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Kristi it is wonderful that you have joined us over here.
It is always a nice thing to have lovely ladies like you around.
I hope you have no troubles reaching the size that you wish.
I definitely encourage anyone and everyone who can afford it to donate to Kristi's future expansions !!!
Wow, those are great morphs and I hope that some day (*just like Chelsea Charms) Kristi will be even bigger than those morphs!

(03-05-2014, 11:34 AM)Bonecracker Wrote: [ -> ]Wow, those are great morphs and I hope that some day (*just like Chelsea Charms) Kristi will be even bigger than those morphs! 
(03-05-2014, 11:52 AM)bosomblaster Wrote: [ -> ] (03-05-2014, 11:34 AM)Bonecracker Wrote: [ -> ]Wow, those are great morphs and I hope that some day (*just like Chelsea Charms) Kristi will be even bigger than those morphs! 
I'm referring to the attachments in LittleOne7733's last post on page 1.
(03-05-2014, 01:30 PM)Bonecracker Wrote: [ -> ] (03-05-2014, 11:52 AM)bosomblaster Wrote: [ -> ] (03-05-2014, 11:34 AM)Bonecracker Wrote: [ -> ]Wow, those are great morphs and I hope that some day (*just like Chelsea Charms) Kristi will be even bigger than those morphs! 
I'm referring to the attachments in LittleOne7733's last post on page 1.
Missed those!! Sorry that I see them, they truly are astounding!
Thanks Djoser & Cutter for the welcome! And thanks Bosom

I means a lot to me when someone shows their support that way. It makes me very happy that there are people who truly appreciate what I'm doing and make me feel comfortable sharing my dreams. xox
I love seeing morphs of myself. It's so fun to imagine what I might be in the future or even seeing the extreme ones are pretty fun too.

What do you think of this one? Someone from another forum did it.
The original
The morph
Well, keep the morphs coming and let's inspire the woman to go for the gold!!
(03-05-2014, 06:06 PM)Bonecracker Wrote: [ -> ]Well, keep the morphs coming and let's inspire the woman to go for the gold!!
Here are a few more morphs of Miss Kristie for all of us to contemplate, at least until she reaches this size one day... maybe?
(03-05-2014, 05:45 PM)Kristi_Lovett Wrote: [ -> ]Thanks Djoser & Cutter for the welcome! And thanks Bosom
I means a lot to me when someone shows their support that way. It makes me very happy that there are people who truly appreciate what I'm doing and make me feel comfortable sharing my dreams. xox
I love seeing morphs of myself. It's so fun to imagine what I might be in the future or evun seeing the extreme ones are pretty fun too. 
What do you think of this one? Someone from another forum did it.
The original
The morph
It's awesome and inspiring. It also independently inspires certain parts of my anatomy...I must say.
The only thing that can top a gargantuanly fake-bosomed female is a morph of same.
(03-06-2014, 10:10 AM)littleone7733 Wrote: [ -> ] (03-05-2014, 06:06 PM)Bonecracker Wrote: [ -> ]Well, keep the morphs coming and let's inspire the woman to go for the gold!!
Here are a few more morphs of Miss Kristie for all of us to contemplate, at least until she reaches this size one day... maybe?
I have no doubts and full confidence that our new friend Kristi will reach tiose astounding proportions one day. I believe sie aspires to well over 6000cc's of total fakeness.
God bless you Kristi and keep reaching for the stars!
You guys who are turned on by models who openly discuss and flaunt their desire to full up their implants with more, more, and more solution should really check out Kristi's page for her videos which do so. Kristi is very dynamic in front of the camera. Encore! Encore!
I wouldn't say I aspire to 'over' 6000cc. 6000cc is the most I can fit into these expanders safely. I'n not saying it's impossible that I'd want bigger someday but I try not to think too far ahead in order that I don't overwhelm myself lol
(03-06-2014, 12:08 PM)Kristi_Lovett Wrote: [ -> ]I wouldn't say I aspire to 'over' 6000cc. 6000cc is the most I can fit into these expanders safely. I'n not saying it's impossible that I'd want bigger someday but I try not to think too far ahead in order that I don't overwhelm myself lol
It's so difficult for me to fathom you ladies carrying around the weight from such large implants.
With your current size of 2,520 CC's in each breast, it means that the total weight of your chest is over 10 and a half pounds right now.
If, somehow you ever did achieve 6,000 CC's per breast, it would mean that your breasts would weigh over 28 pounds total. Each breast would weigh over 14 lbs or a lot more than the total weight of both of your breasts right now...
That's for silicone. It's different for saline. More info below.
As long as you're happy and safe.
FYI I calculated via the following way:
A CC of silicone weighs about .0375 ounces. Multiply the total number of CC's by .0375 and then divide by 16 as there are 16 ounces in a pound.
For saline, I use 29.57 CC's per ounce. Figuring it this way would mean that 12,000 CC's of saline implants would weigh over 25 pounds total.
Again, that would still mean that each breast would weigh more than the combined weight of both of your breasts now...
Wow Kristi_Lovett. You look awesome now, and still could increase the volume of your implants by considerable amount. Lovely.
Kristi, go at your own rythm and just do this as long as you feel comfortable with it. You owe your fans nothing (sorry guys, it is the truth). One step at a time, because trying to make two steps at the same time maybe disasterous.
If you reached 6000 ccs, or whatever your current goal were, and you decided to stay there and not a cc more, then it would be great. If you reached 6000 ccs and then thought 'hmmm, this is not as big as I thought, maybe I'd go for more' that would be great too, but your happiness comes first. You're such a sweetheart!
We've heard from other models about what it feels like during a "fill up". But can you describe it in your own words? Every detail would be great to read... If you have the time and would be so kind! Thanks in advance!

@littleone7733 - I actually hardly notice the weight of what I have now even though it's like 11lbs. I do find that after a fill up I am a little more klutzy from the slight change in my center of balance but the actual weight doesn't get to me unless I am tittyfucking cause well, that's a workout haha
@titortreat - Thanks very much! I love that I am able to increase the size without surgery now. It's super awesome
@Djoser - Thanks

And that's how I feel about it too. I honestly can't stand it when I find out girls just got their implants the size they are for money or someone else. I just think it is so much hotter to know that she decided to get it because that's what she loves. I will only ever go as big as I want to make me happy. There are tons of guys that aren't into me anymore cause I decided to go big. There are other guys that love me more for it and I am happy about that. Fact is I am my own person and nobody can 'make me' go a size I don't want to. I'd tell you how big I want to be in the long term if I knew with certainty but I don't know yet. lol
@Bonecracker - I LOVE doing fill ups. Honestly it makes me wet. Feeling the pressure build as they expand and seeing them grow before my eyes is amazing. The first time I did a fill up I actually got too excited and started feeling faint. I had to stop because it was too exciting and overwhelming. You should watch one of my fill videos sometime to see how I react. I totally love it. On the edge of my seat anticipation and complete delight after I've done the fill. Someone suggested to me that it might be what they call 'subspace' how I feel about fill ups and I think they are right. I'm just total bliss after doing it. That is one of the reasons I haven't been pushing my nurse to do larger fill ups anymore. I love the actual process as well as the growth and the smaller fills are not only safer but it also means that I get to do more of them to get to my desired future size (Whatever that will be)
(03-07-2014, 05:33 PM)Kristi_Lovett Wrote: [ -> ]@Bonecracker - I LOVE doing fill ups. Honestly it makes me wet. Feeling the pressure build as they expand and seeing them grow before my eyes is amazing. The first time I did a fill up I actually got too excited and started feeling faint. I had to stop because it was too exciting and overwhelming. You should watch one of my fill videos sometime to see how I react. I totally love it. On the edge of my seat anticipation and complete delight after I've done the fill. Someone suggested to me that it might be what they call 'subspace' how I feel about fill ups and I think they are right. I'm just total bliss after doing it. That is one of the reasons I haven't been pushing my nurse to do larger fill ups anymore. I love the actual process as well as the growth and the smaller fills are not only safer but it also means that I get to do more of them to get to my desired future size (Whatever that will be)
I just swooned... You can be my sugar momma anytime!

Keep filming them! When there are enough of them, I'll put them together in one cohesive video and make it look like you ballooned from 850 to 6000! It will be EPIC!!!!
@JustSomeone - LOL

I wish I could afford being a sugar momma! Thanks
@Bonecracker - Like I mentioned before I don't have video from 850cc to 1500cc because that was a surgery jump and naturally the doctor didn't allow extra people in the room to record. But yes of course I plan to record all of my fill ups so 1500cc-XXXXcc(end amount whatever that is) would totally be possible.
I know it's exciting that I am able to go to 6000cc without any more surgeries. I have not yet decided that I want that yet. I don't mind people talking about it and being excited. I just don't want you to get the wrong idea and be disappointed if I never end up that size. I haven't ruled that out of course. I am just not willing to commit to that yet. I'm really feeling somewhere between 3500-4000cc at the moment. We'll see when we get there if I change my mind. lol
Just remember for size comparison Keisha Evans is currently 6000cc
Agent "food for thought" Dee

NOTE: I made a minor change to the thread's title I hope you like if not let me know I can easily change it back I just thought it was appropriate


I definitely approve of the topic change. Thanks AgentDee

I am glad you approve Kristi I just thought it was more fitting

We all approve of Lady Kristi. Get as big as you want. Too bad we do not have a nice soft chair for you to sit in so that we may serve you and keep you happy.
I'm looking at Kristi, thinking she weighs about 115 lbs. I bench 255, KL, so you can add a little more than 130 lbs of boobs and I'll carry you around everywhere. LMAO
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