I've posted 119 shots from Beshine's Diary and her photo sets (starting with #771 on Gallery page 86).
![[Image: 2010%20Tanning%20Bed%206.JPG?m=1385451456]](http://gallery.bearchive.co/var/resizes/The-Women-of-BEA/Beshine/2010%20Tanning%20Bed%206.JPG?m=1385451456)
Nice.... One of my favorite sets of hers are the tanning booth pix.
(11-26-2013, 04:33 AM)titzling319 Wrote: [ -> ]![[Image: 2010%20In%20the%20Forest%205.JPG?m=1385449413]](http://gallery.bearchive.co/var/resizes/The-Women-of-BEA/Beshine/2010%20In%20the%20Forest%205.JPG?m=1385449413)
I freaking LOVE that shot wow!

Talking of a canyon cleavage
Well all I was gonna wait till Dec 1st to upload my new avatar for the month of December but I was so impressed on how awesome it was I decided to upload it today, behold Beshine Claus


It's a nice avatar for sure!
thanks guys it was a labor of love, I have been toying with making a gif from the video that came from for a while now, but I decided it was time for a new change

. I hope my Chelsea Claus one gets used (wink wink).

If anybody has it I may even have it on my PC's drive but there is a picture of beshine wearing one of Chelsea's bras it was I think taken when she was only 8K or so she could have been at her 10K size but not sure if anybody has it feel free to share it


ohh it was one of her first sets, so i'd dare to say she was either 8 K or just upgraded to 10
From her latest tweet on Twitter:
when i'm watching horror movies and they are getting too scary.. i always hide behind my boobs

aww i want to hide between them
(12-09-2013, 05:22 PM)Djoser Wrote: [ -> ]aww i want to hide between them
That's the spirit! Me too, and hey, there's enough room there for both of us.

something I threw together when in yahoo chat

I'd still like to see her try

I think she could pull it off!

I think it would look a bit like this:
Or this:
I've posted more examples in Beshine's Gallery (from both Photo Sets and Screen Captures).
(12-15-2013, 10:36 PM)Bonecracker Wrote: [ -> ]I think she could pull it off! 
Pull it off? Why bother putting it on?

I wish she did more shoots like this now. Im tired of either getting her in tshirts or pix that r easily over a year old.
She can be doing that all day, all the extra i want is an upgrade!
Beshine is featured as Ms. Claus in the new update in her Gallery.
![[Image: 2010%20Winter%20Wonderland%2011.jpg?m=1387354815]](http://gallery.bearchive.co/var/resizes/The-Women-of-BEA/Beshine/2010%20Winter%20Wonderland%2011.jpg?m=1387354815)
Okay that's not titsmass, that is titsmasssss!!

I hope she never gets into hardcore, unless it was with me! lol
Clearly, if she did get booty implants, she had them removed.
On the other hand, her boobs look as spectacular as ever!!