimes models need to downsize before they re=upsize. We have seen this many times before.
As for her current size compared to what's in the picture attached, I would dare to guess that she's about 2500 in the picture. She is currently only 2250, but still looks
(03-16-2016, 10:49 PM)JustSomeone Wrote: [ -> ] (03-08-2016, 02:29 AM)JustSomeone Wrote: [ -> ]Gonna get my act together and put out the anal video teaser by Monday I promise. Or that's the plan anyway. I am a slacker sometimes :S
9:45 PM - 2 Mar 2016
Sooo, this was on her twitter... Does anyone have a link to this video?
So, I hate to keep bringing this up... But does anyone know anything about this anal video? I've been eagerly waiting for a while now.
So again, I hate to keep bringing this up... Buuuut I really need a response. Anyone know about her anal video? I don't know that I want anything so badly in my life right now...
Happy 25th Kristi!! You still have your 19 year old glow about you.

(03-20-2016, 01:46 PM)Bonecracker Wrote: [ -> ]She was bigger than that, over 3000ml per implant.
But she has reduced to 2250ml per implant. Could be just a temporary thing... sometimes models need to downsize before they re=upsize. We have seen this many times before.
As for her current size compared to what's in the picture attached, I would dare to guess that she's about 2500 in the picture. She is currently only 2250, but still looks
Just to avoid confusion I have never been more than 3000cc. That was my max ever. Currently 2250cc for comfort. Fuck they are still so heavy. I may go bigger. Undecided. The magic of expanders means I can any time though.
Also another note all those pictures on the previous page are morphs. Just so ya know lol
Re anal video, I've just been really slow about it. My bad. I fully intend to do one but have been feeling very 'don't wanna record videos' lately

I'm sure it'll at least happen this year lol
And thank you all for birthday wishes! (24th birthday lol I'm 24 now.)
See pic for current size

Thanks for dropping by and giving us an update with the facts! Without you around, we might speculate... and speculate incorrectly. LOL
Any news on the lovely Kristi? It's been a while...
(08-12-2016, 12:49 PM)JustSomeone Wrote: [ -> ]Any news on the lovely Kristi? It's been a while...
Love her personality!
Damn, that's the best response I could've asked for!
So today is Kristi's birthday. So happy birthday if you see this, Kristi. But it looks like she hasn't been active on the forum in quite a while. But don't despair! She looks like she's active in the bdsm scene, and looking to get some new tits in the near future! See link below.
Very pleased to see she's still active! Hope she gets the tits of her dreams (and then some)!
So nice to see you guys bumping My thread on My birthday!
I lost My main Twitter account a while back so if you have Twitter, give
@Kristi_FemDom a follow to stay updated.
Sad news is that I currently am implant-free. Essentially about a year ago, I got an infection and had to have them removed and the pockets cleaned out, then another follow-up breast mound revision surgery then I had another health thing that needed surgery. Only safe to go under so many times per year so now I'm finally able to have surgery again and at this point, I am fundraising for that goal and researching surgeons. I can't wait to feel like Myself again!
I've set up an OnlyFans finally and am loving it. Posting pics/clips 2x each day. It's also the best place for getting a message reply. If I hit My stretch goal of 100Fans by the 15th this month I'm going to start doing live streams for My Fans on there starting the 16th. Here is a link if you are interested in seeing fresh content and supporting My new implants goal! **
Kristi Lovett's OnlyFans 
** I post some XL implant content on there sometimes too, of course, there will be plenty more of that when I get the new twins done

What are your size goals and how much money do you need?
(08-05-2021, 02:49 PM)Bonecracker Wrote: [ -> ]What are your size goals and how much money do you need?
My first implants (3rd? lol) will likely be in the 800cc range. This is because I want to move from over the muscle implants to under. The surgeon will have to make a new pocket for the implants to sit in and these will have to be stretched before I can go larger. But 800cc seems very possible. In the future goals, well I haven't decided on a cc amount yet. I feel like I will want at least the 1200-1500cc range. I've been convinced to go for more before haha
Due to My complication and implant removal, there needs to be some breast mound revision during the surgery too so it looks like it could cost anywhere from $9-15,000 to get done. Hopefully that all comes out nicely so when I do move up from 800cc range to 1200-1500cc range, extra revision work won't be needed and costs should go back to a usual augmentation (about $7-10,000).
I'm not settled on which surgeon yet so that will help with having a definitive price point when I sort that out.
Welp, I saw that it was Kristi's birthday today, 31 years! So young! It's been over a year since she's visited, and it looks like most of her links are dead. Is she still around? Anyone have any news on one of our favorite blondes? Looks like she's at twitter, at least.
She seems to be unreachable and out-of-touch these days.
Beautiful smart woman. Great chassis! Would look amazing with 3500ml implants.
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